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××地块水泥土室内配合比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前国内外水泥土强度测定的试验方法,还未形成规范操作的情况下,该文主要从室内试验的角度,阐述了水 泥土试验的目的、试验设备、试样的制备以及试验的方法,从而确定出最佳的水泥掺入比,同时对水泥土与原状土的 物理力学性质以及水泥土的强度增长机理作初步的探讨。  相似文献   
基于野外调查和室内资料综合整理, 对天水市麦积区幅范围内438处体积大于1×104 m3的黄土滑坡进行了分类统计对比分析。研究结果表明, 麦积区幅内黄土滑坡具有空间上发育不均衡, 时间上多期活动的特点, 表现为区域上黄土滑坡分布不均匀, 各区域滑坡体平均厚度差异大, 滑坡多沿沟谷呈不对称带状分布, 滑坡多发育在坡度为15°—30°斜坡上等。受地质构造、地形地貌、地层岩性等环境地质条件控制, 幅内滑坡主要是因地震和降雨诱发形成。   相似文献   
河南省嵩山区位于中朝地台南部,区内发育被2个角度不整合面分隔开的3个前寒武纪岩群,一个主滑脱带沿着嵩山群与登封群间不整合面发育.滑脱带之上的早元古代嵩山群形成近南北向的褶皱带,因此,嵩山群岩石在主滑脱带之上形成无根的独立构造.与滑脱带下伏的太古宙登封群很少有关系.主滑脱带厚4~30m,沿着主滑脱带,登封群角闪岩相岩石强烈退变质到绿片岩相矿物组合,主滑脱带发育在脆韧性过渡域.多尺度的观察指出,主滑脱带的形成受地壳成分分层导致的流变学分层性所制约,而且地层柱底部软弱面或地质界面是近水平的滑脱带发育的优选位置.显然,对滑脱带的发育还必须考虑水解弱化作用.  相似文献   
通过对芦塘坝矿段锡多金属矿床地质特征的深入研究及实际资料的剖析,提出该矿床是由燕山晚期侵入于深部的花岗岩浆分异形成的岩浆期后含矿热液,经导矿断裂上升后,充填于构造溶蚀空间而形成。   相似文献   
中国地质科学50年的简要回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在世界之效科学技术大发展的现阶段,中国地质科学必将发展,因为它具箅了社会需求、科学问题和社会基础技术三个科学发展的条件。由于中国地质学奠基者的远见卓识,中国地质学在本世纪20~30年代已建立了世界声誉。新中国建立后,50~70年代中国地质科学取得迅速工。自70年代珂至今的改革开放时期更取得了全面的发展。随着地球系统科学的新概念为广大地质学者所接受,地质学各分支学科必将走向互相交驻融合,形成综合的和  相似文献   
汉十高速公路武当山至许家棚路段地质条件复杂,40余处路堑边坡的稳定性问题成了公路建设中的一大疑难问题。以工程地质调查成果为基础,对这些边坡进行了稳定性评价及分类工作。  相似文献   
龚雪刚  廖晓勇  阎秀兰  李尤  杨坤  赵丹 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2025-2040
近年来,国内环境污染事故频繁发生,由此引发的环境损害问题日益严重。环境损害鉴定评估是中国推行的一项应对环境污染损害的重要环保举措,而基线则是确定损害的关键。基线确定作为损害评估与修复的重要组成部分,是科学评估的关键技术环节和重要前提,也是中国开展环境损害鉴定评估亟待解决的问题。总结国际上常用的4种基线确定方法:即历史数据法、参考点位法、环境标准法和模型推算法的优缺点及应用情况,探讨不同基线确定方法的具体工作步骤,并结合中国土壤环境研究工作积累与进展,提出中国土壤基线确定基本原则和推荐“4步法”工作程序,对中国开展土壤环境损害鉴定评估工作具有重要的理论意义和科学指导作用。  相似文献   
Fractal property or self-similarity exists abundantly in many aspects in our universe. Fractals are rich in geology and have certain relations to various geological processes. This article presents analyses of fractal properties of 18 impact crater ejecta margins on the surface of Venus. The structured walk method was used to measure the length of perimeter of the ejecta margin and the resulting Richardson plots were investigated. EveryR-plot has a first linear part, a second part and a main scattering part. The variations seen in the second part include information on the formation and geology of the crater ejectas. The fractal dimension of the second part is related to the perimeter of the ejecta and thus to the impact energy. The ratio of the square of the perimeter to the area describes the lobateness of the ejecta and has a positive correlation to the perimeter in a way similar to that between the fractal dimension of the second part and the perimeter. Two linear subparts in the second part indicate different fractal properties due to various processes dominating on different scales. Scattering in the middle of the second part indicates the scale and type of the ejecta lobes. The smooth scattering over the entire second part is related to impact angle and energy. A threshold value beyond which the structured walk method cannot be used was observed at a ruler length of about 1/10 of the perimeter.  相似文献   
郭士祥  范铀  范冲 《测绘通报》2020,(8):39-43+64
增强现实中的跟踪注册技术一直是研究的重点和难点,而地下矿道和巷道内亮度低,产生的图像较昏暗,车载相机快速运动和抖动,对传统的基于特征匹配的跟踪注册提出了挑战。本文从提高增强现实中跟踪注册稳健性和精度出发,采用基于Retinex改进的方法增强昏暗图像的亮度,同时利用基于对抗神经网络的方法恢复运动模糊图像。首先提取图像ORB特征,实现初始化;然后根据跟踪特征点的数量,开启图像增强和图像恢复线程,提高特征点提取质量和数量。在数据集和真实模拟场景下的试验结果显示,跟踪精度提高了12%左右,在低亮度和含有轻微模糊的情况下,跟踪注册稳健性也有显著提高。  相似文献   
By viewing satellite imagery, a striking large-scale dunefield can be clearly perceived, with a size of nearly 63 km long and 11 km wide, and trending NE–SW, on the right flank of the lower Laoha River, Northeast China. By means of remote sensing imagery analysis and field observation as well as a comparison with a small-scale dunefield on the right flank of the lower Xiangshui River, analogous to the case of the lower Laoha River, this paper presents a new mechanism for its origin and development. The results show that:(1) the large-scale dunefield bears a tile-style framework overwhelmingly composed of transverse barchanoid ridges perpendicular to the predominant winds, and inlaid diverse blowouts.(2) The small-scale dunefield, referred to as a primary structural unit of the large one, is typical of an incipient dunefield, following the same rules of evolution as the larger.(3) A succession of barchanoid ridge chains can steadily migrate downwind in much the same manner as surface wave propagation in air or water stimulated by an incised valley, and ultimately tend to bear roughly the same wavelength and amplitude under stable climate and hydrologic regimes.(4) The first ridge chain acquires its sand source substantially from the downwind escarpments exposing the loose Quaternary sandy sediments to the air, while the ensuing ridges derive their sands dominantly from in situ deflation of the underlain Quaternary loose sandy sediments in blowouts, partly from the upwind ridges through northern elongated horns. Theoretically, the sands from riparian escarpments can be transported by wind to the downwind distal end of a dunefield after sufficient long duration.(5) The lower Laohahe region experienced probably three significant climatic changes in the past, corresponding to the three active dune belts, suggesting that once a large-scale dunefield occurs, it is nearly impossible to be completely stabilized, at least in its central portions. At present, seasonal shrinkage and stagnation of the lower Laoha River, widespread farming and afforestation in the valley, and establishing windbreaks downwind of the valley as well as surrounding the dunefield, appear to have significantly modified local flow fields and sand sources, engendering significant degradation of the dunefield.  相似文献   
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