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Time series of daily numbers of solar Hα flares from 1955 to 1997 are studied by means of wavelet power spectra with regard to predominant periods in the range of ∼ 24 days (synodic). A 24-day period was first reported by Bai (1987) for the occurrence rate of hard X-ray flares during 1980–1985. Considering the northern and southern hemisphere separately, we find that the 24-day period is not an isolated phenomenon but occurs in each of the four solar cycles investigated (No. 19–22). The 24-day period can be established also in the occurrence rate of subflares but occurs more prominently in major flares (importance classes ≥ 1). A comparative analysis of magnetically classified active regions subdivided into magnetically complex (i.e., including a γ and/or δ configuration) and non-complex (α, β) reveals a significant relation between the appearance of the 24-day period in Hα flares and magnetically complex sunspot groups, whereas it cannot be established for non-complex groups. It is suggested that the 24-day period in solar flare occurrence is related to a periodic emergence of new magnetic flux rather than to the surface rotation of sunspots.  相似文献   
The short-term periodicities of the flare index are investigated in detail using Fourier and wavelet transforms for the full disc and for the northern and the southern hemispheres of the Sun separately over the epoch of almost 4 cycles (1966–2002). The most pronounced power peaks were found by the Fourier transform to be present at 25.6, 27.0, 30.2, and 33.8 days. The wavelet transform results show that the occurrence of periodicities of flare index power is highly intermittent in time. A comparison of the results of the Fourier transform and the time-period wavelet transform of the flare index time series has clarified the importance of different periodicities, whether they are or are not the harmonics of the basic ones, as well as the temporal location of their occurrence. We found that the modulation of the flare index due to the 27-day solar rotation is more pronounced during the declining portion of solar cycle than during the rising portion.  相似文献   
To examine electron transport, energization, and precipitation in Mercury's magnetosphere, a hybrid simulation study has been carried out that follows electron trajectories within the global magnetospheric electric and magnetic field configuration of Mercury. We report analysis for two solar-wind parameter conditions corresponding to the first two MESSENGER Mercury flybys on January 14, 2008, and October 6, 2008, which occurred for similar solar wind speed and density but contrasting interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directions. During the first flyby the IMF had a northward component, while during the second flyby the IMF was southward. Electron trajectories are traced in the fields of global hybrid simulations for the two flybys. Some solar wind electrons follow complex trajectories at or near where dayside reconnection occurs and enter the magnetosphere at these locations. The entry locations depend on the IMF orientation (north or south). As the electrons move through the entry regions they can be energized as they execute non-adiabatic (demagnetized) motion. Some electrons become magnetically trapped and drift around the planet with energies on the order of 1–10 keV. The highest energy of electrons anywhere in the magnetosphere is about 25 keV, consistent with the absence of high-energy (>35 keV) electrons observed during either MESSENGER flyby. Once within the magnetosphere, a fraction of the electrons precipitates at the planetary surface with fluxes on the order of 109 cm−2 s−1 and with energies of hundreds of eV. This finding has important implications for the viability of electron-stimulated desorption (ESD) as a mechanism for contributing to the formation of the exosphere and heavy ion cloud around Mercury. From laboratory estimates of ESD ion yields, a calculated ion production rate due to ESD at Mercury is found to be on par with ion sputtering yields.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used in ecology and conservation. However, their performance is known to be affected by a variety of factors related to species occurrence characteristics. In this study, we used a virtual species approach to overcome the difficulties associated with testing of combined effects of those factors on performance of presence-only SDMs when using real data. We focused on the individual and combined roles of factors related to response variable (i.e. sample size, sampling bias, environmental filtering, species prevalence, and species response to environmental gradients). Results suggest that environmental filtering is not necessarily helpful and should not be performed blindly, without evidence of bias in species occurrences. The more gradual the species response to environmental gradients is, the greater is the model sensitivity to an inappropriate use of environmental filtering, although this sensitivity decreases with higher species prevalence. Results show that SDMs are affected to the greatest degree by the species response to environmental gradients, species prevalence, and sample size. Models’ accuracy decreased with sample size below 300 presences. Furthermore, a high level of interactions among individual factors was observed. Ignoring the combined effects of factors may lead to misleading outcomes and conclusions.  相似文献   
We analyze the 26 November 2005 solar radio event observed interferometrically at frequencies of 244 and 611 MHz by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in Pune, India. These observations are used to make interferometric maps of the event at both frequencies with the time cadence of 1 s from 06:50 to 07:12 UT. These maps reveal several radio sources. The light curves of these sources show that only two sources at 244 MHz and 611 MHz are well correlated in time. The EUV flare is more localized with flare loops located rather away from the radio sources. Using SoHO/MDI observations and potential magnetic field extrapolation we demonstrate that both the correlated sources are located in the fan structure of magnetic field lines starting from a coronal magnetic null point. Wavelet analysis of the light curves of the radio sources detects tadpoles with periods in the range P=10?–?83 s. These wavelet tadpoles indicate the presence of fast magnetoacoustic waves that propagate in the fan structure of the coronal magnetic null point. We estimate the plasma parameters in the studied radio sources and find them consistent with the presented scenario involving the coronal magnetic null point.  相似文献   
Barite occurrences related to the Cenozoic (Late Alpine) low-temperature hydrothermal activity are present in the continental Ohře (Eger) Rift area. A specific, Ra-bearing type of barite has been known under the name “radiobarite” from this area since 1904. Revision of 12 localities revealed the presence of alleged radiobarite only in the Teplice (Lahošť–Jeníkov) and Karlovy Vary areas. Barite from other localities is radium-poor. Barite crystals showing concentric oscillation colour zoning totally prevail. Isomorphous substitution of Sr (X×10−1 to X×wt%), Ca (X×10−2 wt%) and Fe (X×10−1 wt%) for Ba was proved. Average SrO contents of 0.4 wt% are markedly exceeded in some samples from Lahošť–Jeníkov (max. 3.2 wt%) and Karlovy Vary (max. 4.9 wt%). Besides inclusions of stoichiometric iron disulphide, the same samples also contain iron disulphides with unusual high contents of Co (max. 12.2 wt%) and Ni (max. to 8.4 wt%). Specific activity of 238U in the studied barites is very low while that of 226Ra reaches 8 Bq/g in several samples. Therefore, 226Ra is not in equilibrium with its parent uranium. These “radiobarites” or their parts must be therefore relatively young, not older than 10–15 ka. Very low uranium contents (<0.4 ppm) were also confirmed by neutron activation analyses of barite samples.

Unit-cell dimensions refined from X-ray powder diffraction data do not show any systematic variation with the measured chemical composition. Their values agree with the data given in the literature. Reflection half-widths, however, seem to correlate with chemistry. Peaks are wider in samples from Lahošť–Jeníkov and Karlovy Vary.

Sulphur and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the Cenozoic barite mineralization of Teplice area are very uniform (δ34S values between 3.9‰ and 7.1‰ CDT, and δ18O values between 6.1‰ and 7.7‰ SMOW), while the barites of Děc˘ín area show more variable sulphur sources. Sulphate derived from sediments of the Tertiary Most Basin seems to dominate for the Teplice area, while Cretaceous sediments are a more probable sulphur source in the Děc˘ín area. Calculation of oxygen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids based on fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and barite δ18O data shows δ18Ofluid values in the range of meteoric waters or δ18O – shifted deep circulating meteoric or basinal waters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde versucht, mit Hilfe der piezophotographischen Methode das Druckfeld in der Nähe einer Untergrundsprengung zu untersuchen. Kugelförmige Ladungen von 5 kg TNT wurden 3 m unter die Oberfläche im konsolidierten Sandboden angebracht. Piezophotographische Druckaufnehmer mit Messbereich 1,5–250 bar und 15–2500 bar wurden sowohl statisch, als auch dynamisch geeicht und ihre Richtungscharakteristik bestimmt. Es wurden insgesamt 5 Druckfelduntersuchungen vorgenommen, wobei die Druckmessungen in einem orthogonalen Netz von Messpunkten, das sich bis in die Entfernung von 40 Ladungshalbmessern ausdehnte, durchgeführt wurden. Die entwickelte Messtechnik wird eingehend beschrieben. Auf Grund der erhaltenen Ergebnisse konnte unmittelbar für jeden Versuch die Druckverteilung in vertikalen und horizontalen Netzprofilen festgelegt werden. Das Druckfeld wurde danach durch den Isobarenverlauf in der untersuchten Ebene abgebildet.  相似文献   
Black shales of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in southern China (Huangjiawan mine, Zunyi region, northern part of the Guizhou Province) host regionally distributed stratiform polymetallic Ni‐Mo‐platinum group elements (PGE)‐Au phosphate‐ and sulfide‐rich ores. These are confined to a ≥0.2‐m thick ore horizon composed of mineralized bodies of algal onkolites, phosphate nodules, and sulfide and shale clasts in a mineralized phosphate‐ and organic matter‐rich matrix. Compared to footwall and hanging wall shales, the ore bed is strongly enriched in Ni (up to 100‐fold), As (up to 97‐fold), Mo (up to 95‐fold), Sb (up to 67‐fold), Rh (up to 49‐fold), Cu (up to 37‐fold), Pd (up to 33‐fold), Ru (up to 24‐fold), Zn (up to 23‐fold), Pt (up to 21‐fold), Ir (up to 15‐fold), Co (up to 14‐fold), and Pb (up to 13‐fold). Even footwall and hanging wall black shales are significantly enriched by Mo (21‐fold) and Ni (12‐fold) but depleted in Cr in comparison to average Cambrian black shale. Organic matter is represented by separate accumulations dispersed in the rock matrix or as biotic bitumen droplets and veinlets in ore clasts. Similar organic carbon (Corg) values in an ore bed and enclosing footwall and hanging wall shales of little mineralization indicate that metal accumulation was not controlled only by biogenic productivity and organic matter accumulation rate. Evaporitic conditions during sedimentation of the basal part of the Niutitang Formation were documented by an occurrence of preserved Ni‐, V‐, Cr‐, and Cu‐enriched phosphate‐rich hardground with halite and anhydrite pseudomorphs on the paleosurface of the underlying Neoproterozoic carbonates. Neoproterozoic black shales of the Doushantuo Formation are characterized by increased metal concentrations. Comparison of metal abundances in both hardground and Doushantuo black shales indicate that black shales could have become a source of metal‐rich hardground during weathering. The polymetallic Ni‐Mo‐PGE sulfide‐rich ore bed is interpreted to represent a remnant of shallow‐water hardground horizon rich in metals, which originated in a sediment‐starved, semi‐restricted, seawater environment. During the Early Cambrian transgression an influx of fresh seawater and intensive evaporation, together with the hydrothermal enrichment of seawater in a semi‐restricted basin, resulted in the formation of dense metalliferous brines; co‐precipitation of metals together with phosphates and sulfides occurred at or above the oxic–anoxic sediment interface. Metal‐enriched hardground was disintegrated by the action of waves or bottom currents and deposited in a deeper part of the anoxic basin. Contemporaneously with the formation of a polymetallic Ni‐Mo‐PGE‐Au sulfide ore bed, economic sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX)‐type barite deposits were forming in a stratigraphically and geotectonically similar setting. The results of geochemical study at the Shang Gongtang SEDEX‐type Ba deposit indicate that concentrations of Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, Zn and other metals decrease from top of the barite body toward the hanging wall black shale. Lower Cambrian black shales of the Niutitang Formation above the barite body also display similar element abundances as Neoproterozoic black shales of the Doushantuo Formation, developed in the footwall of the barite body. But the geochemical composition of the sulfide layer is different from the Ni‐Mo ore bed, showing only elevated Pb, Cu, Ni and Mo values. It is suggested that hydrothermal brines at Shang Gongtang might have leached metals from footwall Neoproterozoic sequences and became, after mixing with normal seawater, an additional source of Ag, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb, Zn, Ni, PGE, V and other metals.  相似文献   
Summary The magnetic moments of Uranus and Neptune have been predicted using different scaling laws of planetary magnetism. The predictions for Uranus cover a broad band of values from very weak magnetic fields (tidal relations) to moderate fields (thermal convection hypothesis). Therefore, the direct measurements of this field by Voyager 2 (January 1986) will be very important for testing the individual hapotheses.
a m ama a ¶rt; amua nam ¶rt;a n aum m nam a a nm. aa n¶rt;nmu nuu mu, ¶rt;m u¶rt;am a aum n a nmu aa u u a nmu nma.

Presented at the Fifth Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Prague 1985.  相似文献   
Summary Spatial and temporal variability of natural ELF-VLF phenomena field intensity has been studied using data from Interkosmos satellites with apogees below 2000 km. The results show a distinct dependence of the diurnal variation and latitudinal intensity distribution on the magnetic activity. The L-value at which the maximum of plasmaspheric noise occurs, e.g., correlates better with the Dst-index than with other indicies.
mama u a auau anmu n mm - u a ua a uu ¶rt;a uu m an u 2000 . mam naam m auum m ¶rt;a u um an¶rt;u uu m aum amumu. uua L-naama, a m nm au naa uu, um Dst-u¶rt; ¶rt;uu u¶rt;auaum amumu.
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