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It is revealed by CL images that there are multi-stage growth internal structures of zircons in the Huangtuling granulite, including the inherited zircons, protolith zircons, sector and planar zone zircons and retrograde zircons. In-situ trace element compositions and Pb-Pb ages have been analyzed by LAM-ICP-MS. The sector and the planar zone domains show typical trace element characteristics of granulite zircon (low Th, U, Th/U, total REEs, clear negative Eu anomalies, relatively depleted HREE and small differential degree between MREE and HREE, etc.), indicating that they formed during granulite-facies metamorphism. The protolith zircons have trace element characteristics of crustal zircon (high Th, U, Th/U, total REEs and enriched HREEs, etc.). 12 analyzed spots on granulite-facies domains give a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of (2154±26) Ma (MSWD = 3.8), which is the best estimated age of granulite-facies metamorphism of this sample. The weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 5 analyzed spots on protolith zircon domains is (2714 ± 22) Ma (MSWD = 1.4), which represents the protolith forming time. The discovery of ca. 3.4 Ga inherited zircon indicates that there are Palaeoarchean continental materials in this area. The interpretation of formation conditions and the ages of zircons can be constrained by simultaneous in-situ analysis of trace elements and ages.  相似文献   
The identification and accurate quantification of sources or sinks of greenhouse gas (GHG) have become a key challenge for scientists and policymakers working on climate change. The creation of a hydropower reservoir, while damming a river for power generation, converts the terrestrial ecosystems into aquatic and subsequently aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of flooded terrestrial soil organic matter resulting in the emission of significant quantity of GHG to the atmosphere. Tropical/subtropical hydropower reservoirs are more significant sources of GHG compared to boreal or temperate one. This paper aims to estimate the emission factor (gCO2eq./kWh) and net GHG emission from Koteshwar hydropower reservoir in Uttarakhand, India. Further, estimated GHG are compared with those from global reservoirs located in the same eco-region so that its impact could be timely minimized/mitigated. Results have shown that emission factor and net GHG emission of Koteshwar reservoir are, respectively, estimated as 13.87 gCO2eq./kWh and 167.70 Gg C year?1 which are less than other global reservoirs located in the same eco-region. This information could be helpful for the hydropower industries to construct reservoirs in tropical eco-regions.  相似文献   
A series of activities have been carried out at the University of New Brunswick in an effort to evaluate advances in long-range marine kinematic differential positioning. These activities involved processing and analysis of GPS carrier phase kinematic data sets. Some of the data was collected by UNB and some was provided by The XYZs of GPS Inc. Data were collected using Trimble 5700 and Ashtech Z-12 receivers. The data sets were processed using the software DynaPos provided by the The XYZs of GPS Inc. The best results obtained in our analysis indicate an agreement of 5 cm RMS for the horizontal component and 12 cm RMS for the vertical component between two ionospheric-delay free solutions, in baselines varying from 40 to 100 km.  相似文献   
Vanadium occurs in multiple valence states in nature, whereas Nb is exclusively pentavalent. Both are compatible in rutile, but the relationship of V–Nb partitioning and dependence on oxygen fugacity (expressed as fO2) has not yet been systematically investigated. We acquired trace-element concentrations on rutile grains (n = 86) in nine eclogitic samples from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) and combined them with published results in order to assess the direct and indirect effects of oxygen fugacity on the partitioning of V and Nb into rutile. A well-defined negative correlation between Nb (7–1,200 ppm) and V concentrations (50–3,200 ppm) was found, documenting a competitive relationship in the rutile crystal that does not appear to be controlled by bulk rock or mineral compositions. Based on the published relationship of RtDV and V valence with ?QFM, we suggest that the priority order of V incorporation into rutile is V4+ > V3+ > V5+. The inferred Nb–V competitive relationship in rutile from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt could be explained by decreasing fO2 due to dehydration reactions involving loss of oxidizing fluids during continental subduction: The increased proportion of V3+ (expressed as V3+/∑V) and attendant decrease in RtDV is suggested to lead to an increase in rutile lattice sites available for Nb5+. A similar effect may be observed under more oxidizing conditions. When V5+/∑V increases, RtDV shows a dramatic decline and Nb concentration increases considerably. This is possibly documented by rutile in highly metasomatized and oxidized MARID-type (MARID: mica–amphibole–rutile–ilmenite–diopside) mantle xenoliths from the Kaapvaal craton, which also show a negative V–Nb covariation. In addition, their Nb/Ta covaries with V concentrations: For V concentrations <1,250 ppm, Nb/Ta ranges between 35 and 45, whereas for V > 1,250 ppm, Nb/Ta is considerably lower (5–15). This relationship is mainly controlled by a change in Nb concentrations, suggesting that the indirect dependence of RtDNb on fO2, which is not mirrored in RtDTa, can exert considerable influence on rutile Nb–Ta fractionation.  相似文献   
Seven rare-earth elements (La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu) and Co, Cr, Sc, Ba, Hf and Th have been determined by non-destructive neutron activation analysis on the Quaternary volcanic rocks in Hokkaido, Japan. The trace-element abundances are discussed in terms of the petrological problems, particularly the origin of calc-alkali magma. On the basis of the La/Sm ratio and the contents of K, Ba, Th and La, lateral variations in the contents of trace elements exist across the Kurile and the northern Honshū arcs. The calc-alkali rocks can be classified into three types which correspond to Kuno's three basalt-magma types. There is no essential difference in the rare-earth patterns between the basaltic rocks and the associated calc-alkali rocks in each petrographic province. This suggests that the calcalkali rocks may be derived from the basaltic magmas by fractional crystallization under certain conditions.  相似文献   
Diel patterns in the chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient of surface picoplankton, a*pico (γ) (m2·[mg chlorophyll a]−1), were studied at 7 stations under daily cycle of in situ light condition in the western subarctic Pacific and Japan Sea. All the data were normalized by dividing the anomaly with daily averaged a*pico (γ). Opposite diel patterns were observed for the normalized a*pico (443) and a*pico (675) with maximum toward dawn or dusk and minimum toward midday at 4 stations under low-irradiance (LI) conditions and vice versa at 3 stations under high-irradiance (HI) conditions. The absorption efficiency factors at red absorption peak, Q a (675), were determined by reconstruction with intracellular chlorophyll a concentration and cell diameter. The normalized Q a (675) also showed diel pattern with maximum toward midday and minimum toward dawn or dusk under LI. The diel pattern in a*pico (675) and Q a (675) were primarily caused by changes in intracellular chlorophyll a concentration due to photoadaptation under LI. The diel pattern in a*pico (443) was influenced by pigmentation, as recognized by blue to red ratio [a*pico (443)/a*pico (675)] under HI. This study proposed that the opposite diel pattern in a*pico (γ) might occur for a wide range of algal species. The results presented here have important consequences for the interpretation of diel variations in optical properties observed in the open ocean.  相似文献   
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a simple, sensitive and less destructive method for the determination of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in seawater. Combined with detection by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), the method had sufficient sensitivity (minimum detectable concentration of DMS was 0.05 nM), and practical levels of reproducibility (relative standard deviation ≤7%) and linearity (r 2 > 0.995) over a wide concentration range (0.5 to 910 nM). The protocol developed was applied to a Sagami Bay water sample to determine concentrations of DMS and DMSP, and in situ DMSP-lyase activity.  相似文献   
This study aims to assess conservation practices in Izta-Popo National Park(Central Mexico) by evaluating the mechanisms of sediment transfer. We applied a methodology based on fallout ~(137)Cs and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) analysis. This was tested in the upper catchment of Amalacaxco Gorge, selected for being one of the sectors of the park in which man-made actions have been implemented in last decades to favor forest growth in the alpine grassland and to reduce the effect of water runoff. We quantified the ~(137)Cs activity using gamma and beta spectrometry of fine sediment grains extracted from the surface of parcels of 0.4 m2 in areas of natural forest, natural alpine grassland, alpine grassland with conservation practices, ravines and trails. In general, ~(137)Cs values increases as local slope decreases as it was expected. The natural forest is the most stable area in terms of soil erosion and sediment accumulation and, mean ~(137)Cs activity was taken as reference to assess cumulative zones, with higher ~(137)Cs values and erosive, with lower. We found that trails are accumulative surfaces but in other areas, erosion predominates. Man-made ditches, trenches and afforestation in the alpine grassland have higher ~(137)Cs values than thenatural grassland, which indicates that conservation practices are limiting the sediment transfer from hillslopes to channels, however, soil retention is less than in the natural grassland. Additionally, we evaluated the luminescence(OSL) values obtained from samples extracted from the sediment transported in ravines that are cutting into different sectors of the study area to assess the grade of resetting of fluvial materials. These luminescence results indicated that the sediment transported in ravines that are cutting into the natural forest and alpine grassland is bleached more efficiently than the sediment transported in the alpine grassland with conservation practices. Results of fallout ~(137)Cs and luminescence strongly suggest that man-made actions in this part of the Izta-Popo National Park are dramatically modifying the natural mechanisms of sediment transfer and favoring soil erosion. We conclude that made ditches, trenches and afforestation are not an effective conservation practice in Amalacaxco Gorge because they are promoting soil erosion instead of reducing it.  相似文献   
A severe Cochlodinium geminatum red tide (>300 km2) was observed in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary, South China Sea in autumn 2009. We evaluated the environmental conditions and phytoplankton community structure during the outbreak. The red tide water mass had significantly higher dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), ammonia, and temperature, but significantly lower nitrite, nitrate, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and DIN/DIP relative to the non-red-tide zones. The phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by dinoflagellates and diatoms during the red tide. C. geminatum was the most abundant species, with a peak density of 4.13×107 cell/L, accounting for >65% of the total phytoplankton density. The DIN/DIP ratio was the most important predictor of species, accounting for 12.45% of the total variation in the phytoplankton community. Heavy phosphorus loading, low precipitation, and severe saline intrusion were likely responsible for the bloom of C. geminatum.  相似文献   
Acrochaete leptochaete (Huber) Nielsen (Chaetophoraceae, Chlorophyta) was isolated from the macroalgae Chaetomorpha collected from intertidal pools in Rongcheng, Shandong, China. 18S rDNA combined with ITS regions were used to ascertain the morphological identification of the isolated material. Based on the unialgal culture, asexual reproduction and growth characteristics of A. leptochaete were investigated over wide ranges of temperature and irradiance. Results revealed that asexual reproduction of A. leptochaete could be realized by biflagellate zoospores. The zoospores germinated directly to give self- replicating generations. Zoospore germination was bipolar. A temperature range from 13-21°C and a lower irradiance of 36 μmol/(m2·s) were most favorable for the growth of A. leptochaete. Thallus organization, an important taxonomic criterion for the genus Acrochaete, was affected markedly by temperature and irradiance. Our results extend the knowledge about the species’ general biology and its morphological plasticity. For classification and identification of a simple microphytic algae like A. leptochaete, which are traditionally placed in the class Chaetophoraceae, we propose that molecular tools associated with culture observations are applied.  相似文献   
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