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岩体结构力学岩体工程地质力学的新发展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文从岩体工程地质力学角度, 研讨了岩体结构力学的意义, 地位与作用。作者就个人的认识, 将岩体结构力学的理论特点, 概括为五个方面, 即再变形和再破坏, 岩体结构的控制作用、岩体结构控制论、赋存环境以及关于岩体的多种力学介质和力学模型构成的力学体系。  相似文献   
矿田相当于Ⅴ级成矿区带的地质找矿勘查对象,需要研究\"构造与建造共生\"的地质现象,建立相应的概念和野外观测方法,有别于\"沉积构造岩相\"、\"岩浆岩相\"、\"变质岩相\"、\"大地构造相\"、\"构造岩相\"、\"构造相\"等理论观点。在长期矿田构造和深部外围找矿实践基础上,研究提出\"构造变形岩相\"的地质概念。构造变形岩相被理解为\"显示构造变形的那部分岩相\",是喻示受构造影响的那部分(沉积、岩浆和变质地质作用的)岩相,是包含构造变形及建造特征的地质实体,或构造建造形迹。构造变形岩相,是岩石形变和相变密切共生的地质体,既能反映成岩地质环境又包含成岩物理化学条件,是一种适用于开展\"构造结合建造\"观测和分析的构造岩石单元。依据地质作用类型,划分了4种矿田构造变形岩相:沉积构造变形岩相、岩浆构造变形岩相、变质构造变形岩相和复成构造变形岩相。根据地质亚相,划分了矿田尺度的27类构造变形岩相。建立矿田构造变形岩相的观测和分析方法,不仅推动了构造结合建造的地质调查和研究,而且为矿田构造向矿田地质学的发展奠定了基础。构造变形岩相研究,用1:1000~1:50000不同精度,可以调查几十至几百平方千米范围的地质找矿问题,直接服务于已知矿床的深部外围找矿。地表结合中段大比例尺填图,三维刻画矿化岩相带的分布特征,成为圈定靶区的最佳途径。在\"就矿找矿\"的基础上,探讨了中距离找矿的预测方向——构造变形岩相界面成矿带。  相似文献   
阶地型古老滑坡体形成后,长期受各种营力影响,导致古老滑坡地貌形态破坏严重甚至消失。目前遥感技术和普通工程地质调绘很难发现这些滑坡的存在,给工程建设和后期运营造成较大安全隐患。为准确识别形态特征不明显的古老滑坡体,从阶地物质结构特征演变入手,找到阶地受剪切破坏产生的典型物质结构特征,将地层结构错断、卵砾石异常定向排列、摩擦镜面和泥包粒的眼球构造等作为滑坡准确识别依据。首先采用沿沟谷进行工程地质测绘的纵横交错追踪法确定滑坡体纵向范围和滑面形状,再结合地貌特征推测各级、块滑坡平面范围和分布,最后用点状勘探工程验证和校正推测结论。可将其总结为由\"地貌异常、沿沟追踪、面上推断、点状校验\"组成的阶地型滑坡识别方法,即物质结构异常推断法。结合线状工程勘察设计各阶段工作特点,提出线状工程前期工作中阶地型滑坡识别步骤,并在临渭高速公路工程建设项目中取得成功应用。  相似文献   
黑岚沟金矿田位于胶东中部栖霞-蓬莱金成矿带北段,区内发育黑岚沟、河西、侯各庄、初格庄等多个石英脉型金矿。其金矿化主要出现在含黄铁矿和多金属硫化物的石英脉中。黄铁矿是主要的载金矿物。因此,基于黄铁矿热电性标型特征指导找矿勘查具有实际意义。采用新型原位矿物热电仪进行黑岚沟金矿集区46件主成矿阶段黄铁矿的热电性测试,结果表明,在该区-170~-616 m标高内,黄铁矿热电导型P型率大多在90%以上,暗示目前揭露的矿体仍然处于矿床上部或顶部;特别是热电系数主要集中在200~350 μV·℃-1,且其离散性较大,推测矿床垂向延伸较大;通过热电系数计算成矿垂向延伸指数平均值为30.4%,该值也说明目前探采部位属于矿床上部。综合分析,认为黑岚沟金矿田深部仍然具有较大的成矿潜力。  相似文献   

One-way cyclic loading is more typical for traffic loading and cyclic triaxial test has been recognized as a useful method for solving many engineering problems. Under traffic loading, the influence of variable confining pressure on cyclic behavior of natural organic clay subjected to cyclic traffic loading is rarely reported in the literature. In this study, a laboratory investigation on undrained cyclic behavior of natural organic clay is presented and conducted by cyclic triaxial apparatus. Tests are conducted by both constant confining pressure and variable confining pressure, to simulate the loading conditions induced by passing vehicles in actual engineering. Different stress levels are also considered in this study. By comparing between the results of constant confining pressure tests and variable confining pressure tests, it shows that the one-way cyclic behavior of organic clay is influenced significantly by variation of confining pressure, in terms of pore water pressure, permanent axial strain and stress–strain hysteretic loops.  相似文献   
基于卫星遥感的植被指数时序数据广泛应用于植被覆盖监测、生物量反演等多个研究领域,但由于传感器本身、大气条件、环境特征等因素引起的噪声会影响数据的应用效果,因此开展植被指数时序数据重构研究具有实际意义。本文基于2000-2015年MODIS归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)数据,采用三次样条函数法、双逻辑斯蒂函数法和奇异谱分析法3种常用方法,对青藏高原106个气象站点所在的典型覆被NDVI时序数据进行重构,并以植被物候信息提取作为应用,比较分析了3种算法的保真性、细节拟合能力及物候特征提取效果。研究表明, D-L及Spline函数分别对受冰雪及云层影响较大(荒漠、灌木、林地)及较小的覆被类型(草原、农作物)表现出较好的细节拟合能力;SSA方法拟合能力较差,易出现NDVI重构曲线整体“下移”的现象,造成峰值拟合结果偏低,并且表现出NDVI绝对值越小拟合效果越差的现象。从保持原始数据真值的能力来看,受噪声点影响较大的覆被类型(林地、灌木、草原)Spline函数略优于D-L函数法;而林地类型中SSA方法表现优于D-L函数法。从物候信息提取结果来看,D-L函数法所提取的生长季稍有提前,Spline函数及SSA方法分别表现出生长季开始点及结束点滞后的现象,灌木、林地类型表现出明显的年际波动变化的特征,荒漠类型由于NDVI绝对值偏低,3种方法物候提取结果一致性表现出锯齿状不规则波动。此外,D-L方法生长季开始期(SOS)和生长季结束期(EOS)在各覆被区均小于其他方法,波动较大;SSA方法提取的EOS在大部分覆被地区大于其他方法;Spline提取结果的年际波动与SSA高度相似。该研究可为高原植被不同覆被类型下NDVI时序数据噪声去除的方法选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Near-surface remote sensing (e.g., digital cameras) has played an important role in capturing plant phenological metrics at either a focal or landscape scale. Exploring the relationship of the digital image-based greenness index (e.g., Gcc, green chromatic coordinate) with that derived from satellites is critical for land surface process research. Moreover, our understanding of how well Gcc time series associate with environmental variables at field stations in North American prairies remains limited. This paper investigated the response of grass Gcc to daily environmental factors in 2018, such as soil moisture (temperature), air temperature, and solar radiation. Thereafter, using a derivative-based phenology extraction method, we evaluated the correspondence between key phenological events (mainly including start, end and length of growing season, and date with maximum greenness value) derived from Gcc, MODIS and VIIRS NDVI (EVI) for the period 2015-2018. The results showed that daily Gcc was in good agreement with ground-level environmental variables. Additionally, multivariate regression analysis identified that the grass growth in the study area was mainly affected by soil temperature and solar radiation, but not by air temperature. High frequency Gcc time series can respond immediately to precipitation events. In the same year, the phenological metrics retrieved from digital cameras and multiple satellites are similar, with spring phenology having a larger relative difference. There are distinct divergences between changing rates in the greenup and senescence stages. Gcc also shows a close relationship with growing degree days (GDD) derived from air temperature. This study evaluated the performance of a digital camera for monitoring vegetation phenological metrics and related climatic factors. This research will enable multiscale modeling of plant phenology and grassland resource management of temperate prairie ecosystems.  相似文献   
Wang  Yuke  Gao  Yufeng  Li  Bing  Guo  Lin  Cai  Yuanqiang  Mahfouz  Ali H. 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(5):1379-1401

It is important to be fully aware of the dynamic characteristics of saturated soft clays under complex loading conditions in practice. In this paper, a series of undrained tests for soft clay consolidated with different initial major principal stress direction ξ were conducted by a hollow cylinder apparatus (HCA). The clay samples were subjected to pure principal stress rotation as the magnitudes of the mean total stress p, intermediate principal stress coefficient b, and deviator stress q were all maintained constant. The influences of intermediate principal stress coefficient and initial major principal stress direction on the variation of strain components, generation of pore water pressure, cyclic degradation and non-coaxiality were investigated. The experimental observations indicated that the strain components of specimen were affected by both intermediate principal stress coefficient and initial major principal stress direction. The generation of the pore water pressure was significantly influenced by intermediate principal stress coefficient. However, the generation of pore water pressure was merely influenced by initial major principal stress direction when b?=?0.5. It was also noted that the torsional stress–strain relationships were affected by the number of cycles, and the effect of intermediate principal stress coefficient and initial major principal stress direction on the torsional stress–strain loops were also significant. Stiffness degradation occur under pure principal stress rotation. Anisotropic behavior resulting from the process of inclined consolidation have considerable effects on the strain components and non-coaxial behavior of soft clay.

为防止老滑坡路段路堑开挖过程中出现路堑边坡失稳的问题,以在建某高速公路老滑坡段路堑失稳边坡为例,借助数值分析,进行了老滑坡路段路堑开挖与超前支护效果研究。结果表明:1)一般宽平台开挖模式能提高边坡的整体稳定性;然而,对于存在具有膨胀性质滑带土的牵引式老滑坡,坡脚采用宽平台刷坡减重不利于路堑边坡的稳定,必须要采取超前支护,如锚索、抗滑桩等,必要时要紧急采取清方卸载措施。2)锚索超前支护能够有效抑制边坡变形,需采用有效措施提高设置在坡脚处锚索的抗拉强度,如施加预应力等。3)抗滑桩超前支护应注意桩位、桩长、桩距的优化设计。建议抗滑桩采用锚拉,对桩前坡体中的滑带进行超前注浆,有必要沿老滑坡主滑方向布置多排抗滑桩,或采用h型桩体设计。  相似文献   
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