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潘广灿  张金来 《探矿工程》2005,32(9):20-21,24
结合国家现行勘察与设计规范,分析了岩土工程勘察与设计工作中若干易出现的问题,并提出了一些解决问题的个人看法。  相似文献   
以陕北某湿陷性黄土大厚度挖方地基工程为研究对象,采用PS-InSAR技术对2018-10—2019-11间获取的16景TerraSAR-X卫星影像进行处理,获取了湿陷性黄土挖方区回弹变形信息,总结了大厚度挖方区时序回弹变形特征。结果表明,由于上部土体应力卸载,在开挖区域存在地基土回弹变形现象,选取的高密度PS点变形信息较好地反映了研究区的真实变形情况,回弹变形范围与开挖边界吻合,另外挖方厚度越大,土体开挖引起的回弹变形越大;在开挖完成后的1年监测时间内,回弹区变形量随时间呈线性变化,在最大开挖厚度处,产生最大回弹量为29.3 mm;此外,PS-InSAR技术监测到的变形量与实地水准结果吻合性较好,表明该技术在黄土大厚度挖方区回弹变形监测中具有较好的应用效果。  相似文献   
铅锌矿山开发导致的重金属在环境介质中的积累   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
以连续提取法和相关性分析研究了土法冶炼锌、铅锌和矿山开采导致的重金属在废渣及环境介质土壤、溪流沉积物中的积累,并分析了其环境危害性。结果显示,贵州赫章土法炼锌导致的重金属Pb、Zn、Cd在环境介质中的积累相当高。水城杉树林铅锌矿山开采引起的重金属积累则相对较低,但也明显高于背景值;土壤和沉积物中的铁矿物对重金属有强烈的固定作用。除残渣态外,Pb、Zn在土壤、炼锌废渣中主要呈铁锰氧化物结合态,沉积物中则为碳酸盐结合态。可交换态Pb、Zn含量变异较大,但在炼锌废渣、土壤中含量明显高于河流沉积物,暗示铅锌矿开发对土壤环境的潜在危害更大。  相似文献   
湘西北地区发育寒武系下统牛蹄塘组、志留系下统龙马溪组两套富有机质黑色页岩。通过合成地震记录和已知地质特征推断反射层位的方法,对两套含烃黑色页岩层的地震地质特征、波组层位识别、波组特征进行了分析对比,总结出湘西北地区页岩层地震反射波所具有的典型特征:龙马溪组存在3~4个强相位,主频集中在30Hz左右;牛蹄塘组存在3个强反射界面,因深度加大,其主频集中在20Hz左右。由于龙马溪组和牛蹄塘组二组地层间距达2 500~3 000m,因此在湘西北地区将二组地层的反射波视作一个波系,其二维地震剖面存在3个波组4个反射层位或3个波组3个反射层位,三个波组分别为龙马溪组,中寒武底界及牛蹄塘组。另外因龙马溪组砂质泥岩段具有低速、低密度、低电阻率、高放射性等特征,其界面波阻抗差异较大,可作为本区的地震波标志层位。  相似文献   
老湾花岗质熔体中水的演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老湾花岗质熔体中水的演化特征表明,随着岩浆熔体的演化,溶解于熔体中的水经历不饱和→饱和→过饱和的过程以及在过饱和状态下水以气泡形式逸出熔体,成矿流体的气泡逸出可能是“含矿岩浆热液”形成的主要方式。  相似文献   
煤的显微煤岩学特征与焦炭强度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要  为探讨煤的煤岩学特征与焦炭强度之间的关系‚对北京焦化厂所用华北地区26个矿 点的原料煤的煤岩学特征进行了研究‚并对10kg 小焦炉焦炭的强度进行了测定。通过对 M 40 ≥80%矿点煤的统计分析‚表明活性成分含量的最佳范围是63∙40%~69∙40%‚镜质组 平均反射率基本处于1∙12%~1∙36%之间。镜质组反射率分布图谱不仅可以直观地反映活性 成分的大致分布状况‚而且也可以反映原料煤的混合程度。  相似文献   
The lower valley of Changjiang, from Wuhan of the Hubei Province in the west to Zhenjiang of the Jiangsu Province in the east, contains more than 200 polymetallic (Cu–Fe–Au, Mo, Zn, Pb, Ag) deposits and is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China. This metallogenic belt, situated at the northern margin of the Yangzi craton and bordered by the Dabieshan ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt to the north, consists mainly of Cambrian–Triassic marine clastic sedimentary rocks and carbonate and evaporite rocks, which overlay a Precambrian basement and are intruded by Yanshanian (205 to 64 Ma) granitoid intrusions and subvolcanic complexes. Repeated tectonism from Late Proterozoic to Triassic resulted in extensively developed networks of faults and folds involving the Cambrian–Triassic sedimentary strata and the Precambrian basement. The Yanshanian granitoid intrusions and subvolcanic complexes in the Lower Changjiang metallogenic belt are characterized by whole-rock δ18O of +8‰ to +10‰, initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.704 to 0.708, and εNdt from −10 to −17 and have been interpreted to have originated from mixing between juvenile mantle and old crustal materials. Also, the Yanshanian granitoids exhibit eastward younging and increase in alkalinity (i.e., from older calc–alkaline in the west to younger subalkaline–alkaline in the east), which are related to oblique collision between the Yangzi and Sino-Korean cratons and tectonic evolution from early compressional to late extensional or rifting regimes. Most polymetallic deposits in the Lower Changjiang metallogenic belt are clustered in seven districts where the Yanshanian magmatism is particularly extensive: from west to east, Edong, Jiurui, Anqing–Guichi, Luzhong, Tongling, Ningwu and Ningzhen. Mineralization is characterized by the occurrence of three distinct types of orebodies in individual deposits: orebodies in Yanshanian granitoid intrusions, skarn orebodies at the contact zones between the Yanshanian intrusions and Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and stratabound massive sulfide orebodies in the Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic sedimentary strata. The most important host sedimentary strata are the Middle Carboniferous Huanglong Formation, Lower Permian and Lower–Middle Triassic carbonate and evaporite rocks. The intrusion-hosted and skarn orebodies exhibit well-developed zonation in alteration assemblages, metal contents, and isotopic compositions within individual deposits, and apparently formed from hydrothermal activities related to the Yanshanian magmatism. The stratabound massive sulfide orebodies in the Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic sedimentary strata have long been suggested to have formed from sedimentary or volcano-sedimentary exhalative processes in shallow marine environments. However, extensive research over the last 40 years failed to produce unequivocal evidence for syngenetic mineralization. On the basis of geological relationships and isotope geochemical characteristics, we propose a carbonate-hosted replacement deposit model for the genesis of these stratabound massive sulfide orebodies and associated skarn orebodies. This model suggests that epigenetic mineralization resulted from interactions between magmatic fluids evolved from the Yanshanian intrusions with carbonate and evaporite wall rocks. Mineralization was an integral but distal part of the larger hydrothermal systems that formed the proximal skarn orebodies at the contact zones and the intrusion-hosted orebodies. The stratabound massive sulfide deposits of the Lower Changjiang metallogenic belt share many features with the well-studied, high-temperature, carbonate-hosted replacement deposits of northern Mexico and western United States, particularly with respect to association with small, shallow granitoid complexes, structural and stratigraphic controls on mineralization, alteration assemblages, geometry of orebodies, metal association, metal zonation and isotopic systematics.  相似文献   
红粘土的磁学性质研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
本文对陕西宝鸡剖面红粘土上部进行了详细的岩石磁学研究,确定了该地区红粘土的主要磁性矿物是磁铁矿。赤铁矿相对含量很少,对剩余磁性贡献较小。磁性质不稳定的磁赤铁矿存在于红粘土中,但不影响剩磁稳定性。特征剩磁载体主要是磁铁矿。磁性矿物的粒度是以准单畴为主。红粘土的短时间弛豫粘滞剩磁很强,因此在零磁空间进行退磁和剩磁测量是非常重要的。  相似文献   
油气和含油气包裹体及其在油气地质地球化学研究中的意义   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:36  
本文在综合前人研究的基础上,结合笔者的工作经验,提出了一个实用的油气和含油气包裹体分类方案,详细论述了各类油气和含油气包裹体的相态、组成和均一温度特征。在同一油气藏,均一温度越高,油相包裹体中的气态烃和挥发份的含量也越高。依据油相包裹体的均一温度的变化及其与同生水溶液包裹体的均一温度的关系可以研究油气藏在充填过程中油气组成,特别是气态烃和挥发份含量的演变。进而可以研究油气藏的油源--生油岩的类型和热演化程度。本文评述了依据油相包裹体和同生水溶液包裹体PVT相图推断其捕获温度和压力范围的有效性和局限性。最后讨论了各类油气和含油气包裹体的成因机制及其在油气地质和地球化学研究中的意义。  相似文献   
彭志忠石产于湖南安化白钨矿区,是一种富含镁、锡、铝的复杂氧化物。矿物为浅黄褐色、浅黄色,少量无色,晶体呈六方板状。晶体化学式为:(Mg,Zn,Fe,Al)_4(Sn,Fe)_2(Al,□)_(10)O_(22)(OH)_2,空间群P_3ml,a=5.692(5)A,c=13.78(2)A,V=386.7A~3,Z=1。D=4.22(3)g/cm~3,H≥8,一轴正晶,ω=1.802(2),ε=1.814(2)。  相似文献   
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