ABSTRACTOne-way cyclic loading is more typical for traffic loading and cyclic triaxial test has been recognized as a useful method for solving many engineering problems. Under traffic loading, the influence of variable confining pressure on cyclic behavior of natural organic clay subjected to cyclic traffic loading is rarely reported in the literature. In this study, a laboratory investigation on undrained cyclic behavior of natural organic clay is presented and conducted by cyclic triaxial apparatus. Tests are conducted by both constant confining pressure and variable confining pressure, to simulate the loading conditions induced by passing vehicles in actual engineering. Different stress levels are also considered in this study. By comparing between the results of constant confining pressure tests and variable confining pressure tests, it shows that the one-way cyclic behavior of organic clay is influenced significantly by variation of confining pressure, in terms of pore water pressure, permanent axial strain and stress–strain hysteretic loops. 相似文献
Near-surface remote sensing (e.g., digital cameras) has played an important role in capturing plant phenological metrics at either a focal or landscape scale. Exploring the relationship of the digital image-based greenness index (e.g., Gcc, green chromatic coordinate) with that derived from satellites is critical for land surface process research. Moreover, our understanding of how well Gcc time series associate with environmental variables at field stations in North American prairies remains limited. This paper investigated the response of grass Gcc to daily environmental factors in 2018, such as soil moisture (temperature), air temperature, and solar radiation. Thereafter, using a derivative-based phenology extraction method, we evaluated the correspondence between key phenological events (mainly including start, end and length of growing season, and date with maximum greenness value) derived from Gcc, MODIS and VIIRS NDVI (EVI) for the period 2015-2018. The results showed that daily Gcc was in good agreement with ground-level environmental variables. Additionally, multivariate regression analysis identified that the grass growth in the study area was mainly affected by soil temperature and solar radiation, but not by air temperature. High frequency Gcc time series can respond immediately to precipitation events. In the same year, the phenological metrics retrieved from digital cameras and multiple satellites are similar, with spring phenology having a larger relative difference. There are distinct divergences between changing rates in the greenup and senescence stages. Gcc also shows a close relationship with growing degree days (GDD) derived from air temperature. This study evaluated the performance of a digital camera for monitoring vegetation phenological metrics and related climatic factors. This research will enable multiscale modeling of plant phenology and grassland resource management of temperate prairie ecosystems. 相似文献
It is important to be fully aware of the dynamic characteristics of saturated soft clays under complex loading conditions in practice. In this paper, a series of undrained tests for soft clay consolidated with different initial major principal stress direction ξ were conducted by a hollow cylinder apparatus (HCA). The clay samples were subjected to pure principal stress rotation as the magnitudes of the mean total stress p, intermediate principal stress coefficient b, and deviator stress q were all maintained constant. The influences of intermediate principal stress coefficient and initial major principal stress direction on the variation of strain components, generation of pore water pressure, cyclic degradation and non-coaxiality were investigated. The experimental observations indicated that the strain components of specimen were affected by both intermediate principal stress coefficient and initial major principal stress direction. The generation of the pore water pressure was significantly influenced by intermediate principal stress coefficient. However, the generation of pore water pressure was merely influenced by initial major principal stress direction when b?=?0.5. It was also noted that the torsional stress–strain relationships were affected by the number of cycles, and the effect of intermediate principal stress coefficient and initial major principal stress direction on the torsional stress–strain loops were also significant. Stiffness degradation occur under pure principal stress rotation. Anisotropic behavior resulting from the process of inclined consolidation have considerable effects on the strain components and non-coaxial behavior of soft clay.