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Heritability estimates may be severely biased when a large common environmental effect on a family arises from a longlasting separate rearing at early stages(SRES) in traditional selective breeding programs, especially when bred populations have weak genetic ties. Communal rearing at early stages(CRES) may reduce common environmental effect since all families are reared in the same environment immediately after hatching. Here, we compared the effects of CRES and SRES strategies on genetic parameter estimation for harvest body weight in a selective breeding population of Litopenaeus vannamei with a small number of half-sib families. Genetic parameters of each strategy were estimated by using animal models excluding and including the common environmental effect(Model 1 and Model 2, respectively). Heritability estimates for body weight were 0.21 ± 0.06(P 0.05) and 0.69 ± 0.09(P 0.05) for CRES and SRES, respectively, in Model 1, and 0.21 ± 0.06(P 0.05) and 0.52 ± 0.27(P 0.05) in Model 2. The ratio of common environmental variance to phenotypic variance was 0.002 ± 0.000 and 0.071 ± 0.112 for CRES and SRES, respectively. Neither strategy precisely partitioned the common environmental variance according to likelihood ratio test. Lower heritability for body weight in CRES than in SRES implied that a large common environmental variance was confounded with additive genetic variance and was not effectively partitioned in SRES. Moreover, genetic correlation of body weight between the two strategies was 0.75 ± 0.15, indicating that family rankings truly changed. The CRES should be followed in the selective breeding program of shrimp, especially in a population with a shallow pedigree and weak genetic ties between families.  相似文献   
基于GIS与三维激光扫描的古建筑保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以三维激光扫描点云数据作为基础数据,以河南大学明伦校区近代建筑群为研究对象,结合地理数据库和三维建模技术,建立了古建筑数据库利用ArcGIS Engine二次开发平台,设计了基于GIS的古建筑数字化保护系统,并同时探讨了系统建立过程中的若干技术问题:研究结果说明,基于三维激光扫描和GIS的新技术手段,为古建筑的数字化保护带来了新的契机。  相似文献   
陈昊  汪章维  王晗  孙剑  郭佳  王志诚 《气象科技》2022,50(5):611-622
杭州下沙S波段天气雷达在双偏振升级的基础上增加了精细化探测技术,为了进一步提高雷达定量降水估测精度,本文参考小时雨量计订正雷达估测降水算法模型,建立了一种基于分钟级雨量计数据的实时定量降雨估测雨强订正方法(简称QPE-ADJUST法),利用雨量计资料对雷达的QPE数据逐体扫实时订正,累计完成1 h、3 h降水估测产品,提高了雷达降水估测精度。通过对雷达产品及自动站数据资料的评估,分别从降水估测算法、雷达分辨率影响及体扫周期速度影响3方面对QPE-ADJUST法的估测降水效果进行了统计分析。结果表明:QPE-ADJUST法在雷达高分辨率、快体扫周期的情况下均比其他算法更好地表现出降水时空分布特征,并将雷达小时定量降水估测的误差从50%降低至20%左右,有很高的估测精度和稳定性,具有业务应用价值。  相似文献   
Land use changes have significant impacts on the carbon balance in an urban ecosystem. When there is rapid development in urbanizing regions, land use changes have a dramatic effect on vegetation carbon storage(VCS). This study investigates the impact of land use change on VCS in a period of rapid urbanization in Hangzhou, China. The results show that: 1) from 2000 to 2015, land use in Hangzhou underwent huge changes, mainly reflected in decrease in cropland and wetland and the increased settlem...  相似文献   
岩溶地貌旅游胜地——诺水河   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对诺水河的生物景观,地质遗迹景观,红军文化等方面进行了详尽的描述,并从科学性,美学性,文化性及区位条件对地质遗迹景观进行了评价。  相似文献   
C2C电子商务模式下的网络店铺区域分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周章伟  张虹鸥  陈伟莲 《热带地理》2011,31(1):65-70,76
通过对淘宝网C2C模式下网络店铺所在地的相关数据分析,以网民最常购买的八大商品行业为例,通过行业优势系数、基尼系数、集中度指数分别分析不同区域内的行业分布模式和不同行业下的网络店铺集聚模式,揭示网络店铺区域分布特征.研究发现:①不同省区的网络店铺数量基本呈现由沿海向内陆递减,并集中于三大沿海地区,北京、上海、广州等特大...  相似文献   
The first account of the effects of wetland reclamation on soil nematode assemblages were provided, three sites in Heihe River Basin of Northwest China, that is grass wetland(GW), Tamarix chinensis wetland(TW) and crop wetland(CW) treatments, were compared. Results showed that the majority of soil nematodes were presented in the 0–20 cm soil layers in CW treatments, followed by in the 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm layers in GW treatments. Plant-feeding nametodes were the most abundant trophic groups in each treatment, where GW(91.0%) TW(88.1%) CW(53.5%). Generic richness(GR) was lower in the TW(16) than that in GW(23) and CW(25). The combination of enrichment index(EI) and structure index(SI) showed that the soil food web in GW was more structured, and those in TW was stressed, while the enrichment soil food web was presented in the CW treatment. Several ecological indices which reflected soil community structure, diversity, Shannon-Weaver diversity(H′), Evenness(J′), Richness(GR) and modified maturity index(MMI) were found to be effective for assessing the response of soil namatode communities to soil of saline wetland reclamation. Furthermore, saline wetland reclamation also exerted great influence on the soil physical and chemical properties(p H, Electric conductivity(EC), Total organic carbon(TOC), Total nitrogen(Total-N) and Nitrate Nitrogen(N-NO3–)). These results indicated that the wetland reclamation had significantly effects on soil nematode community structure and soil properties in this study.  相似文献   
为提升地基微波辐射计在不同天气条件下, 特别是云天条件下温湿廓线的反演精度, 利用2011年1月—2016年12月中国气象局北京国家综合气象观测试验基地探空数据, 在微波辐射计反演温湿度廓线的过程中通过区分晴天和云天条件并引入全固态Ka波段测云仪云高及云厚信息, 对反演输入亮温进行质量控制和偏差订正, 建立BP神经网络模型, 采用2017年1月—2018年3月微波辐射计探测数据评估检验, 结果表明:在亮温订正前提下, 晴天温度模型、云天温度模型、晴天相对湿度模型和云天相对湿度模型反演结果与探空的相关系数分别为0.99, 0.99, 0.80和0.78, 均方根误差为2.3℃, 2.3℃, 9%和16%, 较微波辐射计自带产品(LV2产品)减小约0.4℃, 0.3℃, 11%和9%, 准确性提升约30%, 28%, 64%和45%;温度模型偏差在±2℃以内、湿度模型偏差在±20%以内的占比分别为68%, 70%和95%, 78%, 较LV2产品分别提高了7%, 5%和27%, 23%, 其中相对湿度改善明显。可见亮温订正、区分天气类型训练反演模型有利于改善地基微波辐射温湿廓线反演精度。  相似文献   
Surface energy balance measurements over a banana plantation in South China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The land surface energy exchange depends highly on the surface properties. Little is known of the energy balance over a typical banana plantation of humid tropics. In this study, we examine the characteristics of surface energy exchange over a typical banana field in South China during the period of May 2010 to April 2011 by using the eddy covariance and micrometeorological tower. The results showed that the diurnal and seasonal variations in surface latent heat flux were larger compared with those over the nearby grassland. The dominant energy partitioning varies with season. The latent heat flux was the main consumer of net radiation in summer, whereas the sensible heat flux was the main consumer in winter. The increasing cloud coverage and rain appear to control the surface energy balance with the development of the monsoon. Due to increased afternoon convective cloud systems in the monsoon active period, downward shortwave radiation was dramatically diminished around 14:00?pm. The annual mean Bowen ratio was 0.69, which fell within the range of other vegetated surfaces. The observed surface energy components were not closed, and the ratio of turbulent fluxes to the available energy was about 77 % in October–January and about 85 % in the other months after considering soil heat and air heat storage.  相似文献   
陈昊  卢兴来  汪章维 《气象科技》2015,43(5):998-1002
详细介绍了自主设计的小型自动气象站直流不间断电源充电器,该充电器是基于UC3906芯片设计,配合使用LM2576芯片构成一个降压开关型集成稳压电路,通过触发高低电平对不同状态的充电过程进行控制,既可以进行高效率高精度的充电,也可以完成备用电源的接入与切断,从而实现小型自动气象站的电源设备管理。此外,该充电器还设计了测量日照时间的功能,即通过计算太阳能电池板所输出的电平变化率计算日照时间。与常规的单片机充电器相比,该充电器提高了系统的充电效率和使用寿命,使太阳能能被充分地利用,实际应用效果良好,具有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   
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