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本文首先列举了近几年发生的几起典型的境外组织、机构和人员对我国进行的非法测绘案件,分析了空间数据的重要性以及公众对空间数据安全的认识误区,提出了制定我国空间数据安全政策的建议。  相似文献   
美国公共土地测量系统(PLSS)是一种具有法律效力的地理格网系统。它具有不同于一般地理格网系统的特性:1)格网划分方法的系统性。以正方形为土地单元,按照既定的边长,逐级划分美国中、西部各州土地,且在格网单元的角点上设置永久性界标。2)格网单元测量的精准性。高精度的界址点测量完全能满足控制测量的要求。测量人员可以利用界址点的坐标值,为其他测量提供基本控制。3)格网系统的延续性。PLSS建立与维护已经有200多年历史,期间,虽然社会发生了很大变化,但为了维护土地产权的法律性,PLSS至今仍在使用且不断更新。该文简要回顾了PLSS的发展过程,叙述了PLSS的基本组成,探讨了PLSS的测量体系,以期对中国地理格网系统的建立和研究有所启示。  相似文献   
横向沙丘背风侧沙粒风蚀起动的风洞模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过风洞实验,探讨了横向沙丘背风侧“二次流”的沉积学和形态-动力学意义。在不同迎风坡坡度的横向沙丘模型背风侧,我们观测了不同位置沙粒的起动风速以及在临界状态下沙粒的运动特征。结果表明,沙丘背风侧的颗粒起动风速不仅与其距沙丘顶部的距离有关,也与沙丘迎风坡坡度有密切关系。根据沙丘背风侧颗粒运动特征,可以将其划分为向后运动区域、晃动或摆动区域以及向前运动区域,产生这一现象的原因是在沙丘背风坡气流分离、反向涡和气流重新辐合共同作用的结果。在所有的观测结果中,迎风坡坡度为15°的沙丘具有最大的沙粒起动风速和最远的气流重新辐合距离,其原因尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   
岳阳张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁过程与机理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实地调研与张氏族谱资料,发现张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁过程具有明显的阶段变迁特点,可分为村落肇始、龙形村落、双核心村落体系等3个阶段;进一步分析发现,人口迁移、地缘、血缘与风水等是张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁的最主要影响因素,其影响的着力点在于张谷英村落的人地关系,土地的占有与利用是人地关系矛盾的焦点,传统农耕时期的村落活动半径决定张谷英村落必然由集中走向分散,最终形成双核心村落体系.  相似文献   
加强应急管理、有效应对突发事件是国家的一项重要工作,以地理空间信息技术为核心的应急管理地理信息平台建设,已成为目前国内省级应急平台建设的主要模式。本研究建立了应急联动一张图和地理信息应急服务总线,对省级应急资源多源、异构、动态、多时相信息整合技术难题进行探索,实现了地理信息服务与全市各级应急系统的业务融合。目前,研究成果已融入重庆市应急信息资源共享体系,在多个部门的应急业务系统中得到有效的集成应用,为形成全市应急资源全方面共享格局发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
以遥感和GIS为技术支撑,基于1979~1988,1998~2008年遥感影像资料,对徐州市近30年城市扩展信息进行提取,并分析该时段城市空间扩展特征及其驱动因素。结果显示:自1979年至2008年,徐州市建成区面积以每年5.57km2高速扩展,其中1998~2008年的扩展强度最大。主要扩展方向为从西北到东南轴向,紧凑度与分形维数都有逐渐缩小的趋势。城市扩展弹性指数与合理值的差值有扩大趋势。经济因素、人口因素、交通因素是影响城市扩展的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   
Lode 28 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Haigou gold deposit,and the lode itself contains more than 30t of gold. Geochemical study shows that 12 trace elements related gold mineralization can be divided into 5 metallogenic factors(element assemblages) .The high values of F1,F2 and F4 together indicate overlapped of multiple stages of gold mineralization,revealing high potential of gold mineralization at depth;the single high value of F4 represents the root of an existing ore body while high values...  相似文献   
This study applies a TuPu analysis to investigate ecological and environmental aspects of an Antarctic ice-free area, using Fildes Peninsula as an example. The TuPu unit was determined using a vector-grid mixed data model. Information from the eco-environment elements was effectively extracted, and was generalized into different classes by means of data mining technol- ogy. A series of single-factor thematic information TuPu models, such as topography, soil, animal and vegetation, and human activities for Fildes Peninsula were built in this study. The topography TuPu model contained information on elevation and slope. The soil TuPu model involved soil development stages and soil thickness information. The animal and vegetation TuPu model contained the distribution of animals, plant types, lichen cover and lichen height. The human activities TuPu model included popu- lation density and human disturbance index information. The landscape comprehensive information TuPu model of Fildes Penin- sula also was established, and contains twenty-nine landscape units and twelve types of combined environments. The study quan- titatively revealed the spatial morphology and correlation of the regional eco-environment based on the analysis of these TuPu models. From these models, we can draw the conclusion that there is a regular differentiation of eco-environment from the coastal bands to the central hills in Fildes Peninsula, and that the eco-environment condition of the eastern coasts is different from that of the western coasts. The eco-environmental spatial variation also differs greatly from north to south. Based on analysis of spatial correlation, the vegetation in Fildes Peninsula has the greatest correlation with human activity, and has a certain correlation with topography and soil. This research may provide a new technical approach and scientific basis for the in-depth study of Antarctic eco-environments.  相似文献   
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