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糯扎渡水电站位于云南省思茅市境内,是澜沧江流域开发中具有十分重要意义的工程。设计土石坝方案的溢洪道开挖边坡的稳定性关系到该方案的合理选择。通过对溢洪道附近的平硐与露头的野外调查,获得了1 400余条结构面的详细信息,在岩体结构面统计基础上,运用随机网络模拟的方法得到了溢洪道开挖边坡的裂隙网络图像,分析了岩体结构面的连通率,采用Hoek和Brown提出的GSI体系,对岩体质量进行综合定量评价,在此基础上,提出各高边坡岩体力学参数的综合指标。应用模拟退火算法,搜索出边坡潜在的最危险滑裂面的位置,并运用Sarma法分析了开挖边坡的稳定性,提出各个边坡稳定性的分析评价成果以及建议的边坡系统锚固措施。 相似文献
国内外关于单桩竖向极限承载力的确定方法很多,但至今还未找到较为完善、科学和经济的方法求解桩的极限承载力的方法,因此尝试将尖点突变理论引入单桩竖向极限承载力的计算中,并与静载荷试验和抛物线法相结合,推导出端承桩单桩竖向极限承载力的计算公式。实例验证表明,当桩的位移值较小时,计算值接近实测值;当桩的位移值较大时,计算值与实测值偏离较大。结论可运用于实践。 相似文献
中国流动人口的城市宜居性感知及其对定居意愿的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
流动人口是中国城镇化进程的重要参与者,加强其定居意愿特征分析对制定中国新型城镇化发展政策具有重要参考价值。基于中国40个主要城市的宜居城市问卷调查数据,运用描述统计和地理探测器方法,揭示中国流动人口的城市宜居性感知特征及其对定居意愿的影响。研究结果表明:①中国流动人口的城市宜居性感知评价分异明显,呈现出“公共服务设施便利性>自然环境舒适性>社会人文环境舒适性>环境健康性>交通便捷性>城市安全性”的递减特征;②中国流动人口的公共服务设施便利性、社会人文环境舒适性、环境健康性和城市安全性等4个维度城市宜居性感知对其定居意愿具有显著影响,且影响强度依次递减,但二者关系并不完全呈简单的线性特征。③相对他人收入满意度、生活满意度、住房价格感知和地理区位等参照变量,以及年龄、性别和职业等个体与家庭属性也是影响中国流动人口定居意愿的重要因素。 相似文献
WANG Lei ZHANG Guang-Xin 《湿地科学》2006,4(3):193-197
1 INTRODUCTIONNitrogen and phosphorus in the water are the nu-trients limited in natural wetlands,which seriously in-fluence on the ecosystem production and the biodiver-sity(Mitsch,Grosselin,2000).Nitrogen and phos-phorus recycles have been interrupted b… 相似文献
阐述了岩质边坡岩体力学参数研究的意义,介绍了国内外常用的几种岩体力学参数的确定方法,但其准确性值得商榷和论证。针对Hoek-Brown强度准则D值的确定存在的困难,基于模糊综合评判,对产生扰动的影响因数综合考虑,确定了依托工程的D值,工程应用表明更加接近实际情况,并且探讨了岩质边坡的岩体以滑动面为界限划分扰动区与非扰动区的合理性,克服了其他公式的不足。以利比里亚邦矿铁矿岩体力学参数研究为例,分别用计算出的修正参数和其他几种方法进行计算分析对比,结果表明所计算出的修正D值更能反映实际的扰动程度,并论证了划分扰动区与非扰动区的合理性和意义,具有重要参考价值。 相似文献
East Asian monsoon instability at the stage 5a/4 transition 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
SHANGFA XIONG ZHONGLI DING TUNGSHENG LIU JINGZHAO ZHANG 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》2002,31(2):126-132
The physics involved in the abrupt climate changes of the late Quaternary have eluded paleoclimatologists for many years. More paleoclimatic records characteristic of different elements of the global climate system are needed for better understanding of the cause-feedback relationships in the system. The East Asian monsoon is an important part of the global climate system and the mechanical links between the East Asian monsoon and other climatic elements around the world may hold a key to our knowledge of abrupt climate changes in East Asia and probably over a larger part of the globe. Previous studies have detected millennial-scale winter monsoon oscillations during the last glaciation and probably also during the last interglaciation in loess sequences across China. However, less attention has been paid to the abrupt summer monsoon changes and the stage 5a/ 4 transition, an important period for the evolution of the East Asian monsoon when the global climate shifted towards the last glaciation. Here we report on two loess sections from eastern China which were dated using a thermoluminescence (TL) technique. The pedogenic and other sediment parameters suggest that the summer monsoon experienced a two-step abrupt retreat at the stage 5a/4 transition. The variations in the proxies for the winter monsoon are synchronized with the summer monsoon proxies during this brief interval, implying a direct and immediate link between high latitude and low latitude mechanisms. These changes may be correlated with similar climatic oscillations observed in the North Atlantic, Europe and Antarctica, raising the possibility that the forcing factors that induced these changes are global in extent. 相似文献
基于综合指标法的中国生态系统服务保护有效性评价研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
将生态系统服务保护纳入到传统的以保护区为基础的自然保护之中是生态保护研究的新领域。利用综合指标方法,分析了中国从2000-2010年的4种生态系统服务时空变化特征;并对中国的七大生态保护和恢复区域的服务空间保护成效进行评价,提出了国家尺度上的生态系统服务保护优先性分级。主要结论为:① 中国的生态系统服务自西北向东南逐渐增加,显著增加区主要分布在黄土高原地区,显著减少区主要分布在东北及华北地区。黄土高原的生态系统服务提高主要是农田向草地和林地、草地向林地的转换引的;华北地区的降低主要是耕地的减少以及人工用地的增加引起的;东北地区是由于林地向耕地草地、耕地向湿地与人工用地的转换引起的。② 七大生态保护和恢复区的生态系统服务均为增加趋势而且显著增加面积大于减少面积;显著增加面积最大的为三北防护林工程区、最小的为重点生态功能区;显著减少最大为重要生态功能区、最小的为三北防护林工程区。而且,对服务的保护成效在重要生态功能区最高,其次为天然林保护工程区,其余区域均小于全国平均水平。③ 提出的生态系统服务保护优先性等级中,极高级别占到了国土面积的26.18%,保护的生态系统服务量占到全国总量的64.19%,保护成效为全国平均水平的2.47倍。 相似文献
在工业测量领域中,由于测量对象千差万别,离散的测量数据很难进行描述和分析,而可视化技术能有效地克服这一缺点。本文研究了在VB平台上进行OpenGL图形开发的方法,实现了DXF文件的读取与显示、多种3维模型的绘制以及交互操作功能,为工业测量数据实现3维可视化分析提供了一个方便、快捷、高效的途径。 相似文献
The Gurbantunggut Desert is the largest stable and semi-stable sand desert in China, yet few data exist on vegetation pattern and species-environment relationships for these diverse desert landscapes. The sand dunes of the survey area are mainly of the longitudinal form from north to south, but checkerboard-shaped and honeycomb-shaped forms are also present, with the height of 10–50 m. We measured vegetation and soil data on north–south transects and compared them with vegetation and soil data on east–west transects. Analysis revealed that the varying trend and strength of the species diversity, dominance and cover of the plant communities in the longitudinal and transverse directions across the landscape are significantly different. The results of CCA ordination show that the microhabitats of soil organic matter (OM), soil salts (TS), sorting index (σ), topsoil water-content (SM) and pH relate to the differences in vegetation observed as differences in species assemblage from salt-intolerant ephemerals, micro-subshrubs and subshrubs to salt-tolerant shrubs and micro-arbors. The terrain (alt.) and soil texture (the contents of Mz and φ1) affect the spatial differentiation of many species. However, this spatial differentiation is not so marked on transects running longitudinally with the landscape, in the same direction as the dunes. The species of the desert vegetation have formed three assemblages under the action of habitat gradients, relating to three sections running transversely across the landscape, at right angles to the direction of the dune crests. In the mid-east section of the study area the topography is higher, with sand-lands or dune-slopes with coarse particles. Here the dominant vegetation comprises shrubs and subshrubs of Seriphidium santolium and Ephedra distachya, with large numbers of ephemeral and ephemeroid plants of Senecio subdentatus, and Carex physodes in spring and summer. On the soil of the dune-slopes in the mid-west of the study area, with coarse particles and abundant TK, the plant assemblage of Haloxylon persicum, Soranthus meyeri and Agriophyllum squarrosum is developed. The species composition in the east marginal belt of the study area has similar characteristics to the mid-west section. There is no corresponding section in the north–south transects (except for the north and south margins). This is because the habitats of most plants are located in the middle of the microhabitat gradients in the north–south direction in the desert. 相似文献
矿物在油气形成过程中的作用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
模拟实验结果表明,矿物组成对煤岩样品的模拟实验结果具有很大的影响,不同的矿物以及同一种矿物在不同的有机质热演化阶段,对有机质形成石油和天然气的过程均具有非常明显的影响:高岭土矿物在高温热演化阶段对有机质形成气态烃的过程具有一定的催化能力;碳酸钙(CaCO3)在中—低热演化阶段能抑制气态物质的形成,而在较高的热演化阶段则对煤生成气态物质的过程具有一定的催化作用;四氧化三铁(Fe3O4)在主要的模拟实验阶段对煤生成气态物质的过程均具有一定的催化作用;硫化亚铁(FeS)在低温热演化阶段对天然气的形成具有一定的抑制作用,而在高温热演化阶段则对天然气的形成具有较明显的催化作用;元素硫(S)在不同的热演化阶段对天然气的形成过程均具有非常明显的催化作用。矿物介质不仅对气态产物的产率有比较明显的影响,而且对液态产物的产率也有较明显的影响。模拟实验结果表明:高岭土和四氧化三铁(Fe3O4)在中、低温模拟实验阶段对“氯仿沥青A”的形成具有较明显的催化作用;硫化亚铁(FeS)在整个模拟实验的全过程中对“氯仿沥青A”的形成均具有明显的催化作用;碳酸钙(CaCO3)矿物对“氯仿沥青A”的形成具有明显的抑制作用;元素硫(S)对“氯仿沥青A”的形成具有非常明显的催化作用。 相似文献