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针对当前MODIS遥感资料推广应用中数据产品使用者和开发者在实际工作中经常遇到数据格式和计算方法方面的问题,分析了MODIS遥感资料的数据格式,以及如何使用定标后的1B数据计算地球视场的光谱反射率和辐射率进而生成各种气象和环境监测应用产品,并给出了一个数据处理应用实例.  相似文献   
通过分析2006年2月温州珊溪水库地震序列的时空强分布特征,得到该序列具有①频度高、衰减慢、持续时间长;②震中分布集中且呈北西向展布;③震源浅;④各台站P波初动符号基本保持不变;⑤较大地震发生前,空间上出现空段,时间上表现为“增强—平静—发震”;⑥h值先变小后变大,b值缓慢变大等特点。结合地震应急时的预报实践,重点研究了地震趋势判断中比较有效的指标或参量,希望能为以后珊溪水库地震趋势的预报提供借鉴。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effect of wind input and whitecapping dissipation on the simulation of typhoon-waves, three experiments are conducted with the latest version of SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) model. The three experiments adopt the Komen, Janssens, and Westhuysen expressions for wind input and whitecapping dissipation, respectively. Besides the above-mentioned source tems, other parameterization schemes in these experiments are the same. It shows that the experiment with the Westhuysen expression result in the least simulation errors while that with the Janssens expression has the most. The results from the experiments with Komen and Westhuysen expressions show that the differenees in significant wave height (SWH) have a good correlation with the differences in dissipation energy caused by whiteeapping. This indicates that the whitecapping dissipation source term plays an important role in the resultant differences of the simulated SWH between the two experiments.  相似文献   
通过对区域含矿岩系、火山作用、构造演化与矿产等开展地质调查表明:这些矿床产于塔里木地块古陆缘红柳沟-拉配泉元古代裂谷带、喀腊达坂大断裂北侧,含矿地层为蓟县系卓阿布拉克组变质火山岩,具有典型的双峰式火山岩建造特点,成矿作用发生于火山喷发旋回的间歇期.通过对典型矿床喀腊大湾铜多金属矿床地质特征及控矿因素研究,表明该矿床具明显的矿化分带和蚀变分带,δ(34S)测定反映硫大部分来源于海水,成因类型属与海相火山作用有关的喷气喷流型硫化物矿床,该矿床的主要控矿因素为海相沉积地层、火山喷发的间歇期和断裂构造等,变质作用对成矿有一定的富集作用.  相似文献   
继巨野煤田之后,近期在鲁西南隐伏区又相继发现了单县煤田和曹县煤田。它指示着隐伏区赋煤规律及找煤方向是:掀斜断凸的北缘,大型潜凸的周边,凹陷中的凸起,凸起中的凹陷。表明山东省深部找煤潜力巨大,前景广阔。应系统开展曹县一鄄城、阳谷一茌平、黄河北、章丘煤田深部、淄博煤田外围、单县一嘉祥6个含煤预测区的深部找矿工作。  相似文献   
土地利用信息动态监测是我国国土资源信息化建设的一个重要组成部分,也是广东省国土资源管理工作中一项基础性工作.广东省的土地利用动态遥感监测从2004年开始,每年开展一次,至2008年全面建立土地利用动态遥感监测体系.而每一年的土地利用动态监测工作的完成都有严格的时效性,使得生产单位对数据生产的效率、效益和质量必须作为一个重要的因素来进行考虑.数字高程模型DEM的更新应用在土地利用动态监测上,是各工序进行有效衔接和保证产品最终质量的必要前提.结合工作实践,以数字高程模型DEM如何利用其他3D数据(数字线划图DLG、数字正射影像图DOM、数字栅格地图DRG)或旧DEM数据的更新,为土地利用动态监测的工作提供重要的基础资料,从而保证产品的时效性和质量.  相似文献   
可持续发展能力评价方法是识别人地协同规律、支撑科学决策的重要工具和热点需求。通过文献回顾与理论分析框架构建,耦合能值及?方法,提出自组织能力指数(SO)、生态压力指数(EP)、可持续发展能力指数(SC)构成的,基于热力学理论的可持续发展能力分析模型,利用文献荟萃法筛选17个典型发达国家1985年状态值计算SO与EP阈值,划分了4个阶段。利用中美两国1985-2015年特征对比验证,结果显示:① 2005年以前中国属“低自组织能力、低生态压力”阶段,之后进入“低自组织能力、高生态压力”阶段,存在低生态效率、规模扩张驱动特征;美国一直属“高自组织能力、高生态压力”阶段,存在高生态效率驱动、经济与生态脱钩特征,与全球生态足迹网络和世界自然基金会等的研究结果一致,模型具有较好适应性和可靠性。② 模型利用“获得?量/输入能值量”表达经济社会生态效率、“经济社会?损耗量/生态系统年产?量”表达生态压力,连接了经济社会对生态基底的熵化路径,可识别区域所处可持续发展阶段、分析水平变化和驱动因素。③ 模型以人类与生态并重的视角,从深度上反映经济社会的生态效率、从广度上评价生态空间被占用比例,具有宏观规模与微观效率分析相结合的优势,是对经典方法的补充。  相似文献   
No studies have examined the effect of experimental warming on the microbial biomass and community composition of soil in agricultural ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Thus it is unclear whether the influences of experimental warming on microbial communities in soil are related to warming magnitude in croplands on this Plateau. This study performed warming experiment (control, low- and high-level) in a highland barley system of the Lhasa River in May 2014 to examine the correlation between the response of microbial communities in soil to warming and warming magnitude. Topsoil samples (0-10 and 10-20 cm) were collected on September 14, 2014. Experimental warming at both low and high levels significantly increased soil temperature by 1.02 ℃ and 1.59 ℃, respectively at the depth of 15 cm. Phospho lipid fatty acid (PLFA) method was used to determine the microbial community in soil. The low-level experimental warming did not significantly affect the soil’s total PLFA, fungi, bacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), actinomycetes, gram-positive bacteria (G+), gram-negative bacteria (G-), protozoa, the ratio of fungi to bacteria (F/B ratio), and ratio of G+ to G- (G+/G- ratio) at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth. The low-level experimental warming also did not significantly alter the composition of microbial community in soil at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth. The high-level experimental warming significantly increased total PLFA by 74.4%, fungi by 78.0%, bacteria by 74.0%, AMF by 66.9%, actinomycetes by 81.4%, G+ by 67.0% and G- by 74.4% at the 0-10 cm depth rather than at 10-20 cm depth. The high-level experimental warming significantly altered microbial community composition in soil at the 0-10 cm depth rather than at 10-20 cm depth. Our findings suggest that the response of microbial communities in soil to warming varied with warming magnitudes in the highland barley system of the Lhasa River.  相似文献   
This paper examines the spatial characteristics of farmer/household behaviors in regional rice cropping systems (RCS), and the results provide necessary information for developing strategies that will maintain regional food security. Through field study and statistical analysis based on 402 households questionnaires finished in 2014-2015 in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) of China, we arrived at two main conclusions. First, single- and double cropping rice were found across the study area, but showed a general distribution trend, with double cropping rice in the southeast part (especially in Jinxian county) and single cropping rice in the northwest (particularly in De’an county). Second, the household decisions concerning RCS varied in different parts of the PLR, but double cropping was the dominant type, with about 63.57% of the respondent households in the PLR cultivating double cropping rice. However, the multiple-cropping index of paddy rice was only 1.55. About 3% of interviewed households had altered their RCS during this period. Based on these findings, the local governments should guide farmers’ paddy field cultivation behaviors by increasing the comparative efficiency of rice production, promoting appropriate scale operations and land conversion, as well as optimizing rice growing conditions to improve the multiple cropping index and enhance food provision. Finally, land-use efficiency and more sustainable use of land resources should be improved.  相似文献   
砌体结构房屋是存在于我国的一种量大面广的结构.针对一个地区砌体结构开展结构地震易损性分析,有利于把握该地区砌体结构整体抗震性能,对于该地区防震减灾工作的开展有着重要的指导意义.该研究收集整理了2001年到2010年10年间发生于云南地区地震的震后砌体结构震害资料,并对震后统计得到的震害矩阵进行分析,发现云南农村地区砌体...  相似文献   
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