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黄维全 《云南地质》2003,22(3):267-273
东铺金矿成矿物质来源于海底火山喷流作用及壳源含金热流的再循环。边缘深大断裂控盆和产生的多期表部脆性变形,除使区域上古生界地层和早期形成的(火山喷发不整合)结构面卷入构造变形,形成不同规模、不同形状、不同性质的剪切透镜体、断层三角块和变形面理外,同时由于深部与浅表部构造的互通,使区内形成含金高热流场,导致不同层次的含金热流沿性质已发生改变的华力西不整合面(带)成矿与控矿。中低温热液交代充填,叠加冷水含金矿液次生淋漓作用,构成了区内独具特色的二元矿床类型。  相似文献   
The geology of Kochiu tin-field, the largest tin-producing districtin China, is little known inspite of its being frequently visited by profes-sional experts. Both Collins and Draper did some intensive study inKochiu, but their accounts are chiefly dealing with native methods of  相似文献   
东坪铅锌矿构控特征及矿床成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗家贤 《云南地质》2003,22(3):304-312
东坪铅锌矿是巧家~小牛栏铅锌成矿亚带上一个有代表性的铅锌矿床,与处在同一成矿带上的其它铅锌矿床(点)有许多相似之处。不同的是该矿床由层间剥离空间或顺层挤压破碎带控制的矿床规模较大,并随上震旦统灯影组第二段赋矿层位延伸较远,显示较典型的层控加构控、与岩浆成因无关的沉积叠加中低温热液矿床类型。经对该区进一步物探与地质勘查证实:矿区SE边缘的巧家~小牛栏断层与派生的次一级NW向断层交汇部位,存在厚大的铅锌矿体,其深部也存在一定范围和宽度的“低阻高激化异常体”,应是该区今后找矿重点。  相似文献   
新矿物—西盟石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施加辛 《矿物学报》1989,9(1):15-19
西盟石产于云南省西盟锡矿区,为低温热液交代产物,与磷铝铋石等共生。西盟石呈无色土状、变胶状、不规则粒状集合体,六方晶系,一轴晶正光性,N>1.78,H_v=279-283kg/cm~2,D_c=5.534g/cm~3(干晶体),电子束下发黄绿色荧光。经电子探针定量分析,西盟石成分为:Bi_2O_376.34%,P_2O_522.92%。计算的化学式为:Bi_(1.01)P_(0.99)O_4,简化为BiPO_4。西盟石的X射线衍射分析较强线为:6.052(100)(73),4.420(101)(91),3.493(110)(88),3.024(200)(100),2.854(102)(65)。计算的晶胞参数为:a=6.9860A(16),c=6.4753A(28),V=273.68A~3Z=3,空间群为P3_121。文中还与人工合成的西盟石作了某些对比。  相似文献   
首次在工布江达县巴母果蒙拉组中发现遗迹化石及古孢粉,将该区无化石依据的“旁多群”解体;在朗县混杂岩的灰岩块体中发现重结晶的珊瑚、腕足类残片及牙形刺;将冈底斯岩浆弧划分为南部雅鲁藏布江复式岩基带和北部冈底斯主脊复式岩基带;在米林巴嘎一带南迦巴瓦岩群中发现石榴透辉岩、含云透辉榴闪岩扁豆状残留包体;首次在念青唐古拉岩群八拉岩组中发现一套高角闪岩相—麻粒岩相的变质岩系。  相似文献   
建立和完善了测区地层系统,将地层划为5个地层分区,并划分出35个正式、非正式地层单位;将洞嘎曲一带原划的嘎波组划分为曲龙共巴组及拉康组一、二段3个填图单元;确认宗卓组与下伏地层为角度不整合,甲不拉组与桑秀组、桑秀组与维美组、维美组与遮拉组之间均为平行不整合接触;确立了2个SB1 界面和2个SB2 界面;首次发现涅如组上部发育一套含砾中粗粒岩屑砂岩及灰绿色粉砂质板岩,并广泛发育冲刷面,并在该组中新采获四川方锥石和马鞍塘方锥石化石;朗杰学群中含大量基性火山岩,总体上为斜坡盆地相,产大量薄壳型双壳,各岩组、岩性段间多呈断层接触;在章村岩组中新采获植物化石。在邛多江卡拉玉门复合断裂北侧的玉门一带朗杰学岩群与涅如组间新发现蛇绿混杂岩,基质中采获化石;发现拉多—白露一带朗县混杂岩由众多的构造岩片组成。在扎日区的夏格勒桥附近的南迦巴瓦岩群片麻岩和绕让肉切村岩群片岩中新的同位素年龄。查明区内含火山岩的地层有7个层位;查明了火山岩的形成的构造环境。在马扎拉一带发现了锑金矿。  相似文献   
The Pulang porphyry copper deposit is located in the Zhongdian island arc belt, NW Yunnan, in the central part of the Sanjiang area, SW China, belonging to the southern segment of the Yidun island arc belt on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform. In the Yidun island arc, there occur well-known "Gacun-style" massive sulfide deposits in the northern segment and plenty of porphyry copper deposits in the southern segment, of which the Pulang porphyry copper deposit is one of the representatives. Like the Yulong porphyry copper deposit, this porphyry copper deposit is also one of the most important porphyry copper deposits in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. But it is different from other porphyry copper deposits in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (e.g. those in the Gangdise porphyry copper belt and Yulong porphyry copper belt) in that it formed in the Indosinian period, while others in the Himalayan period. Because of its particularity among the porphyry copper deposits of China, this porphyry copp  相似文献   
在滇池磷现代沉积的实验资料研究,特别是磷块岩生物成矿作用研究的基础上,提出了滇池污染防治的优化对策,即在滇池培养聚磷菌,使其种类及繁衍量大于解磷菌的种类与繁衍量,水体中的磷便可向底泥迁移沉积,底泥中的磷向水体释放也会得到有效控制,富营养化自然改观,环境污染逐渐改善。  相似文献   
Among the endogenetic deposits in the Sanjiang area and at the west margin of the Yangtze platform, Himalayan deposits are the most important and contribute a large proportion of the resources of superlarge deposits. Among the controlled resources of this region, 84% of copper resources, 67% of Pb-Zn, 31% of Ag, 77% of gold and 24% of tin come from Himalayan deposits on the east side of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Himalayan endogenetic mineralization shows a relatively complete sequence evolution in the Sanjiang area and on the west margin of the Yangtze platform. Mineralization is manifested by gold deposits related to K-rich lamprophyre, REE deposits related to alkalic complexes and Cu-Au-polymetallic deposits related to alkaline porphyry. Six sequences of mineralization evolution since 65 Ma B.P. in the Sanjiang area and on the west side of the Yangtze platform can be recognized. Himalayan endogenetic mineralization on the east side of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau reached its peak before the Oligo-cene,  相似文献   
位于青藏高原东北部松潘-甘孜构造带中央部位的松潘—阿坝地区是目前中国石化公司油气勘探与探索的全新领域。2002年以来中国石化南方勘探开发分公司对该区进行了系统的石油地质、重、磁、电、震、遥感、化探等综合勘探与评价研究,发现了相对稳定的若尔盖隐伏地块、多个局部构造显示和化探异常区域,认为该区可能存在下古生界生烃、上古生界储集、三叠系封盖的油气地质条件,评价优选出了若尔盖坳陷的中部凸起及其向北侧凹陷带过渡的斜坡地带为近期油气勘探的有利地区并实施了红参1井的钻探。各项勘探成果资料表明该区应该具有油气勘探前景,但三叠系巨厚且经历了多期形变改造,油气勘探的难度较大,加强随钻跟踪分析、深化油气地质研究并开展物探技术攻关是近期工作的重点。  相似文献   
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