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This paper presents a linear predictor (LP)‐based lossless sensor data compression algorithm for efficient transmission, storage and retrieval of seismic data. Auto‐Regressive with eXogenous input (ARX) model is selected as the model structure of LP. Since earthquake ground motion is typically measured at the base of monitored structures, the ARX model parameters are calculated in a system identification framework using sensor network data and measured input signals. In this way, sensor data compression takes advantage of structural system information to maximize the sensor data compression performance. Numerical simulation results show that several factors including LP order, measurement noise, input and limited sensor number affect the performance of the proposed lossless sensor data compression algorithm concerned. Generally, the lossless data compression algorithm is capable of reducing the size of raw sensor data while causing no information loss in the sensor data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
邵于庄煤炭勘查区新生界松散层厚度较厚,下伏为二叠系含煤地层,可采煤层多。区内含、隔水层组成复杂,由四个含水层和三个隔水层组成。通过对含水层水文地质条件分析,提出了第一、二含水层是矿区的主要供水水源,为保证未来建设和开采时的生活用水和工业用水,应做好水源的保护工作;同时指明了第四含水层是浅部煤组开采的主要补给水源,在煤矿设计和开采过程中,应重点予以防治。  相似文献   
地理表达研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地理表达是地理学的一个基本问题,也是地理信息科学研究面临的一个重大挑战.从地理表达机理、内容和形式的角度,对近期地理表达研究进行了总结.本质上,地理表达是一个空间认知、信息转换与信息传输的交互过程.地理表达内容涉及地理实体及其空间关系、不确定性、地理动态及地理本体等方面.地理表达形式经历了从自然语言、地图到GIS的演变...  相似文献   
陆面温度是研究地表和大气之间物质交换和能量交换的重要参数。本文通过NASAMODIS地表温度产品与常规资料的分析,发现利用MODIS资料反演的地表温度在山西省分布情况与实测资料基本一致,但应用MODIS资料反演的地表温度要小于实测数据。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a parametric study of self-centering seismic retrofit schemes for reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings. The self-centering retrofit system features flag-shaped hysteresis and minimal residual deformation. For comparison purpose,an alternate seismic retrofit scheme that uses a bilinear-hysteresis retrofit system such as buckling-restrained braces (BRB) is also considered in this paper. The parametric study was carried out in a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system framework since a multi-story building structure may be idealized as an equivalent SDOF system and investigation of the performance of this equivalent SDOF system can provide insight into the seismic response of the multi-story building. A peak-oriented hysteresis model which can consider the strength and stiffness degradation is used to describe the hysteretic behavior of RC structures. The parametric study involves two key parameters -the strength ratio and elastic stiffness ratio between the seismic retrofit system and the original RC frame. An ensemble of 172 earthquake ground motion records scaled to the design basis earthquake in California with a probability of exceedance of 10% in 50 years was constructed for the simulation-based parametric study. The effectiveness of the two seismic retrofit schemes considered in this study is evaluated in terms of peak displacement ratio,peak acceleration ratio,energy dissipation demand ratio and residual displacement ratio between the SDOF systems with and without retrofit. It is found from this parametric study that RC structures retrofitted with the self-centering retrofit scheme (SCRS) can achieve a seismic performance level comparable to the bilinear-hysteresis retrofit scheme (BHRS) in terms of peak displacement and energy dissipation demand ratio while having negligible residual displacement after earthquake.  相似文献   
基于MODIS数据光谱突变法提取冬小麦种植面积研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2004—2005年MODIS 16天合成的NDVI最大值植被指数数据,基于NDVI光谱突变方法对山西省运城地区冬小麦种植面积提取。冬小麦有两个生育阶段其绿度—时相曲线与其他大宗作物、植被有明显差异:一是10—11月,为冬小麦秋播至分蘖阶段;二是5—6月,为冬小麦孕穗至收获期。通过分析得出:2005年5—6月(2005161~2005129)提取的冬小麦面积与实测面积相关性最高,估测的冬小麦面积与实测面积的误差最小,准确性最高。  相似文献   
我国电力建设发展迅速,电力输送设施建设通常会跨越恶劣地质条件区域,这些区域易发生地质灾害,从而引起输电铁塔基础结构产生形变,严重威胁高压输电线路的运行安全.本文使用合成孔径雷达影像,应用永久散射体差分干涉测量(PS-InSAR)技术对高压输电塔结构及其沿线地表进行形变监测.使用相干系数阈值法来确定研究区域的永久散射体点...  相似文献   
新构造运动对冲积河流影响研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究新构造运动本身及其对冲积河流的影响,可以深化地貌学理论、沉积旋回复杂性假设等的认识,也与实际应用密切相关。将活动构造作为新构造运动的一个组成部分,回顾了新构造运动对冲积河流影响,并提及新构造运动本身的研究进展。控制流域水系格局及河流走向的研究,侧重地质学解释;新构造运动应力场的研究,深化了新构造运动机理及驱动力的探讨。三类基本缓慢新构造运动影响水系发育、河床演变、河型变化及河道冲淤,表现出复杂性、层次性、敏感性和先兆性;文章兼及河流侵蚀作用形成"新构造"的研究进展,回顾了物理模型实验研究成就及数学模拟研究端倪。进而指出:应注重该学科的交叉、渗透、综合研究与新构造快速运动方式对冲积河流影响的研究,定期进行新构造运动活跃区的升降速率、河床演变与泥沙输移的观测,进一步推进物理模型实验与数学模拟研究,并加强研究力量的协作与融合。  相似文献   
There are two types of lead–zinc ore bodies, i.e., sandstone-hosted ores (SHO) and limestone-hosted ores (LHO), in the Jinding giant sulfide deposit, Yunnan, SW China. Structural analysis suggests that thrust faults and dome structures are the major structural elements controlling lead–zinc mineralization. The two types of ore bodies are preserved in two thrust sheets in a three-layered structural profile in the framework of the Jinding dome structure. The SHO forms the cap of the dome and LHO bodies are concentrated beneath the SHO cap in the central part of the dome. Quartz, feldspar and calcite, and sphalerite, pyrite, and galena are the dominant mineral components in the sandstone-hosted lead–zinc ores. Quartz and feldspar occur as detrital clasts and are cemented by diagenetic calcite and epigenetic sulfides. The sulfide paragenetic sequence during SHO mineralization is from early pyrite to galena and late sphalerite. Galena occurs mostly in two types of cracks, i.e., crescent-style grain boundary cracks along quartz–pyrite, or rarely along pyrite–pyrite boundaries, and intragranular radial cracks in early pyrite grains surrounding quartz clasts. The radial cracks are more or less perpendicular to the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries and do not show any overall (whole rock) orientation pattern. Their distribution, morphological characteristics, and geometrical relationships with quartz and pyrite grains suggest the predominant role of grain-scale cracking. Thermal expansion cracking is one of the most important mechanisms for the generation of open spaces during galena mineralization. Cracking due to heating or cooling by infiltrating fluids resulted from upwelling fluid phases through fluid passes connecting the SHO and LHO bodies, provided significant spaces for crystallization of galena. The differences in coefficients of thermal expansion between pyrite and quartz led to a difference in volume changes between quartz grains and pyrite grains surrounding them and contributed to cracking of the pyrite grains when temperature changed. Combined thermal expansion and elastic mismatch due to heating and subsequent cooling resulted in the radial and crescent cracking in the pyrite grains and along the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new concept for enhancing the seismic ductility and damping capacity of diagrid structural frames by using shear-link fuse devices and its seismic performance is assessed through nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.The architectural elegancy of the diagrid structure attributed to its triangular leaning member configuration and high structural redundancy make this system a desirable choice for tall building design.However,forming a stable energy dissipation mechanism in diagrid framing remains to be investigated to expand its use in regions with high seismicity.To address this issue,a diagrid framing design is proposed here which provides a competitive design option in highly seismic regions through its increased ductility and improved energy dissipation capacity provided by replaceable shear links interconnecting the diagonal members at their ends.The structural characteristics and seismic behavior(capacity,stiffness,energy dissipation,ductility) of the diagrid structural frame are demonstrated with a 21-story building diagrid frame subjected to nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.The findings from the nonlinear time history analysis verify that satisfactory seismic performance can be achieved by the proposed diagrid frame subjected to design basis earthquakes in California.In particular,one appealing feature of the proposed diagrid building is its reduced residual displacement after strong earthquakes.  相似文献   
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