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The sequence architecture and depositional systems of the Paleogene lacustrine rift succession in the Huanghekou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, NE China were investigated based on seismic profiles, combined with well log and core data. Four second‐order or composite sequences and seven third‐order sequences were identified. The depositional systems identified in the basin include: fan delta, braid delta, meander fluvial delta, lacustrine and sublacustrine fan. Identification of the slope break was conducted combining the interpretation of faults of each sequence and the identification of syndepositional faults, based on the subdivision of sequence stratigraphy and analysis of depositional systems. Multiple geomorphologic units were recognized in the Paleogene of the Huanghekou Sag including faults, flexures, depositional slope break belts, ditch‐valleys and sub‐uplifts in the central sag. Using genetic division principles and taking into consideration tectonic features of the Paleogene of the Huanghekou Sag, the study area was divided into the Northern Steep Slope/Fault Slope Break System, the Southern Gentle Slope Break System and T10 Tectonic Slope Break System/T10 Tectonic Belt. Responses of slope break systems to deposition–erosion are shown as: (1) basin marginal slope break is the boundary of the eroded area and provenance area; (2) ditch‐valley formed by different kinds of slope break belts is a good transport bypass for source materials; (3) shape of the slope break belt of the slope break system controls sediments types; (4) the ditch‐valley and sub‐sag of a slope break system is an unloading area for sediments; and (5) due to their different origins, association characteristics and developing patterns, the Paleogene slope break belt systems in the Huanghekou Sag show different controls on depositional systems. The Northern Fault Slope Break system controls the deposition of a fan delta‐lacustrine‐subaqueous fan, the Southern Gentle Slope Break system controls the deposition of a fluvial–deltaic–shallow lacustrine and sublacustrine fan, and the T10 Tectonic Slope Break System controls the deposition of shallow lacustrine beach bar sandbodies. The existence of a slope break system is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for studying sandbody development. The formation of effective sandbodies along the slope break depends on the reasonable coupling of effective provenance, necessary association patterns of slope break belt, adequate unloading space and creation of definite accommodation space. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Subducted sediments play an important role in crust-mantle interaction and deep mantle processes, especially for subduction zone magmatism and mantle geochemistry. The current rate of Global Subducting Sediments (GLOSS) is 0.5~0.7 km3/a. The GLOSS are composed of terrigenous material(76 wt.%), calcium carbonate(7 wt.%), opal(10 wt.%) and mineral-bound H2O+(7 wt.%). The chemical compositions of GLOSS are similar to those of upper continental crust which is mainly controlled by the terrigenous materials, and yet the materials formed by marine processes will dilute the terrigenous materials. The components of subducted sediments are different among trenches. In the accretionary margin, the components of subducted sediments are similar to those of the upper crust, while in the non-accretionary margin the components are terrigenous materials plus those produced by marine processes. During subduction, subducted sediments will released fluids, melt or supercritical fluid to affect island arc/back-arc basin magmatism by means of aqueous fluid or sediment melt. In addition, a part of subducted sediments, together with underlying altered oceanic crust/lithosphere, recycle into the mantle and contribute to the mantle heterogeneity. Geochemical tracers indicate that subducted sediments play variable contributions to the magmatic processes in different tectonic setting. Thus, subducted sediments play an important role in two relatively independent dynamics systems (plate tectonics and mantle plume), as well as related mantle evolution models. As a result, by accurately calculating the compositions of subduction sediments and using various geochemical indicators, we can further limit the input and output fluxes of various elements or isotopes, and then obtain more accurately residual subducted components, which can provide us some important clues for geodynamic process.  相似文献   
歧口凹陷侏罗系火成岩主要以中-酸性的流纹岩、粗面岩和粗面安山岩为主,白垩系主要为中-基性的粗面玄武岩和玄武质粗面安山岩,第三系火成岩以粗面玄武岩、碱性玄武岩及辉绿岩为主。同位素定年结果获得白垩系玄武岩的年龄为133±20 Ma,安山岩和粗安岩年龄分别为111.8±0.9 Ma和122.1±3.1 Ma,第三系辉绿岩年龄为16.57±0.23 Ma。地球化学特征显示,侏罗系火成岩相对低钛、高碱和钠、低铁镁,轻重稀土元素强烈分馏、微量元素相对富集LILE、贫化HFSE、亏损Nb和Ti、P,部分高Sr、低Yb,总体指示为挤压环境下加厚地壳物质的熔融产物,白垩系火成岩中等钛和碱的含量,高钠、铁和镁,稀土和微量元素显示其来自于伸展背景的富集地幔源,但受到陆壳物质的混染,第三系火成岩高钛含量、中等碱含量但变化大、高钠、富铁镁,轻重稀土元素分馏弱到中等、微量元素富集LILE和HFSE,同样来自板内伸展环境的富集地幔源的产物。表明歧口凹陷构造转换发生在晚侏罗世和早白垩世之间。  相似文献   
浅成脉状金矿是指在近地在至1.5km深度,以充填方式形成,总体形状呈脉状金矿床。其赋矿围岩是多种多样的,以火山岩、次火山岩、浅侵入体最为常见,此外还有变质岩等。热液矿床的形成深度对矿体形状、产状、规模、物质组成和结构构造有重要影响。浅成脉状金矿是我国仅次于中深脉状金矿的第二个重要类型。介绍了浅成脉状金矿的地质特征及进一步分类的方案。  相似文献   
Four vertical profiles of the concentration and isotopic composition of Nd in seawater were obtained in the western North Pacific. Two profiles from the Kuroshio Current regime showed congruently that although the Nd concentration increases gradually with depth, its isotopic composition varies significantly with depth depending upon the water mass occupying the water column. The high-salinity Kuroshio waters originating from the North Pacific Tropical Water (NPTW) carry the least radiogenic Nd (?Nd = −7.4 to −8.7) to this region at ∼250 m from the western margin continental shelves, most likely from the East China Sea. The Nd isotopic compositions in the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) that occurs at 600 to 1000 m in the subtropical region are fairly uniform at ?Nd = −3.7. The profile data from the ∼38° to 40°N Kuroshio/Oyashio mixed water region off Sanriku of Honshu, Japan, also suggest that the newest NPIW with ?Nd = −3.2 is formed there by the mixing of various source waters, and the radiogenic component of Nd is derived mainly from the Oyashio waters.In the Pacific Deep Water (PDW) below ∼1000 m, the Nd isotopic composition is neither vertically nor horizontally homogeneous, suggesting that it serves as a useful tracer for sluggish deep water circulation as well. Two profiles from the Izu-Ogasawara Trench showed a minimum ?Nd value at ∼2000 m, suggesting that there exists a horizontal advective flow in the vicinity of Honshu, Japan. There is some evidence from other chemical properties to support this observation. The waters below 4000 m including those within the trench in the subtropical region have ?Nd values of around −5, suggesting that the deep waters are fed from the south along the western boundary, ultimately from the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the South Pacific. This extends up to ∼40°N along the Japanese Islands. In the subarctic region (>∼42°N), the waters have more radiogenic Nd with ?Nd > −4.0 throughout the water column, presumably due to the supply of Nd by weathering in such igneous provinces as the Kuril-Kamchatska-Aleutian Island chain. The lateral inhomogeneity of the Nd isotopic composition in PDW suggests that there may be different circulation and mixing regimes in the North Pacific Basin.  相似文献   
Oil and gas exploration in eastern Tarim Basin, NW China has been successful in recent years, with several commercial gas accumulations being discovered in a thermally mature to over-mature region. The Yingnan2 (YN2) gas field, situated in the Yingnan structure of the Yingjisu Depression, produces gases that are relatively enriched in nitrogen and C2+ alkanes. The δ13C1 (−38.6‰ to −36.2‰) and δ13C2 values (−30.9‰ to −34.7‰) of these gases are characteristic of marine sourced gases with relatively high maturity levels. The distributions of biomarkers in the associated condensates suggest close affinities with the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks which, in the Yingjisu Sag, are currently over-mature (with 3–4%Ro). Burial and thermal maturity modeling results indicate that paleo-temperatures of the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks had increased from 90 to 210 °C during the late Caledonian orogeny (458–438 Ma), due to rapid subsidence and sediment loading. By the end of Ordovician, hydrocarbon potential in these source rocks had been largely exhausted. The homogenization temperatures of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions identified from the Jurassic reservoirs of the YN2 gas field suggest a hydrocarbon emplacement time as recent as about 10 Ma, when the maturity levels of Middle–Lower Jurassic source rocks in the study area were too low (<0.7%Ro) to form a large quantity of oil and gas. The presence of abundant diamondoid hydrocarbons in the associated condensates and the relatively heavy isotopic values of the oils indicate that the gases were derived from thermal cracking of early-formed oils. Estimation from the stable carbon isotope ratios of gaseous alkanes suggests that the gases may have been formed at temperatures well above 190 °C. Thus, the oil and gas accumulation history in the study area can be reconstructed as follows: (1) during the late Caledonian orogeny, the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician marine source rocks had gone through the peak oil, wet gas and dry gas generation stages, with the generated oil and gas migrating upwards along faults and fractures to form early oil and gas accumulations in the Middle–Upper Ordovician and Silurian sandstone reservoirs; (2) since the late Yanshanian orogeny, the early oil accumulations have been buried deeper and oil has undergone thermal cracking to form gas; (3) during the late Himalayan orogeny, the seals for the deep reservoirs were breached; and the gas and condensates migrated upward and eventually accumulating in the relatively shallow Jurassic reservoirs.  相似文献   
广西崇左三合巨猿大洞早更新世小哺乳动物群   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
最近在广西崇左三合大洞发现了步氏巨猿和似人似猿共生的新层位,与之伴生的有52种小哺乳动物,占三合大洞巨猿动物群总数的62%,其中苏门答腊兔(Nesolagus)是东南亚地区首次发现的化石。小哺乳动物群以南方早更新世常见的偏皮氏毛耳飞鼠(Belomys parapearsoni)、中间猪尾鼠(Typhlomys intermedius)、拟低冠竹鼠(Rhizomys brachyrhizomyoides)、硕豪猪(Hystrix magna)、先社鼠(Niviventer preconfucianus)、拟爱氏巨鼠(Leopoldamysedwardioidesi)等为代表,根据小哺乳动物群性质和与其他动物群对比以及磁性地层年代测定,表明其时代应是早更新世中期(约距今120160万年前)。该动物群由树鼩、扁颅蝠、小彩蝠、飞松鼠、笔尾树鼠、猪尾鼠等几乎是旧大陆热带-亚热带森林型动物组成,缺少北方类型,基本上属于热带森林动物群,这表明了当时的自然景观为温暖湿润的热带雨林环境。三合大洞小哺乳动物群是广西地区的首次发现,对华南早更新世巨猿动物群详细划分,探讨步氏巨猿演化和早期人类环境背景等目前科学界关注的问题具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
延吉盆地是一个后期改造较为强烈的断陷盆地。应用地震、地质、测井资料识别出延吉盆地中存在6个较大的不整合面,它们以角度不整合和超覆不整合2种类型为主。分析认为,燕山Ⅰ、Ⅱ幕运动形成了盆地雏形,燕山Ⅳ幕运动则使盆地回返,此期出现大量高岭石(40%),表明其与大气水淋滤等有关。短暂沉降后(龙井组),燕山运动晚期(Ⅴ幕)发生的又一次大规模以南北挤压为主的构造运动,导致南北两翼抬起幅度巨大,剥蚀厚度超过700 m,盆地中部剥蚀厚度大约为300 m。不整合面是划分三大构造层(前断陷期、断陷期、坳陷期)的依据。其早白垩世铜佛寺组和大砬子组间的整合关系利于油气的生成。不整合面既可改善储集体的渗透性,又是形成油气二次运移的良好通道。初步预测与不整合有关的油气藏(侵蚀残丘、地层超覆不整合、断层坡折)可作为下一步勘探的目标。  相似文献   
基本层序和相分析是区调中组建立的基础   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以赣西北地区中、上寒武统划分为例,阐述基本层序、相分析在岩石地层单位划分和对比中的作用、地位。划分岩石地层单位不能仅仅根据岩性特征,而必须进行基本层序和系统的相分析。在这样的基础上,划分的岩石地层单位才具有准确性、合理性和野外实用性。  相似文献   
山东诸城晚白垩世孢粉组合的发现及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
山东晚白垩世沉积以往未见孢粉化石。近年,通过对山东诸城侯家屯钻井岩心的研究,发现了丰富的孢粉化石,为确定地层时代和恢复古气候提供了有力的依据。其孢粉组成如下:  相似文献   
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