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Deciduous forest covers vast areas of permafrost under severe dry climate in eastern Siberia. Understanding the water cycle in this forest ecosystem is quite important for climate projection. In this study, diurnal variations in isotopic compositions of atmospheric water vapour were observed in eastern Siberia with isotope analyses of precipitation, sap water of larch trees, soil water, and water in surface organic layer during the late summer periods of 2006, 2007, and 2008. In these years, the soil moisture content was considerably high due to unusually large amounts of summer rainfall and winter snowfall. The observed sap water δ18O ranged from ?17.9‰ to ?13.3‰, which was close to that of summer precipitation and soil water in the shallow layer, and represents that of transpired water vapour. On sunny days, as the air temperature and mixing ratio rose from predawn to morning, the atmospheric water vapour δ18O increased by 1‰ to 5‰ and then decreased by about 2‰ from morning to afternoon with the mixing ratio. On cloudy days, by contrast, the afternoon decrease in δ18O and the mixing ratio was not observed. These results show that water vapour that transpired from plants, with higher δ18O than the atmospheric water vapour, contributes to the increase in δ18O in the morning, whereas water vapour in the free atmosphere, with lower δ18O, contributes to the decrease in the afternoon on sunny days. The observed results reveal the significance of transpired water vapour, with relatively high δ18O, in the water cycle on a short diurnal time scale and confirm the importance of the recycling of precipitation through transpiration in continental forest environments such as the eastern Siberian taiga. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
It has become increasingly obvious over the past two decades that the fossiliferous strata at Fort Ternan, Kenya, are probably somewhat younger than 14 Ma, an age which has long been attached to the deposits. This realisation flows from geological and biochronological observations. In order to test the hypothesis, resampling of all the lava flows in the region of Fort Ternan was undertaken in 2003, especially those underlying the Fort Ternan Beds in the Kipchorion Gorge where the sequence is the most complete. Samples obtained from lava flows underlying and overlying the fossil beds were analysed for anorthoclase K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar and biotite 40Ar/39Ar age determinations. The results reveal that the age of the fossiliferous sediments is ca 13.7±0.3Ma. Since Fort Ternan yielded the ‘core fauna’ that defines Faunal Set IV of the East African biochronological sequence this refinement of its age will impact on age estimates of neighbouring Faunal Sets, as well as on other faunas correlated to Fort Ternan, including those in Europe belonging to MN Zones MN 5, MN 6 and MN 7/8. To cite this article: M. Pickford et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
Abstract The Hakkoda‐Towada caldera cluster (HTCC) is a typical Late Cenozoic caldera cluster located in the northern part of the Northeast Japan Arc. The HTCC consists of five caldera volcanoes, active between 3.5 Ma and present time. The felsic magmas can be classified into high‐K (HK‐) type and medium‐ to low‐K (MLK‐) type based on their whole‐rock chemistry. The HK‐type magmas are characterized by higher K2O and Rb contents and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios than MLK‐type magmas. Both magmas cannot be derived from fractional crystallization of any basaltic magma in the HTCC. Assimilation‐fractional crystallization model calculations show that crustal assimilation is necessary for producing the felsic magmas, and HK‐type magmas are produced by higher degree of crustal assimilation with fractional crystallization than MLK‐type magmas. Although MLK‐type magmas were erupted throughout HTCC activity, HK‐type magmas were erupted only during the initial stage. The temporal variations of magma types suggest the large contribution of crustal components in the initial stage. A major volcanic hiatus of 3 my before the HTCC activity suggests a relatively cold crust in the initial stage. The cold crust probably promoted crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization, and caused the initial generation of HK‐type magmas. Subsequently, the repeated supply of mantle‐derived magmas raised temperature in the crust and formed relatively stable magma pathways. Such a later system produced MLK‐type magmas with lesser crustal components. The MLK‐type magmas are common and HK‐type magmas are exceptional during the Pliocene–Quaternary volcanism in the Northeast Japan Arc. This fact suggests that exceptional conditions are necessary for the production of HK‐type magmas. A relatively cold crust caused by a long volcanic hiatus (several million years) is considered as one of the probable conditions. Intensive crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization promoted by the cold crust may be necessary for the generation of highly evolved HK‐type felsic magmas.  相似文献   
This study presents full-length cDNA sequences of CYP1A1 and 1A2, in common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from the North Pacific. Both CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 cDNAs had an open reading frame of 516 amino acid residues, and predicted molecular masses were 58.3 kDa and 58.1 kDa, respectively. The deduced full-length amino acid sequence of CYP1A1 revealed higher identities with those of sheep (86%) and pig (87%), and that of CYP1A2 was most closely related to human (82%) and monkey CYP1A2 (82%) among species from which CYP1A2 has been isolated so far. Differences in certain conserved and functional amino acid residues of CYP1A1 and 1A2 between common minke whale and other mammalian species indicate the possibility of their specific metabolic function. Concentrations of organochlorine compounds (OCs) including PCBs and DDTs analyzed in common minke whale liver showed no significant correlation with hepatic mRNA expression levels of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2, indicating no induction of these enzymes by such OCs.  相似文献   
The water and energy exchanges in forests form one of the most important hydro‐meteorological systems. There have been far fewer investigations of the water and heat exchange in high latitude forests than of those in warm, humid regions. There have been few observations of this system in Siberia for an entire growing season, including the snowmelt and leaf‐fall seasons. In this study, the characteristics of the energy and water budgets in an eastern Siberian larch forest were investigated from the snowmelt season to the leaf‐fall season. The latent heat flux was strongly affected by the transpiration activity of the larch trees and increased quickly as the larch stand began to foliate. The sensible heat dropped at that time, although the net all‐wave radiation increased. Consequently, the seasonal variation in the Bowen ratio was clearly ‘U’‐shaped, and the minimum value (1·0) occurred in June and July. The Bowen ratio was very high (10–25) in early spring, just before leaf opening. The canopy resistance for a big leaf model far exceeded the aerodynamic resistance and fluctuated over a much wider range. The canopy resistance was strongly restricted by the saturation deficit, and its minimum value was 100 s m?1 (10 mm s?1 in conductance). This minimum canopy resistance is higher than values obtained for forests in warm, humid regions, but is similar to those measured in other boreal conifer forests. It has been suggested that the senescence of leaves also affects the canopy resistance, which was higher in the leaf‐fall season than in the foliated season. The mean evapotranspiration rate from 21 April 1998 to 7 September 1998 was 1·16 mm day?1, and the maximum rate, 2·9 mm day?1, occurred at the beginning of July. For the growing season from 1 June to 31 August, this rate was 1·5 mm day?1. The total evapotranspiration from the forest (151 mm) exceeded the amount of precipitation (106 mm) and was equal to 73% of the total water input (211 mm), including the snow water equivalent. The understory evapotranspiration reached 35% of the total evapotranspiration, and the interception evaporation was 15% of the gross precipitation. The understory evapotranspiration was high and the interception evaporation was low because the canopy was sparse and the leaf area index was low. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The first known solution of the title problem is presented. The Ritz method is used, with algebraic polynomials forming the set of trial functions. The condition that all three components of displacement be zero at the four corners is straightforwardly enforced. Numerical studies show that the convergence is relatively slow, requiring more terms than for shells which are completely free. The class of problems studied includes independent, constant curvature in each of the directions parallel to the edges, yielding vibration modes which fall into one of four symmetry classes, with symmetry or antisymmetry of the displacements existing with respect to each of the two symmetry axes of the problem. Detailed results are given for the frequencies and mode shapes of the first two modes of each symmetry class for shells having square planform and circular cylindrical, spherical and hyperbolic paraboloidal curvatures. Accuracy of the results is partially established by comparison with other previously published, accurate results for the corner supported flat square plate.  相似文献   

The Boein–Miandasht Complex (BMC) is a part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic basement and is cut by gabbroic to granitoid bodies. These intrusive bodies comprise gabbro, gabbro–diorite associated with fine-grained, in part porphyritic leucocratic granitoids. Zircon U–Pb dating of representative gabbro–diorite samples yielded ages of 166.4 ± 1.8 Ma and 163.5 ± 6.3 Ma (Callovian, the latest stage of the Middle Jurassic). Mineral chemistry of the gabbro–diorites shows a homogeneous composition of the main minerals, main augite to diopside clinopyroxene and plagioclase (~An17–59). Moreover, low AlZ/TiO2 ratios of the clinopyroxene grains suggest that the rocks were generated in a within-plate tectonic regime. The SiO2 contents of the gabbro-diorite rocks are between 46.36 and 55.61 wt. %, Al2O3 ranges from 7.57 to 17.98 wt. %. The TiO2 contents vary from 1.18 to 3.65 wt. %, Fe2O3 from 7.41 to 12.95 wt. %, the MgO ranges between 3.49 and 15.75 wt. %, Na2O from 0.65 to 5.08 wt. % and K2O from 0.48 to 1.08 wt. %. These rocks mostly plot in the alkali-gabbro field. Compared to chondrite are characterized by enrichment of LREEs over HREE, enrichment of LIL elements (e.g. Rb, Sr and Ba) and obvious positive anomalies of Nb and Ti. Based on the chemical composition, and mineral composition, this complex was generated in an extensional tectonic regime by partial melting of the hot asthenospheric mantle which is not more consistent with previous models which have suggested for SaSZ evolution in before.  相似文献   
 To accurately measure the pH, Eh, EC and temperature of groundwater retrieved from boreholes, a deep groundwater sampling apparatus was developed which provided sensory measurements both in situ and in a flow-through cell at ground level. Under a pressure of 1×106 Pa the in situ accuracy of the apparatus sensor was within the following limits: pH ±0.2, temperature ±0.1°C, Eh ±10 mV, and EC ±2.4%. The measuring and sampling of deep groundwater from a borehole of more than 1000 m in depth was performed continuously for 30 days. Values of pH were the same for the in situ sensor, the flow-through cell sensor and the laboratory measurements of the sampled water. At the beginning of the sampling period, Eh values of the in situ sensor indicated deep groundwater conditions. The apparatus is particularly useful for Eh measurement. Chemical composition and stable isotope ratios indicated that the groundwater sampled from more than 1000 m depth was a connate water with a chemical composition slightly different from seawater of the present time, and the groundwater retrieved from 800 m depth was a meteoric water. Natural radioactive elements are thought to be the origin of the tritium in the groundwater retrieved from the 1000 m depth. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 22 October 1996  相似文献   
ScS wave splitting of deep earthquakes around Japan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ScS wave splitting of five deep earthquakes in subduction zones near Japan is investigated using horizontal seismograms recorded al JMA stations. For each earthquake, we clearly observe uniform ScS wave splitting in all stations over Japan, especially for the events located south of Honshu in 1982, 1984 and 1993. However, the directions of fast-polarized waves of these events differed by a maximum of about 50° from one another. The orientation of fast-polarized waves in the 1982 event was NNW-SSE; those in the two later events WNW-ESE. We also recognize this discrepancy in the results of the analysis of the 1971 Sea of Okhotsk event reported by Fukao (1984). The Sakhalin Islands event in 1990 reveals a linear particle motion without such a change in direction of the second arrivals, implying no anisotropy. These observations are interpreted as indicating an anisotropic region within the slab near the earthquake sources but not beneath the receivers, since the orientations of fast-polarized waves recorded at each station are not common to all the earthquakes. Furthermore, we consider that anisotropy exists non-uniformly within the slab. The event in 1982, which occurred in almost the same area as those in 1984 and 1993, showed a fast direction different from the events in 1984 and 1993. The 1982 event was 179 km deep, but the two later events were at 398 km and 360 km, respectively. The fast direction observed from the 1982 event is parallel to the fossil plate motion, whereas those from the events in 1984 and 1993 are parallel to the compression axis within the subducting slab. The depth of 400 km is a phase boundary, where olivine changes to β spinel. We consider that the most likely cause of the change in anisotropy direction is the re-orientation of crystals associated with the phase change of olivine to β spinel due to subduction of the slab.  相似文献   
 Kuju Volcano lies near Aso Caldera at the center of Kyushu Island, western Japan. After a few hundred years of dormancy, a phreatic explosion accompanied by a small ash eruption occurred on 11 October 1995. This study was undertaken to determine the subsurface seismic velocity structure associated with the active magmatic regime in the Kuju volcanic region. The three-dimensional, upper crustal, P-wave velocity structure beneath Kuju Volcano was determined using methods for the simultaneous inversion of P-wave arrival times from local earthquakes in and around the Kuju volcanic region for velocities and hypocentral parameters. Results reveal two shallower low-velocity anomalies located in the northern and southern parts of Kuju Volcano, consistent with the presence of significant negative Bouguer gravity anomalies. In addition, a high-velocity anomaly is located approximately 5 km northwest of Mt. Kuju, one of the domes in Kuju Volcano. Beneath this high-velocity anomaly, a low-velocity anomaly is present. This velocity structure suggests a magmatic regime that has a lid consisting of cooled solid material overlying a chamber of partially molten material. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 20 June 1998  相似文献   
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