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The downward flux of Mn through the water column was directly measured using sediment traps. The Mn flux from the bottom sediment to the water column, and the removal rate of Mn in the bottom water were estimated from Mn gradients in the bottom water. The sediment traps were deployed more than ten times at the same station in Funka Bay, Japan. The trapped settling matter and filtered suspended matter samples were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Al and ignition loss. The observed downward flux of Mn through the water column in winter (1.3–2.8 μg/cm2 /day) was generally an order of magnitude larger than that in summer (0.13–0.45 μg/cm2 /day), and the Mn fluxes for both seasons were also greater than the accumulation rate of Mn in the bottom sediments (0.10 μg/cm 2/day). More Al was contained in the trapped settling matter than in the suspended matter, while Mn showed the opposite behavior. The Fe/Mn ratio of the residual fraction (obtained by subtracting the sediment component of the settling matter) was rather well correlated with the corresponding ratio in suspended matter. Settling particles are expected to scavenge suspended matter during their passage through the water column. The flux of Mn across the sediment—water interface was estimated from its vertical profiles in the water column to be 0.1–0.3 μg/cm2 day. The residence time of Mn in bottom water was about one to several months. These results suggest that Mn is actively recycled between the water column and the sediments of the coastal sea.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - This study focused on flood damage assessment for future floods under the impact of climate change. Four river basins of Southeast Asia were selected for the study. They included...  相似文献   
The Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal vent field (24°51′N, 122°42′E) is located at water depths of 1370–1385 m near the western edge of the southern Okinawa Trough. During the YK03–05 and YK04–05 expeditions using the submersible Shinkai 6500, both hydrothermal precipitates (sulfide/sulfate/carbonate) and high temperature fluids (Tmax = 328°C) presently venting from chimney‐mound structures were extensively sampled. The collected venting fluids had a wide range of chemistry (Cl concentration 376–635 mmol kg?1), which is considered as evidence for sub‐seafloor phase separation. While the Cl‐enriched smoky black fluids were venting from two adjacent chimney‐mound structures in the hydrothermal center, the clear transparent fluids sometimes containing CO2 droplet were found in the peripheral area of the field. This distribution pattern could be explained by migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid within a porous sediment layer after the sub‐seafloor phase separation. The collected hydrothermal precipitates demonstrated a diverse range of mineralization, which can be classified into five groups: (i) anhydrite‐rich chimneys, immature precipitates including sulfide disseminations in anhydrite; (ii) massive Zn‐Pb‐Cu sulfides, consisting of sphalerite, wurtzite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite; (iii) Ba‐As chimneys, composed of barite with sulfide disseminations, sometimes associated with realgar and orpiment overgrowth; (iv) Mn‐rich chimneys, consisting of carbonates (calcite and magnesite) and sulfides (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, alabandite, and minor amount of tennantite and enargite); and (v) pavement, silicified sediment including abundant native sulfur or barite. Sulfide/sulfate mineralization (groups i–iii) was found in the chimney–mound structure associated with vapor‐loss (Cl‐enriched) fluid venting. In contrast, the sulfide/carbonate mineralization (group iv) was specifically found in the chimneys where vapor‐rich (Cl‐depleted) fluid venting is expected, and the pavement (group v) was associated with diffusive venting from the seafloor sediment. This correspondence strongly suggests that the subseafloor phase separation plays an important role in the diverse range of mineralization in the Yonaguni IV field. The observed sulfide mineral assemblage was consistent with the sulfur fugacity calculated from the FeS content in sphalerite/wurtzite and the fluid temperature for each site, which suggests that the shift of the sulfur fugacity due to participation of volatile species during phase separation is an important factor to induce diverse mineralization. In contrast, carbonate mineralization is attributed to the significant mixing of vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid and seawater. A submarine hydrothermal system within a back‐arc basin in the continental margin may be considered as developed in a geologic setting favorable to a diverse range of mineralization, where relatively shallow water depth induces sub‐seafloor phase separation of hydrothermal fluid, and sediment accumulation could enhance migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   
Methane in the deep water of Izena Cauldron (maximum depth: ca. 1650 m) at the east side of mid-Okinawa Trough was studied by casting a CTD system with 12 Niskin bottles for water sampling at 11 stations inside and outside the cauldron. The water contained much methane up to 706 nmoles/l. The depths of maximum concentration varied widely from station to station, indicating the existence of a considerable number of vents emitting methane and heat. The waters containing less methane formed a straight line in theT-S diagram, while those containing more methane were more largely deviated from the line. The temperature anomaly was virtually proportional to the methane concentration, suggesting that the oxidation rate of methane inside the cauldron is negligibly small and methane can be used as a tracer of the cauldron water. The relation and the estimated vertical diffusivity gave the following fluxes. The emissions of methane and heat out of the bottom below 1450 m turn out to be 1400 moles/day and 7×1010 cal/day, respectively. The total emission rates inside the cauldron are presumed to be about twice the above values. The turnover time of methane has been estimated to be 240 days, which is also that of heat generated from the bottom and probably that of the bottom water.  相似文献   
Since 1960 when I was a senior student, I have studied natural phenomena observed in the hydrosphere and atmosphere by means of chemical elements. Each of the phenomena is, in general, very complicated and so I have attempted to depict the whole picture of material circulation in the marine environment by studying its various aspects at the same time. My chief strategy has been to use natural radio-nuclides as clocks of various phenomena, and to use sediment traps for the determination of vertical fluxes in the ocean. The many results I have obtained can be summarized as follows. 1. I have found that several sporadic events control the material exchange through the atmosphere. These include the strong winter monsoon and typhoons that transport sea-salt particles to the Japanese Islands, theKosa episodes that transport soil dust to the ocean, and storms that result in exchange of sparingly soluble gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide at the air-sea interface. I have also proved quantitatively that the source of aluminosilicate material in pelagic sediments is air-borne dust. 2. I have proposed a model,Settling model, for the removal of chemical substances from the ocean and found various lines of evidence supporting the model. This model predicts the reversibility in the existing state of insoluble chemical elements in seawater among large settling particles, small suspended particles and colloidal particles that pass through a membrane filter and explains well their behavior in the ocean. I have first precisely measured calcium and iodine in the ocean and have explained their distributions on the basis of the solution and redox equilibria. 3. Using chemical tracers, I have estimated the vertical eddy diffusion coefficients to be 1.2 cm2sec−1 for the Pacific deep water, 0.5 cm2sec−1 for the deep Bering Sea water and 3–80 cm2sec−1 for the Pacific surface water, and have studied the structure of water masses in the western North Pacific and the Sea of Japan. I have also invented and applied a method for the calculation of the age of deep waters using radiocarbon. 4. I have calculated the rates of decomposition of organic matter and the regeneration rates of chemical components in the deep and bottom waters as well as coastal waters by modelling water circulation and mixing. Particulate fluxes and regeneration rates are larger in the deep waters beneath the more biologically productive surface waters. I have stressed the role of silicate in the marine ecosystem, especially in the succession of phytoplankton species. 5. I have quantitatively studied the migration of chemical elements during the early diagenesis of bottom sediments especially manganese using chemical and radiochemical techniques. Manganese is being actively recycled not only in coastal seas but also in pelagic sediments except in the highly oligotrophic subtropical ocean. This recycling can explain the formation of manganese nodules and enables us to balance the manganese budget in the ocean.  相似文献   
Kubo (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 110:143–168, 2011) investigated the kinematical structure of the perturbation in the rotation of the elastic Earth due to the deformation caused by the outer bodies. In that paper, while the mechanism for the perturbation of the figure axis was made clear, that for the rotational axis was not shown explicitly. In the present study, following the same method, the structure of the perturbation of the rotational axis is investigated. This perturbation consists of the direct perturbation and the convective perturbation. First the direct perturbation is shown to be (AC)/A times as large as that of the figure axis, coinciding with the analytical expressions obtained in preceding studies by other authors. As for the convective perturbation, which appears only in the perturbation of the rotational axis but not in that of the figure axis, it is shown to be (AC)/A times the angular separation between the original figure axis and the induced figure axis produced by the elastic deformation, A and C being the principal moments of inertia of the Earth. If the perturbing bodies are motionless, the conclusion of Kubo (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 105:261–274, 2009) holds strictly, i.e. the sum of the direct and the convective perturbations of the rotational axis coincides with the perturbation of the figure axis.  相似文献   
Settling particles were collected at 1,460 m and 3,760 m depth in the Antarctic Ocean with sediment traps of time series type. The total deployment period of 40 days was divided into four terms of 10 days each. Seawater samples were collected both at deployment and retrieval of the traps at each site. During the 42 days the concentration of silicate in the surface water decreased by 32%, whereas those of nitrate and phosphate decreased by only 4–5%. The total particulate flux in the Antarctic Ocean is the largest among those hitherto observed in the world ocean. The time variation of the particulate flux at 1,460 m depth almost coincided with that at 3,760 m. The settling particles were comprised roughly of 80% biogenic silica, 15% organic matter and 5% other substances including sea salt. The clay fraction was only 0.05% at 1,460 m depth. The settling flux of biogenic silica agrees fairly well with the calculated rate of change in the concentration of silicate in the surface 100 m. Thus it is concluded that preferential propagation of diatoms reduces the concentration of silicate prior to other nutrients in the Antarctic Ocean.  相似文献   
Phase and group velocities and Q of mantle Love and Rayleigh waves from the 1963 Kurile Islands earthquake (Mw = 8.5) were determined over 37 great circle paths by a time variable filtering technique, in a period range 100–500 s for the fundamental modes and 100–275 s for the first higher modes. The preliminary reference Earth model (PREM) explains reasonably well the average dispersion results for the fundamental Love and Rayleigh waves. There exists a small, but significant inconsistency between the observation and the model for the first higher Love and Rayleigh waves. The Q structure of PREM is inconsistent with the observation for the fundamental Love waves, but explains other observations reasonably well. The dispersion of each mode shows a clear azimuthal dependence from which the four azimuthal windows were established. The phase and group velocity measurements for each window were, in general, shown to be mutually consistent. The azimuthal variations are largest for the first higher Rayleigh waves, indicating strong lateral heterogeneity in the structure of the low velocity zone. The first of the four windows is characterized by the largest fraction of Precambrian shields and the second window by the largest fraction of normal oceans. A comparison of these two windows may give some insight into deep lateral heterogeneity between continents and oceans. The observed phase and group velocities of the first window are systematically higher than those of the second window for the fundamental Love and Rayleigh waves at periods up to 400 s, and for the first higher Love and Rayleigh waves up to 175 s. Their differences are greatest for the first higher Rayleigh waves and least for the fundamental Rayleigh waves. Although the fundamental Rayleigh waves show the least velocity differences, their persistence up to a period of longer than 300 s is in striking contrast with some of the pure path phase velocities derived earlier for continents and oceans. A set of models for continents and oceans. PEM-C and PEM-O are not consistent with our observation. The third azimuthal window is characterized by trench-marginal seas and the fourth window by mountainous areas, typically the Asian high plateaus from northern China to the Middle East through Tibet. A comparison of these two windows gives some information about deep structural differences between subduction zones and continental collision zones, both belonging to plate convergence zones. For the fundamental and the first higher Love waves, the phase and group velocities for the third window are markedly low, whereas those for the fourth window are somewhat comparable to those for the second window. Slow Rayleigh waves are evident for two windows, with the fourth window apparently being the slowest for the fundamental Rayleigh above 200 s and for the first higher Rayleigh. For the fundamental Rayleigh waves, the third window is very slow below 200 s, but becomes progressively fast as the period increases and tends to be the fastest window around 400 s, suggesting a deep seated high velocity anomaly beneath trench-marginal seas. The dispersion characteristics of the fourth window indicate a thick high velocity lid with an extensive low velocity zone beneath it. The shield-like lithosphere, coupled with an extensive low velocity zone, may be a characteristic feature of continental collision zones. The particle motion of the fundamental Love waves was found not to be purely transverse to a great-circle connecting the epicenter to a station. The departure from the purely transverse motion is systematic among different periods, different G arrivals (G2, G3,…) and different stations, which may be interpreted as being due to lateral refraction.  相似文献   
This paper reports the first reconstruction of a pollution history in tropical Asia from sediment cores. Four sediment core samples were collected from an offshore transect in the upper Gulf of Thailand and were analyzed for organic micropollutants. The cores were dated by measurement of (137)Cs and geochronometric molecular markers (linear alkylbenzenes, LABs; and tetrapropylene-type alkylbenzenes, TABs). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations showed a subsurface maximum in layers corresponding to the 1970s, indicating the effectiveness of regulation of PCBs in Thailand. LAB concentrations increased over time, indicating the increase in input of sewage into the Gulf during the last 30 years. Hopanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, also increased over time, indicating that the inputs of automobile-derived hydrocarbons to the coastal zone has been increasing owing to the increased number of cars in Thailand since the 1950s. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased in the layers corresponding to the 1950s and 1960s, probably because of the increased inputs of automobile-derived PAHs. PAH concentrations in the upper layers corresponding to the 1970s and later remained constant or increased. The absence of a subsurface maximum of PAHs contrasts with results observed in industrialized countries. This can be explained by the facts that the Thai economy did not depend on coal as an energy source in the 1960s and that economic growth has continued since the 1970s to the present. The deposition flux of PAHs and hopanes showed a dramatic offshore decrease, whereas that of LABs was uniform.  相似文献   
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