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中国避暑型气候的地域类型及其时空分布特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
由于中国各地纬度、地形及海陆位置的地域差异,形成了多种多样的避暑型气候。本文采用1993-2012年756个国家基本站和122个辐射站逐日气象数据,基于通用热气候指数(UTCI)模型计算各气象站点的人体感知温度,结合聚类分析方法对避暑型气候的地域类型进行了研究,并对其空间分布、时间变化和舒适特征进行了分析。结果表明:中国避暑型气候主要包括西南高原型、中东部山岳型、东北山地平原型、西北山地高原型和环渤海低山丘陵型5种地域类型;各类避暑型气候具有显著的地域特色:西南高原型避暑气候纬度低、海拔高,太阳辐射较强;中东部山岳型避暑气候地势高、风速大,夏季舒适偏冷;环渤海低山丘陵型避暑气候地势低、湿度大,夏季舒适偏热且舒适度受海风影响明显;西北山地高原型避暑气候温度适宜、天气晴朗,但略显干燥;东北山地平原型避暑气候凉爽、风速不大、辐射不强、湿度适中,综合条件相对优越。从各类避暑型气候夏季人体感知温度的变化来看,环渤海低山丘陵型舒适期较短,其余类型舒适期相对较长,东北山地平原型和西北山地高原型人体感知温度曲线呈良好的单峰对称变化,其余类型大致呈单峰不对称形态。本文不仅丰富了避暑型气候研究的理论成果,而且也可为避暑型旅游资源的开发与规划提供科学依据,进一步指导人们的避暑旅游活动。 相似文献
藏南也拉香波早渐新世富钠过铝质淡色花岗岩的成因机制及其构造动力学意义 总被引:9,自引:16,他引:9
藏南也拉香波穹隆位于近东西向展布的北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹隆(NHGD)最东端,主要由石榴角闪岩、石榴石云母片麻岩、二云母花岗岩和淡色花岗岩组成.SHRIMP锆石U/Pb定年结果表明也拉淡色花岗岩的结晶年龄为35.3±1.1Ma,明显老于位于该穹隆以西类似的淡色花岗岩(年龄普遍<25Ma).全岩元素和Sr-Nd同位素测试结果揭示:(1)也拉香波淡色花岗岩为过铝质富钠花岗岩;(2)与片麻岩相似,也拉香波淡色花岗岩富集大离子亲石元素(LILE,如K,Sr,Rb和Ba),但亏损Ti,Y,Yb,Sc和Cr;(3)和片麻岩或角闪岩相比,也拉香波淡色花岗岩同时亏损LREE和HREE,但与HREE相比,LREE相对富集;(4)在Sr-Nd同位素系统特征上.淡色花岗岩初始Sr同位素比值与角闪岩的相当,在0.711949~0.719344之间;但远小于片麻岩.而Nd同位素组成在片麻岩和角闪岩之间,在-8.9~-15.0之间.以石榴角闪岩和片麻岩为端元,简单混合计算表明:由石榴角闪岩为主和片麻岩为辅组成的混合源区发生部分熔融作用,各自产生的熔体进行不同程度的混合,可形成类似于也拉香波淡色花岗岩成分的岩浆,其中角闪岩的部分熔融起主要作用.使用Zr在岩浆中的饱和浓度温度计得出岩浆的平均温度为673℃,在此温度下,变泥质片麻岩在高压(~10kbar)条件下的水致部分熔融和角闪岩部分熔融都可形成也拉过铝质富钠淡色花岗岩,但角闪岩的脱水部分熔融起主导作用.在地壳增厚条件下,下地壳角闪岩的部分熔融可能是导致喜玛拉雅造山带从缩短增厚向伸展垮塌转换的主要因素之一. 相似文献
Based on the estimation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and carbon sequestration of the total conversion of marshlands (TMC), marshlands conversion to paddy fields (MCPFs) and marshlands conversion to uplands (MCULs), this study revealed the contribution to the global warming mitigation (CGWM) of paddy fields versus uplands converted from marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain (excluding the Muling‐Xingkai Plain on south of Wanda Mountain), Heilongjiang Province, northeast China. The results showed that the total area of MCPFs and MCULs was 504.23 × 103 ha between 1982 and 2005. The CGWM per unit area was 45.53 t CO2eq/ha for MCPFs and that was 23.95 t CO2eq/ha for MCULs, with an obvious 47.40% reduction. The MCPFs and MCULs ecosystems acted as the carbon sink all of the year. As far as CGWM per unit area is concerned, MCPFs mitigated the greenhouse effect which was greater than MCULs. And it was effective that the implementation of the uplands transformed into paddy fields in Northeast China with regard to marshlands protection and croplands (including paddy fields and uplands) reclamation. 相似文献
九瑞矿集区作为全国重点整装勘查区之一,深部找矿工作一直是研究重点和热点.本文在综合分析研究区区域地质资料、对典型地层和岩石标本进行电阻率参数测试和统计分析的基础上,利用研究区面积性AMT数据进行三维电性结构研究.为获得AMT最佳反演参数,选择一条典型AMT剖面开展二维非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)反演,进而总结出利用TM极化模式数据、拉格朗日乘子等于3的二维反演方案.综合利用地质、钻探和电性特征对全区23条AMT剖面进行二维约束反演,并将所有测线的电阻率反演结果三维网格化,得到了研究区的三维电性结构.最后,我们通过对三维电性结构的综合分析,确定研究区地下地层、岩体展布、断裂构造分布特征以及基底起伏情况.与已知矿床对比,我们发现浅部北西断裂与北东向区域性深部断裂交汇处、基底隆起凹槽边缘以及岩体边缘为成矿有利区. 相似文献
中国人口城镇化质量评价及省际差异分析 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
新型城镇化是中国的重要国策,对人的城镇(市)化的科学评价是正确认识城镇化和制定相关政策的重要基础.目前城--乡二元分析框架下的以城镇化率和城镇(或区域)城镇化质量为主的评价方法,难以反映城镇化过程中社会结构的变化,同时乡村人口的城镇化发展也被忽略.本文提出人口城镇化质量的概念,建立了衡量人口城镇化质量的指标体系.对1995,2000,2005,2010和2012年全国及各省市的城镇人口,乡村人口及总人口的城镇化质量进行了分析.研究发现:① 尽管城镇人口的城镇化速度显著快于乡村人口,但城镇化并非城镇人口独有的社会过程.② 城乡两类人口的城镇化质量在省域尺度上正逐步形成差异明显的空间格局.③ 北京,上海,浙江等少数省市乡村人口的城镇化质量已经超越部分内地省市城镇人口的城镇化质量.建议更新对城镇化的认识和评价标准,探索在城镇化发达的地区调整城--乡二元体制的新途径,促进中国城镇化的健康发展. 相似文献
基于灰色关联的贵州连片特困地区贫困影响因素分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
贵州是全国贫困面积最广、贫困程度最深的省份之一,对连片特困地区的致贫因素进行分析具有典型意义。运用灰色关联度分析法对自然环境条件、劳动人口素质、生产经营投入、就业转移等因素与贫困的关联度进行了定量分析。结果表明,影响贵州连片特困地区贫困的因素,按影响程度大小依次为劳动力人口素质、自然环境条件、农业生产资金投入、农民转移性就业,并针对性地提出了反贫困的相关建议。 相似文献
Hysteresis is a common feature exhibited in hydraulic properties of an unsaturated soil. The movement of wetting front and the hysteresis effect are important factors which impact the shear strength of the unsaturated soil and the mechanics of shallow landslides. These failures are mainly triggered by the deepening of the wetting front accompanied by a decrease in matric suction induced by infiltration. This research establishes a method for determining a stability analysis of unsaturated infinite soil slopes, integrating the influence of infiltration and the water retention curve hysteresis. Furthermore, the present stability analysis method including the infiltration model and the advanced Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion calculates the variations of the safety factor (FS) in accordance with different slope angle, depth and hydrological processes. The experimentally measured data on the effect of hysteresis are also carried out for comparison. Numerical analyses, employing both wetting and drying hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated soil, are performed to study the difference in soil‐water content as observed in the experiments. The simulating approximations also fully responded to the experimental data of sand box. The results suggest that the hysteresis behaviour affect the distribution of soil‐water content within the slope indeed. The hysteresis made the FS values a remarkable recovery during the period of non‐rainfall in a rainfall event. The appropriate hydraulic properties of soil (i.e. wetting or drying) should be used in accordance with the processes that unsaturated soil actually experience. This method will enable us to acquire more accurate matric suction head and the unsaturated soil‐shear strength as it changes with the hysteretic flow, in order to calculate into the stability analysis of shallow landslides. An advanced understanding of the process mechanism afforded by this method is critical to realizing a reliable and appropriate design for slope stabilization. It also offers some immediate reference information to the disaster reduction department of the government. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献