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The algorithms to evaluate seismic hazard, used and/or developed by five teams participating in the TERESA project, applied to the low seismicity area Belgium, The Netherlands and NW Germany are compared. The main differences in the results can be explained by the majority criterion of Egozcue et al. (1989), the differences in the upper bound and zonification and, in some cases, by a higher attenuation.  相似文献   
On the eastern extremity of the Jiaodong peninsula, China, shoshonitic magmas have been injected into the supracrustal rocks of the Sulu ultra-high pressure (UHP) terrane during the crustal exhumation phase. These granitoids (collectively termed the Shidao igneous complex or Jiazishan alkaline complex) show geochemical and isotopic signatures of an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle and intruded soon after the subducted Yangtze crust had reached peak metamorphic pressure conditions (240–220 Ma). We have applied various geochronometers to an alkali-gabbro sample from the Jiazishan pluton and the results allow reconstruction of the Triassic-to-present thermal history. Initial rapid cooling of the gabbro at crustal depths is indicated by the close agreement between the Sm-Nd mineral isochron age (228?±?36 Ma) and the Rb-Sr biotite age (207?±?1) Ma. This interpretation is confirmed by previously published U-Pb zircon ages (225–209 Ma), and 40Ar/39Ar amphibole and K-feldspar ages (~214 Ma) from the Jiazishan syenites. A titanite fission-track age of 166?±?8 Ma (closure temperature range 285–240°C) records widespread Jurassic magmatism in the Jiaodong peninsula, indicating that the gabbro reached upper crustal levels before it was reheated by nearby Jurassic plutons. A subsequent cooling and reheating event is indicated by an apatite fission-track age of 106?±?6 Ma which coincides with the emplacement of the adjacent Weideshan pluton (108?±?2 Ma) and postdates a period of regional lithospheric thinning beneath eastern China. A period of slow cooling (or thermal stability) from late Cretaceous to early Tertiary, documented by an apatite (U-Th)/He age of 39?±?5 Ma, was followed by a final stage of more enhanced cooling since the late Eocene. Results of this work imply that the eastern Sulu terrane has experienced a complex cooling and reheating history. Our data are consistent with a model of initial rapid cooling (sudden exhumation) of the UHP terrane, driven by the release of buoyancy forces, followed by two progressively slower cooling intervals (both after renewed crustal reheating) during the Jurassic and Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The Mammoth Peak sheeted intrusive complex formed in the interior of a ~7–10 km deep magma chamber, specifically in the Half Dome granodiorite of the Tuolumne batholith, central Sierra Nevada, CA (USA). The sheets consist of fractionated melts with accumulated hornblende, biotite, magnetite, titanite, apatite, and zircon. The accumulation, especially of titanite, had a profound effect on minor and trace elements (Nb, Ta, Ti, REE, U, Th, P, Zr, Hf, etc.), increasing their contents up to five to six times. Our thermal–mechanical modeling using the finite element method shows that cooling-generated tensile stresses resulted in the inward propagation of two perpendicular sets of dilational cracks in the host granodiorite. We interpret the sheeted complex to have formed by a crack-seal mechanism in a high strength, crystal-rich mush, whereby outward younging pulses of fractionated magma were injected into these syn-magmatic cracks at the margin of an active magma chamber. Thermal–mechanical instabilities developed after the assembly of the sheeted complex, which was then overprinted by late ~NW–SE magmatic foliation. This case example provides a cautionary note regarding the interpretation that sheeted zones in large granitoid plutons imply a diking mechanism of growth because the sheeted/dike complexes in plutons (1) may display inverse growth directions from the growth of the overall intrusive sequence; (2) need not record initial chamber construction and instead may reflect late pulsing of magma within an already constructed magma chamber; (3) have an overprinting magmatic fabric indicating the continued presence of melt after construction of sheeted complexes and thus a prolonged thermal history as compared to dikes; and (4) because the scale of the observed sheeted complexes may be small (<1%) in comparison to large homogenous parts of plutons, in which there is no evidence for sheeting or diking. Thus, where extensive dike complexes in plutons are absent, such as in much of the Tuolumne batholith, the application of an incremental diking model to explain chamber construction is at best speculative.  相似文献   
A.S. Gaab  M. Jank  U. Poller  W. Todt 《Lithos》2006,87(3-4):261-275
Magmatic protoliths of Ordovician age have been identified in the metamorphic rocks of the Muráñ Gneiss Complex, Veporic Unit (Central Western Carpathians). Vapor digestion single zircon U–Pb dating yields an intrusion age of 464 ± 35 Ma (upper intercept) for the granite protolith. A lower intercept age of 88 ± 40 Ma records amphibolite-facies metamorphic overprint in the Cretaceous, during the Alpine orogeny. Geochemical and isotopic data suggest crustal origin of the orthogneiss. Ndinitial are between − 2.6 and − 5.0 and TDMNd between 1.3 and 1.5 Ga (two-step approach). 87Sr / 86Srinitial ratios vary between 0.7247 and 0.7120, and a steep REE pattern further constrains the crustal affinity of these rocks. Associated amphibolite bodies have Ndinitial values of 6.5, 87Sr / 86Srinitial ratio of 0.7017, and a flat REE pattern. They are interpreted as MORB derived metabasites. Whole-rock Pb isotope analyses define a linear array in a 206Pb / 204Pb vs. 207Pb / 204Pb diagram with an age of ca. 134 Ma, consistent with intense Alpine metamorphism and deformation.

These basement rocks of the Central Western Carpathians are interpreted as Ordovician magmatic rocks intruded at an active margin of Gondwana. They represent the eastern prolongation of Cambro–Ordovician units of the European Variscides, which were part of the peri-Gondwana superterrane and accreted to Laurussia during the Variscan orogeny. Variscan metamorphic overprint is not recorded by the isotopic data of the Muráñ Gneiss Complex. Alpine metamorphism is the most dominant overprint.  相似文献   

The hydraulic behaviour of the karst aquifer in the Hubelj spring catchment area (SW Slovenia) was studied by using an indirect research method based on natural tracers. The variations of natural tracers (in precipitation and in groundwater) during the storm event made possible the separation of the Hubelj spring storm hydrograph by the three-component separation technique. The results produced information on the aquifer recharge, storage and discharge processes, as well as on the mechanisms that affected them. They verified the so-called epikarst hypothesis presuming that an important part of a karst aquifer recharge reaches rapidly and intensively from the epikarst zone. It was demonstrated that epikarst water could occupy up to 50% of the spring discharge during precipitation events. This phenomenon could have important consequences on protection and management of the problems of karst aquifers, including engineering problems in karst areas. With this respect the results could give way to new engineering ideas.  相似文献   
During the last decades, several integrated studies of Tethyan Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary sections from different countries were published with the objective to indicate problems for the selection of biological, chemical or physical markers suitable for identification of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary e the only system boundary within the Phanerozoic still not fixed by GSSP. Drawing the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems is a matter of global scale discussions. The problem of proposing possible J/K boundary stratotypes results from lack of a global index fossils, global sea level drop, paleogeographic changes causing development of isolated facies areas, as well as from the effect of Late Cimmerian Orogeny. This contribution summarizes and comments data on J/K boundary interval obtained from several important Tethyan sections and shows still existing problems and discrepancies in its determination.  相似文献   
Summary Columbite-tantalite is widespread in the lepidolite-subtype rare-element pegmatites of the Jihlava pegmatite district, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia. In most pegmatites, fractionation of columbite-tantalite shows initial enrichment in Mn followed by increasing Ta, in accordance with the usual trend from ferrocolumbite through mangano-columbite to manganotantalite, typical of the lepidolite pegmatites. Many dikes, however, show local deviations toward Fe- and Ti-rich compositions. In extreme cases, all columbite-tantalite is strongly enriched in Fe and Ti, and is associated with ixiolite and tantalian rutile. The degree of enrichment of the Nb,Ta oxide-mineral assemblage in Fe and Ti is proportional to tectonic introduction of wallrock xenoliths of mafic pyroxene-biotite syenite into the pegmatites during late stages of their consolidation. Extensive reaction of the residual pegmatite melt with the xenoliths contaminated the near-by melt, and generated Nb,Ta oxide minerals and tourmaline of non-typical chemistries. Late fersmite probably formed after thermal equilibration of the pegmatites with their syenitic country rocks, from Ca-bearing regional interstitial fluids pervading through the solidified pegmatites.
Zusammenfassung In Selten-Element Pegmatiten (Lepidolith-Subtyp) des Jihlava Pegmatit Distriktes, West-Mähren, Tschechien, ist Columbit-Tantalit weitverbreitet. In den meisten Pegmatiten führte die Fraktionierung von Columbit-Tantalit zur einer anflinglichen Anreicherung von Mn gefolgt von einer Zunahme in Ta, vergleichbar mit dem für Lepidolith-Pegmatit bekannten Trend Ferrocolumbit-Manganocolumbit-Manganotantalit. Viele Gänge zeigen jedoch lokale Abweichungen zu Fe- und Ti-reichen Zusammensetzungen. In extremen Fällen ist Columbit-Tantalit stark an Fe und Ti angereichert und mit Ixiolith und Tantalo-Rutil vergesellschaftet. Das Ausmaß der Fe und Ti Anreicherung in (Nb,Ta)-Oxid-Assoziationen ist proportional dem tektonisch bedingten Eindringen von maischen Pyroxen-Biotit-reichen Syenit-Nebengesteinsxenolithen in die Pegmatite gegen Ende ihrer Verfestigung. Tiefgreifende Reaktion der Pegmatit-Restschmelze mit den Xenolithen kontaminierte die Schmelze und führte zur Bildung von (Nb,Ta)-Oxid-Mineralen und Turmalin ungewöhnlicher Zusammensetzung. Möglicherweise nach der thermischen Gleichgewichtseinstellung der Pegmatite mit ihren syenitischen Nebengesteinen bildete sich Fersmit unter Beteiligung von Ca-führenden regionalen Porenlösungen, welche die verfestigten Pegmatite durchdrangen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
In this study, soil radon levels have been measured for the first time across the Ganos fault (GF), which is known as the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. LR 115 Type 2 Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (time integrated) have been applied to determine soil gas radon levels, and the survey was performed in 16 stations along the fault line. The results showed that soil gas radon concentrations and variation of concentration levels are comparable high along the fault line. It is also observed that in the middle of the Ganos Fault, fairly elevated radon levels were detected. These can be related to the activity of the fault lines. It is confirmed that the study area has a very active tectonic structure and is great location for analyzing radon variations.  相似文献   
The Teplá–Barrandian unit (TBU) of the Bohemian Massif exposes a section across the once extensive Avalonian–Cadomian belt, which bordered the northern active margin of Gondwana during late Neoproterozoic. This paper synthesizes the state-of-the-art knowledge on the Cadomian basement of the TBU to redefine its principal component units, to revise an outdated stratigraphic scheme, and to interpret this scheme in terms of a recent plate-tectonic model for the Cadomian orogeny in the Bohemian Massif. The main emphasis of this paper is on an area between two newly defined fronts of the Variscan pervasive deformation to the NW and SE of the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic overlap successions. This area has escaped the pervasive Variscan (late Devonian to early Carboniferous) ductile reworking and a section through the Cadomian orogen is here superbly preserved.The NW segment of the TBU consists of three juxtaposed allochthonous belts of unknown stratigraphic relation (the Kralovice–Rakovník, Radnice–Kralupy, and Zbiroh–?árka belts), differing in lithology, complex internal strain patterns, and containing sedimentary and tectonic mélanges with blocks of diverse ocean floor (meta-)basalts. We summarize these three belts under a new term the Blovice complex, which we believe represents a part of an accretionary wedge of the Cadomian orogen.The SE segment of the TBU exposes the narrow Pi?ín belt, which is probably a continuation of the Blovice complex from beneath the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic, and a volcanic arc sequence (the Davle Group). Their stratigraphic relation is unknown. Flysch units (the ?těchovice Group and Svrchnice Formation) overlay the arc volcanics, and both units contain material derived from volcanic arc. The former was also sourced from the NW segment, whereas the latter contains an increased amount of passive margin continental material. In contrast to the Blovice complex, the flysch experienced only weak Cadomian deformation.The new lithotectonic zonation fits the following tectonic scenario for the Cadomian evolution of the TBU well. The S- to SE-directed Cadomian subduction beneath the TBU led to the involvement of turbidites, chaotic deposits, and 605 ± 39 Ma ocean floor in the accretionary wedge represented by the Blovice complex. The accretionary wedge formation mostly overlapped temporally with the growth of the volcanic arc (the Davle Group) at ~ 620–560 Ma. Upon cessation of the arc igneous activity, the rear of the wedge and some elevated portions of the arc were eroded to supply the deep-water flysch sequences of the ?těchovice Group, whereas the comparable Svrchnice Formation (~ 560 to < 544 Ma) was deposited in a southeasterly remnant basin close to the continental margin. The Cadomian orogeny in the TBU was terminated at ~ 550–540 Ma by slab breakoff, by final attachment of the most outboard ~ 540 Ma oceanic crust, and by intrusion of ~ 544–524 Ma boninite dikes marking the transition from the destructive to transform margin during the early/middle Cambrian.  相似文献   
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