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ENSO发展和衰减阶段的陕西夏季降水异常特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1961—2008年陕西78个气象站夏季 (6—8月) 降水资料、NCEP/NCAR位势高度场和风场月平均再分析资料,采用合成及相关分析方法探讨ENSO发展和衰减阶段对陕西夏季降水异常的影响,以期为陕西夏季降水的气候预测提供线索和依据。结果表明:陕西夏季降水异常对ENSO发展和衰减阶段的响应存在显著差异,El Ni?o发展阶段和La Ni?a衰减阶段,陕西夏季降水偏少; El Ni?o衰减阶段和La Ni?a发展阶段,陕西夏季降水偏多; ENSO不同阶段对陕西7月降水影响最为显著。比较而言,El Ni?o事件对陕西夏季降水的影响更加显著。在El Ni?o衰减、La Ni?a发展阶段,西太平洋副热带高压偏强、偏西,东亚夏季风偏弱,而在El Ni?o发展、La Ni?a衰减阶段,西太平洋副热带高压偏弱、偏东,东亚夏季风偏强,El Ni?o过程对东亚夏季风强弱的影响更加显著。ENSO发展和衰减阶段通过影响大气环流变化和东亚夏季风的强弱,进而影响陕西夏季降水。  相似文献   
Based on our numerical model for wave scattering problems due to P and SV wave incidences and the frequency domain analysis procedure, the effect of canyon topographic and geologic conditions on ground motion due to P and SV earthquake wave incidences has been extensively studied in this paper. The numerical results from this research illustrated that: (1) canyon topographic and geologic conditions can dramatically affect both peak value and frequency contents of the free field motion along the canyon surface during an earthquake; (2) a canyon may be subjected to stronger ground motion when its predominant frequency is in coincidence with the predominant frequency of the incident earthquake wave; (3) a stronger wave mode conversion effect can be induced by a steeper canyon bank or a softer weathered stratum on the canyon surface in the case of an earthquake wave incidence; (4) compared with harmonic wave incidences, the amplification effect of a canyon on the incident earthquake wave is a little weaker due to the average self-healing effect of the earthquake wave.  相似文献   
钟韵  赵蓓蕾  李寒 《地理科学》2021,41(3):437-445
基于企业微观大数据,从空间相似性的视角,运用核密度法、双变量空间自相关法和地理探测器等分析方法,对广州市6个制造行业和5个生产性服务行业的空间协同关系展开分析,在街镇尺度下从行业层面探讨生产性服务业与制造业在城市内部的协同集聚.研究发现:行业集聚中心的空间布局形态显示,广州的制造业与生产性服务业布局具有空间相似性.制造...  相似文献   
报道了用铋试剂Ⅱ于pH4.0沉淀分离富集,混合掩蔽剂消除部分基体干扰元素,Ar-O2气氛控制消除氰带,垂直电极交流电弧粉末发射光谱同时测定地质样品中六种贵金属的研究成果。该法精确度RSD为3.1%~9.0%。Au、Pt、Pd、Rh、Ir、Ru的目视灵敏度分别为0.025、0.025、0.005、0.005、0.03、0.02μg,实际地质样品加标准回收率在90%~108%之间。  相似文献   
Thrusting of the North Lhasa Block in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
A huge thrust system, the North Lhasa Thrust (NLT), was discovered in the northern Lhasa block of the Tibetan Plateau based on geological mapping of the Damxung region and its vicinity, the Deqen-Lunpola traverse and the Amdo-Bam Co profile. The NLT consists of the Dongqiao-Lunpola thrust (DLT), the west Namco thrust (WNT) and the south Damxung thrust (SDT) and ductile shear zones, ophiolite slices and folds extending in a WNW direction. Major thrust faults of the NLT seem to merge into a single deep-seated detachment of the upper-crust and totally displaced southward as far as 100-120 km. Chronological analyses with 39Ar-40Ar of plagioclase and hornblende, Rb-Sr isochron of minerals and fission-tracks of apatite from mylonite within the WNT yield ages of 174-173 Ma, 109 Ma and 44 Ma, showing 3 periods of thrusting in the north Lhasa block caused by subduction of the Tethys oceanic plate and the India-Eurasia continental collision respectively.  相似文献   
利用信江流域梅港水文控制站1953—2011年径流量观测资料和11个气象站同期气象观测资料,采用统计方法、Mann-Kendall非参数检验方法、Morlet小波分析法,对信江流域径流量年内、年际变化的不均匀性、长期趋势、周期变化,及其与气候因素的相关性等进行分析。结果显示,信江流域多年平均径流量呈缓慢增大趋势,但具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征,振荡周期明显,年际变化的主要周期为6—8 a,年代际变化的主要周期为准22 a,在20世纪70—90年代最明显。年流量以主汛期(4—6月)为最多,春、夏季(3—8月)径流变差系数小,水量稳定,冬季变差系数大,水量不稳定。流域径流量与气候因素中的降水、蒸发具有显著的相关性,而人类活动中的城镇化、经济、人口等因素对径流变化起到了一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   
根据Dobson和TOMS资料分析北京和昆明大气臭氧总量变化特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用约20年 Dobson和TOMS资料来分析北京(39.93°N,116.40°E)和昆明 (25.02°N,102.68°)两地大气臭氧总量的变化特征,结果表明:(1)在1979-2000年间北京大气臭氧长期变化趋势是-0.642 DU/年,而昆明在1980-2000年间的趋势是-0.009 DU/年;(2)北京和昆明两地大气臭氧都有很强的季节内变化(尤其冬季更强),与季节性变化强度相当;(3)在北京和昆明,由记录较短的大气臭氧资料分析得到的长期变化趋势,与较长记录得到的结果有显著差异;(4)在北京(中纬度)和昆明(低纬度)大气臭氧都有显著的准两年振荡信号;(5)两个站点大气臭氧的年际变化主要由长期趋势项和准两年振荡信号组成;(6)Dobson仪测量得到的臭氧总量与TOMS资料非常一致。  相似文献   
The Asian monsoon is an important component of the global climate system. Seasonal variations in wind, rainfall, and temperature associated with the Asian monsoon systems affect a vast expanse of tropical and subtropical Asia. Speleothem-derived summer monsoon variation in East Asia was previously found to be closely associated with millennial-scale change in temperature in the North Atlantic region between 75 and 10 ka. New evidence recovered from East Asia, however, suggests that the teleconnection between summer monsoon in East Asia and temperature change in the North Atlantic region may have significantly reduced during 120 to ~ 110 ka, a period directly after the full last interglaciation and corresponding roughly to marine oxygen isotope stage 5d. This reduction may be due to the low ice volume in the North Hemisphere at that time, which makes the millennial-scale change in temperature in the North Atlantic region less effective in influencing the Asian summer monsoon. This is important for investigating the mechanisms controlling the Asian summer monsoon and the paleoclimatic teleconnection between East Asia and the North Atlantic region, and for predicting monsoon-associated precipitation in East Asia under a global-warming trend.  相似文献   
A series of laboratory experiments are performed under various hydrological conditions to analyze the effect of pools in pipes on breakthrough curves (BTCs). The BTCs are generated after instantaneous injections of NaCl tracer solution. In order to test the feasibility of reproducing the BTCs and obtain transport parameters, three modeling approaches have been applied: the equilibrium model, the linear graphical method and the two-region nonequilibrium model. The investigation results show that pools induce tailing of the BTCs, and the shapes of BTCs depend on pool geometries and hydrological conditions. The simulations reveal that the two-region nonequilibrium model yields the best fits to experimental BTCs because the model can describe the transient storage in pools by the partition coefficient and the mass transfer coefficient. The model parameters indicate that pools produce high dispersion. The increased tailing occurs mainly because the partition coefficient decreases, as the number of pools increases. When comparing the tracer BTCs obtained using the two types of pools with the same size, the more appreciable BTC tails that occur for symmetrical pools likely result mainly from the less intense exchange between the water in the pools and the water in the pipe, because the partition coefficients for the two types of pools are virtually identical. Dispersivity values decrease as flow rates increase; however, the trend in dispersion is not clear. The reduced tailing is attributed to a decrease in immobile water with increasing flow rate. It provides evidence for hydrodynamically controlled tailing effects.  相似文献   
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