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The variability of the summer rainfall over China is analyzed using the EOF procedure with a new parameter (namely, mode station variance percentage) based on 1951-2000 summer rainfall data from 160 stations in China. Compared with mode variance friction, the mode station variance percentage not only reveals more localized characteristics of the variability of the summer rainfall, but also helps to distinguish the regions with a high degree of dominant EOF modes representing the analyzed observational variable. The atmospheric circulation diagnostic studies with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data from 1966 to 2000 show that in summer, abundant (scarce) rainfall in the belt-area from the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze River northeastward to the Huaihe River basin is linked to strong (weak) heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau, while the abundant (scarce) rainfall in the area to the south of the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River is closely linked to the weak (strong) heat sources over the tropical western Pacific.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation of visibility with chemical composition of Kaohsiung aerosols. Daytime visibility was observed around noon at two observation sites in metropolitan Kaohsiung, Taiwan in the years of 1999 and 2000. Both seasonal and diurnal variation patterns of visibility were observed in the region. Ambient aerosols were sampled and analyzed for 11 constituents, including water-soluble ionic species (Cl, NO3, SO4−2, NH4+, K+, Na+, Ca+2, and Mg+2) and carbonaceous contents (OC, EC, and TC), to characterize the chemical composition of Kaohsiung aerosols. Furthermore, a stepwise multiple linear regression model was developed to elucidate the influence of aerosol species on visibility impairments. The results showed that sulfate was the dominant species that affected both light scattering coefficient and visibility. On average, the percentage contributions of visibility degrading species to light scattering coefficient were 29% for sulfate, 28% for nitrate, 22% for total carbon, and 21% for PM2.5-remainder. An empirical regression model of visibility based on sulfate, nitrate, and relative humidity was also developed. The model showed that sulfate in PM2.5 was the most sensitive species to visibility variation, suggesting that the reduction of sulfate in PM2.5 could effectively improve the visibility of metropolitan Kaohsiung. During the investigation period, an event of Asian dusts intruded metropolitan Kaohsiung and dramatically increased the aerosol loadings, especially in the coarse particles. However, local visual air quality did not degrade accordingly during the Asian dust event because both visibility and light scattering coefficient are affected mainly by the fine particles. The results are discussed in detail in the paper.  相似文献   
1990—2010年中国极端温度和降水事件的月变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1960—2010年中国532个台站的日最低、最高气温和日降水资料,选取4个极端温度指数(冷昼、冷夜、暖昼和暖夜)和2个极端降水指数(极端降水量和极端降水频次),对1990—2010年极端温度和降水事件相对于之前1960—1989年的月尺度变化进行了研究。得到以下主要结论:1) 逐月的冷昼和冷夜发生频率减少,逐月的暖昼和暖夜发生频率增多。冷极端事件发生频率的变化比暖极端事件更明显。2) 4个指数在2月均表现出频率变化异常剧烈的月尺度特征,这主要与中国地区2月增暖最显著有关。4个指数在2月频率变化的空间分布,中国北方地区(东北、华北以及西北)极端温度事件的频率变化比南方地区(西南、华南以及长江流域)更显著。3) 对于极端降水事件,1990—2010年中国极端降水量增加最大的月份为6—7月,极端降水频次增加较多的月份为1—3月。中国各区域极端降水量变化最大的月份集中在夏季6—8月,其中西北、西南和长江中下游地区极端降水量显著增加。对于极端降水频次,东北和西北地区在1月增加最多;华北、西南、长江中下游和华南地区分别在3、5、7和12月增加最多。除华南地区以外,其他5个区域均通过了信度为0.05的显著性检验。  相似文献   
基于S波段多普勒天气雷达基数据、北京闪电定位网全闪定位数据和北京地区降雹的人工观测结果,对比分析Gatlin和σ两种闪电跃增算法在不同配置下对北京地区2015—2018年共177次冰雹天气过程的预警效果。结果表明:不同倍数的σ算法预警结果差别很大,2σ(要求当前闪电频数变化率超过之前平均闪电频数变化率两倍标准差)在σ算法中的预警效果最佳;不同N(总闪频数变化率的数量)配置下的Gatlin算法的预警结果差别不大,其中当N=6时的预警效果最佳。2σ算法的命中率、虚警率和临界成功指数分别为80.2%,41.6%和51.1%,N=6的Gatlin算法的相应结果分别为82.5%,62.0%和35.2%。另外,详细分析了一次多单体雷暴过程和一次飑线过程中两种算法的应用情况,结果也表明Gatlin算法比2σ算法的命中率略高,但虚警率偏高很多,临界成功指数偏低。综合Gatlin算法和σ算法对冰雹预报结果评估情况,发现2σ闪电跃增算法更适于对北京冰雹天气的预警,对提升闪电数据在北京地区冰雹预报业务的可用度有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
充分利用国家科技部大力推行的DVB-S共享数据平台,加强气象卫星遥感数据的广泛应用,特别是发挥卫星垂直探测器(ATOVS)资料在我国数值天气预报以及监测重大灾害性天气系统中的作用。该文介绍了基于DVB-S系统的NOAA/ATOVS资料的处理、分析与显示系统的概况及主要功能,并以2005年7月人们关注的台风“海棠”为个例,展示了利用该系统在监测和分析台风或强对流天气时的独特优势。该系统的建立,将解决省、地气象部门不能实时获取ATOVS资料的问题,并将推动ATOVS资料在气象以及相关部门的实际应用。  相似文献   
环境场对东海登陆热带气旋陆地路径的影响   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
采用合成分析的方法,对比分析了在华东南部沿海登陆,维持较短陆地路径和维持较长陆地路径的两类热带气旋的环境场变化,结果表明:环境场对登陆热带气旋的陆地路径的维持有重要影响。当西北太平洋副热带高压迅速加强西伸;中低层低压环流迅速减弱;中低层环境热力条件差,海洋水汽输送中断;高层水平流场呈纬向型,青藏高原反气旋环流相对较弱而西北太平洋副热带高压反气旋环流强大,中纬带西风急流强大时,环境场的配置使热带气旋周围的高层水平辐散弱并衰减,低层水平辐合弱并衰减,热带气旋的对流被抑制,仅能维持较短路径很快就减弱消亡。反之,当西北太平洋副热带高压减弱东退,西风槽南压;低层低压环流长时间维持;中低层环境热力条件好,海洋水汽输送通畅;高层水平流场呈经向型,青藏高原反气旋环流相对强大而西北太平洋副热带高压反气旋环流减弱东退,中纬带西风急流较弱,低空东南风急流强大时,环境场的配置使热带气旋周围高层水平辐散强并维持,低层水平辐合强并维持,热带气旋的对流通畅,能维持较长生命史和较长的路径。  相似文献   
区域风能资源评价分析的动力降尺度研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
不同于以往的统计风能评估方法,本研究将动力降尺度方法应用到江苏省的风能评价分析中。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料与江苏省65个地面气象观测站1971~2000年的观测资料,建立了动力降尺度区域气候模式MM5V3的初始场和边界条件,用较高分辨率(水平分辨率为5 km)评估了江苏省60 m高度的风能分布,分析了动力降尺度方法在区域风能资源评估中的有效应用。结果表明,江苏省风能资源由东部沿海向西部内陆递减,以西连岛为代表的东部沿海风能资源最丰富,其次为长江三角洲地区,太湖、洪泽湖及高邮湖地区的风能资源也比较丰富,徐州市与南京市的风能资源最贫乏。分析表明,动力降尺度方法能够用较高分辨率模拟局地环流和地面风的主要分布特征,可以作为区域风能资源评价分析的有效手段。  相似文献   
山区复杂地形条件下的风场分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用实测资料对山区复杂地形条件下风场的一般特征和局地性特点作了计算分析,详细分析了山谷风的时空变化规律,比较了山谷风演变的不同阶段以及不同季节的特点和差异.  相似文献   
Climatic regime shift and decadal anomalous events in China   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Climatic time series from historical documents and instrumental records from China showed temporal and regional patterns in the last two to three centuries, including two multidecadal oscillations at quasi-20-year and quasi-70-year timescales revealed by signal analysis from wavelet transform. Climatic anomalous events on the decadal timescale were identified based on the two oscillations when their positive (or negative) phases coincide with each other to amplify amplitude. The coldest event occurred in the decade of 1965–1975 in eastern China, while the periods of 1920–1930, 1940–1950, and 1988–2000 appeared to be warmer in most parts of China. For the precipitation series in northern China, the dry anomalous event was found in the late 1920s, while the wet anomalous event occurred in the 1950s. A severe drought in 1927–1929 in northern China coincided with the anomalous warm and dry decade, caused large-scale famine in nine provinces over northern China. Climatic anomalous events with a warm-dry or cold-wet association in the physical climate system would potentially cause severe negative impacts on natural ecosystem in the key vulnerable region over northern China. The spatial pattern of summer rainfall anomalies in the eastern China monsoon region showed an opposite variations in phase between the Yellow River Valley (North China) and the mid-low Yangtze River Valley as well as accompanied the shift of the northernmost monsoon boundary. Climatic regime shifts for different time points in the last 200 years were identified. In North China, transitions from dry to wet periods occurred around 1800, 1875, and 1940 while the transitions from wet to dry periods appeared around 1840, 1910, and the late 1970s. The reversal transition in these time points can also be found in the lower Yangtze River. Climatic regime shifts in China were linked to the interaction of mid- and low latitude atmospheric circulations (the westerly flow and the monsoon flow) when they cross the Tibetan Plateau in East Asia.  相似文献   
一个双波地形重力波拖曳参数化方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王元  唐锦赟  伍荣生 《气象学报》2007,65(5):733-743
当地形次尺度强迫的作用与显式的经典动力作用效应相当时,地形重力波拖曳力对于环流的维持,以及动量和热量通量输送的动力效应变得十分显著。这种地形次尺度拖曳作用项可通过参数化的方法,在动力方程中加入额外的小项而引入数值模式。目前成熟的地形重力波拖曳参数化方法,如第1代基于线性单波理论的参数化方案;以及侧重考虑了临界层作用等因素对拖曳力的额外贡献的第2代参数化方案,都无法有效表达风速垂直变化引起的波动应力随高度变化的特征。基于上述考虑,本文给出了一个双波参数化方案用于计算地形重力波拖曳中由线性自由传播重力波造成的波动应力的垂直分布。通过二阶WKB近似,它对由风速垂直变化引起的对波动应力的选择性临界层吸收过程和经典的临界层吸收过程做了显式处理;而在不发生临界层吸收现象的地区,则用两个单波同时在垂直方向上进行应力的传播,并利用波饱和标准进行应力耗散。进一步地在真实地形(以大别山地区为个例)条件下的测试结果表明,通过在不同理想风速廓线以及北半球冬季中纬度纬向平均风廓线下对波动应力垂直分布的计算,证明该方案确实能有效地给出应力随高度变化的特征。  相似文献   
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