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北京台为改善质子分量磁力仪观测质量,用国产DTZ-3型质子磁力仪和QHXC-75型仪的分量线圈装置组合成质子分量磁力仪,本文介绍了其性能的检测和观测使用状况。  相似文献   
In the design and assessment of structures, the aspects regarding the future performance are gaining increased attention. A wide range of performance measures is covered by ‘sustainability’ to reflect these aspects. There is the need for well established methods for quantifying the metrics of sustainability. In this paper, a framework for assessing the time‐variant sustainability of bridges associated with multiple hazards considering the effects of structural deterioration is presented. The approach accounts for the effects of flood‐induced scour on seismic fragility. Sustainability is quantified in terms of its social, environmental, and economic metrics. These include the expected downtime and number of fatalities, expected energy waste and carbon dioxide emissions, and the expected loss. The proposed approach is illustrated on a reinforced concrete bridge. The effects of corrosion on reinforcement bars and concrete cover spalling are accounted. The seismic fragility curves at different points in time are obtained through nonlinear finite element analyses. The variation of the metrics of sustainability in time is presented. The effects of flood‐induced scour on both seismic fragility and metrics are also investigated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-frequency monitoring was conducted to quantify the frequency and controlling factors of preferential flow (PF) in a monsoon-influenced sub-humid mountainous catchment (6.48 km2) of Northern China. Rainfall was measured using nine bucket raingauges. Soil moisture probes were set up at 12 sites to observe the PF. Overall, 129 rainfall events were identified during the years 2014–2016. The average PF occurrence was 41%, which increased to 71% during heavy rainfall events (>20 mm) revealing a strong influence of the amount and intensity of rainfall. The study also revealed that the PF increased with antecedent soil moisture. Soil moisture was much higher on flat sites compared to sloping sites, providing evidence that the topography has a strong influence on rainfall infiltration and runoff which, subsequently, influence soil moisture variation and the occurrence of PF. Our findings provide valuable insights into the hydrological processes for studies in regions with similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Seismic intensity measure (IM) selection is associated with consideration of multiple criteria, and there are uncertainties within the selection process. In this paper, a novel multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach by incorporating stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis (SMAA) with technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is proposed to solve the stochastic decision making problem of IM selection. TOPSIS provides an alternative rank function, and the SMAA is used to address the uncertainties within the IM selection. The performance criteria (e.g., efficiency, proficiency, practicality, sufficiency, and correlation) are evaluated for the investigated structural components, and the decision matrix is formulated based on the criteria of each IM alternative. Furthermore, the importance of the component to system reliability is quantified in a probabilistic manner using nonlinear time history analysis and serves as the weighting factors in MCDM stage. The holistic acceptability indices indicating the overall acceptability levels of IM alternatives are computed by the proposed approach. Additionally, the effects of different IMs (e.g., average spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity, and spectral acceleration) on probabilistic seismic loss and resilience are investigated to further support the IM selection. The proposed approach is illustrated on a highway bridge, and the results are presented.  相似文献   
大地震发生后往往会伴随强余震发生,强烈余震会加重结构的破坏程度,在抗震设计及结构损伤评估中考虑余震的影响是一重要课题。采用NGA-West2数据库建立主余震序列型地震动记录数据集,基于损伤等效思想定义主余震作用下PGA放大系数α,针对单自由度体系结构,通过动力时程分析建立不同相对强度、不同场地条件下平均PGA放大系数谱,进一步通过回归分析构建PGA放大系数谱的预测方程,分析统计结果的离散性。结果表明:PGA放大系数谱受场地条件影响较小,受主余震相对强度影响显著;放大系数谱值随周期增大而减小。谱预测方程能够提供目标损伤下结构的主震PGA放大需求,并可以作为设计谱调整系数使用,以实现在结构抗震设计及结构损伤评估中考虑余震的影响。  相似文献   
特高压电气设备抗震设计反应谱特征周期取值研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
特征周期是抗震设计反应谱的重要参数,开展特高压电气设备抗震设计反应谱特征周期的研究,具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。对美国、日本等世界范围内的1448条Ⅲ类场地水平向强震记录进行了统计分析,结果表明震级、震中距对特征周期有较大影响;强震记录特征周期的80%分位数结果约为0.9s。对全国近年来已通过评审的312个Ⅲ类场地的地震安全性评价结果进行了统计分析,70%分位数的特征周期为0.9s。结合相关规范的对比分析,建议特高压电气设备抗震设计反应谱的特征周期取0.9s,可有效保证特高压电气设备的地震安全。  相似文献   
分析2011—2016年河北邯郸涉县台垂直摆仪器运行情况并计算其内精度,用质点、二维、三维载荷模型计算仪器周边工程建设载荷变化对垂直摆的影响,结果表明载荷变化对垂直摆数据影响不显著,二维载荷与三维载荷模型结果趋于一致,并得出动土时段可造成垂直摆内精度变差。  相似文献   
本文介绍了新疆于田7.3级地震灾区建筑物主要结构类型和特点,分析了典型震害现象及特征,阐明了新疆先后实施的抗震安居工程和安居富民工程在提高建筑物抗震性能、减轻地震灾害损失方面发挥的重要作用.在总结抗震安居工程和安居富民工程建设成效的基础上,结合于田多民族聚居的实际情况,对城乡居民房屋的抗震设计和施工提出了一些建议,可为灾后恢复重建以及其他地区的民居建设提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   
圆钢管KY型相贯节点承载力性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用有限元数值分析方法,对东莞市塘厦体育中心钢屋盖相贯KY型节点的受力性能和破坏模式进行了研究,并将有限元计算与已有试验结果进行了比较.分析结果表明:节点极限承载力都能达到设计荷载水平的2倍以上,节点具有较大的安全储备,但节点区域受力复杂,应力集中比较明显,弦杆与腹杆相贯区域是节点的薄弱部位.KY型节点的破坏模式有四种:受拉腹杆端部连接焊缝断裂破坏;受压腹杆端部局部屈曲破坏;受拉腹杆端部焊缝断裂与受压腹杆端部局部屈曲联合破坏;弦杆管壁局部屈服破坏.  相似文献   
Yuan  Zhaode  Liu-Zeng  Jing  Zhou  You  Li  Zhigang  Wang  Heng  Yao  Wenqian  Han  Longfei 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(1):93-107
The Altyn Tagh fault is one of the few great active strike-slip faults in the world. The recurrence characteristics of paleoearthquakes on this fault are still poorly understood due to the lack of paleoseismic records recorded in high-resolution strata. We document a paleoseismic record in a pull-apart basin along the Wuzunxiaoer section of the central Altyn Tagh fault.The high-resolution strata recorded abundant seismic deformations and their sedimentary responses. Four earthquakes are identified based on event evidence in the form of open fissures, thickened strata, angular unconformities, and folds. The occurrence times of the four events were constrained using radiocarbon dating. Event W1 occurred at AD1220–1773, events W2 and W3 occurred between 407 and 215 BC, and event W4 occurred slightly earlier at 1608–1462 BC, indicating clustered recurrence characteristics. A comparison of the earthquake records along the Wuzunxiaoer section with other records along the Xorkoli section suggests that both sections ruptured during the most recent event.  相似文献   
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