A thick (200 m) rock salt mass covering Late Archean granitoids was exposed for the first time in the Early Proterozoic volcanogenic-sedimentary
formations in the Onega trough of the east Baltic Shield by the Onega parametric well. The mineral composition of salts, their
geochemical features, and the isotopic composition of carbonate carbon and oxygen have been studied. After fluid inclusions
present in salts, their metamorphism temperature and isotopic composition of helium and argon were determined. The obtained
results give evidence of the fact that rock salts and magnesites associated with them were formed in an evaporate basin with
participation of deep crustal processes. The age of the underlying granitoids (2.716 ± 9 Ma) is determined using the Pb—Pb
method. 相似文献
The results of multicolor photometric and polarization observations of the blazar 4C 38.41 (Q 1633+382) performed at St. Petersburg State University, the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Boston University, and Steward Observatory in 2006–2017 are analyzed. Separate variable sources responsible for the observed activity are distinguished, whose power-lawspectra and high degree of polarization confirm their synchrotron nature. The observed color variability of the object (redder when brighter) can be explained by an increase in the contribution to the total emission of a red component with variable flux and a constant relative spectral energy distribution. A close correlation between the optical and gamma-ray light curves is identified, suggesting the same location of the variable sources responsible for the radiation in these bands.
The flux-variance similarity relation and the vertical transfer of scalars exhibit dissimilarity over different types of surfaces,resulting in different parameterization approaches of relative transport efficiency among scalars to estimate turbulent fluxes using the flux-variance method.We investigated these issues using eddycovariance measurements over an open,homogeneous and flat grassland in the eastern Tibetan Plateau in summer under intermediate hydrological conditions during rainy season.In unstable conditions,the temperature,water vapor,and CO2 followed the flux-variance similarity relation,but did not show in precisely the same way due to different roles(active or passive) of these scalars.Similarity constants of temperature,water vapor and CO2 were found to be 1.12,1.19 and 1.17,respectively.Heat transportation was more efficient than water vapor and CO2.Based on the estimated sensible heat flux,five parameterization methods of relative transport efficiency of heat to water vapor and CO2 were examined to estimate latent heat and CO2 fluxes.The strategy of local determination of flux-variance similarity relation is recommended for the estimation of latent heat and CO2 fluxes.This approach is better for representing the averaged relative transport efficiency,and technically easier to apply,compared to other more complex ones. 相似文献
On the basis of a representative collection of ultramafic rocks and chromite ores and a series of technological samples from the largest (Central and Western) deposits in the Rai-Iz massif of the Polar Urals and the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina and Poiskovy deposits in the Kempirsai massif of the southern Urals, the distribution and speciation of platinum-group elements (PGE) in various type sections of mafic-ultramafic massifs of the Main ophiolite belt of the Urals have been studied. Spectral-chemical and spectrophotometric analyses were carried out to estimate PGE in 700 samples of ultramafic rocks and chromite ores; 400 analyses of minerals from rocks, ores, and concentrates and 100 analyses of PGE minerals (PGM) in chromite ores and concentrates were performed using an electron microprobe. Near-chondritic and nonchondritic PGE patterns in chromitebearing sections have been identified. PGE mineralization has been established to occur in chromite ore from all parts of the mafic-ultramafic massifs in the Main ophiolite belt of the Urals. The PGE deposits and occurrences discovered therein are attributed to four types (Kraka, Kempirsai, Nurali-Upper Neiva, and Shandasha), which are different in mode of geological occurrence, geochemical specialization, and placer-forming capability. Fluid-bearing minerals of the pargasite-edenite series have been identified for the first time in the matrix of chromite ore of the Kempirsai massif (the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit) and Voikar-Syn’ya massif (the Kershor deposit). The PGE grade in various types of chromite ore ranges from 0.1–0.2 to 1–2 g/t or higher. According to technological sampling, the average PGE grade in the largest deposits of the southeastern ore field of the Kempirsai massif is 0.5–0.7 g/t. Due to the occurrence of most PGE as PGM 10–100 mm in size and the proved feasibility of their recovery into nickel alloys, chromites of the Kempirsai massif can be considered a complex ore with elevated and locally high Os, Ir, and Ru contents. The Nurali-Upper Neiva type of ore is characterized by small-sized primary deposits, which nevertheless are the main source of large Os-Ir placers in the Miass and Nev’yansk districts of the southern and central Urals, respectively. 相似文献
Doklady Earth Sciences - A first set of K–Ar isotopic ages obtained, which allowed to estimate the age of the largest volcanoes of the Anaunsky Dol (3.2, 2.2 and 1.9 Ma) and eruptive centers... 相似文献
The combined approach is used for studying recent tectonic activity in the central part of the East European Craton (EEC).This approach incorporates the methods of automated lineament analysis and satellite geodesy with the conventional geological mapping analysis. The space tectonic map (space image based) is reconstructed, and morphostructures that are active at the recent and present tectonic stage are delineated by processing the Landsat image mosaic. The direction and rate of horizontal displacement of crustal blocks, which is caused by deep geodynamical processes, are determined using the GPS data. The study is preliminary since only few GPS stations within the EEC have sufficiently long time series of observations. 相似文献