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陈育民  张意江  王维国  陈晨伟 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3506-3512
饱和砂土地基在爆炸荷载作用下会发生液化,地基上的结构物将受到爆炸荷载及地基液化的双重作用,从而产生不均匀沉降和破坏性变形。基于大型现场爆炸液化试验,对场地上钢筋混凝土(RC)结构的动力响应和地基液化后RC结构的变形进行了分析研究。结果表明:液化场地中浅埋RC结构产生了明显的不均匀沉降,且最大沉降量达到结构高度的10%,结构差异沉降达到最大沉降量的1/5,结构沉降变形在液化后15 h时基本稳定;RC结构表面未产生明显的裂缝,动态拉、压应变均在400??以内,不会对结构造成显著破坏;结构动力响应表现为柱侧加速度峰值明显大于梁侧,但柱侧动力稳定所需时间较梁侧短,即柱承受了更大的瞬时冲击力且其抵抗瞬时冲击力的能力更强。研究结果可以为在可液化地基中的浅埋RC结构稳定设计等工程情况提供参考。  相似文献   
刘鹏  陈立人  李顺大 《山地学报》2000,18(2):177-179
根据浙江省芳香植物的组成 ,及该区的地理条件和芳香植物分布规律 ,将其划分为 5个区 ,分别进行探讨并列出部分芳香植物作为各地开发利用时参考。  相似文献   
认识青藏高原东部现代表土的色度特征及其空间分布,理解其与现代气候因子之间的联系,对于高原地区黄土-古环境重建和揭示第四纪环境变化历史具有重要意义。通过对研究区表层土壤色度的详细分析,对比现代气候资料,探讨了青藏高原东部表层土壤色度的空间变化特征及其环境意义。结果表明:① 高原东部表土色度参数空间变化特征差异显著,表现为随纬度升高,土壤亮度呈先减小后增大的趋势,而红度和黄度则逐步减小;随经度的升高,黄度先增大后减小,而红度值逐步减小;红度和黄度整体随着海拔上升而呈先减小后升高的特征。这些变化特征和差异是表土色度对高原东部复杂地理环境和水热条件变化响应的结果。② 在高原的干旱-半湿润区,土壤亮度对降水的响应敏感;红度和黄度对大尺度的温度变化响应较敏感,而较冷的环境下,红度对温度响应复杂,但与降水存在一定的联系。红度/黄度比值主要指示了气候控制下的赤铁矿和针铁矿的变化和竞争,对干旱-半湿润区域的降水变化响应较为敏感。青藏高原东部现代表土色度与气候密切相关,其空间变化特征一定程度上反映了该地区现代气候因子的空间变化;另一方面由于该区地形和气候复杂多变,部分色度指标与气候关系复杂,在重建青藏高原东部黄土古环境变化历史时需要谨慎。  相似文献   
Effects of deforestation upon slopes in limestones and in volcanic rocks in the Benson River valley, northern Vancouver Island, have been investigated quantitatively. Postlogging soil erosion and vegetal regeneration success were assessed by measuring soil depth, percent bare rock and moss cover, and the numbers and diversity of trees, shrubs, and plants on 25 sampling sites, each containing ten measuring quadrats selected at random. Sixteen sites were on the Quatsino Formation, a well-karstified limestone, and nine on the Karmutsen Formation of basaltic lavas. Eight sites were of virgin forest, 16 were logged between 1970 and 1983, and one (on limestone) was logged in 1911. Both bedrock types were significantly affected by the cutting. There was greater loss of soil and an increase in bare rock on the limestones. Erosion was increased significantly by burning on the limestones but not on the volcanics. Within-group comparisons on the limestones determined that steeper slopes and harder burned areas suffered the most and are slowest to regenerate. Volume of timber on the 1911 site was 19 percent of that in similar uncut forest sites. It appears that complete recovery on the barren limestone slopes will require at least some centuries.  相似文献   
The detention pond is one of the crucial items in detention facilities. It may effectively alleviate the occurrence of peak discharge, control the center of flood flow, and reduce the amount of soil loss. The objective of this study is analyzing the detention volume change of a detention pond with long-duration rainfall under the known isosceles trapezoidal inflow hydrograph model. The volume change of detention, which is under the influences of a givenisosceles trapezoidal inflow hydrograph and the extent of peak attenuation, is investigated by using the non-dimensional detention theory and the related mathematical analyses. The minimum detention volume of a detention pond can therefore be calculated based on the estimated of volume change of detention. The proposed detention volume estimation model can be used for the design of detention of facilities during the hillside development.  相似文献   
2019—2021年期间,由中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心牵头组织实施的“南方页岩气地质调查工程”,以实现“新区、新层系、新类型、新认识”四新领域油气调查战略发现和突破,推动创建页岩气勘查开发新格局为目标,按照总体部署、分步实施、点上突破、面上评价原则,重点开展了南方复杂构造区页岩气地质调查与评价工作。圈定并优选了一批页岩气远景区和有利区,部署实施了二维地震、参数井和压裂试气工程,实现了长江上游新区新层系页岩气重大突破和发现,完成垭紫罗裂陷槽、皖江、川西南等重点地区页岩气资源潜力评价。这些成果大大提振了南方复杂构造区页岩气油气资源勘查的信心,推动了油气地质调查与科技创新的深度融合,形成了页岩气成藏理论新认识和调查评价新技术,发挥了公益性油气资源调查的引领和带动作用。  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠腹地土壤水分动态   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用土钻法对古尔班通古特沙漠腹地典型自然沙垄剖面土壤含水量进行长期监测.采取多重比较(LSD)、典型相关分析(MANOVA)、并在国内第一次采用季节交乘趋势等统计方法,对土壤水分与环境因子的关系进行分析,研究结果表明:土壤含水量时间变化规律分为补给期、失水期和冻结滞水期.土壤含水量均值为补给期>冻结滞水期>失水期,变异系数为补给期>冻结滞水期>失水期;土壤含水量空间变化规律表现为:阴阳坡间具有极显著差异(P<0.01,F=0.002 9).垄间分别与坡中、垄顶具有显著性差异(P<0.05).垂直变化分为活跃层、过渡层和稳定层,活跃层与其他土层间均有显著性差异(P<0.05),土壤含水量均值为阴坡>阳坡,垄顶>垄间>坡中.活跃层>过渡层和稳定层;变异系数为阴坡>阳坡,垄间>坡中>垄顶,活跃层>过渡层>稳定层;降雨量和温度是影响研究区土壤水分时间分布变化的重要影响因子,同时也是土壤含水量变化的决定性影响因子,与土壤含水量具有显著相关性(P<0.05,F=0.02).  相似文献   
Drinking water supplies in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, are completely dependent on groundwater sourced from pumping wells located in an alluvial plain of the Tuul River which flows through Ulaanbaatar. The interaction between groundwater in the alluvial plain and river surface water was investigated using a hydrological and multi-tracers approach. The observed groundwater contour map clearly shows that the Tuul River recharges the floodplain groundwater and groundwater flows from east to west. The similarity of chemical and stable isotopic compositions suggests that groundwater is mainly recharged by Tuul River water in the vicinity of the river. In addition, considering groundwater contours and chemical composition, groundwater in the northern and southern mountain sides contribute to floodplain groundwater. Stable isotopic information suggests that winter season precipitation also contributes to the groundwater, because groundwater in a specific region has a considerably lower isotopic ratio. Using the End Member Mixing Analysis applying oxygen-18, SiO2 and HCO3 - as tracers, the contribution ratios of the Tuul River, groundwater in the northern and southern mountain regions, and winter season precipitation to floodplain groundwater are estimated to be 58% to 85%, 1% to 54%, 0% to 16%, and 0% to 12%, respectively.  相似文献   
彭成斌  陈颙 《地球物理学报》1990,33(05):530-539
本文首先解决了声波方程的非Born近似的正演计算问题,从而获得理论上不带近似的正演数据;然后,推导了井间(CBP)、垂直地震剖面(VSP)和地面反射(SRP)三种不同的数据采集方式下的衍射CT的重建公式;利用这些重建算法和正演数据,系统地研究了影响到地球物理CT成象质量的三种因素,即:(1)数据采集方式,(2)异常程度和(3)成象区域的尺寸,对重建图象的影响;并比较了衍射地震CT和射线地震CT的成象质量。  相似文献   
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