We study local site effects with detailed geotechnical and geophysical site characterization to evaluate the site-specific seismic hazard for the seismic microzonation of the Chennai city in South India. A Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) of magnitude 6.0 is considered based on the available seismotectonic and geological information of the study area. We synthesized strong ground motion records for this target event using stochastic finite-fault technique, based on a dynamic corner frequency approach, at different sites in the city, with the model parameters for the source, site, and path (attenuation) most appropriately selected for this region. We tested the influence of several model parameters on the characteristics of ground motion through simulations and found that stress drop largely influences both the amplitude and frequency of ground motion. To minimize its influence, we estimated stress drop after finite bandwidth correction, as expected from an M6 earthquake in Indian peninsula shield for accurately predicting the level of ground motion. Estimates of shear wave velocity averaged over the top 30 m of soil (VS30) are obtained from multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) at 210 sites at depths of 30 to 60 m below the ground surface. Using these VS30 values, along with the available geotechnical information and synthetic ground motion database obtained, equivalent linear one-dimensional site response analysis that approximates the nonlinear soil behavior within the linear analysis framework was performed using the computer program SHAKE2000. Fundamental natural frequency, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at surface and rock levels, response spectrum at surface level for different damping coefficients, and amplification factors are presented at different sites of the city. Liquefaction study was done based on the VS30 and PGA values obtained. The major findings suggest show that the northeast part of the city is characterized by (i) low VS30 values (<?200 m/s) associated with alluvial deposits, (ii) relatively high PGA value, at the surface, of about 0.24 g, and (iii) factor of safety and liquefaction below unity at three sites (no. 12, no. 37, and no. 70). Thus, this part of the city is expected to experience damage for the expected M6 target event. 相似文献
This study compares three linear models and one non-linear model, specifically multiple linear regression (MLR) with ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates, robust regression, ridge regression, and artificial neural networks (ANNs), to identify an appropriate transfer function in statistical downscaling (SD) models for the daily maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin) and daily precipitation occurrence and amounts (Pocc and Pamount). This comparison was made over twenty-five observation sites located in five different Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Québec). Reanalysis data were employed as atmospheric predictor variables of SD models. Predictors of linear transfer functions and ANN were selected by linear correlations coefficient and mutual information, respectively. For each downscaled case, annual and monthly models were developed and analysed. The monthly MLR, annual ANN, annual ANN, and annual MLR yielded the best performance for Tmax, Tmin, Pocc and Pamont according to the modified Akaike information criterion (AICu). A monthly MLR is recommended for the transfer functions of the four predictands because it can provide a better performance for the Tmax and as good performance as the annual MLR for the Tmin, Pocc, and Pamount. Furthermore, a monthly MLR can provide a slightly better performance than an annual MLR for extreme events. An annual MLR approach is also equivalently recommended for the transfer functions of the four predictands because it showed as good a performance as monthly MLR in spite of its mathematical simplicity. Robust and ridge regressions are not recommended because the data used in this study are not greatly affected by outlier data and multicollinearity problems. An annual ANN is recommended only for the Tmin, based on the best performance among the models in terms of both the RMSE and AICu. 相似文献
A brief survey of the thirty-year history of creation and development of hydrologic probes at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute
of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is given. We describe problems arisen before developers and analyze the principles of
design of equipment, algorithmic support, software for data processing, and methodological and metrological support. The results
of intercalibration and application of probes in expeditions are presented.
Translated by Peter V. Malvshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev 相似文献
Observations were made of time variations of the carbon dioxide partial pressures (Pco2) of the atmosphere and surface sea waters in the Pacific subarctic region. Data were obtained on a cruise of the USC & GSSSURVEYOR in October, 1968 and on the TRANSPAC expedition of the CNAVENDEAVOUR in March–April, 1969. A rise in surface water Pco2 of 18×10–6 atm occurred in a period of 30–45 days in March–April due principally to spring warming of surface waters. An average increase of 60×10–6 atm occurred between October, 1968 and March, 1969 as a result mainly of cessation of summer phytoplankton production and the onset of winter-storm-driven vertical mixing. Because the air-sea Pco2 gradient not only changed appreciably in magnitude but also changed sign, there are important implications for calculations of air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide on the ocean wide scale.Data contained in this paper comprise part of a dissertation to be submitted by Louis I. Gordon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. at Oregon State University. 相似文献
Mathematic modeling, established on the basis of physical experiments, is becoming an increasingly important tool in oil and gas migration studies. This technique is based on the observation that hydrocarbon migration tends to take relative narrow pathways. A mathematical model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation is constructed using the percolation theory. It is then calibrated using physical experimental results, and is tested under a variety of conditions, to understand the applicability of the model in different migration cases. Through modeling, dynamic conditions of large-scale migration pathways within homogeneous formations can be evaluated. Basin-scale hydrocarbon migration pathways and their characteristics are analyzed during the model application to the Chang-8 Member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area of Ordos Basin. In heterogeneous formations, spatial changes in fluid potential determine the direction of secondary migration, and heterogeneity controls the characteristics and geometry of secondary migration pathways.
The plate margin features defining the Arabian Sea Triple Junction (ASTJ) are: the Aden Ridge (AR), Sheba Ridge (SR) with
their intervening Alula-Fartak Transform (AFT), Carlsberg Ridge (CR) and Owen Fracture Zone (OFZ). Exact nature of ASTJ is
presently debated: whether it is RRF (ridge-ridge-fault) or RRR (ridge-ridge-ridge) type. A revised seismicity map for ASTJ
is given here using data for a period little more than a century. “Point density spatial statistical criterion” is applied
to short-listed 742 earthquakes (mb ≥ 4.3), 10 numbers of spatio-temporal seismic clusters are identified for ASTJ and its
arms. Relocated hypocentres help better constraining the cluster identification wherever such data exist. Seismic clusters
actually diagnose the most intense zones of strain accumulation due to far field as well as the local stress operating at
ASTJ. An earthquake swarm emanating from a prominent seismic cluster below SR provides an opportunity to investigate the pore
pressure diffusion process (due to the active source) by means of “r-t plot”. Stress and faulting pattern in the active zones
are deduced from 43 CMT solutions. While normal or lateral faulting is characteristic for these arms, an anomalous thrust
earthquake occurs in the triangular ‘Wheatley Deep’ deformation zone proximal to ASTJ. The latter appears to have formed due
to a shift of the deformational front from OFZ towards a transform that offsets SR. Though ASTJ is still in the process of
evolution, available data favour that this RRF triple junction may eventually be converted to a more stable RRR type. 相似文献
Statistical analysis of long-term hydrological observations has shown that the interannual variations in the total river runoff into the Arctic Ocean can be considered as a stationary process. Similar are the variations in the annual runoff of the Ob, Lena, and rivers of the northwestern Asia. However, some components of the total runoff into the Arctic Ocean feature distinct and fairly complicated disturbances in the homogeneity of runoff variations. For example, variations in the annual runoff of the Yenisei River have a distinct nonmonotonic trend: the runoff systematically decreased till the late 1950s and increased since the late 1960s. The rivers of the European part of the Arctic Ocean drainage basin featured a decrease in the amplitude of variations in runoff during the past decades. Rivers of the northwestern America and northeastern Asia featured a regular increase in the amplitude of runoff variations and their autocorrelation since the late 1960s. 相似文献
We studied a chalcopyrite from a Cu ore deposit in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, by Mössbauer spectroscopy at room temperature and 110 K. Supporting methods to check for sample purity and to characterize further sample properties were slow-scanning X-ray powder diffraction and optical and microprobe analyses of polished sections of selected grains. Chemical analyses obtained using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer showed the sample to consist of homogeneous and essentially stoichiometric chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). Mössbauer spectra taken at both the above temperatures consist of asymmetric magnetically ordered patterns with unequal intensities of the line pairs 1–6 and 2–5, pointing to the existence of non-equivalent or multiple Fe sites. Least-squares fittings evidenced that the resonance intensity ratio of subspectrum with lower quadrupole shift (indicative of a more symmetric environment) to that with higher shift is 69:31, at room temperature, and 68:32, at 110 K. Rietveld refinement of the XRD data indicates the existence of tetragonal [a = 0.52855(1) and c = 1.0412(1) nm] and cubic [a0 = 0.5273(2) nm] modifications in a proportion of 74:26, in good agreement with the Mössbauer data. The saturation magnetization of the sample was 32.7 J/(T kg), confirming the oxidation state of Fe as trivalent and pointing to little to no spin canting. 相似文献
Averaged many-year measurement data on the concentrations of mineral forms of biogenic elements are analyzed, and their total concentrations in the rivers of Selenga, Chikoi, Khilok, Uda, Dzhida, and Temnik are evaluated. The monthly variations of the concentrations of major biogenic substances are characterized, and their ratios within a year are determined. Characteristics of river water runoff and biogenic substance concentrations are used to evaluate their within-year discharge by rivers. Characteristic variations in the ratios between the total and mineral forms of biogenic elements discharged by rivers have been revealed. It is established that the share of mineral components in the total input into the Selenga delta Ntot and Ptot are 82 and 22%, respectively. 相似文献