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In this paper we report results obtained from various friction experiments under direct and oblique shear loading conditions. We used four rock types of varying brittleness (quartzite, anhydrite, limestone, pyrophyllite) with different surface roughness. The observations concentrate on the time span several milliseconds before dynamic failure occurs. During this period a premonitory, unstable phase of slip (slip 2) occurs. This differs importantly from a premonitory, stable process (slip 1) with durations of hundreds of seconds. On smooth surfaces slip 2 is usually observed with ductile rocks and less reliably with brittle rocks. Slip 2 is mostly accompanied by acoustic emissions, which increase in rate of occurrence and in magnitude until the stick-slip event. Foreshocks are observed during approximately 50% of the slip 2 events on rough surfaces. Foreshocks far exceed the acoustic noise level, which is also prevalent before stick-slip events on rough surfaces. In the direct shear experiment, where two faults are being loaded simultaneously, in about 20% of the cases precursory slip 2 was observed on the opposite side on which the final stick-slip event occurred.  相似文献   
小麦吸浆虫的发生和温、湿度条件关系密切。平舆县3月中、下旬和4月份的地温适宜成虫活动,4月份降水较多时,很适宜吸浆虫发生。防治措施以麦播期和蛹期防治为主,穗期成虫补治为辅,严把麦播期、孕穗期(蛹期)和抽穗期(成虫期)"三关"防治。  相似文献   
Southwest Yunnan, located in the southern segment of the north-south seismic belt, is one of the regions with strong tectonic movement and seismic activity in China. Study on the characteristics of tectonic setting and deep geophysical field in the region is an important issue in basic science. In 2013, we conducted a 600-km-long Menghai-Gengma-Lushui profile of deep seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction and high-resolution seismic refraction in Southwest Yunnan. In this paper, we use 6 groups of clear intracrustal P-wave phases picked from the seismic record sections of 11 shots to build a velocity structure model of basement and 2D crustal P-wave of the region by using finite difference inversion and ray travel time forward fitting technology. The results show that, from south to north, the crust gradually thickens along the profile and its basement shows a significant lateral heterogeneity. In the vicinity of the Nanting River fault, the basement structure shows the character of alternate depressions and uplifts, and the shallowest basement is about 1.0 km. In the vicinity of Tengchong and Lancang, the basement is about 5.0 km deep. The velocity of the middle and lower crust in the region generally increases with the increasing of depth. At the block boundary and beneath the fault tectonic belt, the velocity contours show apparent irregularity and the P-wave velocity changes sharply. In this region, the Moho gradually deepens from south to north with relatively large lateral undulations. The shallowest point of the Moho is located near Menghai at a depth of about 32.0 km. The deepest point of the Moho is located near Tengchong at a depth of about 40.5 km. Between Gengma and Yongde, the Moho shows significantly fast uplifting and depressing with an amplitude of about 4.0 km. Beneath the Nanting River fault, Longling-Ruili fault, Dayingjiang fault and Tengchong volcano, the basement velocity structure, 2D crustal P-wave velocity structure, distribution of average profile velocity and intracrustal interface spreading also show significant changes from the basement to the top of the Moho, indicating that the crustal velocity and medium physical properties beneath the fault tectonic belt are apparently different from the crustal materials on its both sides, which suggests that these faults should be in a certain scale and may extend to the lower crust or the top of the upper mantle. The earthquakes in the region mainly occurred at a depth of 10–20 km, and the seismic activity is related to the intracrustal medium velocity difference and fault belt distribution. The results can serve as the important data of the crust-mantle structure for the analysis of the deep tectonic setting, earthquake precise positioning, seismogenic structure modeling of the seismic activities in Southwest Yunnan, as well as the important reference for the evaluation of seismic hazard and the planning of earthquake disaster mitigation of this region.  相似文献   
The chorophyll fluorescence ratio F685/F735 in vivo can be a useful indicator for stress detection inhigher plants and seaweed. DCMU [3 - (3, 4 - dichlorophenyl ) - 1, 1 - dimethylurea] treatment influencesthis ratio. Th effects of DCMU on F685/F735 of marine red, brown and green algae under excitationlight of different wavelengths were investigted. In the brown algae, Laminaria japonica and Undariapinnatifida,DCMU did not increase this ratio under blue light excitation but increased the ratio slightlyunder excitation by green light. For the red algea, Halymenia sinensis, DCMU increased the ratiomarkedly under both blue and green ligh excitation. The percentage increase could reach 50% (undergreen light excitation) and was due to unequal enhancement at the two emission maxima by DCMU. Afraction of chlorophyll which contributed to fluorescence in the 735 nm region was less sensitive toDCMU and was likely from photosystem I of red algae. In the green alga, Ulva pertusa, DCMU causeda slight increase in F685  相似文献   
Arthrospira platensis is an economically important cyanobacterium; and it has been used widely in food and pharmaceutical industries. The phycocyanin(PC) from A. platensis is extremely valuable in medicine and molecular biology due to its antioxidation and anti-tumoring activity and applicability as fluorescence protein tag. In present study, two recombinant plasmids, one contained the phycocyanobilin(PCB)-producing genes(hox1 and pcyA) while the other contained the phycobiliprotein gene(cpcB) and the lyase gene(either cpcS/U or cpcT), were constructed and synchronically transferred into E. coli in order to test the the activities of relevant lyases for catalysing PCB addition to CpcB during synthesizing fluorescent PC holo-β-subunit(β-PC) of A. platensis. As was evidenced by the fluorescence emitted at a peak specific for PC, CpcB was successfully synthesized in E. coli, to which co-expressed PCBs attached though at a relatively low efficiency. The results showed that the attachment of PCBs to CpcB were carried out mainly by co-expressed CpcS/U but CpcB also showed some autocatalytic activity. Currently, no CpcT activity was detected in this E. coli expression system. Further studies will be conducted to improve the efficiency of fluorescent PC synthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   
lINThODUCnoNResourcesarethefoundationofeconomicdevel-opment,andsustainabledevelopmentistheinevitabletrendofhumandevelopment.Thesustainabedevel-opmentofChineseforestryisanimPOrtantPOrtionofChinesesustainabledevelopmentstrategy,andforestresourceisthekeyproblemofsustaialleforestryde-velopment.Therefore,exploringthereasonableforestresourcemanagementandutilizationprojecthasimpor-tantsignificancefortherealizationofsustainableforestrydevelopment-DaHingganMountainsforestdistrictisoneoftheimPOrt…  相似文献   
ImooUrnONTheedycarsePiddricofprawndiscaseintheprawnculturecoastalarmsofChi-naandsoutheastAsiaresultedinnoproduCtinnoutputfromrnostprawnpondsandheaVyerenoAnclosscyumbull,l994).Upt0now,devemeasimtopreventandtreatthediseasehavenotbopresental,althoughwaterenvironmentdeteriorationisconunn-lyknowntobethekcyfactorcausingthisdhase(Jiang,l994).ThispreliIninrystudyonthereati0nsbetweenprawndiseaseandfactorsthatseriouslyaffodwatetenvirDimtalquality(WaterteInPeratllre,waterexchangeamount,andarnountSa…  相似文献   
In this paper, the zonal wind anomalies in the lower troposphere over the tropical Pacific during 1980–1994 are analyzed by using the observed data. The results show that during the formation of the 1982/83, 1986/87 and 1991 / 92 ENSO events, there were the larger westerly anomalies in the lower troposphere over the equatorial Pacific. Moreover, it is explained by using the correlation analyses that the westerly anomalies over the equatorial Pacific could cause the warm episodes of the equatorial central and eastern Pacific. A simple air-sea coupled model is used to discuss theoretically the dynamical effect of the observed westerly anomalies of wind stress near the sea surface of the equatorial Pacific on the ENSO cycle occurred in the period of 1981–1983. It is shown by using the theoretical calculations of the equatorial oceanic Kelvin wave and Rossby waves responding to the forcing of the observed anomalies of zonal wind stress near the sea surface of the equatorial Pacific that the westerly anomalies of wind stress near the sea surface of the equatorial Pacific make significant dynamical effect on the ENSO cycles occurred in the period of 1982–1983.  相似文献   
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