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A scheme is proposed to calculate the effect of torsion on each lateral load resisting element of asymmetrical buildings in the context of the response spectrum technique. The scheme consists of: (i) Obtain the modal shear and torque on the building by the response spectrum technique, (ii) Compute the total modal shear forces on each frame by resolving the modal shear and torque on the building according to principles of structural mechanics. The shears on each frame due to the lateral load effect and torsional effect are combined algebraically, (iii) Obtain the total shear force on each frame by combining the total modal shears on that frame in a root sum square manner. Since the proper phase relationship between the lateral load effect and torsional effect is accounted for on a modal basis, it is believed that the proposed scheme provides a more realistic load estimate on the frames than the conventional approach. An example of a simplified mono-symmetrical frame structure is chosen to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed scheme, using dynamic time-history analysis as a standard for comparison.  相似文献   
Simultaneous observations of wind, wave, and stability parameters made recently by several authors provide an evaluation of the contribution of these factors to the determination of wind stress on the sea surface. It is shown that under diabatic conditions the wind-wave interaction method of determining wind stress is superior to the method utilizing correction for stability. The implication is that the contribution from waves is more important to the stress than that from stability. Thus, the wind-wave interaction method may be applicable under a variety of conditions. For general meteorological-oceanographic applications, a nomograph is also provided for estimating the wind stress from commonly available wind and wave parameters.  相似文献   
Summary Bastnaesites of Ce and La and their OH-analogs were synthesized and their stability relations were determined atPf = 1 kbar andT = 400 to 900°C in a part of the system (Ce,La)-F-H-C-0. The initial fluid compositions were such that and HF/(HF + H2O) ratios were 0 to 0.172. XRD and IR studies indicate that bastnaesites equilibrated in initial fluids low in HF are all F-enriched. The hydroxylbastnaesite-(La) is stable up to 810°C and the fluorbastnaesite-(La) is stable up to 860°C. Their condensed breakdown products are La2O2CO3 and LaOF, respectively. The stability of Ce bastnaesites is slightly dependent. The hydroxylbastnaesite-(Ce) is stable up to 660°C at the defined by the IQF buffer and up to 640°C by the MH buffer. The fluorbastnaesite-(Ce) is stable up to 800°C at the defined by the IQF and up to 760°C by the MH buffer. The condensed breakdown product for the hydroxyl end-member is simply CeO2 but for the fluorine one is a combination of CeO2, CeF3, and CeOF. Factors, such as OH vs F, , and bulk composition, that affect the stability of individual species are discussed. Petrogenic implications resulting from the present study include that bastnaesites can be stable from hydrothermal to magmatic conditions, that F-enriched species can form in an environment relatively low in F content, and that OH-species are rare and occur only in low-temperature environments essentially devoid of F.
Synthese und Stabilität von Bastndsil in einem Teil des Systems (Ce,La)-F-H-C-O
Zusammenfassung Ce- und La-Bastnäsite, sowie deren OH-Analoga wurden synthetisiert und ihre Stabilitätsbeziehunger beiP f = 1 kbar undT = 400 bis 900°C wurden im System (Ce,La)F-H-C-O bestimmt. Die anfänglichen Flüssigkeitszusammensetzungen waren so, daß und die HF/(HF + H2O)-Verhältnisse 0–0.172 waren. Röntgenpulver- und Ultrarot-Untersuchungen zeigten, daß Bastnäsite, die mit anfänglich HF-armen Flüssigkeiten equilibriert wurden, alle an F angereichert sind. Hydroxilbastndsit-(La) ist bis 810°C und Fluorbastnäsit-(La) bis 860°C stabil. Ihre festen Zersetzungsprodukte sind La2O2O3, bzw. LaOF. Die Stabilität der Ce-Bastnäsite hängt etwas von ab. Hydroxilbastnäsit-(Ce) ist bei des Eisen-Quarz-Fayalit-Puffers bis 660°C stabil und mit Magnetit-Hämatit-Puffer bis 640°C. Das feste Zerfallsprodukt ist für das Hydroxil-Glied nur CeO2, für das Fluor-Glied eine Mischung aus CeO2, CeF3 und CeOF. Faktoren, welche die Stabilität der einzelnen Spezies beeinflussen, werden diskutiert, wie das Verhältnis OH zu F, und die Gesamtzusammensetzung. Petrogenetische Folgerungen aus der vorliegenden Studie schließen ein, daß Bastnäsite von hydrothermalen bis zu magmatischen Bedingungen stabil sein können, daß sich an F angereicherte Glieder in relativ F-armer Umgebung bilden können, und daß OH-Glieder selten sind und nur unter Bildungsbedingungen niedriger Temperatur und weitgehender Abwesenheit von F auftreten.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   
The stability of merwinite (Mw) and its equivalent assemblages, akermanite (Ak)+calcite (Cc), diopside (Di)+calcite, and wollastonite (Wo)+monticellite (Mc)+calcite was determined at T=500–900° C and P f=0.5–2.0 kbar under H2O–CO2 fluid conditions with X CO 2=0.5, 0.1, 0.05, and 0.02. Merwinite is stable at P f=0.5 kbar with T>700° C and X CO 2<0.1. At P f=2.0 kbar, the assemblage Di+Cc replaces merwinite at all T and X CO 2 conditions. At intermediate P f=1 kbar, the assemblage Ak+Cc is stable above 707° C and Wo+Mc+Cc is stable below 707° C. The univariant curve for the reaction Di+Cc=Wo+Mc+CO2 is almost parallel to the T axis and shifts to low P f with increasing X CO 2, with the assemblage Di+Cc on the high-P f side. The implications of the experimental results in regard to contact metamorphism of limestone are discussed using the aureole at Crestmore, California as an example.  相似文献   
Imaging magnetic sources using Euler's equation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The conventional Euler deconvolution method has the advantage of being independent of magnetization parameters in locating magnetic sources and estimating their corresponding depths. However, this method has the disadvantage that a suitable structural index must be chosen, which may cause spatial diffusion of the Euler solutions and bias in the estimation of depths to the magnetic sources. This problem becomes more serious when interfering anomalies exist. The interpretation of the Euler depth solutions is effectively related to the model adopted, and different models may have different structural indices. Therefore, I suggest a combined inversion for the structural index and the source location from the Euler deconvolution, by using only the derivatives of the magnetic anomalies. This approach considerably reduces the diffusion problem of the location and depth solutions. Consequently, by averaging the clustered solutions satisfying a given criterion for the solutions, we can image the depths and attributes (or types) of the causative magnetic sources. Magnetic anomalies acquired offshore northern Taiwan are used to test the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   
This study is aimed at investigating the vertical velocity profile of flow passing over a vegetal area by an analytical approach. The soil ground is considered as pervious and thus non-zero velocity at the ground surface can be estimated. The soil and vegetation layers are regarded as homogeneous and isotropic porous media. Therefore the solution of the flow can be obtained by applying the theory of turbulent flow and Biot’s theory of poroelasticity after dividing the flow field into three layers: homogenous water, vegetation and pervious soil. The velocity distribution is compared with the experimental data of [Rowiński PM, Kubrak J. A mixing-length model for predicting vertical velocity distribution on flows through emergent vegetation. J Hydrol Sci 2002;47(6):893–904] to show its validity. In addition, five dimensionless parameters denoting the variation of slope, permeability of soil, Reynolds stress, density of vegetation, and relative height of vegetation are proposed to reveal their effects on the surface water flow. The analytical solutions of flow velocity can also be simplified into simpler expressions to describe the flow passing over a non-vegetated area.  相似文献   
Using earthquakes relocated in north‐east Taiwan, we estimated b‐value distribution along a cross‐section located near the Ryukyu slab edge, and four b‐value anomalous areas are evidenced: (1) a high b‐value body lying on top of a low Vp, low Vs and high Vp/Vs sausage‐like body was considered as a region of enhanced partial melt or water supply above which seismicity occurs; (2) beneath the Ilan Plain, an anomalous area characterized by b‐values slightly higher than 1.1 might give evidence to the magma conduits to the Kueishantao Island; (3) above the Ryukyu Wadati‐Benioff zone, at depths ranging from 90 to 110 km, a high b‐value anomaly might correspond to the depth where dehydration occurs in the subducting oceanic plate; and (4) a low b‐value area located within the Ryukyu slab, at depths ranging from 70 to 90 km, might be linked to the compressive mechanisms shown by focal mechanisms and the bending of the subducting plate.  相似文献   
This study measures the reaction rate of dolomite and aragonite (calcite) into Mg-calcite at 800, 850, and 900°C and 1.6 GPa. The dry synthetic dolomite-aragonite aggregate transformed very rapidly into dolomite-calcite polycrystalline aggregate while Mg-calcites formed at a relatively slow rate, becoming progressively richer in Mg with run time. We modeled the reaction progress semi-empirically by the first-order rate law. The temperature dependence of the overall transport rate of MgCO3 into calcite can be described by the kinetic parameters (E?=?231.7 kJ/mol and A o ?=?22.69 h?1). Extrapolation using the Arrhenius equation to the conditions during exhumation of UHPM rocks indicates that the reaction of dolomite with aragonite into Mg-saturated calcite can be completed as the P-T path enters the Mg-calcite stability field in a geologically short time period (<1 Ky). On the other hand, the extrapolation of the rate to prograde metamorphic conditions reveals that the Mg-calcite formed from dolomitic marble in the absence of metamorphic fluid may not reach Mg-saturation until temperatures corresponding to high-grade metamorphism (e.g., >340°C and >10 My). SEM-EDS analysis of individual calcite grains shows compositional gradients of Mg in the calcite grains. The Mg-Ca inter-diffusion coefficient at 850°C is around 1.68?×?10?14 m2/sec if diffusion is the major control of the reaction. The calculated closure temperatures for Ca-Mg inter-diffusion as a function of cooling rate and grain size reveal that Ca/Mg resetting in calcite in a dry polycrystalline carbonate aggregate (with grain size around 1 mm) may not occur at temperatures below 480°C at a geological cooling rate around 10°C/My, unless other processes, such as short-circuit interdiffusion along grain boundaries and dislocations, are involved.  相似文献   
Since the beginning of formation of Proto-Taiwan, the subducting Philippine (PH) Sea plate has moved continuously through time in the N307° direction with respect to Eurasia (EU), tearing the EU plate. The subducting EU plate includes a continental part in the north and an oceanic part in the south. The boundary B between these two domains corresponds to the eastern prolongation of the northeastern South China Sea ocean-continent transition zone. In the Huatung Basin (east of Taiwan), the Taitung Canyon is N065° oriented and is close and parallel to B. Seismic profiles show that the southern flank of the canyon corresponds to a fault with a normal component of a few tens of meters in the sediments and possible dextral shearing. Several crustal earthquakes of magnitude >%6 are located beneath the trend of the Taitung Canyon and focal mechanisms suggest that the motion is right-lateral. Thus, faulting within the sedimentary sequence beneath the Taitung Canyon is a consequence of underlying dextral strike-slip crustal motions. As the continental part of the EU slab located north of B has been recently detached, some subsequent dextral strike-slip motion might be expected within the EU slab, along the ocean-continent transition zone, which is a potential zone of weakness. We suggest that the dextral strike-slip motion along the ocean-continent boundary of the EU slab might trigger the observed dextral strike-slip motion within the overlying PH Sea crust and the associated faulting within the sediments of the Huatung Basin, beneath the Taitung Canyon. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
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