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We delineate shallow structures of the Mozumi–Sukenobu fault, central Japan, using fault zone waves generated by near-surface explosions and detected by a seismometer array. Two explosive sources, S1 and S2, were placed at a distance of about 2 km from the array, and the other two, S3 and S4, were at a distance of about 4 km. Fault zone head waves and fault zone trapped waves following direct P wave arrivals were clearly identified in the seismograms recorded by a linear seismometer array deployed across the fault in a research tunnel at a depth of 300 m. Synthetic waveforms generated by a 3-D finite-difference (3-D FD) method were compared with observed fault zone waves up to 25 Hz. The best fitting model indicates a 200-m-wide low-velocity zone extending at least to shot site S1 located 2 km east of the seismic array with a 20% decrease in the P wave velocity relative to the wall rock. The width of the low-velocity zone is consistent with the fault zone defined by direct geological observation in the research tunnel. However, the low-velocity zone should disappear just to the east of the site S1 to explain the observed fault zone waves for shot S3 and S4 located 4 km east of the seismometer array. Yet the observation and the simulation show notable trapped wave excitation even though shots S3 and S4 are outside the fault zone. These results indicate that (1) the effective waveguide for seismic waves along the fault does not exist east of source site S1 although the surface traces of the fault are observed in this region, and (2) considerable trapped waves can be excited by sources well outside the fault zone. These results highlight the along-strike variability in fault zone structure.  相似文献   
We discuss Yohkoh SXT observations of stationary giant post-flare arches which occurred on 3–6 May, 1992 and study in detail the last arch, associated with the flare at 19:02 UT on 5 May, which extended above the west limb. The arch was similar to the first giant arch discovered on board the SMM, on 21–22 May, 1980. We demonstrate that the long lifetimes of these structures necessarily imply additional energy input from the underlying active region: otherwise, conduction would cool these arches in less than one hour and even with the unlikely assumption of conduction inhibited, pure radiative cooling would not produce the temperature decrease observed. All arch tops, although varying in brightness, stayed for several days at a fairly constant altitude of 100 000 km, and the arch studied, on 5–6 May, was just a new brightening of the pre-existing decaying structure. The brightening was apparently due to inflow of hot plasma from the flare region. Yohkoh data confirm that these stationary arches are rare phenomena when compared with the rising arches studied in Paper I and with Uchida et al.'s expanding active regions.  相似文献   
We present high angular resolution spectra taken along the jets from L1551 IRS 5 and DG Tau obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The position-velocity diagrams of the [Fe II] λ 1.644 μmemission line revealed remarkably similar characteristics for the two sources, showing two distinct velocity components separated from each other in both velocity and space with the entire emission range blueshifted with respect to the stellar velocity. The high velocity component (HVC) has a velocity of –200 ––300 km s-1 with a narrow line width, while the low velocity component (LVC) is around –100 km s-1 exhibitinig a broad line width. The HVC is located farther away from the origin and is more extended than the LVC. Our results suggest that the HVC is a well-collimated jet originating from the region close to the star, while the LVC is a widely-opened wind accelerated in the region near the inner edge of the accretion disk.  相似文献   
Utilization of cheap renewable carbon feedstock for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production not only brings down its production cost but also ensures sustainability. The scope of this study was to evaluate the potential of sap extracted from felled oil palm trunk (OPT) as a novel inexpensive renewable carbon source for PHA production. OPT sap was found to be nutritionally rich and contained various fermentable sugars (5.5% w/v) as its major constituent. Termite gut isolate, Bacillus megaterium MC1 grew profoundly in mineral medium with OPT sap as carbon source and a cell density of 10.9 g/L was attained after 16 h of cultivation in shake flask cultures. A maximum poly‐3‐hydroxybutyrate [P(3HB)] content (% cell dry weight; CDW) of 30 wt% and a P(3HB) concentration of 3.28 g/L was recorded. Additionally, OPT sap extracted from younger tree trunks with prolonged storage had higher sugar content (10.8% w/v) and, when used as a growth medium without the addition of any nutrients, supported bacterial growth comparable to commercially available media.  相似文献   
The mass balance of the Xiao (Lesser) Dongkemadi Glacier located in the Tanggula Mountains, of the central Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau has been monitored since 1989. The results show that the mass balance of the glacier has recently shown a deficit trend, and that the glacial terminus was also retreating. Positive mass balance of the glacier was dominant during the period 1989–1993, and the accumulated mass balance reached 970 mm. However, negative mass balance of the glacier has occurred since 1994, except for the large positive mass balance year 1997. The mass balance was ? 701 mm in 1998, an extremely negative glacier mass balance year. The equilibrium line altitude showed a significant increasing trend. The mass balance of the glacier has changed from a significantly positive mass balance to a strongly negative mass balance since 1994. Meteorological data suggest that the rapid decrease in the mass balance is related to summer season warming. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A new method for the calculation of coronal magnetic field is proposed and it is shown to reproduce the EUV features in the corona as observed by Skylab experiments satisfactorily well. One of the remarkable points is that it reproduces the loopy threads in the active region corona and also the large scale field lines connecting active regions. The existence of coronal current is expected wherever the present coronal-current-free model fails to represent the feature. A method of calculating the coronal sheet-current is also developed with the purpose of knowing the shape of the current sheet and the amount of magnetic stress energy stored due the the presence of it by comparing the calculated field configuration with the observed local distortion of the EUV threads. This may be used in pinning down the possible site of the flare and in discussing the flare occurrence in terms of the energy stored there.During the preparation of this work, Poletto et al. (1975) calculated the magnetic field shape in Schmidt's method to compare with the soft X-ray feature obtained by Skylab.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new type of electromagnetic damper with rotating inertial mass that has been developed to control the vibrations of structures subjected to earthquakes. The electromagnetic inertial mass damper (EIMD) consists of a ball screw that converts axial oscillation of the rod end into rotational motion of the internal flywheel and an electric generator that is turned by the rotation of the inner rod. The EIMD is able to generate a large inertial force created by the rotating flywheel and a variable damping force developed by the electric generator. Device performance tests of reduced‐scale and full‐scale EIMDs were undertaken to verify the basic characteristics of the damper and the validity of the derived theoretical formulae. Shaking table tests of a three‐story structure with EIMDs and earthquake response analyses of a building with EIMDs were conducted to demonstrate the seismic response control performance of the EIMD. The EIMD is able to reduce story drifts as well as accelerations and surpasses conventional types of dampers in reducing acceleration responses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
239, 240Pu,137Cs and90Sr concentrations were determined in sea waters from the central and western North Pacific in 1980 and 1982. The results are consistent with those reported earlier for North Pacific waters. The profiles of90Sr and137Cs show a monotonic decrease with depth, whilst239, 240Pu shows a distinct subsurface maximum at a depth between 400 and 1,000 m. The calculated inventories of these nuclides significantly exceed the global mean fallout inputs for these latitudes. This may be due to local fallout input to the ocean at times of large-scale nuclear weapon tests in the equatorial North Pacific. The existence of measurable amounts of137Cs and239, 240Pu in deep waters suggests that these nuclides are transported by sinking particulate matter from the surface to the deep ocean.  相似文献   
Norikura Volcano has not been active during the last 10,000 years in spite of the activity of the surrounding volcanic mountains. To study past volcanic activities, geological studies were carried out extensively. However, quite a few geophysical investigations were conducted to contribute to volcanology. Our objective is to detect the present subsurface structure of Norikura Volcano and to define volcanic stratifications. In the vicinity of Norikura Volcano, geothermal fields are still active. Subsurface volcanic rocks in this area have been exposed to geothermal activity and altered. To comprehend volcanic stratifications of Norikura and geothermal activity, we conducted audio frequency magneto-telluric (AMT) surveys around Norikura Volcano. AMT survey is useful in clearly defining the resistivity structure related to volcanic regions. The AMT data were acquired over a frequency range 10 Hz–10 kHz. Decomposition analysis was applied to the tensor impedance data. Subsequently, apparent resistivity and phase data were inverted using a two-dimensional magneto-telluric (MT) inversion and a model of Norikura was derived. The final model manifests that the surface resistors are in agreement with andesite lava or dacite lava. As for the deeper structure, a horizontal conductor is situated above resistive basements. The alteration of the conductor was weak, while basement rocks were strongly altered and/or heated through the thermal activity. The existence of these layers seems to indicate the degree of thermal activity of Norikura Volcano.  相似文献   
Harutaka  Sakai  Minoru  Sawada  Yutaka  Takigami  Yuji  Orihashi  Tohru  Danhara  Hideki  Iwano  Yoshihiro  Kuwahara  Qi  Dong  Huawei  Cai  Jianguo  Li 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):297-310
Abstract   Newly discovered peloidal limestone from the summit of Mount Qomolangma (Mount Everest) contains skeletal fragments of trilobites, ostracods and crinoids. They are small pebble-sized debris interbedded in micritic bedded limestone of the Qomolangma Formation, and are interpreted to have been derived from a bank margin and redeposited in peri-platform environments. An exposure of the Qomolangma detachment at the base of the first step (8520 m), on the northern slope of Mount Qomolangma was also found. Non-metamorphosed, strongly fractured Ordovician limestone is separated from underlying metamorphosed Yellow Band by a sharp fault with a breccia zone. The 40Ar–39Ar ages of muscovite from the Yellow Band show two-phase metamorphic events of approximately 33.3 and 24.5 Ma. The older age represents the peak of a Barrovian-type Eo-Himalayan metamorphic event and the younger age records a decompressional high-temperature Neo-Himalayan metamorphic event. A muscovite whole-rock 87Rb–86Sr isochron of the Yellow Band yielded 40.06 ± 0.81 Ma, which suggests a Pre-Himalayan metamorphism, probably caused by tectonic stacking of the Tibetan Tethys sediments in the leading margin of the Indian subcontinent. Zircon and apatite grains, separated from the Yellow Band, gave pooled fission-track ages of 14.4 ± 0.9 and 14.4 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively. These new chronologic data indicate rapid cooling of the hanging wall of the Qomolangma detachment from approximately 350°C to 130°C during a short period (15.5–14.4 Ma).  相似文献   
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