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本文介绍了一种面向数字测图系统的摄影测量数据库,着重讨论了该数据库的基本框架及数据结构。尤其是对数据块动态串作了深入的探讨。实践表明,这种数据库的设计方案是可行的。  相似文献   
Based on calculations of rock fracture surface and angle, incremental-load creep experiments were conducted on two groups of major-defect fractured rock specimens in an RLW-2000 rheology test system. The research investigated the fracture type and the creep properties of major-defect fractured rock and analyzed the relationships between failure load and horizontal or vertical projection distance, and between each of theme and fracture area or angle. The results showed that rock fracture was divided into three types according to the distribution, including I, II, and III types. I, II, and III types were respectively an internal fracture running through neither the upper nor lower end, one through the upper or lower end and one through both upper and lower ends, and a III type was further sub-divided into IIII and IIIII types. The instantaneous strain was larger than the creep strain under the same creep loading stage. As the creep loading increased on two groups of major-defect fractured rock, the instantaneous strain decreased abruptly and then increased abruptly, while the creep strain decreased rapidly at first and later increased near-linearly. When the failure angle was larger than the friction angle, failure load was positively correlated with failure angle yet was negatively correlated with vertical projection distance. Vertical projection distance and fracture angle, which decided fracture type, controlled rock failure load. Failure load increased in turn from I type to III type, and low-type fracture determined mainly failure load in multiply-fracture specimen.  相似文献   
Despite the numerous advantages of crosswell seismic data over surface seismic data, crosswell seismic geophysics is still underutilized and underdeveloped. The factors limiting the full utilization of crosswell data include the lack of standardized methods for processing and imaging the data. This is because crosswell data is not completely understood. To improve the understanding of crosswell data, we performed acoustic and elastic modeling of a west Texas carbonate oilfield data using finite difference methods and crosswell geometry. To account for the different wave modes in the field data, we decomposed the full data into its constituent wave modes. Results of the forward modeling show that elastic synthetic data is a better representation of crosswell field data than the popular acoustic synthetic data. Wavefield decomposition gave insight into the time-space kinematics behavior of the different wave modes that constitute the full data. Overall, the study improved our understanding of crosswell field data. The learning from this study has been utilized to perform data-driven reflection enhancement processing where the discerned characteristic of different seismic arrival is utilize to suppress unwanted and enhanced the desired wave modes. The processing reduced the complex data to only up-going P-P reflections that can be imaged to reveal the subtle geological structures of the oilfield.  相似文献   
本区早泥盆世旱山微大陆与塔里木板块的北山地体间发生对接,原洋区变为残留滨浅海区。中泥盆世该区形成中央断块山,相应南带的断陷山间洼地内形成陆相磨拉石堆积,北带与南蒙古洋毗邻,形成陆缘滨浅海火山-磨拉石沉积。经计算,中带造山隆起侵蚀速率为0.154mm/a。晚泥盆世火山岩显示弱碱性和深熔岩浆喷溢特点,表明陆壳演化尚未达到完全稳定的阶段。  相似文献   
The dipole tilt angle has been found to affect Earth’s bow shock. This work presents a quantitative relationship between the dipole tilt angle and the bow shock location and flaring angle. We collected a large data set of bow shock crossings from four different satellites (IMP 8, Geotail, Magion 4, and Cluster), including some recent crossings obtained during 2012–2013. The results from a statistical analysis demonstrate that: (1) the subsolar standoff distance increases but the flaring angle decreases with increasing dipole tilt angle; (2) when the dipole tilt angle changes sign from negative to positive, the dayside bow shock moves toward Earth and the shift can be as much as 2.29 R E, during which the flaring angle increases; and (3) the shape of bow shock in the northern and southern hemispheres differs. For the northern hemisphere bow shock, with increasing positive/negative dipole tilt angle, the flaring angle increases/decreases. While for the southern hemisphere, the trend is the opposite; with increasing positive/negative dipole tilt angle, the flaring angle decreases/increases. These results are helpful for future bow shock modeling that needs to include the effects of dipole tilt angle.  相似文献   
应新疆维吾尔自治区地震局局长朱令人研究员邀请,乌孜别克斯坦共和国科学院地震研究所副所长巴卡耶夫教授、地震区划研究室主任奴尔曼托夫副教授、水化研究室主任尤素波夫博士一行3人于2000年10月17日至10月30日来我区开展地震区划和地下水合作研究。两国地震专家共同开展了地震区划交流和野外考察,并采集了北天山地区5个地下水观测点的同位素和气体水样。访问期间,乌孜别克专家还做了“乌孜别克地震构造研究”、“地下水碳同位素研究”等学术报告。乌孜别克斯坦专家组来新疆访问$新疆维吾尔自治区地震局@王永祥  相似文献   
丛佃伟  杨力  马彪 《测绘科学》2015,40(7):146-149
为深化教育转型改革,提升学员自主学习和主动探究能力,信息工程大学面向大学一年级新生开设了《认知导航探索时空》小班专题讨论课程,文章详细介绍了课程的设置情况、课程的研讨效果,最后就下一步的课程建设提出了几点思考。该次课程的开设是加强学员自主学习能力培养和学术研究基本能力训练的有益尝试,能启发学员对专业学习和探索科学的兴趣,取得了较好的效果,为探索新形势下教育转型改革进行了一次有益的尝试,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   
以国家统筹城乡教育发展试验区的重庆市乡村地区为例,采用Densi-Graph城乡识别法进行行政区划内部格网尺度的精准识别,在此基础上探究义务教育资源可得性水平的空间差异及影响因素。结果表明:1)基于Densi-Graph城乡识别法的重庆市城乡差异显著,乡村区域面积达79 752 km2,占区域总面积的96.82%。城市部分面积为2 616 km2,占区域总面积的3.18%。2)重庆市义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著的空间集聚与关联特征,并呈现由中心城区向外递减的格局。3)政府重视程度、社会经济发展水平、交通设施水平、自然地理环境均与义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著相关性。4)交通站点密度与教育投入是影响义务教育资源可得性水平的主导因子,二者与各项因子的交互叠加作用增强效果显著;影响机制上,地形起伏度与坡度是乡村义务教育资源可得性水平的限制条件,社会经济是基础,交通是关键,教育投入是核心。  相似文献   
An algorithm for retrieving polarimetric variables from numerical model fields is developed. By using this technique, radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization~ differential reflectivity, specific differential phase shift and correlation coefficients between the horizontal and vertical polarization signals at zero lag can be derived from rain, snow and hail contents of numerical model outputs. Effects of environmental temperature and the melting process on polarimetric variables are considered in the algorithm. The algorithm is applied to the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) model simulation results for a hail storm. The spatial distributions of the derived parameters are reasonable when compared with observational knowledge. This work provides a forward model for assimilation of dual linear polarization radar data into a mesoscale model.  相似文献   
Geng  Tao  Xie  Xin  Zhao  Qile  Liu  Xianglin  Liu  Jingnan 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(3):1191-1201
GPS Solutions - Successful resolution of integer ambiguity over long baselines is a key to improve the accuracy of precise orbit determination for global navigation satellite system satellites. The...  相似文献   
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