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在标准的Client/Server结果中,数据库处理由Server来承担,Client运行用户接口程度,直接和用户交互,并向Seerver发送数据库请求,而在增强型Client/Server结构的DBMS(简写为ECS-DBMS)中,充分利用了可以利用的Client资料,包括长久存储器,对于数据库中经常使用数据,客户机可以将这些数据拷贝并存储到自己久存储器,对于数据库中经常使用数据,客户机可以将这些数据拷贝并存储到自己的磁盘中,以免下次使用这些数据时再去访问Server,另外,客户机的磁盘中,还可以存储该客户自己的专用数据,这样便可以提高系统的性能,由于公共数据都存放在Server中,数据一致性的维护也由Server来承担,当Server中出现更新时,Server要将更新的内容传递给需要该更新的Clients,以替换客户机磁盘中的旧数据,针对ECS-DBMS,介绍并提出几种Server更新传播策略,并通过计算机模拟试验分析这些策略的性能。  相似文献   
A research method and parameter C_v which depicts the spatial inhomogeneity of earthquakeprecursory group, are developed in the paper. The influences of factors, such asinhomogeneous distribution of precursory observatory stations, the variety of observing itemnumber at each observatory station and the anomaly number of the same observing item atdifferent stations, etc., which cause the non-earthquake induced inhomogeneity, can beeliminated from C_v. The criteria of C_v to recognize particular spatial pattern of earthquakeprecursory group are also introduced. Based on the method, the spatial inhomogeneity ofradon precursory group and its relation to moderately strong earthquakes occurred in NorthChina during the same period are analyzed. The results show 5 strengthen processes of spatialinhomogeneity of radon precursory group before each of 5 earthquakes with M≥5. 0 in theregion during the period from Jan. 1, 1995 to Feb. 1, 1998. Among them 4 earthquakesoccurred within the time interval which the precu  相似文献   
西巩驿—李店断裂为陇中盆地内部发育的一条活动断裂,断裂活动性的认识对评估陇中盆地内部地震危险性,以及深入理解印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的远程响应具有重要的科学意义。遥感解译和地震地质调查结果表明:(1)西巩驿—李店断裂位于陇中盆地中部,断裂长度约120 km、走向NWW、倾向NW、倾角75°~80°。(2)断裂活动的分段特征明显,断裂中部位于加里东期花岗岩隆起区,地表出露不明显,据此将断裂划分为东、西两段。(3)西段新活动现象明显,主要表现为线性陡崖、高约几米的陡坎地形、山梁和冲沟水系的左旋位错等;东段地表构造地貌人为改造严重且黄土区滑坡发育,断层断错晚第四纪的剖面出露较少,晚更新世有活动,性质为逆冲兼左旋,浅地表局部表现为视正断。(4)结合14C测年结果分析,初步认为西段存在全新世活动,且活动性质为逆冲兼左旋走滑,全新世以来的垂直滑动速率为0.342 mm/a±,晚更新世晚期以来的左旋滑动速率最大为1.60~1.67 mm/a。(5)西段在晚更新世晚期以来至少发生过两次地震事件,一次发生在(11 808~11 401) a B.P.之前;一次事件发生在(6 291~...  相似文献   
A new method of parameter estimation in data scarce regions is valuable for bivariate hydrological extreme frequency analysis. This paper proposes a new method of parameter estimation (maximum entropy estimation, MEE) for both Gumbel and Gumbel–Hougaard copula in situations when insufficient data are available. MEE requires only the lower and upper bounds of two hydrological variables. To test our new method, two experiments to model the joint distribution of the maximum daily precipitation at two pairs of stations on the tributaries of Heihe and Jinghe River, respectively, were performed and compared with the method of moments, correlation index estimation, and maximum likelihood estimation, which require a large amount of data. Both experiments show that for the Ye Niugou and Qilian stations, the performance of MEE is nearly identical to those of the conventional methods. For the Xifeng and Huanxian stations, MEE can capture information indicating that the maximum daily precipitation at the Xifeng and Huanxian stations has an upper tail dependence, whereas the results generated by correlation index estimation and maximum likelihood estimation are unreasonable. Moreover, MEE is proved to be generally reliable and robust by many simulations under three different situations. The Gumbel–Hougaard copula with MEE can also be applied to the bivariate frequency analysis of other extreme events in data‐scarce regions.  相似文献   
Groundwater contamination with iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) is directly related to drink water safety. It remains challenging to simultaneously remove Fe and Mn from groundwater by conventional physical and chemical methods. Willows (Salix spp.) show promise for co-phytofiltration of Mn and Fe from groundwater. Here, a floating culture system was developed using willows for co-phytofiltration of Mn and Fe from simulated groundwater. Genotypic differences of willows were evaluated in terms of their tolerance to and accumulation of a mixture of Fe and Mn. The results showed that the growth responses of eight genotypes significantly differed to a mixture of Fe and Mn, ranging from growth inhibition to enhancement. Tolerance index analysis further indicated wide variation in the responses of willows. Tissue-specific analysis also revealed genotypic variation in the capacity of willows for translocation and accumulation of Fe and Mn. Compared with other genotypes, SB7 (Salix babylonica) and J842 (S. babylonica × Salix alba) demonstrated higher co-phytofiltration potentials for Fe and Mn based on tolerance, tissue metal concentrations, and shoot metal contents. Thus, both SB7 and J842 are candidates for co-phytofiltration of Fe and Mn from groundwater.  相似文献   
Delineation of bed boundaries based on resistivity logging curves is important prior information for the inversion and interpretation of resistivity logging dat...  相似文献   
巴丹吉林沙漠边缘地区植被特征   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
通过在巴丹吉林沙漠野外植被调查,描述了植被的生活型和群落的空间分布特征,分析了植被多样性、优势度及均匀度指数,并探讨了历年来气候变化对植被分布的影响。结果表明:(1)巴丹吉林沙漠植物种类较少,可分为小乔木、灌木、小灌木、半灌木、多年生草本和一年生草本6类生活型。其中灌木种类最为丰富,小乔木最少。(2)巴丹吉林沙漠东南一带物种丰富度和多样性高于西北一带,南缘地区植被群落分布及植被群落多样性亦均高于北缘地区。(3)近53 a巴丹吉林沙漠气温发生显著变化,蒸发量增加。南缘地区增温而降水减少。这种变化对于以水分为主导因子的沙漠地区植被发育来说极为不利,有加剧沙漠南缘荒漠化的威胁。  相似文献   
Although the urgency of their conservation has been recognized, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) since 2002 and China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China- NIAHS) certified by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of China since 2012 are faced with questions as to why to conserve them, what is to be conserved, who should conserve them, and how? This paper attempts to clarify and respond to such questions focusing on the conservation of agricultural heritage systems in China based on a review of both theoretical and practical progress. Agricultural heritage systems exhibit a multitude of values for sustainable and equitable development and therefore should be conserved for both present and future generations. Unlike most conventional heritages, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems is a complex, systematic “engineering” in which both physical and biological components and associated socio-cultural processes should be conserved in a dynamic way. Farmers and heritage sites must benefit from the continuance of traditional agricultural production under the premise of ecological functions being sustained and traditional culture being inherited. For a more effective conservation, a multi- stakeholder process should be established involving governments at different levels, multi-disciplinary scientists, communities and farmers, and business enterprises as well as social organizations. As has been demonstrated, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems aims to promote the regional sustainable development, to improve the livelihood, food security and well-being of farm people, and to provide references for the development of modern agriculture in China.  相似文献   
The Damxung‐Yangbajain rift is one of the most active north–south trending rifts in the south Tibetan Plateau, and it has been playing an important role in accommodating the east–west extension of the Tibetan Plateau. Both stream profiles on the Nyainqentanglha Range adjacent to the northwest part of the Damxung‐Yangbajain rift and tectonic geomorphology in the north of the rift are analyzed to assess the spatial pattern and intensity of rock uplift which is related to neotectonic activity. A total of 85 stream profiles across the Nyainqentanglha Range are analyzed, and 111 knickpoints are interpreted. Most of these stream profiles are characterized by prominent convexities with two or more knickpoints, many of which are formed due to the strong rock uplift evidenced by abnormal concavity and extremely high steepness indices during the Quaternary. Neotectonic activity in this region is well replicated in the stream profile indices and offset landforms. Tectono‐geomorphic analysis shows that the concavity and steepness indices correlate with the fault movements at many places. The Damxung‐Yangbajain rift is characterized by left‐lateral strike‐slip in the north of Damxung and by normal movement in middle and southern parts. The middle and southern parts have been undergoing higher uplift than has the northern area. It is most likely that the strong uplift is related to the heat flow under the crust. Earthquakes occurring in the Damxung‐Yangbajain rift, including a M8 in 1411 and M6.6 in 2008, are thought to be related to heat flow activity. All of the stream profile indices and tectonic geomorphology show that the Damxung‐Yangbajain rift is not in a stable state. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
报道了HL-2A装置最新的实验结果,讨论并研究了超声分子束的注入位置对分子束在等离子体中的消融和穿透的影响,其中包括电离后的分子束粒子在磁场梯度作用和 E × B 漂移下的加速或减速及由此形成的冷通道效应.研究结果表明,磁场梯度和 E × B 漂移对于超声分子束的加料效果、消融和穿透有着重要的作用.强场侧注入可使电离后的电子和离子更深地进入等离子体芯部.这些研究对于更好地理解超声分子束与等离子体的相互作用和优化设计加料系统有一定作用.  相似文献   
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