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为了研究FAST-1新型高强快速锚固剂的锚固性能及最佳锚固长度,通过连续荷载作用下的极限拉拔试验,从多个方面研究了基于FAST-1新型锚固剂的筋-浆-岩体系的黏结性能。研究发现:该新型锚固剂具有早期强度高的特点,24 h即可达到设计强度;其水料比在一定范围内(0.22~0.31)会影响拉拔过程中锚固结构的破坏模式,水料比越小,黏结强度越大,但流动性也越差;锚固剂对岩层的黏结性能大于锚索,增加锚索与浆液固结体的接触面积可有效提高锚固性能。笔者选用拟合效果较好的连续曲线模型求取相对滑移,有效反映不同界面的黏结性能;优选有效的筋-浆长度计算方法,得出锚固长度与锚体长度相关,建议锚固长度取值10.0d~15.0dd为锚索直径)。  相似文献   
为研究断裂与断层氢气间的关系,围绕依兰-伊通断裂方正-萝北段开展断层氢气浓度流动观测工作,得到该段断裂氢气浓度变化特征。结果表明:在时间尺度上,氢气浓度存在年变规律特征,主要受温度、湿度和微生物活动的影响,一年中夏季氢气浓度最高,春秋季最低;在空间尺度上,依兰-伊通断裂北段呈南低北高的分段性特征,氢气浓度高值地区对应地震活动较强的地区,低值地区对应地震活动较弱的地区,这与当前地震活动特征相符,说明断层氢气浓度与当前地震构造活动具有较好的耦合关系。  相似文献   
基于海洋一号C(HY-1C)卫星海岸带成像仪(CZI)遥感影像,提出了一种基于最优特征集的支持向量机海冰分类方法。分别提取CZI影像的光谱特征和纹理特征,采用基于距离可分性的判据进行特征选择,得到最优特征集,以最优特征集作为支持向量机分类器输入,分别对3期辽东湾海域CZI影像开展海冰分类实验和结果分析。结果表明:本文方法得到的海冰分类结果精度优于仅利用光谱特征或纹理特征的海冰分类精度;基于本文方法的3期影像的海冰分类精度均较高,2020年12月19日、2021年1月10日与2021年1月16日的海冰分类总体精度分别为93.67%、91.75%、84.89%,均在80%以上;利用海冰分类结果图估算海冰面积,发现3期辽东湾海冰面积依次增大,最大约为11 998.98 km2。  相似文献   
臧传花  李淑玲 《气象》2005,31(8):42-45
分析了西北气流条件下山区暴雨发生的主要特点,采用逐步消空法找出了此类暴雨预报的指标集,并阐明了暴雨云团的可能移动方向对山区暴雨精细预报的重要性。  相似文献   
The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-borne high-energy cosmic ray detector. The payload consists of five subsystems, including the Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD), the Silicon-Tungsten tracKer converter detector (STK), the BGO (Bismuth Germanate) calorimeter, the NeUtron Detector (NUD), and the Data AcQuisition system (DAQ). The five subsystems work collaboratively to collect the information of cosmic rays. In order to systematically verify the performance of the payload before launching, we have developed a set of integrated test system for the ground tests of the payload based on the LabWindows/CVI (C programming language Virtual Instrument) platform. This system has realized the integrity and automation of the comprehensive ground tests of the payload, improved the security, reliability, and efficiency of the ground tests, and provided a guarantee for the successful delivery of the payload.  相似文献   
Forest restoration policies are often implemented without the assessment of their full environmental impact. In this study, we investigated the challenges of vegetation greening resulted from forest restoration on water resource sustainability, using a model‐based simulation in northwestern China. Four different vegetation scenarios and 25 future climate scenarios were employed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. Results suggest that (a) the mean annual evapotranspiration changes from only 7.2% in the barren case to 100% in the forest case; however, it produced a 35.2% reduction in average annual streamflow and a 157% increase in soil water storage. The upstream vegetation greening caused the enhancement of water retention, while also creating great challenges for future downstream water resource sustainability; (b) seasonal effect was significant in that 100% forest case increased evapotranspiration (+40%) but it also reduced the streamflow (?73%) compared to the barren case in growing season, which may exacerbate spring and summer drought; (c) changes of evapotranspiration and streamflow were only 0.3% and ?0.9% at T + 3.9 °C when compared to the historic scenario in barren cases, while for all forest cases, variations were 3% and ?21.8%, respectively; (d) vegetation greening induced more remarkable changes in hydrological components than those resulting from climate change. Our “what if” research provides new insights for promoting sustainable management of water resources and ecosystems in mountainous water source areas.  相似文献   
静力稳定度对大地形降水影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ARPS模式,通过调节过大地形山脉的湿大气静力稳定度进行敏感性试验,研究了湿大气静力稳定度对大地形降水的影响。结果表明,湿大气静力稳定度的改变影响了地形重力波的形成、维持和传播机制。当静力稳定度偏小时,地形重力波容易破碎,得不到有效维持;当静力稳定度偏大时,地形重力波又不易形成;仅当静力稳定度达到适合的强度时,地形重力波才能得到有效维持和传播。此外,垂直上升速度分布、辐合辐散运动及水汽的凝结输送等是影响大地形降水强度及分布状况的重要因素。  相似文献   
本文根据长治市2000年~2002年4个例行环境空气质量现状监测点逐日现状监测资料,运用统计分析方法,分析了长治市大气污染物的时空变化规律及其变化原因。  相似文献   
针对传统测绘成果质量检验与仪器检定存在的"线下"流转形式单一、流转环节多,服务效率低、检测信息不公开等问题,该文提出了利用互联网、大数据技术构建"互联网+"测绘检验检测服务平台的思路,较好地缓解了检验检测服务供需双方的矛盾.该文中的浙江省测绘检验检测服务平台采用组件化、面向对象的设计开发模式和基于J2EE、B/S结构的技术体系,采用Java编程语言和MySQL数据库技术,打通与测绘地理信息监管平台、检验检测业务系统联系,实现了测绘成果质量检验及仪器检定服务线上线下一体化,提升了测绘检验检测实时响应度、透明度、服务效能和客户体验,为实现客户"最多跑一次"创造了条件,对测绘检验检测单位的转型发展具有参考价值.  相似文献   
本文研究了湘潭汛期(4~9月)洪涝与南方涛动指数(SOI)和厄尔尼诺(ElNino)事件的遥相关联系。结果表明,南方涛动指数异常偏负(弱)以及厄尔尼诺事件的滞后影响对湘潭汛期洪涝的短期气候预报有很好的指示性。在统计分析的基础上,我们建立了日常业务应用的湘潭汛期洪涝预报物理模型。  相似文献   
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