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利用常规气象资料、自动站资料、卫星云图、CINRAD-SA多普勒天气雷达资料以及NCEP再分析资料,结合飞行探测数据,对影响2011年4月17日河北抚宁县森林大火的一次冷锋云系进行分析.结果表明:1)宏观分析,过程降水的水汽仅来自冷锋自身所携带的微弱水汽,水汽辐合值较小,不利降水;2)微观分析,冷锋层状云系在水平和垂直方向上存在较薄的过冷水云区,小粒子数浓度大于20 cm-3的云区占一定比例.飞机催化作业后,雷达回波强度增强,CAS(云气溶胶粒子探头)探测的小粒子数浓度、云含水量及粒子平均直径均有明显变化,说明该次冷锋云系有一定的增雨潜力.  相似文献   
On the basis of the mean air temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration, and pan evaporation from 23 meteorological stations in the upper Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2001, the feasibility of using hypothesis test techniques to detect the long-term trend for major climate variables has been investigated. Parametric tests are limited by the assumptions such as the normality and constant variance of the error terms. Nonparametric tests have not these additional assumptions and are better adapted to the trend test for hydro-meteorological time series. The possible trends of annual and monthly climatic time series are detected by using a non-parametric method and the abrupt changes have been examined in terms of 5-yr moving averaged seasonal and annual series by using moving T-test (MTT) method, Yamamoto method, and Mann-Kendall method. The results show that the annual mean temperature has increased by 0.8℃in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years. The warmest center was located in the northern part of the basin. The nonlinear tendency for annual precipitation was negative during the same period. The declining center for annual precipitation was located in the eastern part and the center of the basin. The variation of annual precipitation in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years exhibited an increasing tendency from 1972 to 1989 and a decreasing tendency from 1990 to 2001. The nonlinear tendencies for annual sunshine duration and pan evaporation were also negative. They have decreased by 125.6 h and 161.3 mm during the past 42 years, respectively. The test for abrupt changes by using MTT method shows that an abrupt wanning occurred in the late 1980s. An abrupt change of the annual mean precipitation occurred in the middle 1980s and an abrupt change of the mean sunshine duration took place in the early 1980s. For the annual mean pan evaporation, two abrupt changes took place in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The test results of the Yamamoto method show that the abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1980s, and two acute abrupt changes were tested for the spring pan evaporation in 1981 and for the annual mean temperature in 1985. According to the Mann-Kendall method, the abrupt changes of the temperature mainly occurred in the 1990s, the pan evaporation abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1960s, and the abrupt changes of the sunshine duration primarily took place in the 1980s. Although the results obtained by using three methods are different, it is undoubted that jumps have indeed occurred in the last four decades.  相似文献   
The horizontal vorticity equation used in this study was obtained using the equations of motion in the pressure coordinate system without considering friction, to reveal its relationship with vertical shear. By diagnostically analyzing each term in the horizontal vorticity equation during a squall line process that occurred on 19 June 2010, we found that the non-thermal wind term had a negative contribution to the local change of upward movement in the low-level atmosphere, and that its impact changed gradually from negative to positive with altitude, which could influence upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere greatly. The contribution of upward vertical transport to vertical movement was the largest in the low-level atmosphere, but had negative contribution to the upper-level atmosphere. These features were most evident in the development stage of the squall line. Based on analysis of convection cells along a squall line, we found that in the process of cell development diabatic heating caused the subsidence of constant potential temperature surface and non- geostrophic motion, which then triggered strong convergence of horizontal acceleration in the mid-level atmosphere and divergence of horizontal acceleration in the upper-level atmosphere. These changes of horizontal wind field could cause a counterclockwise increment of the horizontal vorticity around the warm cell, which then generated an increase of upward movement. This was the main reason why the non-thermal wind term had the largest contribution to the strengthening of upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere. The vertical transport of large value of horizontal vorticity was the key to trigger convection in this squall line process.  相似文献   
郑州强对流天气成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2004年郑州出现的7次强对流天气过程的天气形势、影响系统及稳定度的分析结果表明:华北低涡和NW气流形势下存在着低层升温、高层降温机制,使大气层结趋于不稳定,当测站高低空温差或温度平流差达到一定量值,且近地层存在辐合系统时,易出现强对流; SW气流或高压控制时,大气高温高湿,具有较强不稳定能量,若850 hPa或地面出现辐合系统时,易产生强对流;地面湿度连续数天加大或保持在某一值域,其上空温湿24 h变化呈上趋冷下趋暖或上趋干下趋湿并达到一定量值,预示强对流的发生;700~500 hPa湿度明显减小,24 h温度露点差加大4 ℃以上,或近地层θse≥350K,中低层Δθse≥26 K,θse小值位于700 hPa或500 hPa,其厚度≥2000 m,易出现强雷雨大风; 700 hPa以下t-td≤4.3 ℃,或连续4天850 hPa t-td≤7 ℃、700 hPa t-td≤5 ℃、500 hPa t-td≤9 ℃,PW≥12,可预示短时暴雨的出现.  相似文献   
Total suspended particulates(TSP)samples were collected using low pressure impactors(Andersen Series 20-800,USA)on typical clear,hazy and foggy days in Beijing in order to investigate the characteristics of size distributions and elemental compositions of particulate matter(PM)in different weather conditions. The concentrations of sixteen elements,including Na,Mg,Al,K,Ca,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Se,Cd,Ba,Tl and Pb were detected using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS).The results showed that Ca,Al,Fe,Mg and Ba on foggy days were 2.0-2.6 times higher than on clear days,and 2.3-2.9 times higher than on hazy days.Concentrations of Cu,Zn,As,Se and Pb on foggy days were 163.5,1186.7,65.9,32.0 and 708.2 ng m-3,respectively,in fine particles,and 68.1,289.5,19.8,1.6 and 103.8 ng m-3,respectively,in coarse particles.This was 1.0-8.4 times higher and 1.4-7.4 times higher than on clear and hazy days,respectively.It is then shown that Mg,Al,Fe,Ca and Ba were mainly associated with coarse particles,peaking at 4.7-5.8μm;that Cd,Se,Zn,As,Tl and Pb were most dominant in fine particles,peaking at 0.43-1.1μm;and that Na,K,Ni,Cu and Mn had a multi-mode distribution,with peaks at 0.43-1.1μm and 4.7-5.8μm.The enrichment factors indicated that coal combustion along with vehicle and industry emissions may be the main sources of pollution elements.  相似文献   
太原城市下垫面扩张对边界层特征影响的个例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过高分辨率卫星夜间灯光数据获取最新的城市地表分布,并利用高分辨率数值模式对2013年8月14~16日太原区域的一次高温过程进行研究,探讨城市下垫面扩张对大气边界层的影响。结果表明:基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据对模式中地表参数修正后,能够更准确地反映太原主城区和高速公路沿线小规模建筑群的扩张,有效改善了模式的预报性能,显著提高对近地面气温、地表温度的预报能力。城市下垫面的扩张,使城区夜间升温明显,热岛强度增强。与1992年的城市化状况相比,晴空天气条件下,2012年太原城区夜间气温上升5℃,热岛强度升高2~3℃。城市下垫面扩张,改变了地表能量分配关系,使得地表感热传输明显加强,潜热通量明显减弱,城市冠层作用下的储热能力增强。边界层内部湍流交换、水汽输送等的进一步研究表明:城市地表水汽输送减弱,边界层水汽含量减少,2~4 km高度的水汽含量增加,湍流动能的影响高度增高,湍流混合加剧;14:00,城区边界层高度抬高了800 m,城市上空混合层加深,持续时间更长。  相似文献   
我国无缝隙精细化网格天气预报技术进展与挑战   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
金荣花  代刊  赵瑞霞  曹勇  薛峰  刘凑华  赵声蓉  李勇  韦青 《气象》2019,45(4):445-457
本文总结了2014年以来我国无缝隙精细化网格天气预报业务的技术进展,讨论了未来发展所面临的关键技术难点。无缝隙精细化网格预报技术的发展,得益于综合气象观测数据和多源资料融合分析网格实况产品的支撑,更依赖于多尺度数值预报模式和实时快速更新同化预报系统的快速发展。经过近5年的探索和努力,我国已经初步建立了针对不同预报时效的无缝隙精细化网格预报技术体系。对于0~4 h预报时效,主要基于全国雷达拼图和GRAPES-Meso模式预报,发展临近分钟级滚动外推预报技术;对于4 h到30 d预报时效,主要通过对区域或全球不同时空分辨率模式预报进行偏差订正、客观解释应用以及降尺度分析,提高预报的准确度和精细度。与此同时,研发了自动化、智能化的交互式预报制作平台,以满足客观高效制作与预报员对极端或高影响天气主观预报优势相结合的需求。发展了以格点实况分析场为参照的空间分析检验方法,初步实现了对高分辨率网格预报的质量跟踪和性能评估。未来的网格预报技术体系,需要吸纳前沿的技术研究成果,包括人工智能应用技术、高级多模式统计后处理技术和协调一致性关键技术等,并且建立统一完整的技术架构和开发标准等。  相似文献   
基于标准化降水指数的近51a山东临沂市旱涝时空特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于1961—2011年临沂市10个气象观测站的逐月降水数据,采用标准化降水指数(SPI),分析了临沂市旱涝时空分布特征。结果表明:临沂市旱涝变化具有阶段性特征,1960年代初中期和1970年代初中期,雨涝频繁;1960年代中后期和1970年代中后期及整个1980年代,干旱频繁;1990年代到21世纪初早期旱涝交替发生,2003年以后以雨涝为主。冬春季干旱呈弱的减轻趋势,秋旱呈弱加剧趋势,夏季旱涝变化趋势不明显。北部山区、西部丘陵、南部平原的旱涝变化总体上具有相对一致的趋势,但在1960年代中期、1980年代中期、21世纪初早期西部丘陵的旱涝变化幅度较其他2个区域要大。全市旱涝变率在21世纪初早期最大,1970年代中后期最小,3个区域的变率总体上表现出与全市大致相同的趋势,2004年以后南部平原旱涝变率持续增大。  相似文献   
利用MICAPS常规资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2013年7月辽宁省降水异常物理机制进行了研究。结果表明:2013年7月辽宁省降水偏多发生在异常环流背景下,乌拉尔山高压脊和贝加尔湖低压槽强度大于常年,冷空气偏强且路径偏南;东亚40°—50°N处在纬向强锋区中,有利于气旋生成发展;副热带高压脊线比常年偏北2个纬度,西北侧暖湿气流活跃。7月中高纬地区有3次明显冷空气向南侵入至40°N,与中低纬北上至40°N及以北的暖湿气流交绥形成暴雨,影响系统分别为华北气旋、蒙古气旋冷锋和副热带高压西侧辐合线,不同影响系统暴雨过程的物理机制存在差异。3次暴雨过程中,华北气旋暴雨水汽供应最充沛,水汽源地不仅有西太平洋、南海、东海和黄海,还有孟加拉湾;暴雨区水汽主要由副热带高压外围西南或偏南气流向北输送,东海北部和黄海是水汽汇合及输送量最大的区域。高空急流受贝加尔湖低槽强度影响,不同影响系统高空急流演变和强度不同,低空急流分布与强度及高空辐散区、低空辐合区相对高、低空急流轴分布的位置也不同;高、低空急流耦合发展及高空辐散区、低空辐合区叠置产生的强垂直上升运动造成了水汽强烈辐合,其中华北气旋暴雨水汽辐合最强,水汽辐合层顶达850hPa,蒙古气旋冷锋和副热带高压西侧辐合线暴雨水汽辐合顶在900hPa附近及以下。热力分析表明,3次暴雨过程环境大气中层均有干冷空气侵入,增加了降水对流的不稳定性。  相似文献   
为研究暴雨过程中逆风区特征及应用判据,统计分析2010—2017年山东临沂地区暴雨过程中的多普勒雷达观测资料,结果表明:暴雨过程中,风暴内的垂直环流是造成逆风区发生发展的直接原因;逆风区表现为β中尺度和γ中尺度,其形态在不同天气类型下有明显差异;逆风区持续阶段降水强度增大,持续时间与过程累积雨量呈正相关;当雷达最低仰角识别到逆风区,其厚度≥4.0 km、强度≥15 m·s-1、径向速度绝对值最大值≥5 m·s-1且持续30 min以上时,风暴常明显发展,相关特征可用于预报风暴和暴雨的发展。  相似文献   
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