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A 2m-long sediment core from the siliceous ooze domain in the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB; 13‡03′S: 74‡44′E; water depth 5099m) is studied for calcium carbonate, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, biogenic opal, major and few trace elements (Al, Ti, Fe, K, Mg, Zr, Sc,V, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, and Ba) to understand the productivity and intensity of terrigenous supply. The age model of the sediment core is based on U-Th dating, occurrence of Youngest Toba Tuff of ∼ 74 ka and Australasian microtektites of ∼ 770 ka. Low carbonate content (< 1%) of sediment core indicates deposition below the carbonate compensation depth. Organic carbon content is also very low, almost uniform (mean 0.2 wt%) and is of marine origin. This suggests a well-oxygenated bottom water environment during the past ∼ 1100ka. Our data suggest that during ∼ 1100 ka and ∼ 400 ka siliceous productivity was lower, complimented by higher supply of terrigenous material mostly derived from the metasedimentary rocks of High Himalayan crystalline. However, during the last ∼ 400 ka, siliceous productivity increased with substantial reduction in the terrigenous sediment supply. The results suggest that intensity of Himalayan weathering, erosion associated with monsoons was comparatively higher prior to 400 ka. Manganese, Ba, Cu, Ni, Zn, and Co have around 90% of their supply from noncrustal (excess) source and their burial to seafloor remained unaffected throughout the past ∼ 1100 ka.  相似文献   
Subsurface redox fronts control the mobilization and fixation of many trace elements, including potential pollutants such as certain radionuclides. Any safety assessment for a deep geological repository for radioactive wastes needs to take into account adequately the long-term redox processes in the geosphere surrounding the repository. To build confidence in understanding these processes, a redox front in a reduced siliceous sedimentary rock distributed in an uplifting area in Japan has been studied in detail. Geochemical analyses show increased concentrations of Fe and trace elements, including rare earth elements (REEs), at the redox front, even though concentrations of reduced rock matrix constituents show little change. Detailed SEM observations revealed that fossilized microorganisms composed of amorphous granules made exclusively of Fe and Si occur in the rock’s pore space. Microbial 16S rDNA analysis suggests that there is presently a zonation of different bacterial groups within the redox band, and bacterial zonation played an important role in the concentration of Fe-oxyhydroxides at the redox front. These water–rock–microbe interactions can be considered analogous to the processes occurring in the redox fronts that would develop around geological repositories for radioactive waste. Once formed, the Fe-oxyhydroxides within such a front would be preserved even after reducing conditions resume following repository closure.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to estimate heaving pressures of saturated soil partially frozen in a closed system. Temperatures at both ends of a specimen were kept constant, i.e., positive at the top and negative at the bottom. When the overburden pressure P was maintained at a constant value, the pore-water pressure Pw, which showed a certain value before freezing, decreased gradually as freezing progressed, finally attaining a specific value, whereafter the specimen ceased taking water into it. The pressure difference between P and Pw, at this stage was defined as the upper limit of heaving pressure σu, which evidently depended on the temperature θc of the cooling end, in accordance with the relation: σu = −11.4 θc (kg/cm2)

It corresponds to the modified Clausius-Clapeyron's formula, which gives the freezingpoint depression of an ice—water system, where the pressure acting on the ice differs from that on the water. This is the same as the value obtained by Radd and Oertle (1973). It is considered, however, that, when θc lowers, the value of θu reaches finally a constant value smaller than the one obtained by the above equation. Denoted by σu max, it was defined as a maximum heaving pressure. The value of σu max depended on soil type.  相似文献   

Abstract Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks of the Kokchetav Massif of Kazakhstan contain metamorphic microdiamond and coesite inclusions inside rigid capsules such as garnet and zircon. Precambrian protoliths of the UHPM rocks were metamorphosed at around 530 Ma, at pressures of about 7 GPa, which suggests that crustal protoliths were subducted to depths of over 200 km. Primary UHPM minerals are poorly preserved due to partial obliteration by subsequent Barrovian overprint during exhumation and later collision events in Caledonian times. We report the results of detailed mapping of the Kokchetav Massif and use structural data to propose intrusion and exhumation mechanisms for the UHPM rocks. Detailed mapping revealed that many subvertical structures in the ultrahigh-pressure–high-pressure (UHP–HP) units were formed due to later folding. The primary structure appears to be subhorizontal and the total thickness of the UHP rocks is estimated at around 2 km. The first order structure is sandwich-like; that is, the UHP–HP units are separated from underlying low-P metamorphic rocks of the Daulet Series and from feebly metamorphosed to unmetamorphosed sedimentary strata on the top by subhorizontal faults. Kinematic indicators show top-to-the-south sense of shear along the top, and top-to-the-north displacement along the bottom boundaries. These shear senses, together with the observed metamorphic gradients, suggest that the thin UHPM sheet was extruded toward the north. We consider wedge extrusion to have been the most effective mechanism for the exhumation of the UHPM rocks.  相似文献   
Abstract The central part of the Kokchetav Massif is exposed in the Chaglinka–Kulet area, northern Kazakhstan. The ultrahigh-pressure–high-pressure (UHP–HP) metamorphic belt in this area is composed of four subhorizontal lithological units (Unit I–IV) metamorphosed under different pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions. The coesite- and diamond-bearing Unit II, which consists mainly of whiteschist and eclogite blocks, is tectonically sandwiched between the amphibolite-dominant Unit I on the bottom and the orthogneiss-dominant Unit III on the top. Total combined thickness of these units is less than 2 km. The rocks of the UHP–HP metamorphic belt are affected by at least four deformational events post-dating peak metamorphism: (i) The earliest penetrative deformation is characterized by non-coaxial ductile flow in a NW–SE direction. The shear sense indicators in oriented samples from Unit I provide consistent top-to-the-northwest motions and those from Unit III provide top-to-the-southeast, south or south-west motions; (ii) Upright folds with subhorizontal enveloping surface refold earlier foliations including shear-indicators throughout the metamorphic belt; (iii) The third stage of deformation is denoted by large-scale bending around a subvertical axis; and (iv) Late localized fault (or shear) zones cut all earlier structures. The fault zones have subvertical shear planes and their displacements are essentially strike-slip in manner. The subhorizontal structure and opposite shear directions between Unit I and Unit III during the earlier deformation stage suggest north-westward extrusion of UHP Unit II.  相似文献   
The submarine eruption of a new small knoll, which was named Teishi knoll, off eastern Izu Peninsula behind the Izu-Mariana arc occurred in the evening of 13 July 1989. This is the first historic eruption of the Higashi-Izu monogenetic volcano group. The eruption of 13 July followed an earthquake swarm near Ito city starting on 30 June. There were subsequent volcanic tremors on 11 and 12 July, and the formation of the Teishi knoll on the 100 m deep insular shelf 4 km northeast of Ito city. There were five submarine explosions, which were characterized by intermittent domelike bulges of water and black tephra-jets, which occurred within 10 min on 13 July. Ejecta of the eruption was small in volume and composed of highly crystalline basalt scoria, highly vesiculated pumice, and lithic material. Petrographical features suggest that the pumice was produced by vesiculation of reheated wet felsic tuff of an older formation. The Teishi knoll, before the eruption, was a circular dome, 450 m across and 25 m high, with steep sides and a flat summit. Considerations of submarine topographic change indicate the knoll was raised by sill-like intrusion of 106 m3 of magma beneath a 30 m thick sediment blanket. This shallow intrusion is assumed to have started on 11 July when volcanic tremors were observed for the first time, but there was no indications of violent interaction between wet host sediments and intruding magma. The submarine eruption of 13 July appears to have been Friggered by a major lowering of the magma-column. The basalt scoria, having crystal-contents of more than 60%, is assumed to be derived from the cooled plastic margin of the shallow intrusive body. However, glassy scoria, which would indicate the interaction between hot fluidal magma and external water, was not observed. A scenario for the 1989 submarine eruption is as follows. When rapid subsidence of the hot interior of the intrusive magma occurred, reduced pressure caused the implosion of cooled plastic magma, adjacent pressurized, hot host material, and wet sediment. The mixing of these materials triggered the vigorous vapor explosions.  相似文献   
High-frequency velocities are measured during stick-slip motion in the immediate vicinity of a fault in a granite sample to reveal the microscopic process taking place in the breakdown zone defined in the slip-weakening model. It is found that 1) the onset time of the observed strong motion approximately coincides with the local rupture onset time, 2) the observed near-fault high-frequency strong-motion duration is approximately proportional to the local breakdown time, and 3) the power spectra of strong motions exhibit significant amplitudes at frequencies above the value off max, wheref max is a cut-off frequency relevant to rupturing the breakdown zone. These observations suggest that the high-frequency motion would be due to the incoherent brittle microfracture whose characteristic scale is much shorter than the breakdown zone size. We present a stochastic fault model to synthesize the near-fault high-frequency velocity waveforms. In the model, a number of small circular subfaults are distributed randomly on the fault and the rupture onset time of an individual subfault is assumed to be random. The main features of the observed velocity waveforms are well explained by this numerical modeling. It is concluded that approximately half of the total energy of high-frequency elastic waves observed at a point is radiated from the propagating breakdown zone. We emphasize the importance of the observation of near-fault high-frequency strong motions for large shallow earthquakes.  相似文献   
We have estimated the timescale of material circulation in the Sanbagawa subduction zone based on U–Pb zircon and K–Ar phengite dating in the Ikeda district, central Shikoku. The Minawa and Koboke units are major constituents of the high‐P Sanbagawa metamorphic complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. For the Minawa unit, ages of 92–81 Ma for the trench‐fill sediments, are indicated, whereas the age of ductile deformation and metamorphism of garnet and chlorite zones are 74–72 Ma and 65 Ma, respectively. Our results and occurrence of c. 150 Ma Besshi‐type deposits formed at mid‐ocean ridge suggest that the 60‐Myr‐old Izanagi Plate was subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate at c. 90 Ma, and this observation is consistent with recent plate reconstructions. For the Koboke unit, the depositional ages of the trench‐fill sediments and the dates for the termination of ductile deformation and metamorphism are estimated at c. 76–74 and 64–62 Ma, respectively. In the Ikeda district, the depositional ages generally become younger towards lower structural levels in the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex. Our results of U–Pb and K–Ar dating show that the circulation of material from the deposition of the Minawa and Koboke units at the trench through an active high‐P metamorphic domain to the final exhumation from the domain occurred continuously throughout c. 30 Myr (from c. 90 to 60 Ma).  相似文献   
It is essential to clarify the lithological, structural, and chronological relationships between the Sanbagawa Metamorphic Complex (MC) and the Cretaceous Shimanto Accretionary Complex (AC) for understanding the tectonic evolution of SW Japan. To this end, we carried out a detailed field survey of the Sanbagawa MC and the Cretaceous Shimanto AC on the central Kii Peninsula, where they are in direct contact with each other. We also conducted U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from these complexes. The field survey showed that the boundary between the Iro Complex of the Sanbagawa MC and the Mugitani Complex of the Shimanto AC, Narai Fault, shows a sinistral sense of shear with a reverse dip‐slip component, and there are significant differences in the strain intensity and the degree of recrystallization between the two complexes across this fault. Detrital zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the Iro Complex in the hanging wall of the Narai Fault shows a significantly younger maximum depositional age than the Mugitani Complex in the footwall of the fault, and an apparently large gap in the MDA of ca. 35 Myr exists across this fault. This large age gap across the Narai Fault suggests that this fault is an essential tectonic boundary fault within the Cretaceous accretionary–metamorphic complexes on the Kii Peninsula, and is considered to be an out‐of‐sequence thrust. In addition, a similar shear direction and a large age gap have been identified across the Ui Thrust, which marks the boundary between the Kouyasan and Hidakagawa belts of the Cretaceous Shimanto AC. The Cretaceous accretionary–metamorphic complexes record the large‐scale tectonic juxtapositions of complexes, and these juxtaposed structures had been caused by sinistral–reverse movements on the tectonic boundary faults such as the Narai Fault and the Ui Thrust.  相似文献   
We compiled and analyzed long-term data, including chemical, physical and phytoplankton community data, for the Lake Biwa ecosystem from 1962 to 2003. Analyses on environmental data indicate that Lake Biwa had experienced intensified eutrophication (according to total phosphorus concentration) in the late 1960s and returned to a less eutrophic status around 1985, and then exhibited rapid warming and thus increased water column stability since 1990. Total phytoplankton cell volume largely followed the trend of total phosphorus concentration, albeit short-term fluctuations existed. However, phytoplankton community shifted dramatically in response to those changes of environmental states. These shifts were cause by changes in trophic status driven by phosphorus loadings and physical properties in the water column driven by warming. Moreover, most phytoplankton species did not show a strong linear correlation with environmental variables, suggesting nonlinear transitions among different states.  相似文献   
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