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通过矿区现场调查、成矿构造分析,系统总结了矿区构造控矿规律。在此基础上开展构造地球化学找矿研究。区域性东西向挤压构造带是本区重要的控岩控矿构造,其与横向断裂、斜向断裂交汇部位是有利赋矿部位。矿区铅锌矿体产出受地层岩性控制明显,上石炭统昂杰组白云质灰岩及白云岩是有利的赋矿围岩。铅锌矿体与花岗斑岩小岩体关系密切,常位于花岗斑岩体和碳酸盐岩接触面附近。矿区不同岩石Pb、Zn、Mn、As、Sb、Mo、Cu、Bi、Sn含量高,变异系数大,可作为找矿指示元素。元素分布型式显示成矿元素Pb、Zn、Ag、Mn具特征的双峰式分布,表明这些元素卷入了成矿作用。由矿石结构特征和元素组合分析表明,本区铅锌成矿具多阶段性,多期矿化叠加造成矿化富集。原生晕剖面和元素分带研究表明,斯弄多铅锌矿区原生晕分带序列自上而下为(Cr-W-Co-V-Ni)→(Ti-Ba)→(Pb-Ag-Au-As-Sb-Cu-Bi)→(Sr-Zn-Mn-Mo-Sn)。作为前缘晕指示元素As、Sb位于中下部,与主成矿元素重叠,结合矿区控矿构造分析,推测矿区下部可能存在隐伏矿体。  相似文献   
基于土体中结构面的岩土工程问题探讨   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
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The silver contents of organic matter in the host rocks of the Songxi shale-hosted Ag-Sb deposit of northeastern Guangdong, South China, have been directly determined using the electron microprobe technique. The silver contents in two types of organic matter, marine vitrinite and solid bitumen, vary in the range from 100×10-6to 350×10-6, which are from tens of times to thousands of times higher than those of the host rocks in the ore deposit. The average silver content of the organic matter is also several times higher than the pay grade of silver for commercial mining of the ore deposit. It is quite obvious that the organic matter of the host rocks in the ore district is characterized by an anomalous enrichment of silver. The results of this study indicate that the silver anomalies in the organic matter have been derived from both the host rocks and the silver-bearing fluids of the Songxi black shale ore source. In the course of sedimentation and later hydrothermal reworking, organic matter was able  相似文献   
冲绳海槽Jade热液活动区热液沉积物主要以块状硫化物和硫酸盐矿物为主。与其它热液活动区相比,本区的热液沉积物以富含Pb和Ag等元素为特征。电子探针和中子活化的分析结果表明,在块状硫化物矿石中,Ag主要以分散态富集在粗粒硫化物和细粒硫化物集合体中,在热液活动的早期和晚期均有Ag的富集。在以硬石膏为主的块状矿石中,Ag主要在细粒硫化物集合体中富集,其富集成矿的时间为热液活动的中后期,富集成矿温度在150℃以上。在重晶石为主的块状矿石中,Ag主要以颗粒状自然银的形式在热液活动后期富集成矿,其成矿温度低于160℃。  相似文献   
地理科学领域知识创新工作是中国科学院知识创新工程的重要组成部分。在知识创新工程的启动阶段和全面推进阶段,通过研究机构的结构性调整与重组、重要科研项目的启动和实施、学科支撑体系的加强等,在地理科学领域的理论创新与技术进步、人才队伍的培养与形成、可持续发展能力的增强等方面均取得重要进展。对地理科学的发展态势及知识创新中需要关注的几个问题进行了探讨,对下一阶段中国科学院地理科学领域知识创新工作进行了展望。  相似文献   
介绍了一种新的算法——蚁群算法的概念和特点,及其在瑞利波反演地下层状结构中的应用,分析了使用蚁群算法应该注意的事项,提出了通过对初步搜索结果中信息素浓度分布曲线的分析,从而修改、缩小搜索范围,以提高反演速度的方法,并对层状介质模型以及实测数据的频散曲线进行反演,验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
高光谱遥感能够根据光谱指纹特征提取蚀变矿物,在地质领域应用成效十分显著.针对最新的资源一号02D卫星高光谱数据特点,首先进行了高光谱数据预处理,选取蚀变矿物光谱特征显著波段进行数据降维,并应用三次样条插值函数对短波红外数据进行光谱波段增值,将光谱采样间隔提高到了2 nm.在优选出矿物填图端元光谱后,应用改进的SAM填图...  相似文献   
Mafic xenoliths from the Paleozoic Fuxian kimberlites in the North China craton include garnet granulite, and minor pyroxene amphibolite, metagabbro, anorthosite and pyroxenite. The formation conditions of the amphibolites are estimated at 745–820 °C and 7.6–8.8 Kb (25–30 km); the granulites probably are derived from greater depths in the lower crust. LAM-ICPMS U–Pb dating of zircons from four granulites reveals multiple age populations, recording episodes of magmatic intrusion and metamorphic recrystallisation. Concordant ages and upper intercept ages, interpreted as minimum estimates for the time of magmatic crystallisation, range from 2,620 to 2,430 Ma in three granulites, two amphibolites and two metagabbros. Lower intercept ages, represented by near-concordant zircons, are interpreted as reflecting metamorphic recrystallisation, and range from 1,927 to 1,852 Ma. One granulite contains two metamorphic zircon populations, dated at 1,927±55 Ma and 600–700 Ma. Separated minerals from one granulite and one amphibolite yield Sm–Nd isochron ages of 1,619±48 Ma (143Nd/144Nd)i=0.51078), and 1,716±120 Ma (143Nd/144Nd)i=0.51006), respectively. These ages are interpreted as recording cooling following metamorphic resetting; model ages for both samples are in the range 2.40–2.66 Ga. LAM-MC-ICPMS analyses of zircon show a range in 176Hf/177Hf from 0.28116 to 0.28214, corresponding to a range of Hf from –34 to +12. The relationships between 207Pb/206Pb age and Hf show that: (1) the granulites, amphibolites and metagabbro were derived from a depleted mantle source at 2.6–2.75 Ga; (2) zircons in most samples underwent recrystallisation and Pb loss for 100–200 Ma after magmatic crystallisation, consistent with a residence in the lower crust; (3) metamorphic zircons in several samples represent new zircon growth, incorporating Hf liberated from breakdown of silicates with high Lu/Hf; (4) in other samples metamorphic and magmatic zircons have identical 176Hf/177Hf, and the younger ages reflect complete resetting of U–Pb systems in older zircons. The Fuxian mafic xenoliths are interpreted as the products of basaltic underplating, derived from a depleted mantle source in Neoarchean time, an important period of continental growth in the North China craton. Paleoproterozoic metamorphic ages indicate an important tectonic thermal event in the lower crust at 1.8–1.9 Ga, corresponding to the timing of collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks that led to the final assembly of the North China craton. The growth of metamorphic zircon at 600–700 Ma may record an asthenospheric upwelling in Neoproterozoic time, related to uplift and a regional disconformity in the North China craton.  相似文献   
鄂西地区完整灰岩地层的视电阻率、密度、声波、自然伽马等曲线形态受灰岩胶结物质成份和泥质含量影响并具有一定的规律性,当灰岩地层受到构造、溶蚀作用产生破碎带、岩溶、裂隙等不良地质体或存在地下含水体时,各测井物理参数发生变化并在曲线形态上呈现异常反映,据此可以对不良地质体的位置、规模、类型进行准确判断。测井技术在鄂西地区灰岩地区隧道深孔勘探中的应用,补充、验证了钻探资料,为隧道设计、施工提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   
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