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江苏省太阳总辐射的分布特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
买苗  火焰  曾燕  俞亚勋 《气象科学》2012,32(3):269-274
利用江苏省淮安、南京、吕泗3站的逐月太阳总辐射资料和70个气象站的月日照百分率资料,采用气候学计算方法,计算并分析了全省各地逐月的太阳总辐射分布,指出江苏省太阳总辐射的季节分布特征是冬少夏多,春秋适量;太阳总辐射区域分布是北多南少;太阳总辐射的年变化呈现明显的双峰型分布,最大峰值分别出现在5月和7月下旬—8月上旬,6月下旬—7月上旬出现一个相对低谷阶段,恰好与江淮梅雨期多阴雨天气相对应。本文的结论为江苏省太阳能资源的开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
以轴压比和钢连梁弯剪比为主要参数,设计并制作了3个1/4缩尺的钢板混凝土联肢剪力墙子结构,对试件施加恒定轴压力和水平往复加载.观察了各试件破坏特征,对比了顶层水平荷载-侧移曲线和骨架曲线以及延性系数和等效黏滞阻尼系数等抗震性能指标.结果表明:高轴压比会使整个试件的延性变差;弯剪比越大试件耗能能力越好,弯剪比越小试件刚度...  相似文献   
利用2003-2007年国家气象中心T213L31全球中期数值预报模式逐日输出产品与青海地区25个气象站的观测数据作为试验资料, 利用相关系数和逐步回归进行因子选择, 并以单隐层神经网络和多元回归作为降尺度方法进行对比研究, 用2003-2006年间的11月1日~次年3月1日的资料作为训练样本, 以数值预报产品和前一日观测的最低温度作为因子, 建立青海省25个气候站的冬季最低温度的24, 48, 72 h预报模型, 并且以2006年12月和2007年的1、 2月作为24, 48, 72 h逐日最低温度预报试验时段。试验表明, 对于青海地区来说, 青海北部地区的预报命中率总体好于南部高原地区; 在4种对比方案中, 以选择数值预报资料结合前一日地面观测的最低温度作为主要因子的方法相对较优, 随着预报时效的延长, 24 h历史实况的作用逐渐减弱; 对于所有台站来说, 这4种方案各有优缺点, 没有一种方案可以完全代替其他所有方案; 在实际业务运行中, 对不同的台站应采用不同的预报方案进行实际业务预报。  相似文献   
九嶷山锡矿田矿床地质特征及矿床成因   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
九嶷山矿田锡矿产于复式花岗杂岩体内。锡矿以云英岩体型、蚀变花岗岩型为主,具有矿体厚度大、蚀变强、品位中等、矿石利用性能好等特点。本文阐述了区内成矿地质背景、主要矿床类型与特征以及成矿与构造、岩浆岩的关系,探讨了矿床的成因机制,认为区内锡成矿与岩浆岩多期多阶段演化分异和构造活动密切相关。  相似文献   
四川盆地东部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩储层特征   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50  
四川盆地是中国西南部重要的含油气盆地,在东部和南部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩广泛发育。在川东南、鄂西渝东地区的勘探井中志留系具有良好的气显示。研究区龙马溪组厚65~516m,底部为一套海侵沉积的富含笔石的黑色页岩,龙马溪组向上和向东砂质和钙质含量增加,演变为浅水陆棚沉积。龙马溪组主要由层状-非层状泥/页岩、白云质粉砂岩、层状钙质泥/页岩、泥质粉砂岩、层状-非层状粉砂质泥/页岩、粉-细粒砂岩、钙质结核、富含有机质非层状页岩8种岩相组成。总有机碳含量(TOC)为0.2%~6.7%。有机质以II型干酪根为主,Ro为2.4%~3.6%。页岩中石英矿物含量在2%~93%,主要呈纹层状或分散状分布,主要为陆源碎屑外源成因。龙马溪组页岩岩心孔隙度为0.58%~0.67%,渗透率为0.01×10-3μm2~0.93×10-3μm2。扫描电镜下龙马溪组页岩微孔隙度为2%左右,主要包括晶间孔和粒内孔,孔隙直径为100nm~50μm。页岩储层的形成机理主要为有利矿物组合、成岩作用和有机质热裂解作用。龙马溪组与美国Barnett页岩具有一定差异,主要表现在龙马溪组页岩埋藏较深、热演化程度较高、含气量较低、储层较致密、以陆源成因石英为主。对于评价下志留统龙马溪组页岩气勘探前景而言,今后须重点加强针对龙马溪组底部黑色硅质岩系石英成因、成熟度、埋藏史、含气量等方面的研究,以及进行详细的古地貌和古环境恢复。  相似文献   
The absorption properties of the water vapor continuum and a number of weak bands for H2O, O2, CO2, CO, N2O, CH4, and O3 in the solar spectrum are incorporated into the Fu-Liou radiation parameterization program by using the correlated k-distribution method (CKD) for the sorting of absorption lines. The overlap absorption of the H2O lines and the H2O continuum (2500-14500 cm-1) are treated by taking the two gases as a single-mixture gas in transmittance calculations. Furthermore, in order to optimize the computation efforts, CO2 and CH4 in the spectral region 2850-5250 cm-1 are taken as a new single-mixture gas as well. For overlap involving other absorption lines in the Fu-Liou spectral bands, the authors adopt the multiplication rule for transmittance computations under which the absorption spectra for two gases are assumed to be uncorrelated. Compared to the line-by-line (LBL) computation, it is shown that the errors in fluxes introduced by these two approaches within the context of the CKD method are small and less than 0.48% for the H2O line and continuum in the 2500-14500 cm-1 solar spectral region, -1% for H2O (line) H2O (continuum) CO2 CH4 in the spectral region 2850-5250 cm-1, and -1.5% for H2O (line) H2O (continuum) O2 in the 7700-14500 cm-1 spectral region. Analysis also demonstrates that the multiplication rule over a spectral interval as wide as 6800 cm-1 can produce acceptable errors with a maximum percentage value of about 2% in reference to the LBL calculation. Addition of the preceding gases increases the absorption of solar radiation under all sky conditions. For clear sky, the increase in instantaneous solar absorption is about 9%-13% (~12 W m~2) among which the H2O continuum produces the largest increase, while the contributions from O2 and CO2 rank second and third, respectively. In cloudy sky, the addition of absorption amounts to about 6-9 W m-2. The new, improved program with the incorporation of the preceding gases produces a smaller solar absorption in clouds due to the reduced solar flux reaching the cloud top.  相似文献   
天气雷达作为龙卷风监测预警的重要手段之一,应用具有超高时空分辨率的X波段双极化相控阵天气雷达系统,较好地捕获并提前预警龙卷风。以2022年6月19日07时发生在广东佛山南海的一次龙卷风为例,详细剖析龙卷生消及雷达监测预警过程。借助雷达智能预警软件,利用X波段双极化相控阵天气雷达的双偏振量和超高时空分辨率数据,实时反演三维风场和分析龙卷碎片(TVS)特征,能够显著提高龙卷风监测预警水平。实例表明,本次成功地提前18分钟预警龙卷,进一步说明了X波段双极化相控阵天气雷达在强对流天气探测方面具有较强的生命力。  相似文献   
In the last ten years, with important discoveries from oil and gas exploration in the Dabashan foreland depression belt in the borderland between Shanxi and Sichuan provinces, the relationship between the formation and evolution of, and hydrocarbon accumulation in, this foreland thrust belt from the viewpoint of basin and oil and gas exploration has been studied. At the same time, there has been little research on the origin of fluids within the belt. Based on geochemical system analysis including Z values denoting salinity and research on δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes in the host rocks and veins, the origin of paleofluids in the foreland thrust belt is considered. There are four principal kinds of paleofluid, including deep mantle-derived, sedimentary, mixed and meteoric. For the deep mantle-derived fluid, the δ13C is generally less than ?5.0‰PDB, δ18O less than -10.0‰PDB, Z value less than 110 and 87Sr/86Sr less than 0.70600; the sedimentary fluid is mainly marine carbonate-derived, with the δ13C generally more than ?2.0‰PDB, δ18O less than ?10.0‰PDB, Z value more than 120 and 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.70800 to 0.71000; the mixed fluid consists mainly of marine carbonate fluid (including possibly a little mantle-derived fluid or meteoric water), with the δ13C generally ranging from ?2.0‰ to ?8.0‰PDB, δ18O from ?10.0‰ to ?18.0‰ PDB, Z value from 105 to 120 and 87Sr/86Sr from 0.70800 to 0.71000; the atmospheric fluid consists mainly of meteoric water, with the δ13C generally ranging from 0.0‰ to ?10.0‰PDB, δ18O less than ?8.0‰PDB, Z value less than 110 and 87Sr/86Sr more than 0.71000. The Chengkou fault belt encompasses the most complex origins, including all four types of paleofluid; the Zhenba and Pingba fault belts and stable areas contain a simple paleofluid mainly of sedimentary type; the Jimingsi fault belt contains mainly sedimentary and mixed fluids, both consisting of sedimentary fluid and meteoric water. Jurassic rocks of the foreland depression belt contain mainly meteoric fluid.  相似文献   
中国自然铜矿床类型、特征、分布及形成条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来的找矿进展显示,我国至少存在2种以上成因类型的自然铜矿床(矿化带):火山-沉积碎屑岩型和陆相砂页岩型等,其主要分布在扬子地块西南缘和新疆天山地区.以湘西九曲湾(麻阳)铜矿和滇东北沿河铜矿为例,结合国外典型自然铜矿床(矿化带),分析了自然铜的成矿学特征及形成条件.通过对比分析沉积砂岩铜矿(硫化物)与自然铜矿的成矿学特征,认为自然铜成矿必须具备3个条件:①孔隙度丰富而适宜的储矿岩石;②水-岩反应中有利于含铜岩石的萃取和运移的浅成低温热液(卤水);③贫硫富生物有机质的地球化学还原障壁带.研究显示,自然铜形成于碱性贫硫的还原环境中,生物有机质对自然铜的成矿起重要作用,相对封闭的成矿环境、独特的流体性质对自然铜起保护作用.我国南方的自然铜矿床一般显示出层控、浅成低温及生物有机质参与成矿等特点.最后探讨了自然铜矿床在我国的找矿勘探前景.  相似文献   
葛菁华  曾彬 《地下水》2012,34(6):187-190
土地开发潜力评价是科学开展土地开发工作的基础,影响土地开发潜力的因素众多,目前还没有公认比较成熟的评价理论与方法。结合陇县的实际情况,提出以增加耕地系数、增加耕地面积和未利用地区位指数三个指标结合评价土地开发潜力测算,以乡镇为分级单元在科学地定量评价土地开发潜力的基础上,对陇县的土地开发潜力进行分级,为土地开发整理工作提供判断依据。  相似文献   
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