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脆性岩石侧向变形特征及损伤机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
朱泽奇  盛谦  张占荣 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2137-2143
进行了三峡花岗岩常规三轴压缩、保持轴向应变和保持轴向应力的卸围压试验,研究了脆性岩石在不同应力路径和不同加载控制方式下的侧向变形特征,可见临界侧向应变均稳定在(?0.004 ? 0.000 5)范围内。进一步进行三峡花岗岩的全过程应力-应变曲线和损伤力学分析,发现脆性岩石在不同应力路径和不同加载控制方式下均以侧向损伤为主,且侧向损伤曲线的形态近似,达到临界破坏状态时损伤值稳定在0.7?0.8左右。最后以侧向损伤变量表征花岗岩脆性破坏过程,建立了基于应变空间的、可以考虑卸荷应力路径的损伤模型和应变型破坏准则。  相似文献   
矿山开采会导致地表沉陷,严重破坏了生态结构与生态环境。因此科学有效地分析与管理沉陷数据进而控制煤炭的开采损害是十分重要的。本文基于GIS开发了开采沉陷损害信息管理与分析系统,对开采沉陷的防治和治理以及矿山生产提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
Tectono-Metallogenic System in the Altay Orogenic Belt, China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Altay erogenic belt of China is an important metallogenic belt of base metals, rare metals and gold. The main orogenic-metallogenic epoch is the Hercynian (Late Palaeozoic). Hercynian orogeny underwent two tectonic stages: the early volcano-passive continental margin extension (D1-D2) and late subduction-collision (D3-P). There correspondingly developed two different metallogenic systems. One is the stratabound massive sulphide and iron metallogenic system related to volcano-passive continental margin, and the other is the epigenetic gold and granite-associated rare metals system formed by collision. Very few mineralizations were formed during the subduc-tion time.  相似文献   
下扬子海陆域新生代沉积盆地是中国东部主要含油气盆地之一,成盆断裂特征与活动规律是该区油气勘探研究的基 础。文章基于高覆盖率的地震勘探测线,以构造断裂解析为突破口,探究盆地断裂的变形特征与活动规律。依据断裂组合 样式与构造活动特征,断裂可分为伸展、走滑、挤压-反转三种样式,构造活动分为伸展断裂与伸展-走滑断裂两种构造 体系。成盆断裂显著受控于郯庐断裂右行走滑变形,主要与郯庐断裂带不同构造走向的区段位置和与郯庐断裂带的距离这 两个因素或变量有关,盆地断裂呈现了“东西有别,中部不同”的特点。下扬子区新生代多变应力场,控制着作为油气运 移通道断裂的开闭状态,是油气资源评价的重要依据。  相似文献   
澳大利亚蕴藏了丰富的铀矿资源,目前铀矿储量位居世界第二。在大地构造上,澳大利亚可划分为中西部前寒武纪克拉通和东部显生宙造山带。在区域地质构造背景和成矿条件研究的基础上,总结了铀矿在北澳、南澳、西澳、中澳和东澳五大成矿区带中的分布情况,勾勒了北澳的派恩克里克、南澳的奥林匹克坝、西澳的伊利列等15个矿集区中的34个类型迥异的矿区的总体地质环境与矿床特征。根据成矿地质作用、成因类型、矿物特征等因素,结合该国铀矿床的具体情况,归纳出8种典型的矿床类型。选取代表性铀矿进行地质环境、矿床地质的分析与总结,认为澳大利亚铀矿的成矿地质条件优越,矿床类型丰富,资源潜力巨大,并指出这些类型可作为今后找铀的靶向类型。  相似文献   
Water Self-Softening Processes at Waterfall Sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many rivers in tropical and subtropical karst regions are supersaturated with respect to CaCO3 and have high water hardness. After flowing through waterfall sites, river water is usually softened, accompanied by tufa formation, which is simply described as a result of water turbulence in fast-flowing water. In this paper, a series of laboratory experiments are designed to simulate the hydrological conditions at waterfall sites. The influences of air-water interface, water flow velocity, aeration and solid-water interface on water softening are compared and evaluated on a quantitative basis. The results show that the enhanced inorganic CO2 outgassing due to sudden hydrological changes occurring at waterfall sites is the principal cause of water softening at waterfall sites. Both air-water interface area and water flow velocity increase as a result of the "aeration effect", "low pressure effect" and "jet-flow effect" at waterfall sites, which greatly accelerates CO2 outgassing and therefore makes natural w  相似文献   
柴达木盆地北缘早古生代碰撞造山系统   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
柴达木盆地北缘在早古生代形成了一条碰撞造山带,该造山带结构保存较完整,可分辨出深俯冲板片、火山岛弧带、蛇绿杂岩带、岛弧深成岩带等组成单元。其中,俯冲板块主要由中元古代鱼卡河岩群和中新元古代花岗片麻岩构成,在寒武纪末-奥陶纪可能全部或部分俯冲到岩石圈深部,发生了高压-超高压变质作用。火山岛弧主要由中基性火山岩、细碎屑岩等组成,成岩时代为晚寒武世-奥陶纪。蛇绿杂岩带由超镁铁质岩、辉长岩、玄武岩和少量硅质岩组成,形成于弧后扩张脊构造背景,成岩时代为寒武纪-奥陶纪。岛弧深成岩成分变化较大,由闪长岩变化到花岗岩,成岩时代为奥陶纪。而造山带北侧的欧龙布鲁克微陆块则具有双层结构,由德令哈杂岩和达肯大坂岩群构成基底,盖层为全吉群。  相似文献   
铅锌矿体赋存于下寒武统筇竹寺组八道湾段(∈1q^1)灰黑色中厚层状泥质粉砂岩中;筇竹寺组玉案山段(∈1q^2)灰黄色、灰黑色泥质页岩夹薄层状细砂岩为矿区成矿的隔挡层。北东向的关仓箐逆断裂为矿区的导矿构造,北西西向次级张扭性断裂和北北东向层间断裂为矿区的容矿构造。  相似文献   
Abstract: Based on the technology of balanced cross-section and physical simulation experiments associated with natural gas geochemical characteristic analyses, core and thin section observations, it has been proven that the Puguang gas reservoir has experienced two periods of diagenesis and restructuring since the Late Indo-Chinese epoch. One is the fluid transfer controlled by the tectonic movement and the other is geochemical reconstruction controlled by thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). The middle Yanshan epoch was the main period that the Puguang gas reservoir experienced the geochemical reaction of TSR. TSR can recreate the fluid in the gas reservoir, which makes the gas drying index higher and carbon isotope heavier because C2+ (ethane and heavy hydrocarbon) and 12C (carbon 12 isotope) is first consumed relative to CH4 and 13C? (carbon 13 isotope). However, the reciprocity between fluid regarding TSR (hydrocarbon, sulfureted hydrogen (H2S)?, and water) and reservoir rock results in reservoir rock erosion and anhydrite alteration, which increases porosity in reservoir, thereby improving the petrophysical properties. Superimposed by later tectonic movement, the fluid in Puguang reservoir has twice experienced adjustment, one in the late Yanshan epoch to the early Himalayan epoch and the other time in late Himalayan epoch, after which Puguang gas reservoir is finally developed.  相似文献   
江国明  赵大鹏  张贵宾 《地球科学》2009,34(6):1001-1011
双差分地震定位法采用了一维射线追踪法和直角坐标系, 不适合于复杂速度模型中的地震定位.本研究采用三维射线追踪技术和球坐标系改进了双差分定位法, 扩大了它的应用范围.为了检验新方法的可行性和准确性, 以日本海地区下方的深发地震为研究对象, 通过对比4种复杂速度模型中双差分定位结果, 分析速度结构对双差分定位的影响.结果表明, 改进后的双差分定位法受速度结构变化的影响较小, 而且当震源区的速度模型越接近真实速度结构时, 定位结果的精度越高, 这为利用深发地震研究地球深部构造奠定了基础.   相似文献   
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