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我们对日本西南部南海俯冲板块界面过渡带发生的超低频地震进行报道。由矩震级为3.1~3.5的超低频地震引起的地震波显示其卓越长周期约为20s。超低频地震活动伴随深源低频颤动和慢滑事件同时发生,并随之移动。慢地震一直被认为会增加向上倾斜的大型逆冲地震断裂带上的应力,而这3种现象的同时发生提高了人们对慢地震的探测和特性鉴定水平。  相似文献   
本文发展了一种基于钻孔技术来监测岩石应力变化的钻孔截面变形法(CB-DM),该方法可以用来测量垂直于钻孔轴线的岩体的二维应力状态变化.本文通过载有激光位移传感器的样机,对该方法进行详细介绍,理论上分析测量结果的影响因子,证明该方法能够有效估测岩体的应力变化.  相似文献   
The dating of radiolarian biostratigraphic zones from the Silurian to Devonian is only partially understood. Dating the zircons in radiolarian‐bearing tuffaceous rocks has enabled us to ascribe practical ages to the radiolarian zones. To extend knowledge in this area, radiometric dating of magmatic zircons within the radiolarian‐bearing Hitoegane Formation, Japan, was undertaken. The Hitoegane Formation is mainly composed of alternating beds of tuffaceous sandstones, tuffaceous mudstones and felsic tuff. The felsic tuff and tuffaceous mudstone yield well‐preserved radiolarian fossils. Zircon grains showing a U–Pb laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry age of 426.6 ± 3.7 Ma were collected from four horizons of the Hitoegane Formation, which is the boundary between the Pseudospongoprunum tauversi to Futobari solidus–Zadrappolus tenuis radiolarian assemblage zones. This fact strongly suggests that the boundary of these assemblage zones is around the Ludlowian to Pridolian. The last occurrence of F. solidus is considered to be Pragian based on the reinterpretation of a U–Pb sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon age of 408.9 ± 7.6 Ma for a felsic tuff of the Kurosegawa belt, Southwest Japan. Thus the F. solidus–Z. tenuis assemblage can be assigned to the Ludlowian or Pridolian to Pragian. The present data also contribute to establishing overall stratigraphy of the Paleozoic rocks of the Fukuji–Hitoegane area. According to the Ordovician to Carboniferous stratigraphy in this area, Ordovician to Silurian volcanism was gradually reduced to change the sedimentary environment into a tropical lagoon in the early Devonian. And the quiet Carboniferous environment was subsequently interrupted, throwing it once more into the volcanic conditions in the Middle Permian.  相似文献   
The seismogenic layer thickness correlates with surface heat flow beneath the Japanese islands. However, this correlation is shown at restricted area, where seismic activity is high. In order to overcome this spatial limitation, we used another approach to estimate the regional thermal structure in the crust beneath the Japanese islands with more uniform coverage. The bottom depths of the magnetized crust determined from the spectral analysis of residual magnetic anomalies is generally interpreted as the level of the Curie point isotherm. We applied this method to estimate the crustal thermal structure in square windows of 2.125° × 2.125°. The obtained depths ranging from 11 to 30 km with average value of 18 km, correlate with the seismogenic layer thickness. It suggests that the Curie point depth is a useful indicator of the crustal thermal structure in these regions.  相似文献   
SummaryUndrained Shear Testing of Jointed Rock Water pressures must change inside joints undergoing shear without perfect drainage. This paper describes a new direct shear machine in which jacketed samples with oriented joints can be tested under consolidated undrained conditions with pore pressure measurement. Triaxial compression techniques for such tests are also described and typical results with intact and jointed sandstone samples are compared with results from the direct shear tests. Whereas intact specimens displayed increasing pore pressure followed by dilatancy and pore pressure decline before peak loading, the pore pressure in jointed specimens continued increasing right up to the peak load.
ZusammenfassungScherversuche an klüftigen Gesteinen ohne Dränung Wasserdruck in Klüften muß sich verändern, wenn ohne perfekte Dränage Scherkraft ausgeübt wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuer, direkt wirkender Scherapparat beschrieben, in welchem ummantelte Prüfkörper mit gerichteten Klüften unter Konsolidationsbedingungen ohne Dränage untersucht werden können, wobei der Porendruck gemessen wird. Es wird außerdem die Technik von Triaxialversuchen beschrieben und typische Ergebnisse mit ungestörtem und geklüftetem Sandstein werden mit Ergebnissen aus direkten Scherversuchen verglichen. Während ungestörte Proben steigenden Porendruck, gefolgt von Dilatanz, aufweisen und der Porendruck vor der Höchstbelastung nachläßt, nimmt derselbe in geklüfteten Proben bis zur Höchstbelastung ständig zu.

RésuméEssais de cisaillement non drainé sur des échantillons de roche contenant une discontinuité Les pressions interstitielles à l'intérieur des discontinuités doivent changer lorsqu'elles sont soumises au cisaillement et que le drainage n'est pas parfait. Cet article décrit une nouvelle machine pour essais de cisaillement direct permettant de tester, dans des conditions de consolidation non drainée, des échantillons de roche gainés comportant une discontinuité d'orientation déterminée. La machine permet la mesure de la pression interstitielle.L'article décrit également les techniques de compression triaxiale correspondantes et des résultats typiques obtenus sur des échantillons de grès intact ou traversé par un joint sont comparés à ceux provenant des essais de cisaillement direct. Alors que les échantillons de roche intacte montrent un accroissement de la pression interstitielle suivi de dilatance et d'une réduction de pression avant que la contrainte de cisaillement maximum ne soit atteinte, la pression interstitielle dans les échantillons contenant une discontinuité croît jusqu'au droit de la contrainte de cisaillement maximum.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   
The Philippine Sea plate is subducting under the Eurasian plate beneath the Chugoku-Shikoku region, southwestern Japan. We have constructed depth contours for the continental and oceanic Mohos derived from the velocity structure based on receiver function inversion. Receiver functions were calculated using teleseismic waveforms recorded by the high-density seismograph network in southwestern Japan. In order to determine crustal velocity structure, we first improved the linearized time-domain receiver function inversion method. The continental Moho is relatively shallow ( 30 km) at the coastline of the Sea of Japan and at the Seto Inland Sea, and becomes deeper–greater than 40 km–around 35°N and 133.8°E. Near the Seto Inland Sea, a low-velocity layer of thickness 10 km lies under the continental Moho. This low-velocity layer corresponds to the subducting oceanic crust of the Philippine Sea plate. The oceanic Moho continues to descend from south to northwest and exhibits complicated ridge and valley features. The oceanic Moho runs around 25 km beneath the Pacific coast and 45 km beneath the Seto Inland Sea, and it extends to at least to 34.5°N. The depth variation of the Moho discontinuities is in good qualitative agreement with the concept of isostasy. From the configurations of both the continental and oceanic Mohos, we demonstrate that the continental lower crust and the subducting oceanic crust overlap beneath the southern and central part of Shikoku and that a mantle wedge may exist beneath the western and eastern part of Shikoku. The southern edge of the overlapping region coincides with the downdip limit of the slip area of a megathrust earthquake.  相似文献   
Coupled hydro‐mechanical processes in granular media represent the interaction between solid particles movement and fluid flow during external and/or internal loading. The processes attract attention in geotechnical engineering since they cause many disasters such as landslide, slope collapse, boiling/quicksand and soil liquefaction, etc. This study presents a numerical method combining discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) for mechanical calculation and finite element method for fluid flow simulation to model the interaction between solid particles' movement and fluid flow from microscopic point of view. The term of hydraulic pressure was newly formulated and introduced to the original DDA. The simplified examples are given to verify the new method, and the computational results correlate well with the theoretical calculations, further development is also considered. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A monitoring GPS array recently developed in Japan can yield nationwide maps of active inland tectonic zones (ATZs) on a mesoscale, approximately 70 to several hundred kilometers in lateral extent. But it has been difficult to characterize ATZs in Japan, as they are in fact operational on multiple scales and our efforts are often hindered by various irregularities in the data. The key to overcoming these problems would be to gain an insight into the available data before any precise kinematic modeling is performed with indefinite assumptions. In this study, horizontal velocity fields, deduced from the nationwide GPS array, were treated with a set of techniques in robust smoothing and exploratory data analysis that brought out exceptionally powerful mesoscale ATZs, and made them easier to characterize. The resolved ATZs were then retrospectively monitored to study their regional and temporal variations, using a set of approx. 840 observation stations, about 30 km apart, for a 4-year series of fixed observation time-intervals, 810 days each. The smoothing operation involved three steps: (1) imputation of the velocity fields for the purpose of anti-aliasing, (2) robust smoothing of the velocity fields with the median operative, and (3) visualization of deformation-rate distributions in several coordinate independent parameters, and post-filtering. The geometrical resolvability of mesoscale ATZs was confirmed by calibrating the smoothing scheme against synthetic tectonic boundary models before it was applied to the case study in Japan. ATZs in Japan, which are essentially visible as systematic deviations in the velocity fields on the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and as strain rate anomalies, were highlighted sharply along some known tectonic zones, chains of active volcanoes, and areas above low seismic velocity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle, all of which generally paralleled the offshore trench axes. The geometrical agreements among the mapped ATZs and the physical anomalies in the crust are presumably due to their common structural weakness on the mesoscale. In the four main islands of Japan, all but 30–40% of the strain rate anomalies persisted during the entire 6 years of the case study period, while the rest sporadically appeared or disappeared in a period from several months to a few years. The transient shifts in the deformation rates were remarkably synchronous with some nearby major tectonic episodes: large earthquakes and slow events. Differential plate coupling strengths along the subduction zones can also be inferred from the persistent pattern of rotational strain rate anomalies forming clockwise and counterclockwise pairs along the Pacific. Our empirical observations suggest that the first-order features of interseismic crustal deformations in Japan can be characterized as collateral processes behaving in response to fluctuations of the tectonic stresses on multiple scales, likely influenced by changes of plate coupling strengths on the contiguous subduction faults.  相似文献   
A methodology to estimate a methane emission in a waste landfill site was developed. The methane flux at a waste landfill site in summer, autumn, and winter was within the following ranges: from −1.3×10−2 to 16, from −6.4×10−2 to 7.5, and from −1.6×10−3 to 1.5×10−2 g-CH4 m−2 h−1, respectively. In those seasons, the mean methane emission rate and coefficient of variation were 1.1 g-CH4 m−2 h−1 ±290%, 0.57 g-CH4 m−2 h−1 ±347%, and 5.4×10−2 g-CH4 m−2 h−1 ±370%, respectively. These results simultaneously showed that fluctuations of methane emission from the landfill surface were both of spatial and temporal variability. In each season, an exponential relationship was observed between the methane flux density and the ground temperature. Total methane emissions were estimated to be 5.7×10−2, 7.1×10−3, and 1.7×10−3 g-CH4 m−2 h−1 in the summer, autumn, and winter surveys, respectively, using a temperature surrogated-kriging method. The results of this study would improve upon the labor-intensive closed-chamber method, and could be a more practical way to estimate methane emissions from waste landfills.  相似文献   
We construct fine-scale 3D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath the whole Japan Islands with a unified resolution, where the Pacific (PAC) and Philippine Sea (PHS) plates subduct beneath the Eurasian (EUR) plate. We can detect the low-velocity (low-V) oceanic crust of the PAC and PHS plates at their uppermost part beneath almost all the Japan Islands. The depth limit of the imaged oceanic crust varies with the regions. High-VP/VS zones are widely distributed in the lower crust especially beneath the volcanic front, and the high strain rate zones are located at the edge of the extremely high-VP/VS zone; however, VP/VS at the top of the mantle wedge is not so high. Beneath northern Japan, we can image the high-V subducting PAC plate using the tomographic method without any assumption of velocity discontinuities. We also imaged the heterogeneous structure in the PAC plate, such as the low-V zone considered as the old seamount or the highly seismic zone within the double seismic zone where the seismic fault ruptured by the earthquake connects the upper and lower layer of the double seismic zone. Beneath central Japan, thrust-type small repeating earthquakes occur at the boundary between the EUR and PHS plates and are located at the upper part of the low-V layer that is considered to be the oceanic crust of the PHS plate. In addition to the low-V oceanic crust, the subducting high-V PAC plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km and the subducting high-V PHS zone to depths of approximately 180 km is considered to be the PHS plate. Beneath southwestern Japan, the iso-depth lines of the Moho discontinuity in the PHS plate derived by the receiver function method divide the upper low-V layer and lower high-V layer of our model at depths of 30–50 km. Beneath Kyushu, the steeply subducting PHS plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km with high velocities. The high-VP/VS zone is considered as the lower crust of the EUR plate or the oceanic crust of the PHS plate at depths of 25–35 km and the partially serpentinized mantle wedge of the EUR plate at depths of 30–45 km beneath southwestern Japan. The deep low-frequency nonvolcanic tremors occur at all parts of the high-VP/VS zone—within the zone, the seaward side, and the landward side where the PHS plate encounters the mantle wedge of the EUR plate. We prove that we can objectively obtain the fine-scale 3D structure with simple constraints such as only 1D initial velocity model with no velocity discontinuity.  相似文献   
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