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Lock-release gravity currents with a viscous self-similar regime are simulated by use of the renormalization group(RNG) k - ε model for Reynolds-stress closure. Besides the turbulent regime with initially a slumping phase of a conslant current front speed and later an inviseid self-similar phase of front speed decreasing as t^-1/3(where t is the time measured from release), the viseous self-similar regime is satisfactorily reproduced with front speed decreasing as t^-4/5,consistent with well known experimental observations.  相似文献   
First the scour and deposition patterns of the sandy seabed in front of a vertical breakwater under the action of irregular broken clapotis are investigated experimentally and classified into five types: scour type Ⅰ , scour type Ⅱ, scour type Ⅲ, deposition type Ⅰ, and deposition type Ⅱ . Secondly, the processes of formation of scour and deposition patterns are probed in comparison with those induced by regular broken clapotis and standing waves. Thirdly, the criteria for distinguishing scour and deposition patterns under irregular broken clapotis are presented.  相似文献   
鲽形目3亚目8科51属142种。鲀形目2亚目9科57属143种。海蛾鱼目1科2属3种,鮟鱇目3亚目11科23属41种。  相似文献   
万桢  杨孙楷  黄会良 《海洋学报》1982,4(2):183-190
(一)仪器 SJP-1A型示波极谱仪(浙江丽水无线电厂),阳极为饱和甘汞电极.毛细管特性:在蒸馏水中m=0.63毫克/秒,t=7.3秒,汞柱高度52厘米.(二)试剂 全部试剂均采用二级试剂,溶液均用重蒸馏水配制.  相似文献   
黄海和东海的浮游桡足类 Ⅰ. 哲水蚤目   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海洋浮游桡足类是浮游生物中的一个重要组成部分,由于它分布广,种类多,而且在数量上远超过其他浮游甲壳类,为许多经济鱼类的饵料基础,因此它对渔业生产具有重要意义。许多国家在发展海洋渔业和海洋生态学的同时,也都十分重视这一类群的调查研究。 关于黄海(包括渤海)和东海的浮游桡足类,过去已有一些零散的报导,但尚缺乏系统的调查。1888-1889年Giesbrecht曾记载过厦门的6种哲水蚤类。到本世纪的三十年代,国外学者又陆续做过一些工作,如1932年Mori发表了我国东海及台湾海峡的8种哲水蚤类。1933年Yamada在黄海南部记载了哲水蚤类5种, 1935年他又在东海及台湾记述了5种。1937年Mori发表了过去历年来的调查结果,对东海及台湾东、西两岸的桡足类有较详尽的报导,在115种中哲水蚤类占78种。1949年Sproston曾记载浙江舟山5种桡足类,其中有哲水蚤类2种。1949-1952年Chiba发表了有关黄、东海的浮游生物生态研究,曾记载哲水蚤类10种。1957年БродскИЙ在哲水蚤区系研究中提到分布于黄海的16种,东海北部的8种。1962-1963年Enomoto 在黄、东海鱼类饵料基础的研究中曾提过3种哲水蚤类。国内学者在解放以后,也作过一些工作:1955年沈嘉瑞描述了江苏奉贤哲水蚤类3种;1956年他与白雪娥记述烟台鲐渔场的桡足类22种,其中哲水蚤占11种;1955年郑重引用过张松踪和方金钏在厦内鉴定的(未发表)27种,其中有哲水蚤类23种。在这海区内,除同物异名外,以往学者总共记载了哲水蚤类103种左右。 本文的研究材料系根据:1951-1963年间在渤海、黄海西部以及辽宁、河北和山东沿岸采得的标本,和1956-1964年在江苏、浙江和福建沿海,以及东经125°以西的东海陆棚区以内所采到的标本。文中共记述了哲水蚤类134种,分隶于21科、47属,其中有8种新种,有39种为黄、东海区的首次记录。还必须提到,我们尚缺乏以往学者记载过的某些深水种(如Racovitzanus antarcticus, Metridia pacifica, Scottocalanus helenae,等)的记录,这些种类分布在东经125°以东的东海深水区,这有待于今后继续补充。本文主要依据Sars(1903)的分类系统,并参考БродскИЙ(1950)在哲水蚤分类上的修订意见而写成的。  相似文献   
Diatom Skeletonema costatum Cleve is one of the main predominant phytoplankton species in the Changjiang Estuary in China. In order to provide some basic information for future assessment of the potential risk on phytoplankton communities in this estuary caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), this alga was selected as a representative to investigate the photoinduced toxicity of PAHs, in single and mixture. Four PAHs including three-ring phenanthrene and anthracene, four-ring fluoranthene and pyrene were tested in the laboratory. The single toxicity of each PAH on this microalga was compared with and without the simulated solar UV radiation. The results showed that this microalga was sensitive to PAH's photoinduced toxicity. Ratios of the 72 h median effect concentration obtained for fluorescent and UV light tests were about 8.4 for phenanthrene, 13.0 for anthracene, 6.5 for fluoranthene, and 5.7 for pyrene, indicating that UV light enhanced the PAH toxicity to this alga significantly. Under the fluorescent radiation (lacking UV), the dose-response curves based on chemical concentrations revealed that the order of toxic strength was fluoranthene greater than pyrene greater than anthracene greater than phenanthrene; while under the UV radiation (476 μW/cm2 for UVA, 6.5 μW/cm2 for UVB) it became fluoranthene approximately equaling anthracene greater than pyrene greater than phenanthrene, indicating that the UV light also changed its relative toxicity to this alga. The photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to the marine diatom S. costatum might be a synergistic effect of photosensitization reactions (e.g., generation of single-state oxygen) and photomodification (photooxidation and/or photolysis).The combined effects of six binary mixtures on the marine diatom S. costatum were investigated using the additive-index method. Four binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus anthracene; phenanthrene plus pyrene; anthracene plus fluoranthene; anthracene plus pyrene) were found to be synergistic joint action mode, while two binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus fluoranthene; fluoranthene plus pyrene) displayed antagonist, revealing a complex pattern of possible interactions. The combined action mode of PAHs might be related to various factors such as the mixture compounds, mixture ratios and test conditions, etc.  相似文献   
罗氏沼虾育苗用水中Mg2+与Ca2+含量及Mg2+/Ca2+对出苗率的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1991年3-6月和1992年3-6月在南汇县东海水产养殖公司对罗氏沼虾育苗用水调配原则与不同基础水的调配方法进行试验研究。结果表明,育苗用水中Mg^2+与Ca^2+含量及Mg^2+/Ca^2+必须达到一定的范围,这是调配的基本原则。以鱼塘水作基础水时,需添加6种化学药品,其中Mg^2+与Ca^2+含量可适范围分别为300.0-440.0mg/L与170.0-244.0mg/L,Mg^2+/Ca^  相似文献   
Thesecondorderspectrumoftwo-dimensionalrandomwaves¥DingPingxing;SunFuandYuZhouwen(ReceivedJanuary15,1993;acceptedMay31,1993)A...  相似文献   
Full-rangenonlinearanalysisoffatiguebehaviorsofreinforcedconcretestructuresbyfiniteelementmethod¥SongYupu;ZhaoShunbo;WangRuim...  相似文献   
主要对1983-1996年间关于鱼类生长激素的体内代谢、分泌调控和作用机制的研究进展予以综合评述。通过鱼类划性放射免疫测定法的建立和体风代谢动力学研究,证实,外源生长激素在鱼体内不会产生积累。鱼类生长激素的分泌调控受下丘脑分泌的生长激素释放因子(GHRF)和释放抑制因子(SRIF)的双重;促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)、雌二醇(E2)、促甲状腺素释放激素(TRH)和神经肽(NYP)对鱼类生长激素的  相似文献   
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