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利用地震资料反演地层的碳酸盐含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于碳酸盐含量与地层速度、密度之间的关系, 在井资料约束下, 使用人工神经网络方法反演高分辨率地震资料所反映的地层碳酸盐含量, 并应用于南海北部陆坡ODP184航次1146和1148孔区, 取得较好效果.方法的关键是从井旁地震道中提取多种属性, 利用逐步回归法, 确定6种与碳酸盐含量相关性最好的地震属性, 分别是平均频率、道积分绝对振幅、主频、时间、道微分瞬时振幅和瞬时频率, 然后进行地层碳酸盐含量反演.反演结果相对于岩心分析的碳酸盐含量的误差大多在±5%之内, 较为精确地揭示了地震地层剖面上碳酸盐含量的分布.   相似文献   
红层软岩边坡生态防护技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红层软岩边坡,土质贫瘠,浅层稳定性差,生态防护失效的现象比较突出。为提高西部红层软岩边坡生态防护的可靠性,在对西部红层软岩地区铁路、公路边坡生态防护状况进行调研和分析的基础上,总结红层软岩边坡生态防护失败的原因,吸取经验教训,提出适于红层软岩边坡的生态防护方法和适合该区栽植的草木品种及配置方法。  相似文献   
1976年黄河改道从水清沟入海后,黄河三角洲前沿桩106至黄河海港岸段的海底地形遭受强烈侵蚀,岸滩不断蚀退。黄河三角洲强侵蚀岸段岸线监测资料与历史资料分析研究结果表明,1985-2004年该区最大侵蚀深度达7.5 m,其强侵蚀区中心位置经历了由西北向东南移动的过程,范围不断缩小,目前局部地区已发生淤积现象。种种迹象表明,从冲淤并存和以侵蚀为主向冲淤平衡过渡的现象还将长期进行下去。  相似文献   
The conformity effect,indicating the evolution of galaxies is related to its surrounding neighbor galaxies as far as a few Mpc,is an interesting phenomenon in the modeling of galaxy and evolution.Here we study the conformity effect of HI galaxies in a matched galaxy sample between SDSS DR7 and ALFALFA surveys.By checking the probability difference for the detected H i galaxies as a function of distance around a normal or an H i galaxy,we find that this effect is significant out to 5 Mpc.It also shows a dependence on the stellar mass of galaxies,with the strength the strongest in the stellar mass range of 1010*/M<1010.5.However,when the sample is confined to central galaxies in groups with virial radii smaller than 1 Mpc,the 1-halo conformity signal is still evident,while the 2-halo conformity signal is reduced to a very weak amplitude.Our results confirm the previous study in the optical band that the 2-halo term is possibly caused by the bias effect in the sample selection.Furthermore,we confirm the existence of the 1-halo conformity discovered in the optical and radio band in previous investigations.Our results provide another viewpoint on the conformity effect and hope to shed light on the co-evolution of the galaxies and their neighbors in the current galaxy formation models.  相似文献   
旅游业为海岛带来可观经济效益的同时, 人类活动也导致水体生态环境恶化, 如水体富营养化加剧、赤潮频发等。文章通过对珠江口东南部典型海岛——庙湾岛和外伶仃岛周边水域丰水期和枯水期现场环境数据与浮游植物分布特征的对比研究, 分析珠江径流等自然因素以及人类活动对河口天然海岛周边水体生态的潜在影响。枯水期外伶仃岛和庙湾岛周边水域海水分别镜检鉴定出76种和74种浮游植物, 两个海岛浮游植物平均细胞密度分别为2.62×104个·L-1和2.08×104个·L-1; 丰水期则分别鉴定出38种和47种浮游植物, 平均细胞密度分别为52.91×104个·L-1和170.57× 104个·L-1。在外伶仃岛和庙湾岛, 丰水期中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema coatatum)均为绝对优势种, 而枯水期两个岛的最主要优势种分别为窄隙角毛藻(Chaetoceros affinis)和新月筒柱藻(Cylindrotheca closterium), 物种多样性指数均明显高于丰水期。两个海岛微型浮游植物相对于其他两个粒级常占据优势地位, 但在丰水期, 小型浮游植物贡献明显上升, 其中外伶仃岛相对于枯水期由16.32%升至26.75%, 庙湾岛则由12.12%升高至24.78%。两个海岛在丰水期和枯水期均仅检出聚球藻(Synechococcus, Syn)和真核微微型藻类(eukaryotic, Euk)两大微微型浮游植物类群, 两者细胞密度分别为~107个·L-1及~108个·L-1量级。与环境因子的对比分析表明, 两个海岛浮游植物的区域分布与季节变化受多种因素影响, 其季节性差异主要受径流影响强度、影响范围以及相应的盐度、营养盐等环境因素的季节变化所调控。丰水期岛屿屏蔽效应对浮游植物丰度的区域分布特征有显著影响, 无论小型浮游植物还是微微型浮游植物均发现存在迎流面出现丰度高值分布的现象, 但对群落结构的分布影响不明显; 在枯水期, 水体环境很可能主要受人类活动与水体垂直混合扰动的综合影响, 总体上浮游植物分布的区域差异较小。  相似文献   
英国是重视地理课程传统的发达国家,拥有丰富的地理教材编写经验。本文以《Evolving Planet》为范本,在阅读与分析的基础上,归纳得出该教材的四大编写特色:设置"以学为中心"的教材栏目,精选多类型优质的地理图像,重视对学生学习方法的引导和注重对学生地理技能的培养。简析该教材的编写特色,以期为未来我国中学地理教材的编写提供启示与借鉴。  相似文献   
随着电子商务在社会生活中的广泛兴起,校园物流代理点也随之产生;物流代理点在很大程度上方便了师生快递领取,但由于高校物流代理点选址普遍存在随意性和不合理性,导致师生快递领取时浪费过多时间和精力。针对此问题,本研究结合GIS空间分析技术,通过对广西师范大学雁山校区学生宿舍、教学楼、食堂和道路分布数据的分析,利用缓冲区分析和叠置分析优选出物流代理点最佳分布区域,并对校园中现有的物流代理点分布合理性做出评价,进而给出合理的校园物流代理点选址区域建议,旨在为学校物流代理点科学选址及改善和提升校园人文品质提供合理建议,同时为物流企业规划选址及GIS空间分析应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Bohai Bay, a representative semi-enclosed bay of China, has been severely impacted in recent decades by rapid human development. Although the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria plays an important role in the Bohai Bay ecosystem and fishery, its feeding ecology and the impact of habitat changes on its feeding habits are poorly known. In this study, we sought to identify its feeding strategy through the separation of stomach contents, and to describe its trophic ecology during maturation in the Tianjin coastal zone of Bohai Bay by the DNA barcoding method using a fragment (about 690 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (CO I) gene. A total of 594 specimens were collected from March to July 2018, and 347 (58.42%) stomachs were found to have food remains. More than half of the O. oratoria individuals had poor feeding activity, and the degree of feeding of females was higher than that of males, but there was no significant difference in the visual fullness index and the fullness weight index (FWI) between sexes for each month. In addition, the feeding activity of O. oratoria was consistent across the months, suggesting in artificial breeding programs it is not worried too much about the accessional diet supplied to the female bloodstocks except maintaining their normal food. A total of 167 retrieved prey items yielded 187 readable sequences; 86.63% of these sequences could be assigned to the species level. Consequently, 25 different prey taxa covering all readable sequences were identified, showing O. oratoria is a generalist predator. In terms of percent composition by frequency of occurrences (%N), crustaceans and fishes accounted for the same and highest percentage (35.83%) in the mantis shrimp diet, followed by mollusks (24.59%) and the remaining marine organisms (3.73%) including Polychaeta (2.67%), Sagittoidea (0.53%), and Chromadorea (0.53%). The result shows the benthic fish Oxudercidae (family) appears to be an especially important food supply for O. oratoria during maturation. The degree of cannibalism decreased with an increase in diet species and the frequencies of cannibalism in this study was noticeably higher than that in previous studies, suggesting that cannibalism may be a significant feeding strategy in the mantis shrimp O. oratoria in the Tianjin coastal zone of Bohai Bay, and because of the frequently cannibalistic behavior, the high stocking density of broodstocks should be avoided.  相似文献   
可持续发展能力评价方法是识别人地协同规律、支撑科学决策的重要工具和热点需求。通过文献回顾与理论分析框架构建,耦合能值及?方法,提出自组织能力指数(SO)、生态压力指数(EP)、可持续发展能力指数(SC)构成的,基于热力学理论的可持续发展能力分析模型,利用文献荟萃法筛选17个典型发达国家1985年状态值计算SO与EP阈值,划分了4个阶段。利用中美两国1985-2015年特征对比验证,结果显示:① 2005年以前中国属“低自组织能力、低生态压力”阶段,之后进入“低自组织能力、高生态压力”阶段,存在低生态效率、规模扩张驱动特征;美国一直属“高自组织能力、高生态压力”阶段,存在高生态效率驱动、经济与生态脱钩特征,与全球生态足迹网络和世界自然基金会等的研究结果一致,模型具有较好适应性和可靠性。② 模型利用“获得?量/输入能值量”表达经济社会生态效率、“经济社会?损耗量/生态系统年产?量”表达生态压力,连接了经济社会对生态基底的熵化路径,可识别区域所处可持续发展阶段、分析水平变化和驱动因素。③ 模型以人类与生态并重的视角,从深度上反映经济社会的生态效率、从广度上评价生态空间被占用比例,具有宏观规模与微观效率分析相结合的优势,是对经典方法的补充。  相似文献   
Rainfall can cause serious soil loss in the Loess Plateau hilly and gully region, but little focus has been placed on the extreme rainstorm effects on unpaved loess road soil erosion. A field survey method was used to investigate the erosional effects of the "7·26" heavy rainfall event on unpaved loess roads in the Jiuyuangou watershed of the Loess Plateau, China. The results showed that the average and maximum widths of the eroded gullies that formed on the unpaved roads were 0.65-1.48 m and 1.00-3.60 m, respectively. The average and maximum depths of theeroded gullies were 0.42-1.13 m and 0.75-4.30 m, respectively. The average width-to-depth ratio was 1.31, indicating that the widening effect was greater than the downcutting effect in the eroded gullies. In addition, the gully density ranged from 0.07 to 0.29 m m~(-2), and the road surface dissection degree ranged from 0.03 to 0.41 km~2 km~(-2). Eroded gullies generally developed at the slope toe of the cut bank side. The average eroded gully width and depth at turns in the road were 1.47-2.64 times and 1.30-3.47 times greater, respectively, than those in other road sections. The road erosion modulus increased from the upper section to the lower section of the roads. The average road erosion modulus of the study catchment was 235,000 t km~(-2). Turns in the road were associated with collapses, sinkholes and other gravitational erosion phenomena. The amount of road erosion under extreme rainfall conditions is mainly related to the interactions among road length, width, slope and soil bulk density. Our results provide a useful reference for developing further measures for preventing road erosion on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
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