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The layered intrusions in the Panzhihua-Xichang area may be grouped into two types: basic rock masses represented by the Panzhihua rockbody and basic-ultrabasic rock masses represented by the Hongge rockbody. Their major difference lies in that the former has poorly developed ultramafic facies, while the latter is characterized by well developed mafic facies and ultramafic facies. There exists apparent rhythmic stratification in the rock masses, which can be basically divided into four grades in terms of superimposition relationship and multicycle characters. Both direct and indirect evidence suggest that the magma responsible for the layered intrusions in this area should be a transition-type alkaline olivine basalt magma derived directly from partial melting of the upper mantle. In rhythmic cycles of various grades, the magmatic evolution is characterized obviously by periodicity and early enrichment of Fe and Ti, which is evidently different from the evolution of the Skaergaard magma in which Fe and Ti are enriched at the late stage. The FCA diagram can be used to describe the unique evolutionary trend of magma in this area. It is demonstrated in this diagram that the enrichment of Fe and Ti is consistent with the increase of basicity. In the upper magmatic chamber, the evolutionary trend of magma is conditioned by the difference in pressure, and this enables magma to form different types of rock assemblage. In the Fo-Di-An system, when the pressure exceeds 5 x 188 Pa, forsterite is incompatible with anorthite, and the rock facies sequence of Hongge type might form; when the pressure is lower than 5 x 108 Pa, forsterite can coexist with anorthite, and the rock facies sequence of Panzhihua type is likely to form if the magma is relatively rich in Mg and Fe components.  相似文献   
GeochemicalFeaturesofOphioliteinMianxianLueyangSutureZone,QinlingOrogenicBeltLaiShaocong;ZhangGuowei(DepartmentofGeology,Nort...  相似文献   
桂西下三叠统牙形石序列的新认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张舜新 《现代地质》1990,4(2):1-15,T002
桂西下三叠统为海相沉积,根据其岩性、厚度、化石类型等诸方面的明显差异可以分为两种类型,即作登型和太平型。本文详细研究了桂西两种类型下三叠统的牙形石,认为不同类型的下三叠统具有不同的牙形石序列。在前人工作基础上,对桂西下三叠统牙形石序列予以重新厘定。补充了作登型下三叠统的Neogondolella carinta带;指出作登型下三叠统不宜建立Platyvillosus costatus带;在太平型下三叠统Dienerian阶—Spathian阶中新建了Pachvcladina erromera带,Platyvillosus costatus带,Pachycladina obliqua-Parachirognathus delicatulus带和Neospathodus triangularis带;指出了每一个牙形石带的性质并与作登型下三叠统牙形石序列进行了对比。本文还从事件地层学和生物地层学两个角度,对桂西二叠一三叠系界线提出了新的认识。  相似文献   
青海省都兰县果洛龙洼金矿成矿流体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果洛龙洼金矿是青海东昆仑地区最典型、最具规模的金矿床之一。在前人资料基础上,将果洛龙洼金矿热液成矿期划分为4个成矿阶段:贫矿化石英阶段、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(主要成矿阶段)、石英-贫硫化物阶段(次要成矿阶段)和石英-碳酸盐阶段。随后对主要和次要成矿阶段石英脉开展流体包裹体显微测温和H-O同位素研究。结果表明:原生流体包裹体主要包括气液两相、富CO2三相、纯CO2两相共3类;成矿流体总体以CO2-NaCl-H2O体系为主,均一温度为130.0~357.3 ℃,盐度(w(NaCl))为1.83%~20.11%。石英-多金属硫化物阶段石英δ18OV-SMOW值为14.8‰~17.2‰,据此计算流体的δ18OH2O值为5.5‰~8.5‰,流体的δDV-SMOW值为-61‰~-96‰;而石英-贫硫化物阶段石英δ18OV-SMOW值为15.7‰~16.9‰,据此计算流体的δ18OH2O值为4.1‰~5.3‰,流体的δDV-SMOW值为-84‰~-101‰。由此认为:主要成矿阶段成矿流体可能为高温低盐度富CO2变质热液和低温中高盐度岩浆热液两个端元组成的混合流体;次要成矿阶段成矿流体主要为混合后更均匀的中低温中低盐度热液,但后期明显有大气降水混入。总之,成矿流体的来源、性质及其演化等方面的研究结果进一步证明果洛龙洼金矿为造山型金矿。  相似文献   
The low-grade vanadium-containing stone coal used in this experiment was collected from Wuxi Coun- try, Chongqing City, China. The experiment focused on the vanadium recovery from roasted residue through opti- mizing the process conditions of an effective and environmentally-friendly technology, named calcified roast- ing-sulfuric acid leaching technology. By single-factor experiments and orthogonal experiments, the effects of roast- ing temperature, roasting time, sulfuric acid concentration and leaching time on the leaching ratio of vanadium were analyzed. The results showed that the leaching ratio of vanadium reached 85.5% under the proper technological con- ditions of roasting temperature=950℃, roasting time=4 h, 40% concentration of sulfuric acid and leaching time=6 h.  相似文献   
研究了找锶矿的  相似文献   
闽北地区属华南褶皱系的一部分,其中铅、锌为区内优势矿种,广泛分布于前震旦纪变质岩系中,尤其以前震旦纪龙北溪组的黑云斜长变粒岩、云母片岩、石英片岩中最为多见。其成矿特征可分为热液型铅锌矿床、充填交代型铅锌矿床及沉积变质热液叠加型铅锌矿床。其形成受地层、岩浆、构造(以断裂构造为主)控制较为明显,前震旦系变质岩系中的绿片岩、压扭性断裂及前震旦系变质岩系与岩体的接触带及其附近应是本区铅锌矿床找矿的主要方向。  相似文献   
新疆北部古地磁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过和布克赛尔、克拉玛依、玛纳斯—乌鲁木齐地区泥盆纪到白垩纪古地磁研究,主要取得以下结果:(1)首次建立了准噶尔西北缘及南缘石炭纪—白垩纪古地磁极移曲线,由石炭纪到二叠纪的古地磁极位置基本在同一区间,说明该时期这些地区为一个统一的构造单元,而其古地磁极明显与塔里木、哈萨克斯坦、西伯利亚地块存在着差异。(2)该地区侏罗纪及白垩纪古地磁结果与塔里木地块结果一致,侏罗纪乌鲁木齐与和布克赛尔磁偏角相差30°左右,说明和布克赛尔地区相对乌鲁木齐地区逆时针旋转了30°左右,晚古生代以后曾发生过南向移动,而侏罗、白垩纪以来均向北发生了相当规模的北向运动,并发生了相对旋转,目前东、西准噶尔的构造格局可能就是由于局部相对旋转造成的。(3)中国大陆在早二叠世还不是一个联合的整体,而是以相互分离的独立块体分布于45°N—15°S的古特提斯洋中。(4)该地区二叠纪的磁偏角为165°—168°,而塔里木为218°,哈萨克斯坦为229°,说明存在35°—55°的逆时针旋转,这个旋转可能是由于西部推覆构造造成的。如果将西准噶尔超基性岩带顺时针旋转35°—55°后,东准噶尔超基性岩带、西准噶尔超基性岩带和斋桑泊—鲁布佐夫斯克超基性岩带应在同一构造带上。(5)该地区晚古生代古纬度变化不明显,位于30°—45  相似文献   
本文的工作源于我们在以宽频数字地震计和倾斜、重力仪开展对"慢地震"、"前驱波"等信号连续观测和分析的过程中,观测到不少异常的波动信号.在探讨这些异常信号的产生原因的研究中,发现其中一部分由热带气旋(台风)产生.  相似文献   
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