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中世纪暖期和小冰期是近2 000年气候变化中重要的气候事件,厘清其在低纬度地区干湿变化特征及其对古代农业发展及人口增长的影响,具有重要的意义。通过对广西柳州岩溶洞穴中一60 cm岩芯进行孢粉、炭屑分析发现,研究区的气候、稻作农业从唐末以来先后经历了6个阶段演化:1)875―940 a A.D.,C/P值及花粉记录指示:研究区气候整体偏干,水稻种植减少;2)940―1 050 a A.D.,C/P值及花粉记录指示:夏季风增强,水稻种植稍增长,人口增加;3)1 050―1 140 a A.D.,C/P值及花粉记录指示:夏季风减弱,稻作农业及人口较前期有所增长;4)1 140―1370 a A.D.,C/P值及莎草科花粉含量指示:研究区当时气候处于“中世纪暖期”温暖湿润期,稻作农业面积扩大,人口增加;5)1 370―1 900 a A.D.,C/P值及莎草科花粉含量指示:“小冰期”气候变干,水稻种植及人口逐渐减少;6)1 900―2 009 a A.D.气候变暖湿,水稻种植扩大,人口迅速增长。进一步对研究区气候事件与稻作农业及人口关系研究发现:历史时期气候事件与水稻种植、人口具有耦合关系,即中世纪暖期,气候暖湿,水稻种植扩大,人口增殖;小冰期,气候冷干,水稻种植萎缩,人口锐减。在非原地沉积时,莎草科和C/P 对水分反映敏感,可以用来指示气候干湿变化。 相似文献
Characteristics of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols in Lanzhou City from December 2014 to November 2015 are analyzed using a multiwavelength thermal/optical carbon analyzer. Results reveal that average concentrations of black carbon (BC) and organic carbon in atmospheric aerosols at Lanzhou are 6.7 and 25.4 μg m~(-3), respectively, showing obvious seasonality (higher in winter and lower in summer). This is consistent with findings in cities of northern China. Primary organic aerosols and secondary organic aerosols respectively account for approximately 60% and 17% of carbonaceous aerosols. No significant seasonality is found for secondary organic carbon, indicating that its potential sources do not vary significantly throughout the study period. The mass absorption cross-section (MAC_(632nm)) of BC is 7.1 m~2g~(-1), slightly higher than that of immediately emitted BC. MAC values of BC at different wavelengths vary drastically; they are higher for ultraviolet and visible light (8.5–10.2 m~2g~(-1)) than for near-infrared light (4.9–5.7 m~2g~(-1)). The aerosol absorption optical depth generally declines from the near-infrared to the near-ultraviolet region. The values are higher in winter than in summer, thus showing there are different contributions of BC deposition in different seasons. Brown carbon (BrC) has an ?ngstr?m absorption exponent (AAE) value of approximately 2.75, which is similar to the AAE value of BrC generated by diesel combustion (2.3). The contribution of BrC to light absorption is as much as 34% at a wavelength of 635 nm. This study demonstrates that the multiwavelength thermal/optical carbon analyzer can quantify absorption properties of BrC in atmospheric aerosols. This can enhance understanding of carbonaceous aerosols and provide key parameters for simulations of climate models. 相似文献
油藏条件下孔隙岩样毛管和电学性质研究 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
本文系统总结了国内外关于油藏条件下岩石物理基础实验研究的成果、现状及发展方向。油藏条件主要是指油藏实际的温度、压力、毛管及电性平衡、饱和顺序和润湿性质等。实验研究及现场资料均表明,油藏条件和地面实际室条件下饱和流体孔隙岩样毛管及电学性质有很大差惜同藏条件下毛管及电学性质实际研究对准确评价油气储量及促进岩石物理学基础理论发展具有重要意义。 相似文献
Estimation of Turbulent Fluxes Using the Flux-Variance Method over an Alpine Meadow Surface in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The flux-variance similarity relation and the vertical transfer of scalars exhibit dissimilarity over different types of surfaces,resulting in different parameterization approaches of relative transport efficiency among scalars to estimate turbulent fluxes using the flux-variance method.We investigated these issues using eddycovariance measurements over an open,homogeneous and flat grassland in the eastern Tibetan Plateau in summer under intermediate hydrological conditions during rainy season.In unstable conditions,the temperature,water vapor,and CO2 followed the flux-variance similarity relation,but did not show in precisely the same way due to different roles(active or passive) of these scalars.Similarity constants of temperature,water vapor and CO2 were found to be 1.12,1.19 and 1.17,respectively.Heat transportation was more efficient than water vapor and CO2.Based on the estimated sensible heat flux,five parameterization methods of relative transport efficiency of heat to water vapor and CO2 were examined to estimate latent heat and CO2 fluxes.The strategy of local determination of flux-variance similarity relation is recommended for the estimation of latent heat and CO2 fluxes.This approach is better for representing the averaged relative transport efficiency,and technically easier to apply,compared to other more complex ones. 相似文献
大型水利枢纽工程高精度平面控制网设计研究——以向家坝为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以向家坝和其他一些大型水利枢纽工程高精度平面控制网的设计为例,通过分析与计算,认为采用地面边角网布设方案的现状应该改变。提出以GPS网为主、精密测量地面边为辅的联合网方案。同时指出单纯的GPS网和只测少量地面边作检核的做法也不可取。以向家坝施工平面控制网为例,从精度、可靠性、点位坐标以及经费等方面对其地面网、GPS网和联合网三种方案进行详细的讨论。结论对用联合网取代地面边角网的进一步研究和制订相应规范都具有重要的理论与实际意义。 相似文献
岩石热破裂是高放废物地质处置工程中需深入研究的课题。对我国高放废物重点预选场址甘肃北山的花岗岩开展室内热破裂模拟试验研究,采用多通道温度测试仪、声发射、波速层析成像和数码显微镜等手段研究了该花岗岩热破裂过程。试验表明,(1)热破裂从试件端部开始产生,逐步向内缓慢扩展,表现出分段性和独立性;(2)根据声发射撞击率可将热破裂可分为稳定热损伤、宏观裂纹形成、宏观裂纹扩展、裂纹冷却闭合4个阶段,声发射定位的时空演化规律清楚地揭示了裂纹从试件上端部向内部扩展的规律;(3)波速层析成像指示了宏观裂纹位置及高温对岩石造成显著损伤的区域,热应力产生的损伤集中在试件边界,范围小,损伤严重,高温造成的损伤集中在钻孔附近高温区,范围较大,损伤略轻微;(4)监测多通道温度,获得了试件内的温度场并为数值模拟参数选取提供验证,采用有限元程序进行了热力耦合数值模拟,从机制上初步解释了热破裂现象,研究认为综合声发射实时监测热破裂过程和波速层析成像能实现对热损伤的量化的特性可实现岩石热破裂的动态监测和损伤量化,为今后地下实验室相关试验的开展和认识高放废物处置长期稳定性做了有意义的探索。 相似文献
SWAT模型及其应用研究进展 总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27
SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型是近几年发展迅速、影响较大的水文模型,主要用于模拟预测各种管理措施及气候变化对水资源供给的影响,评价流域非点源污染等。本文通过对SWAT模型的发展历史及该模型在水文、气候变化、非点源污染和输入参数对模拟结果的影响等几个主要方面的研究,总结了模型的优势,以及在使用该模型时需要注意的主要问题。SWAT 模型在国内的应用主要侧重于水文及非点源污染研究,研究多是以模型作为手段,改进工作不多,建议今后根据研究区域的需要,对模型作相应的改进,以更好地服务于研究项目。 相似文献