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干湿交替对砂岩力学特性影响的试验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
由于地下水位的升降等原因,岩体经常处于干湿交替状态,这对岩体工程的长期稳定性不利。以红砂岩为研究对象,进行了干燥-饱水干湿交替作用后的常规单轴和三轴压缩试验研究,获得了砂岩应力-应变曲线,分析了其变形破坏特征。相对于没有经过干湿交替作用的干燥试件,经过不同次数的干燥-饱水交替作用后,砂岩的弹性模量、单轴和三轴抗压强度、黏聚力、内摩擦角等都有不同程度的降低。各力学指标的总体变化趋势是在第1次饱水之后均有较大幅度的下降,此后,随着干湿交替作用次数增加其降低的幅度逐渐减小,干湿交替作用使岩石的延性增强。在围压作用下,砂岩的峰值强度均随着围压的增大而增大,干燥试件强度的围压效应要比多次干湿交替作用后的试件显著。 相似文献
CAI Jun-chao JU Neng-pan HUANG Run-qiu ZHENG Da ZHAO Wei-hua LI Long-qi HUANG Jian 《山地科学学报》2019,16(4):924-934
Recently, various toppling slopes have emerged with the development of hydropower projects in the western mountainous regions of China. The slope on the right bank of the Laxiwa Hydropower Station, located on the mainstream of the Yellow River in the Qinghai Province of Northwest China, is a typical hard rock slope. Further, its deformation characteristics are different from those of common natural hard rock toppling. Because this slope is located close to the dam of the hydropower station, its deformation mechanism has a practical significance. Based on detailed geological engineering surveys, four stages of deformation have been identified using discrete element numerical software and geological engineering analysis methods, including toppling creep, initial toppling deformation, intensified toppling deformation, and current slope formation. The spatial and time-related deformation of this site also exhibited four stages, including initial toppling, toppling development, intensification of toppling, and disintegration and collapse. Subsequently, the mechanism of toppling and deformation of the bank slope were studied. The results of this study exhibit important reference value for developing the prevention–control design of toppling and for ensuring operational safety in the hydropower reservoir area. 相似文献
Due to the Tibetan Plateau's unique high altitude and low temperature climate conditions, the region's alpine steppe ecosystem is highly fragile and is suffering from severe degradation under the stress of increasing population, overgrazing, and climate change. The soil stoichiometry, a crucial part of ecological stoichiometry, provides a fundamental approach for understanding ecosystem processes by examining the relative proportions and balance of the three elements. Understanding the impact of degradation on the soil stoichiometry is vital for conservation and management in the alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau. This study aims to examine the response of soil stoichiometry to degradation and explore the underlying biotic and abiotic mechanisms in the alpine steppe. We conducted a field survey in a sequent degraded alpine steppe with seven levels in Northern Tibet. The plant species, aboveground biomass, and physical and chemical soil properties such as the moisture content, temperature, pH, compactness, total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and total phosphorus (P) were measured and recorded. The results showed that the contents of soil C/N, C/P, and N/P consistently decreased along intensifying degradation gradients. Using regression analysis and a structural equation model (SEM), we found that the C/N, C/P, and N/P ratios were positively affected by the soil compactness, soil moisture content and species richness of graminoids but negatively affected by soil pH and the proportion of aboveground biomass of forbs. The soil temperature had a negative effect on the C/N ratio but showed positive effect on the C/P and N/P ratios. The current study shows that degradation-induced changes in abiotic and biotic conditions such as soil warming and drying, which accelerated the soil organic carbon mineralization, as well as the increase in the proportion of forbs, which were difficult to decompose and input less organic carbon into soil, resulted in the decreases in soil C/N, C/P, and N/P contents to a great extent. Our results provide a sound basis for sustainable conservation and management of the alpine steppe. 相似文献
钢筋混凝土构件的性能指标在性能化抗震设计中具有广泛应用。现有研究成果大多采用国外试验数据库,在国内实际工程结构的应用中面临挑战。因此,文中收集了国内公开发表的132组钢筋混凝土柱和24组钢筋混凝土梁的低周往复荷载试验数据,分析了《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》(GB/T 38591-2020)的转角性能指标与试验转角之间的相对误差。研究发现,《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》部分转角性能指标忽略了关键参数的影响,相对误差较高,各性能指标之间的安全冗余度相差较大。文中对此提出了修正的钢筋混凝土构件转角性能指标,更好地考虑了关键参数的影响,既降低了相对误差,又保证了安全冗余度的一致性,能够更合理地判断构件的损伤状态。 相似文献
为研究动荷载作用下饱和砂土发生液化前后斜群桩的动力响应相关问题,利用土工离心机振动台进行了饱和砂土场地条件下的斜群桩物理模型试验。通过试验分别对土层响应、桩身弯矩以及桩顶承台加速度和位移等进行了详细分析,得到了如下结论:不同荷载作用下土层液化范围的改变导致了土层加速度峰值出现了不同程度的放大或缩小现象;砂土液化前后桩身动弯矩和残余弯矩对整个桩身的影响程度发生了显著变化,尤其在砂土大范围液化后残余弯矩相比动弯矩的影响明显减弱;当输入加速度峰值较小时,桩顶承台水平加速度峰值与振动台台面比较出现了明显的放大现象。而随着输入加速度峰值的增加,在振动后期承台水平加速度峰值出现了缩小的现象,同时在振动结束后承台产生了明显的动态残余位移。本研究取得的相关结论为液化土中斜群桩的相关研究以及工程设计提供参考。 相似文献
东海C区块具有复杂断块发育、地层非均质性强、储层连通性复杂等特点,同时受采集等因素的影响,地震资料随机噪声较为严重,给后续的勘探开发工作带来极大挑战.为此本文提出将改进的F-X滤波和各向异性扩散滤波技术相结合的三维边缘保持滤波方法.该方法通过结构张量估计得到目标地层的倾角和方位角,在倾角和方位角信息约束下提取目标点位置处的滤波窗口,在滤波窗口内采用自适应F-X滤波,从而实现随机噪声的压制,增强有效反射信息的连续性、保护断层等不连续地质体的边缘信息的目的.三维模拟数据和实际地震数据测试表明,与常规F-X滤波方法以及各向异性扩散滤波方法相比,新方法在提高数据体信噪比的同时,能有效保护断层等边缘信息的反射信号,增强地震剖面中弯曲、倾斜同相轴的连续性,在时间切片中较好地展示地质体边缘信息的连续性. 相似文献
航空重力测量是以飞机为载体,快速、高效获取大面积中、高频地球重力场信息的航空物探测量方法.航空重力测量技术的商业化运行归功于动态差分GNSS定位技术的成熟,使得载体的动态定位、动态测速和加速度解算精度大大提高,而差分GNSS技术解算载体动态定位的精度又依赖于地面基准站坐标精度.在实际作业中,通过组建控制网并设立地面GNSS基站,联测国家GNSS控制点,不仅需要花费较多的经济成本和时间成本,而且在人迹罕至的沼泽、高原、荒漠无人区以及远离大陆的海岛礁地区,这种方法都面临很大的困难.随着我国CORS站建设的不断深入,CORS系统精度和网度不断提高,利用CORS站数据,通过GAMIT等软件进行地面GNSS基站解算来确定其准确坐标位置的方法成为一种新趋势.本文以某测区实际数据为例,对比分析了两种方法得到的基站坐标精度及对重力测量结果的影响,介绍了CORS系统在航空重力测量地面GNSS基站解算中的应用效果,说明利用CORS系统解算不仅满足航空重力测量精度要求,而且能够提高工作效率. 相似文献
本文主要介绍搭载铯光泵磁力仪的动力滑翔机航磁测量系统的研发与应用.首先开展了机型选取、支架改装、磁干扰消除、航磁系统的集成等方面研究,完成了集成后的航磁系统各项性能指标测试和系统改进.在各项指标均符合《航空磁测技术规范》DZ/T 0142-2010[1](以下简称航磁规范)的要求后,进行了生产作业飞行,将本次航磁测量成果与以往航磁成果进行了对比,从经济性、适用性及绿色环保方面进行了分析.由分析结果可知:该系统在低空航磁测量中应用效果较好,利用该系统开展大比例尺航磁测量,相比较地磁测量具有明显的优势. 相似文献
常规的断层检测属性对地层产状相对较平、地震反射特征明显的低序断层有识别效果,在地层倾斜或者地层倾角变换剧烈的地方对低序级断层的识别效果很差.针对以上难点,在深入分析低序级断层地质特点和地震响应特征的基础上,对基于三维多级盲源分离与保构造滤波组合去噪的结构导向坎尼属性边缘检测低序级断层识别方法开展了研究,形成了一种有效的低序级断层识别方法,提高了低序级断层的识别能力.和相干属性对比来看,结构导向坎尼属性边缘检测结果噪声干扰更小,特别是在地层较陡或者地层产状波动较大(即地层倾角变化大)的地方,结构导向坎尼属性边缘检测结果更佳.所得结果与实钻井吻合效果好,解决了研究区的油水关系,多发现了5条低序级断层,新钻探井获得高产油流. 相似文献
30~#矿权区位于菲律宾迪纳加特岛北部,区内发育有红土型镍矿床。本次勘查圈定4处矿(化)体,其中以Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ矿(化)体的矿化范围较大,厚度变化系数为45%~50%(相对稳定),经济价值较高。红土型镍矿体平面上呈地毯状展布于地表,厚度受地形控制,富镍矿体分布于矿权区东部的5、6、11、12小区;剖面上从地表向深部矿体为铁质红土层、松散红土层及高岭土化蛇纹石化橄榄岩层。30~#矿权区红土镍矿矿床的形成经历了从普通矿到富矿两个阶段,红土镍矿石属于酸性矿石。 相似文献