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In situ stress measurements in a borehole close to the Nojima Fault   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract In situ stress was measured close to the fault associated with the 1995 Kobe Earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake; January 1995; M 7.2) using the hydraulic fracturing method. The measurements were made approximately 2 years after the earthquake. The measured points were approximately 40 m from the fault plane at depths of about 1500 m. The maximum and the minimum horizontal compressive stresses were 45 MPa and 31 MPa, respectively. The maximum compressive stress and the maximum shear stress are very small in comparison with those of other seismically active areas. The azimuth of the maximum horizontal compressive stress was estimated from the observed azimuths of well bore breakouts at depths between 1400 m and 1600 m and was found to be N135° (clockwise). The maximum stress axis is perpendicular to the fault strike, N45°. These features are interpreted in terms of a small frictional coefficient of the fault. The shear stress on the fault was released and dropped almost to zero during the earthquake and it has not yet recovered. Zero shear stress on the fault plane resulted from the perpendicular orientation of one of the principal stress to the fault plane.  相似文献   
Welded tuffs in the Bogopol and Sijanov groups were sampled at 27 sites from 12 caldera formations in the Sikhote Alin mountain range around Kavalerovo (44.3°N, 135.0°E) for chronological and paleomagnetic studies. KAr age dates show that the welded tuffs erupted between 66 Ma and 46 Ma. All sites yield reliable paleomagnetic directions, with unblocking temperatures higher than 560°C. The high-temperature component at 12 sites and the medium-temperature component at 3 sites in the Bogopol Group show reversed polarity (D = 193.7°, I = −57.6°,95 = 8.1°). The high-temperature component at 11 sites in the Sijanov Group showed both reversed and normal polarities and its mean direction reveals no detectable deflection from north (D = −2.9°, I = 59.6°,95 = 11.2°). The combined paleomagnetic direction of the two groups yields a paleomagnetic pole of 250.5°E, 84.1°N (A95 = 8.8°), which falls near Cretaceous paleomagnetic poles from Outer Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, the North China Block and the South China Block. The Sikhote Alin area appears not to have been subjected to detectable motion with respect to East Asia since about 50 Ma. This implies that the Sikhote Alin area behaved as an integral part of East Asia during the opening of the Japan Sea at about 15 Ma. However, significant separation between the paleomagnetic poles of East Asia and Europe during the Jurassic-Paleogene implies a major relative movement between these two blocks since the Paleogene.  相似文献   
Numerous green polished stone axes have been excavated from the Sannai-Maruyama site, one of Japan's largest archeological sites in the Jomon period (5.9–4.2 cal kyr BP). The axes are composed of weakly metamorphosed fine-grained volcaniclastic rock having a peculiar texture that includes numerous acicular actinolites growing in random directions within a quartz and albite matrix. Cobbles of Aotora stone found along the Nukabira River, Biratori town, southern Hokkaido, are the most likely raw material for these stone axes. Aotora stones have alternate bands of a soft dark-green picritic layer and a hard SiO2-rich pale-green layer. The pale-green layer has a texture similar to the stone axes. Basaltic and picritic volcanic rocks of the Sorachi-Yezo Belt occupy the area along the Shidoni River, a tributary of the Nukabira River. Volcaniclastic rocks similar in texture, mineralogy, and bulk rock compositions to the Aotora stone are exposed in the area. These rocks underwent metamorphism under the actinolite-pumpellyite facies conditions. Their protolith is submarine hyaloclastic rocks that are intercalated with laminated picrite detritus. The stone axes, pale-green layers of Aotora stone, and those of the volcaniclastic rocks of the Shidoni River area all have high SiO2 (~ 55 wt%), Cr (~ 840 μg/g), and Ni (~ 370 μg/g). The rare earth element patterns with abundant light rare earth elements and depleted heavy rare earth elements of stone axes were also consistent with the pale-green layers of the outcrop. These pale-green layers, interleaved with dark-green layers of picritic detritus, were the likely source rock of the stone axes. The high SiO2 content in the pale-green layer caused the crystallization of quartz and albite in the matrix, which resulted in high-quality raw material for making stone axes.  相似文献   
Sedimentological, geochemical, and chronological analyses were carried out on 18 carbonate rock samples collected at depths of 938, 1085, and 3354 m on the western slope of Minamitorishima (Marcus Island), which is located near the western margin of the Pacific Plate. Four groups of carbonate rocks were distinguished: a mollusk-rich limestone, a coral-rich dolomite, a foraminiferal-nannofossil packstone, and a phosphatized mudstone/wackestone. The mollusk-rich limestone is characterized by the dominance of bivalves (including rudists) and gastropod shells. Strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) and Mesorbitolina ex gr. texana (a large benthic foraminifer) indicate that the shallow-water carbonates were deposited during the late Aptian–early Albian (ca. 123–111 Ma). The coral-rich dolomite is characterized by abundant scleractinian corals and nongeniculate coralline algae associated with encrusting acervulinid foraminifers. The biotic composition is similar to that of the Oligocene–Pleistocene carbonates reported from other seamounts in the northwestern Pacific. Geochemical data show that the coral-rich carbonates were dolomitized at 9.5–6.8 Ma (Tortonian–Messinian) and that normal seawater was the most likely parent fluid. The foraminiferal-nannofossil packstone is a semi-consolidated foraminiferal-nannofossil ooze and was deposited during the Pleistocene (0.99–0.45 Ma). The phosphatized mudstone/wackestone is marked by the absence of macrofossils and the presence of traces of planktic foraminifers. Although its depositional age is not constrained, the Sr isotope ratios indicate that the phosphatization occurred at 33.2–28.9 Ma. After the deposition of the Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates, including the mollusk-rich limestone, Minamitorishima was drowned and its top was covered with a pelagic cap, represented by the mudstone/wackestone. The late Eocene–early Oligocene volcanism (40.2–33.2 Ma) caused episodic uplift and returned the top of Minamitorishima to a shallow-water environment. After the early Oligocene phosphatization of the pelagic cap, coral reefs flourished on the top of this island. The reef limestone was dolomitized during the Tortonian–Messinian.  相似文献   
—Broad band digital three-component data recorded at UNM, a GEOSCOPE station, were used to estimate Lg coda Q for 34 medium size (3.9 ≤m b ≤ 6.3) earthquakes with travel paths laying in different geological provinces of southern Mexico in an effort to establish the possible existence of geological structures acting as wave guides and/or travel paths of low attenuation between the Pacific coast and the Valley of Mexico. The stacked spectral ratio method proposed by XIE and NUTTLI (1988) was chosen for computing the coda Q. The variation range of Q 0 (Q at 1?Hz) and the frequency dependence parameter η estimates averaged on the frequency interval of 0.5 to 2?Hz for the regions and the three components considered are: i) Guerrero region 173 ≤ 0≤ 182 and 0.6 ≤ 0 ≤ 0.7, ii) Oaxaca region 183 ≤ 0 ≤ 198 and 0.6 ≤ 0 ≤ 0.8, iii) Michoacan-Jalisco region 187 ≤ 0 ≤ 204 and 0.7 ≤ 0 ≤ 0.8 and iv) eastern portion of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) 313 ≤Q 0≤ 335 and η = 0.9. ¶The results show a very high coda Q for the TMVB as compared to other regions of southern Mexico. This unexpected result is difficult to reconcile with the geophysical characteristics of the TMVB, e.g., low seismicity, high volcanic activity and high heat flow typical of a highly attenuating (low Q) region. Visual inspection of seismograms indicates that for earthquakes with seismic waves traveling along the TMVB, the amplitude decay of Lg coda is anomalously slow as compared to other earthquakes in southern Mexico. Thus, it seems that the high Q value found does not entirely reflect the attenuation characteristics of the TMVB but it is probably contaminated by a wave-guide effect. This phenomenon produces an enhancement in the time duration of the Lg wave trains travelling along this geological structure. This result is important to establish the role played by the transmission medium in the extremely long duration of ground motion observed during the September 19, 1985 Michoacan earthquake. ¶The overall spatial distribution of coda Q values indicates that events with focus in the Michoacan-Jalisco and Oaxaca regions yield slightly higher values than those from Guerrero. This feature is more pronounced for the horizontal component of coda Q. A slight dependence of average coda Q ?1 on earthquake focal depth is observed in the frequency range of 0.2 to 1.0?Hz approximately on the horizontal component. Deeper (h > 50?km) events yield lower values of Q ?1 than shallower events. For frequencies higher than 1.0?Hz no clear dependence of Q ?1 on focal depth is observed. However, due to the estimates uncertainties this result is not clearly established.  相似文献   
Weathering rinds formed in Mesozoic sandstone and basalt cobbles buried in terrace deposits for up to 300 ka have been investigated. The aim was to determine the formation process and elemental mass balances during rind development. The ages of terraces distributed in the western part of Fukui prefecture, central Japan have been determined as 50 ka, 120 ka and 300 ka based on a tephro-stratigraphic method. Detailed investigations across the weathering rinds, consisting of microscopic observations, porosity measurements, and mineralogical and geochemical analyses using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), secondary X-ray analytical microscopy (SXAM), scanning electron microanalyser (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) have been carried out. The results revealed that the Fe concentrations in the weathering rind of a basalt cobble slightly decreased from the cobble’s surface (rim) towards the unweathered core. In contrast, in a sandstone cobble formed under the same environmental conditions over the same period of time there is an Fe-rich layer at some distance below the cobble’s surface. Elemental mass balances across the rinds were determined by using open system mass balance (τi,j) calculations and show that the Fe was precipitated as Fe-oxyhydroxides in the basalt cobbles, although Fe was slightly removed from the rims. In sandstone cobbles, on the other hand, Fe migrated along a Fe concentration gradient by diffusion and precipitated as Fe-oxyhydroxide minerals to form the weathering rinds. Presumably, precipitation was due to the relatively higher pH conditions caused by mineral dissolution within the pores, principally involving calcite, but probably also silicates including feldspar. The detailed characterization of the weathering rinds revealed the influence of lithology on the accumulation and dissolution of Fe-oxyhydroxides, causing weathering rinds with different characteristics to develop in different kinds of buried cobbles under the same conditions. Relatively large climatic changes in the study area did not cause discernable variations in the mean formation rates of the studied rinds, which were in the order of 10?8 m/a for both basalt and sandstone cobbles. These rates are 1–2 orders of magnitude slower than those reported for tropical areas elsewhere, most probably due to the lower rainfall in the studied area.  相似文献   
Use of ocean data assimilation in meteorological applications is expected to reveal the influence of cloud-covered oceanic mesoscale processes on wintertime weather and climate in coastal areas. In particular, eddy-resolving Ocean Circulation Model (OCM) data assimilation that reproduces seasonally persistent oceanic mesoscale eddies is useful when simulating coastal precipitation. In the present study, the OCM-assimilation sea surface temperature (SST) is applied to a long-term atmospheric simulation over the Japan/East Sea area in the 2004/2005 winter season (December–February, DJF), to investigate seasonal and daily influences of oceanic mesoscale eddies on precipitation. The simulated winter precipitation is improved by the OCM assimilation via the DJF evaporation around a cold tongue. The strong intrusion of the southeast-directed cold tongue reduces the degree of overestimation by coastal precipitation simulations in December and January. In contrast, the ocean assimilation barely improves the simulation results in February because of weak intrusion of the cold tongue. In December and January, an abruptly large anomaly of northwesterly surface wind (> 1 m s?1) resulting from the OCM assimilation often influences 3-hour precipitation in the downstream area of the cold tongue. In contrast, the slowly-varying anomaly of evaporation does not necessarily lead to daily precipitation anomalies, although the DJF evaporation anomaly is important in the DJF precipitation.  相似文献   
Based on continuous observations of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) with anL-band (1357.5 MHz) boundary-layer radar (BLR) at a hilly location in Japan, we have discovered that on clear days, a thin enhanced echo layer corresponding to the top of the PBL (or mixed layer) appeared at about 500 m height in the morning and ascended to about 1500 m in the afternoon. Strong upward velocities were observed below the echo layer (or inside the PBL), reaching 1500 m in the afternoon.  相似文献   
Preliminary results of the wind velocity estimation using the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) to MUradar observation data sets are presented. The comparison of the results from the periodogram method and theMEM shows that the MEM estimation is reliable, and has higher accuracy, resolution and detectability than theestimation from periodogram method. The high accuracy power spectrum obtained by the MEM is veryuseful to studying the atmospheric turbulence structure. However. the MEM needs the longer computingtime for obtaining the high accuracy spectrum. Particularly, the estimation of MEM will bring serious devia-tion at lower signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   
Lherzolite xenoliths containing fluid inclusions from the Ichinomegata volcano, located on the rear-arc side of the Northeast Japan arc, may be considered as samples of the uppermost mantle above the melting region in the mantle wedge. Thus, these fluid inclusions provide valuable information on the nature of fluids present in the sub-arc mantle. The inclusions in the Ichinomegata amphibole-bearing spinel–plagioclase lherzolite xenoliths were found to be composed mainly of CO2–H2O–Cl–S fluids. At equilibrium temperature of 920 °C, the fluid inclusions preserve pressures of 0.66–0.78 GPa, which correspond to depths of 23–28 km. The molar fraction of H2O and the salinity of fluid inclusions are 0.18–0.35 and 3.71 ± 0.78 wt% NaCl equivalent, respectively. These fluid inclusions are not believed to be fluids derived directly from the subducting slab, but rather fluids exsolved from sub-arc basaltic magmas that are formed through partial melting of mantle wedge triggered by slab-derived fluids.  相似文献   
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