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Dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA), indirect ELISA and Westem blot were performed to detect the virulent protease secreted by Vibrio anguillarum which was isolated from the diseased left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceous. Sensitivity results showed that dot-ELISA is a more sensitive, rapid and simple technique for the protease detection. The minimal detectable amount of protease is about 7 pg in the dot-ELISA test, while 7.8 ng in the indirect ELISA and 6.25 ng in the Westem blot respectively. Protease could be detected 2 h after incubation of V. anguillarum in the 2216E liquid medium but enzyme activity was very low at that period. From 6 to 12 h, the amount and enzyme activity of protease increased markedly and reached maximum at stationary phase. Analysis of serum samples periodically collected from the infected flounders showed that after 2 h of infection by V. anguillarum, the pathogenic bacteria could be detected in the blood of the infected flounders but no protease was found. It was 5-6 h after infection that the protease was detected in blood and then the amount increased as infection advanced. Quantitative detection of protease either incubation in the medium or from the blood of infected flounders could be accomplished in virtue of positive controls of quantificational protease standards ("marker") so that the alterations ofprotease secretion both in vitro and in vivo could be understood generally. In addition, the indirect ELISA and dot-ELISA were also performed to detect V. anguillarum cells. Results indicated that the sensitivity of indirect ELISA to bacteria cells is higher than that of the dot-ELISA, and that the minimal detectable amount is approximately 10^4 cell/mL in the indirect ELISA, while 10^5 cell/mL in the dot-ELISA.  相似文献   
Casualties‘ States During Destructive Earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The index of casualties is introduced for the trapped that is still alive after a destructive earthquake to indicate his(her)injury degree.In order to describe the injury-developing process controlled by three factors:the initial injury degree,the trap surroundings and the physique of the cornered,a function SFC( State-Function of Casualties) can be naturally constructes.Through parameter analysis from eight pieces of figures,it can be found that the trapped with weaker physique and worse initial injury degree and in adverse trap surroundings deserves sooner rescue.  相似文献   
西沙群岛大气中海盐粒子的分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
分析了在西沙永兴岛观测的Cl^-海盐核资料,主要结果有:(1)东北季风期干直径大于2μm的Cl^-核平均浓度878个/L,平均含盐量105.4μg/m^3,其中干直径大于4μm的特大核平均为190个/L,最大间观测到干直径57μm的Cl^-粒子,均较该地在1987年5月西南季风盛行期的观测值高。谱型呈准单调下降的幂函数递减谱。(2)随距海面高度增加海盐粒子浓度与含盐量均有所减小。(3)Cl^-粒子  相似文献   
为了理解地震的发生和地壳结构不均匀性的关系,利用南加州地震台网的固定台和临时台所记录的2863个兰德斯余震和区域地震,共计107401个P波和19624个S波高质量的到时数据,采用地震层析成像方法得到了兰德斯地震区P波和S波的精细的三维速度结构和泊松比分布.结果显示,地震的发生和分布与地壳结构的横向不均匀性有密切的关系.总体上看,兰德斯地震区余震成丛分布,并被低速块体截断,其中4级以上地震大多分布于P波高、低速异常过渡区域或偏向高速块体一侧,这可能是因为高速区多属地壳脆性介质,易于造成应力集中,导致地震;反之,低速度区则可能代表破碎程度较高、富含流体或温度较高区域,因而更倾向于产生无震变形.基于兰德斯地震区强震震源位置、地震区P波、S波速度异常与泊松比分布推断,兰德斯地震区可能有流体存在.地壳流体易使地壳岩石弱化,从而引发大地震.  相似文献   
基于TIGGE资料中欧洲中期天气预报中心、日本气象厅、美国国家环境预报中心及英国气象局1~7 d日降水量预报以及中国自动站观测资料与CMORPH降水产品融合的逐时降水量网格数据集,利用频率匹配法(Frequency-Matching Method,FMM)对中国降水预报进行客观订正。首先利用卡尔曼滤波方法对降水频率进行调整,并根据不同区域降水强度差异将全国分为7个子区域分别进行频率匹配。结果表明,FMM可以有效减小降水量预报的误差。经过频率匹配法订正后各模式降水预报的平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)大幅减小,且订正后各量级降水的雨区面积更加接近实际观测值。FMM对小于5 mm和大于15 mm的降水预报技巧改进明显。此外,FMM降低了模式预报的小雨空报率和大雨漏报率,并且明显提高了晴雨预报的准确率。FMM明显消除了大范围小雨空报区域,但是对强降水预报FMM仅能调整降水量大小,强降水落区预报并不能得到明显改善。  相似文献   
在地震孕育发生过程中,不同频率地电场观测出现异常现象已有相关报道,但地电场不同频率成分与地震震级(能量)的相关性统计特征仍不清晰。文章基于小波变换对都兰台地电场观测资料进行分析处理,使用滑动相关性方法对地电场不同频率成分与台站周围400km范围内地震事件进行分析研究,并以青海玛多MS7.4地震前后大地电场优势方位角计算结果进行回溯性检验。结果表明:(1)都兰地电场不同频率成分不仅在地震孕育发生过程中会出现异常现象,而且出现异常的频率与地震事件震级(能量)存在一定关联性:高频成分(3.4h和8h)与■及■两个地震序列的地震事件均有关联性,其中与■在震前约25(±5)天、10天和5天相关性异常显著,与■在震前约55天、35天、15天和5天相关性异常显著,而低频成分(24h)则仅与■地震序列中的地震事件在约55、35、20及5天左右出现较强的相关性;(2)玛多MS7.4地震前,都兰地电场低频成分(24h)的大地电场优势方位角在地震前约55(±5)、20(±5)天左右出现明显异常现象,其出现的时间与相关性统计特征具有较高的一致性,原因可能是孕震断层与...  相似文献   
中国地质科学50年的简要回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在世界之效科学技术大发展的现阶段,中国地质科学必将发展,因为它具箅了社会需求、科学问题和社会基础技术三个科学发展的条件。由于中国地质学奠基者的远见卓识,中国地质学在本世纪20~30年代已建立了世界声誉。新中国建立后,50~70年代中国地质科学取得迅速工。自70年代珂至今的改革开放时期更取得了全面的发展。随着地球系统科学的新概念为广大地质学者所接受,地质学各分支学科必将走向互相交驻融合,形成综合的和  相似文献   
大兴安岭地区古利库金(银)矿床成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古利库金(银)矿床的形成与早白垩世中晚期火山喷发活动及其所形成的火山穹隆构造有关,矿体定位于火山活动波及范围内,平均成矿温度220℃,平均成矿压力135×105Pa,成矿深度约500~600m,属冰长石-绢云母型浅成低温热液矿床,与国内外同类型矿床具有可比性.  相似文献   
杨贵  许振栋  林彬华 《中国地震》2016,32(4):674-684
利用福建测震台网2008年10月~2015年12月记录的每个事件至少有6个台站测算震级的3069个区域地震事件,进行单台震级与台网平均震级的偏差统计,获得了各台站的总的震级平均偏差为-0.31~0.68,并统计各台站测算震级所量取最大记录振幅相应的周期,获得优势周期为0.06~0.38s;通过Moya方法反演各测震台站的场地响应,获得98个台站对1~20Hz频带的场地响应,结果显示场地对某些频带信息有放大或抑制作用;通过比较Wood-Anderson地震仪摆固有0.8s周期所对应的场地响应、各台样本优势周期所对应场地响应的震级偏差与各台总的震级平均偏差,发现台站测算震级相应优势周期的场地响应的震级偏差与台站震级平均偏差有较好的线性关系,表明单台震级的偏差与测算震级所量取最大记录振幅相应的周期的场地响应有较大关系。  相似文献   
Fractal property or self-similarity exists abundantly in many aspects in our universe. Fractals are rich in geology and have certain relations to various geological processes. This article presents analyses of fractal properties of 18 impact crater ejecta margins on the surface of Venus. The structured walk method was used to measure the length of perimeter of the ejecta margin and the resulting Richardson plots were investigated. EveryR-plot has a first linear part, a second part and a main scattering part. The variations seen in the second part include information on the formation and geology of the crater ejectas. The fractal dimension of the second part is related to the perimeter of the ejecta and thus to the impact energy. The ratio of the square of the perimeter to the area describes the lobateness of the ejecta and has a positive correlation to the perimeter in a way similar to that between the fractal dimension of the second part and the perimeter. Two linear subparts in the second part indicate different fractal properties due to various processes dominating on different scales. Scattering in the middle of the second part indicates the scale and type of the ejecta lobes. The smooth scattering over the entire second part is related to impact angle and energy. A threshold value beyond which the structured walk method cannot be used was observed at a ruler length of about 1/10 of the perimeter.  相似文献   
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