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A combined ocean bottom seismometer, multichannel seismic reflection and gravity study has been carried out along the spreading direction of the Knipovich Ridge over a topographic high that defines a segment center. The youngest parts of the crust in the immediate vicinity of the ridge reveal fractured Oceanic Layer 2 and thermally expanded and possibly serpentinized Oceanic Layer 3. The mature part of the crust has normal thickness and seismic velocities with no significant crustal thickness and seismic velocity variations. Mature Oceanic Layer 2 is in addition broken into several rotated fault blocks. Comparison with a profile acquired ~40 km north of the segment center reveals significant differences. Along this profile, reported earlier, periods of slower spreading led to generation of thin crust with a high P-wave velocity (Vp), composed of a mixture of gabbro and serpentinized mantle, while periods of faster spreading led to generation of more normal gabbroic crust. For the profile across the segment center no clear relation exists between spreading rate and crustal thickness and seismic velocity. In this study we have found that higher magmatism may lead to generation of oceanic crust with normal thickness even at ultra-slow spreading rates.  相似文献   
During the Subarctic Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study ΙΙ (SEEDS-II), we monitored variations in the concentrations of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), CH3Cl, N2O, and CH4 within a phytoplankton bloom. Stable isotopic compositions were also determined to evaluate the sources of the variations. Although there was little variation in either the concentrations or the stable isotopic compositions of alkenes, CH3Cl, N2O, and CH4 during the 23-day observation period, alkane concentrations increased substantially as the phytoplankton bloomed. The column-integrated quantities of alkanes increased to 3 times pre-bloom levels for C2H6, 5 times for C3H8, and 20 times for n-C4H10. The δ13C values of both C2H6 and C3H8 remained almost constant while concentrations increased, whereas that of n-C4H10 increased by about 12‰. To evaluate the sources of the alkanes produced during the bloom, we compared their δ13C values with those of alkanes produced in axenic phytoplankton cultures in our laboratory. We concluded that during the SEEDS-ΙΙ experiment the major portions of C2H6 and C3H8 were produced during the autolysis of diatoms cells, whereas n-C4H10 was produced during autolysis of other phytoplankton cells such as cryptophytes and dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
The ultra-slow, asymmetrically-spreading Knipovich Ridge is the northernmost part of the Mid Atlantic ridge system. In the autumn of 2002 a combined ocean-bottom seismometer multichannel seismic (OBS/MCS) and gravity survey along the spreading direction of the Knipovich Ridge was carried out. The main objective of the study was to gain an insight into the crustal structure and composition of what is assumed to be an amagmatic segment of oceanic crust. P-wave velocity and Vp/Vs models were built and complemented by a gravity model. The 190 km long transect reveals a much more complex crustal structure than anticipated. The magmatic crust is thinner than the global average of 7.1 ± 1.0 km. The young fractured portion of Oceanic Layer 2 has low seismic velocities while the older part has normal seismic velocities and is broken into several rotated fault blocks seen as thickness variations of Layer 2. The youngest part of Oceanic Layer 3 is also dominated by low velocities, indicative of fracturing, seawater circulation and thermal expansion. The remaining portion of Layer 3 exhibits inverse variations in thickness and seismic velocity. This is explained by a sequence of periods of faster spreading (estimated to be up to 8 mm/year from interpretation of magnetic anomalies) when more normal gabbroic crust was being generated and periods of slower spreading (5.5 mm/year) when amagmatic stretching and serpentinization of the upper mantle occurred, and crust composed of mixed gabbro and serpentinized mantle was generated. The volumetric changes and upward fluid migration, associated with the process of serpentinization in this part of the crust, caused disruption to the overlying sedimentary layers.  相似文献   
Current measurements made with a Doppler Current Profiler were taken along cross sections in the Obatake Seto Strait, a small strait in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea.The energy loss between two cross sections of the strait was estimated using the control volume analysis of the stationary one-dimensional energy equation. The large energy loss observed in the strait cannot be explained in terms of general bottom friction in the coastal region. The loss is attributed to the form loss, which is accompanied by internal turbulence and vortices generated by the specific topography of the strait, in addition to the loss by friction. This is supported by the fact that the energy loss in the strait differs, depending upon the current direction.  相似文献   
Methane in the western North Pacific   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The concentration of methane in about 400 seawater samples collected in the western North Pacific, mostly from 40°N to 5°S along 165°E was determined. While the concentration of methane in the surface water was slightly greater in the high-latitudes, it did not widely vary with a standard deviation of 0.29 n mol/l for a mean value of 2.49 n mol/l. The 90% confidence limit of the mean was 0.08 n mol/l. The degree of oversaturation in 1991 (31±4%) was not different from that in circa 1970. If we assume that this degree of oversaturation occurs in the entire oceans, the annual flux of methane becomes 6×1012g CH4. Both the concentrations of methane and chlorophylla were higher in the surface 100 m layer. However, the correlation between them was not well in the entire surface waters. This may indicate that the production of methane is not directly related to the photosynthetic process. The concentration of methane decreased gradually with increasing depth down to 1000 m. Its horizontally and vertically uniform concentration in the abyssal water suggests that the turnover time of methane in the oxic pelagic water is in the range between a few years and a few hundred years.  相似文献   
Characterization of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides in soils near the Ichinokawa mine was conducted using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and Mössbauer spectroscopies, and the structural changes were correlated with the release of As into pore-water. The Eh values decreased monotonically with depth. Iron is mainly present as poorly-ordered Fe(III) (hydr)oxides, such as ferrihydrite, over a wide redox range (from Eh = 360 to −140 mV). Structural details of the short-range order of these Fe(III) (hydr)oxides were examined using Mössbauer spectroscopy by comparing the soil phases with synthesized ferrihydrite samples having varying crystallinities. The crystallinity of the soil Fe (hydr)oxides decreased slightly with depth and Eh. Thus, within the redox range of this soil profile, ferrihydrite dominated, even under very reducing conditions, but the crystalline domain size, and, potentially, particle size, changed with the variation in Eh. In the soil–water system examined here, where As concentration and the As(III)/As(V) ratio in soil water increased with depth, ferrihydrite persisted and maintained or even enhanced its capacity for As retention with increased reducing conditions. Therefore, it is concluded that As release from these soils largely depends on the transformation of As(V) to As(III) rather than reductive dissolution of Fe(III) (hydr)oxide.  相似文献   
The oxidation state and mineral phase association of Co, Ce, and Pb in hydrogenetic, diagenetic, and hydrothermal marine ferromanganese oxides were characterized by X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and chemical extraction. Cobalt is trivalent and associated exclusively with the Mn oxide component (vernadite). Cerium is tetravalent in all genetic-type oxides (detection limit for Ce(III) ∼ 5 at. %), including Fe-rich areas (ferrihydrite) of hydrogenetic oxides, and is associated primarily with vernadite. Thus, the extent of a Ce anomaly does not result from variations in redox conditions, but appears to be kinetically controlled, decreasing when the growth rate increases from hydrogenetic to diagenetic to hydrothermal oxides. Lead is divalent and associated with Mn and Fe oxides in variable proportions. According to EXAFS data, Pb is mostly sorbed on edge sites at chain terminations in Fe oxide and at layer edges in Mn oxide (ES complex), and also on interlayer vacancy sites in Mn oxide (TCS complex). Sequential leaching experiments, spectroscopic data, and electrochemical considerations suggest that the geochemical partitioning in favor of the Mn oxide component decreases from Co to Ce to Pb, and depends on their oxidative scavenging by Mn and Fe oxides.  相似文献   
Particulate matter plays an important role in the removal of metal ions from water in natural aquifers. Some of the most important of these materials consist of associations of inorganic particles (clay minerals, oxides) with humic substances, associations that can form readily in such an environment due to the strong affinity between inorganic particles and humic substances. These associations are referred to in this paper as organic-inorganic hybrids. However, it is not clear whether the sorbed species of metal ions in such organic-inorganic hybrids are organic or inorganic species because of the complexity of such hybrids and the lack of appropriate methods for characterizing the trace metal ions incorporated in them. In this study, laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) was used successfully to characterize the Cm(III) species on an FA(fulvic acid)-montmorillonite hybrid, an example of such organic-inorganic hybrids. The LIF clearly showed that Cm(III) can be sorbed as Cm(III)-fulvate complex in the FA-montmorillonite hybrid. These results were consistent with those of experiments of solid-water partitioning of Cm(III) (or Eu(III) used as an analogue) and speciation calculations based on the stability constants of Cm(III)-fulvate complexes determined in this study. The results of LIF and the partitioning experiments showed that the solid-water distribution of humic substances governed that of Cm(III) under our experimental conditions. The Cm(III) preference for forming Cm(III)-fulvate complexes was also evident under a condition that would be found in a natural aquifer with a fairly low concentration of organic matter in freshwater (dissolved organic carbon: 2 mg/dm3), as determined by our speciation calculations. These findings on the importance of humic substances in the migration of Cm(III) indicate that the clarification of the environmental behavior of humic substances is necessary to understand fully the behavior of Cm(III), or actinide(III) and lanthanide(III) ions, in natural aquifers.  相似文献   
The atmospheric concentration of 210Pb was determined for two years at six stations in the western North Pacific region. The following results were obtained and discussed by comparing them with those of Al. The atmospheric concentration of 210Pb varied widely from week to week, but the degree of variation was about a half that of Al. Contrary to Al, the year-to-year variation of 210Pb was not pronounced and its seasonal variation was well expressed by a sine curve. The 210Pb concentration did not show a marked latitudinal variation and its base-line concentration was high in the surface air over the North Pacific. These suggest that atmospheric 210Pb has a longer residence time, due to its transportation through higher altitudes and deposits much more evenly onto the Earth's surface and the ocean, as compared with Al in mineral dust which is larger in size in the source region.  相似文献   
Ji-Hoon  Kim  Myong-Ho  Park  Urumu  Tsunogai  Tae-Jin  Cheong  Byong-Jae  Ryu  Young-Joo  Lee  Hyun-Chul  Han  Jae-Ho  Oh  Ho-Wan  Chang 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):93-104
Abstract Geochemical analyses of sediments, pore water and headspace gas of the piston cores taken from the eastern part of Ulleung Basin of the East Sea (Japan Sea) were carried out to assess the origin of the sedimentary organic matter and interstitial fluid. Several tephra layers within the core are identified as the Ulleung‐Oki (10.1 ka), the Aira‐Tanzawa (23 ka) and the Ulleung‐Yamato (30.9 ka) tephras. With the exception of these volcanic layers, the cores consist predominantly of muddy sediments that contain >0.5% total organic carbon. Atomic C/N ratios and δ13Corg values suggest that the organic matter originated from marine algae rather than from land vascular plants, whereas Rock‐Eval pyrolysis suggests that the organic matter is thermally immature and comes from a land vascular plant (Type III). These conflicting results seem to be caused by the heavy oxidization of the marine organic matter. Sulphate concentration profiles of pore waters show strongly linear depletion (r2 > 0.97) with sediment depth. The estimated sulphate–methane interface (SMI) depth using the sulphate concentration gradient was nearly 3.5 m below seafloor (mbsf) in the southern part of the study area, and deeper than 6 mbsf in the northern part of the area. The difference in SMI depths is likely associated with the amount of the methane flux. The methane concentration below the SMI in the two southern cores increases rapidly, implying the occurrence of methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO). In contrast, the two northern cores have a low methane concentration below the SMI. values measured from all cores were in the range of −83.5 to −69.5‰, which suggests that the methane derives from a methanogenic microbe. values become decreased toward SMI, but increased below SMI; therefore, has eventually the minimum value near the SMI. The values are also decreased when the methane concentration is increased. These phenomena support the typical occurrence of AMO in the study area.  相似文献   
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