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小麦吸浆虫的发生和温、湿度条件关系密切。平舆县3月中、下旬和4月份的地温适宜成虫活动,4月份降水较多时,很适宜吸浆虫发生。防治措施以麦播期和蛹期防治为主,穗期成虫补治为辅,严把麦播期、孕穗期(蛹期)和抽穗期(成虫期)"三关"防治。  相似文献   
Climate change is one of the main factors that affect runoff changes. In the upstream of Minjiang River, the temperature increased significantly in the last 50 years, while the precipitation decreased on the contrary. In order to analyze the effect of climate change on site runoff, watershed runoff depth and evaporation, nine climate scenarios are assumed based on rainfall and temperature indicators. A SWAT model of Minjiang River is constructed, and runoff simulation is carried out with the nine scenarios. The results show that if precipitation increases or decreases 20 %, the change rate of runoff depth will increase or decrease 28–32 %; if temperature increases or decreases 2 °C, the change rate of runoff depth will decrease or increase 1–6 %; if temperature increases or decreases 2 °C, the change rate of the potential evaporation will increase or decrease 5–16 %, and the actual evaporation rate of variation will increase or decrease 1–6 %. Overall, precipitation variation has greater effect on simulated runoff than temperature variation dose. In addition, temperature variation has more obvious effect on the runoff simulation results in dry years than in wet years. The actual evaporation of watershed depends on evaporation capacity and precipitation and increases with the increasing of the potential evaporation and precipitation. The study also shows that the climate change scenarios analysis technology, combined with SWAT hydrological model, can effectively simulate the effect of climate change on runoff.  相似文献   
INTRODUCnON-WatertemperatheanddissolvedoxygenareimportantenvironmentalfactorsinthegmwthanddevelOPmntofaqUaticorgAnsms.ThereareInanPublishedstUdiesontheox-.ygenconsUInPtionrate(OCR)oftheprawn')(WangJim,l986;WangDanghenetal-,199l;ZangWeilingetal-,l992,l993),buttheydidnotcontalndetailedinfonnaionabouttheeffectoftemPerabeontheOCR-ThePresentstudydetendnedtheOCRofju-venilesofChineseprawn,gianttiserprawnandgiantfreshwaterprawnthatwererearedatdifferenttemperatllresforaboutaweekattheCaoj…  相似文献   
Based on the synergetic development of new industrialization, rapid urbanization and agricultural modernization (IUAM), and from the viewpoint of interactive relationships between water resources and regional population, eco-environment, economy and society, the concepts of water resources intensity (WRI), water environment intensity (WEI), water resources relative efficiency (WRRE) and water environment relative efficiency (WERE) are defined with reference to energy intensity, resources efficiency and environment efficiency theory. On the basis of benchmarking theory, the quantitative characterization and evaluation method of “Three Red Lines” (the upper limit of water resources allocation, the baseline of utilization efficiency of water resources and the upper limit of sewage discharge) is proposed. According to these concepts and models, an empirical analysis of the Three Red Lines of water resources on the Chinese mainland between 2003 and 2012 was carried out. The results showed that total water consumption in eastern, central and western parts of China possesses “club convergence” characteristics, which means these areas have similar internal conditions appeared convergence in the development. Inter-provincial differences in water consumption continue to decrease, but the north–south differentiation characteristics in the eastern and central regions were still relatively obvious, while provincial differences in the eastern part were at a minimum and the central region had the largest. Water Resources Efficiency (WRE) of all four sectors in the Southwest rivers and Huaihe River basins were generally high. Industrial WRRE in the Songhua River, Yangtze River and Pearl River basins, agricultural WRRE in the Songhua River, Yellow River and northwestern river basins and domestic WRRE in the Liaohe River, Yangtze River and Pearl River basins were all low. Eco-environmental WRRE in the southeastern rivers and Yangtze River basins were low but showed an upward trend. Other river basins, except for the Northwestern rivers basin, had high eco-environmental WRRE with a downward trend. Western China, especially the northwestern part, had a low relative intensity of the water environment (WERI) and high integrated water environment management (IWEM) performance, but the relative intensities of the water resources (WRRI) were fairly high, and the comprehensive performance of integrated water resources management (IWRM) in these regions was low. In southern China, especially the southeastern part, the IWEM was fairly high, but the overall IWRM was lower.  相似文献   
Introduction The detail structure of the Earths interior is a major field of geophysics and the existences and properties of mantle discontinuities are its important content. Based on the seismic tomographic results (Fukao, et al, 1992, Van der Hilst, et al, 1991) and the distribution of earthquake hypocenters in the Circum-Pacific region and other regions, the effects of subducting slab at different regions on the 660 km discontinuity are different: some subducting slabs penetrate through; …  相似文献   
Awan  Rizwan Sarwar  Liu  Chenglin  Yang  Shangfeng  Wu  Yuping  Zang  Qibiao  Khan  Ashar  Li  Guoxiong 《中国地球化学学报》2021,40(6):973-997
Acta Geochimica - Vanadium in the black rocks has economic and environmental impacts. In sediments, it is broadly disseminated as a multivalent metal element mainly sensitive to redox settings....  相似文献   
本文报道了用动态(dynamic)技术,经抽取、气相色谱法测定海水中溶存甲烷浓度的方法.详细论述了溶存甲烷经起泡、收集(吸附)、解吸和检测四步完成,并逐步讨论了起泡时间、起泡气体流速以及收集温度等有关因子对测定的影响。结果表明:该方法分析速度快、精密度好、灵敏度高,可广泛应用于海上现场测定海水中溶存的甲烷。  相似文献   
地球内部间断面研究的地震学方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
总结了近年来较为突出的几种研究地球内部间断面的方法及有关工作。其中包括:Shearer对全球数字台网数据进行叠加,使间断面震相易于识别,找到间断面存在的地震学证据;Helmberger等人利用体波的理论地震图,由试错拟合,求得北美西海岸及加拿大地盾等区域的上地幔速度剖面,由此确定间断面的深度及间断面上体波速度的变化;Young和Lay则利用体波的理论地震图研究了不同区域的核幔边界及D″区域内的速度梯度;而Revenaugh和Jordan利用SH多次反射波进行反演,研究了西太平洋等区域下的间断面,讨论了400km和670km间断面的起伏及物理特性。  相似文献   
硅元素是地球第二大组成元素,深刻影响着地表物质循环,是陆海相互作用研究、全球碳循环研究的关键元素之一.从自然风化、生物过程和人类活动3个方面综述了国内外有关地表过程对硅产出影响的研究进展,重点分析了生物过程和人类活动在硅生物地球化学循环过程中的作用.综合分析指出,应着重开展生物参与下原生/次生硅酸盐矿物风化速率的研究,重视高等植物在区域硅循环中的作用;富营养化与筑坝对于河流硅的滞留都十分重要,因筑坝产生的水库清水下泄在中下游河道产生的潜在效应很可能对河口硅输入产生重要的影响.应采用地球化学示踪技术,加强这方面的定量研究、模型研究、过程研究以及系统的综合性研究,特别是对流域地表过程的改变以及与筑坝、富营养化过程的联合作用,应进行深入的多学科交叉综合研究.  相似文献   
为了探索北极陆域真菌的多样性,进一步揭示其生态学角色,本研究对中国第5次北极科学考察采集自黄河站区附近的24份样品进行了真菌的分离培养及鉴定,样品涂布划线后共分离得到60株真菌,其中腐殖质样品中分离到的真菌种类和数量最多;对选取的28株代表菌株进行了真菌ITS区序列鉴定,结果表明它们分属于4个纲,12个属,分别为散囊菌纲、粪壳菌纲、座囊菌纲和微藻菌纲,其中地丝霉属为优势类群。该结果表明北极地区具有丰富的真菌物种多样性。通过对代表土壤理化性质的测定,探究了真菌多样性和土壤理化参数的相关性,其中有机碳氮及可溶性营养盐含量是影响北极土壤真菌多样性的重要指标。  相似文献   
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