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Seasonal variations in the primary production regime in the upper water column were assessed by shipboard observations using hydrocasts and natural fluorescence profiling at a fixed station in the central part of Sagami Bay, Japan. The observations were conducted as a part of ‘Project Sagami’ dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of seasonality in bathyal benthic populations and its coupling with water column processes. Based on the time-series observations at intervals of about 1 to 2 months, primary productivity in terms of chlorophyll abundance appeared to be elevated during the spring of 1997, but the observed peaks of biomass were much less significant in the spring of 1998. Meanwhile, the organic matter flux, as indicated by sediment trap data and benthic observations, had a significant peak in the spring of 1998 as well, and its magnitude was comparable to that in 1997. Satellite images of ocean color obtained during the spring of 1997 indicate the importance of events with time scales much shorter than a month, and suggest qualitative differences in the phytoplankton community in the euphotic zone for each bloom event during this period. The possible mechanisms that could yield the spring maximum of material input to the benthic community are discussed.  相似文献   
Three-year investigations into sperm whale-fall ecosystems in Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report the first study of sperm whale‐fall ecosystems, based on mass sinking of whale carcasses at shelf depths in the northwest Pacific. We conducted three observations over a 2‐year period on replicate sperm‐whale carcasses implanted at depths of 219–254 m off the southern part of Japan from July 2003 to August 2005. The study was made possible by a mass stranding of sperm whales in January 2002, and the subsequent sinking of 12 carcasses in the waters off Cape Nomamisaki. Dense aggregations of unique chemosynthesis‐based fauna had formed around the whale carcasses after 18 months (July 2003). The mytilid mussel Adipicola pacifica was the most abundant macrofaunal species and covered most of the exposed bone surfaces. The general composition of the fauna was similar to that of deep‐water reducing habitats, but none of the species appearing in this study has been found at hydrothermal vents, cold seeps or deep‐water whale falls. A new species of lancelet, which was the first record of the subphylum Cephalochordata from reducing environments, a new species of Osedax; a rarely encountered benthic ctenophore, and a rare gastropod species were discovered at this sperm whale‐fall site. Benthic communities were similar across all the carcasses studied, although the body sizes of the whales were very different. The succession of epifaunal communities was relatively rapid and the sulphophilic stage was considerably shorter than that of other known whale falls.  相似文献   
The first known solution of the title problem is presented. The Ritz method is used, with algebraic polynomials forming the set of trial functions. The condition that all three components of displacement be zero at the four corners is straightforwardly enforced. Numerical studies show that the convergence is relatively slow, requiring more terms than for shells which are completely free. The class of problems studied includes independent, constant curvature in each of the directions parallel to the edges, yielding vibration modes which fall into one of four symmetry classes, with symmetry or antisymmetry of the displacements existing with respect to each of the two symmetry axes of the problem. Detailed results are given for the frequencies and mode shapes of the first two modes of each symmetry class for shells having square planform and circular cylindrical, spherical and hyperbolic paraboloidal curvatures. Accuracy of the results is partially established by comparison with other previously published, accurate results for the corner supported flat square plate.  相似文献   

The Boein–Miandasht Complex (BMC) is a part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic basement and is cut by gabbroic to granitoid bodies. These intrusive bodies comprise gabbro, gabbro–diorite associated with fine-grained, in part porphyritic leucocratic granitoids. Zircon U–Pb dating of representative gabbro–diorite samples yielded ages of 166.4 ± 1.8 Ma and 163.5 ± 6.3 Ma (Callovian, the latest stage of the Middle Jurassic). Mineral chemistry of the gabbro–diorites shows a homogeneous composition of the main minerals, main augite to diopside clinopyroxene and plagioclase (~An17–59). Moreover, low AlZ/TiO2 ratios of the clinopyroxene grains suggest that the rocks were generated in a within-plate tectonic regime. The SiO2 contents of the gabbro-diorite rocks are between 46.36 and 55.61 wt. %, Al2O3 ranges from 7.57 to 17.98 wt. %. The TiO2 contents vary from 1.18 to 3.65 wt. %, Fe2O3 from 7.41 to 12.95 wt. %, the MgO ranges between 3.49 and 15.75 wt. %, Na2O from 0.65 to 5.08 wt. % and K2O from 0.48 to 1.08 wt. %. These rocks mostly plot in the alkali-gabbro field. Compared to chondrite are characterized by enrichment of LREEs over HREE, enrichment of LIL elements (e.g. Rb, Sr and Ba) and obvious positive anomalies of Nb and Ti. Based on the chemical composition, and mineral composition, this complex was generated in an extensional tectonic regime by partial melting of the hot asthenospheric mantle which is not more consistent with previous models which have suggested for SaSZ evolution in before.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of tsunami deposits along the Japan Sea, southwest Hokkaido, northern Japan, reveals tsunami recurrences in this particular area. Sandy tsunami deposits are preserved in small valley plains, whereas gravelly deposits of possible tsunami origin are identified in surficial soils covering a Holocene marine terrace and a slope talus. At least five horizons of tsunami events can be defined in the Okushiri Island, the youngest of which immediately overlies the Ko‐d tephra layer (1640 AD) and was likely formed by the historical Oshima‐Ohshima tsunami in 1741 AD. The four older tsunami deposits, dated using accelerator mass spectrometry 14C, were formed at around the 12th century, 1.5–1.6, 2.4–2.6, and 2.8–3.1 ka, respectively. Tsunami sand beds of the 1741 AD and circa 12th century events are recognized in the Hiyama District of Hokkaido Island, but the older tsunami deposits are missing. The deposits of these two tsunamis are found together at the same sites and distributed in regions where wave heights of the 1993 tsunami (Hokkaido Nansei‐oki earthquake, Mw = 7.7) were less than 3 m. Thus, the 12th century tsunami waves were possibly generated near the south of Okushiri Island, whereas the 1993 tsunami was generated towards the north of the island. The estimated recurrence intervals of paleotsunamis, 200–1100 years with an average of 500 years, likely represents the recurrence interval of large earthquakes which would have occurred along several active faults offshore of southwest Hokkaido.  相似文献   
In Lindsley's thermometry, a revised sequence of calculation of components is proposed for clinopyroxene, in which kosmochlor component is added. Temperatures obtained for the components calculated by the revised method are about 50 °C lower than those obtained for the components calculated by the Lindsley's original method and agree well with temperatures obtained from orthopyroxenes. Ca‐partitioning between clino‐ and orthopyroxenes is then thought to be equilibrated in types 5 to 7 ordinary chondrites. The temperatures for Tuxtuac (LL5), Dhurmsala (LL6), NWA 2092 (LL6/7), and Dho 011 (LL7) are 767–793°, 818–835°, 872–892°, and 917–936°C, respectively, suggesting that chondrites of higher petrographic types show higher equilibrium temperatures of pyroxenes. The regression equations which relate temperature and Wo and Fs contents in the temperature‐contoured pyroxene quadrilateral of 1 atm of Lindsley (1983) are also determined by the least squares method. It is possible to reproduce temperatures with an error less than 20 °C (2SE) using the regression equations.  相似文献   
The position of meroplanktonic larvae in the water column with depth-dependent current velocities determines horizontal transport trajectories. For those larvae occurring in inner shelf waters, little is known about how combined diel and tidally-synchronized vertical migration patterns shift ontogenetically. The vertical migration of larvae of Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae) was investigated in mesotidal, inner shelf waters of western Kyushu, Japan in July–August 2006. The larval sampling at seven depth layers down to 60 m was conducted every 3 h for 36 h in a 68.5-m deep area 10 km off a major coastal adult habitat. Within a 61–65-m deep area 5–7.5 km off the adult habitat, water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, and photon flux density were measured, and water currents there were characterized from harmonic analysis of current meter data collected in 2008. The water column was stratified, with pycnocline, chlorophyll a concentration maximum, and 2% of photon flux density at 2 m, recorded at around 22–24 m. The stratified residual currents were detected in their north component, directed offshore and onshore in the upper and lower mixed layers, respectively. More than 87% of larvae occurred between 20 m and 60 m, producing a net onshore transport of approximately 1.3 km d−1. At the sunset flooding tide, all zoeal-stage larvae ascended, which could further promote retention (1.4-km potential onshore transport in 3 h). The actual onshore transport of larvae was detected by observing their occurrence pattern in a shallow embayment area with the adult habitat for 24 h in October 1994. However, ontogenetic differences in the vertical migration pattern in inner shelf waters were also apparent, with the maximum mean positions of zoeae deepening with increasing stages. Zoeae I and II performed a reverse diel migration, with their minimum and maximum depths being reached around noon and midnight, respectively. Zoeae IV and V descended continuously. Zoeae III had behaviors that were intermediate to those of the earlier- and later-stage zoeae. Postlarvae underwent a normal diel migration (nocturnal ascent) regardless of tides, with the deepest position (below 60 m and/or on the bottom) during the day. These findings give a new perspective towards how complex vertical migration patterns in meroplanktonic larvae enable their retention in inner shelf waters before the final entry of postlarvae into their natal populations.  相似文献   
Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous was revealed from Torinosu‐type limestone, which was deposited in a shallow‐marine setting in the western Paleo‐Pacific, in Japan. Two sections were examined; the Nakanosawa section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian age (Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Japan), and the Furuichi section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Berriasian age (Ehime Prefecture, Southwest Japan). The age‐model was established using Sr isotope ratio and fossil occurrence. The limestone samples have a low Mn/Sr ratio (mostly <0.5) and lack a distinct correlation between δ13C and δ18O, indicating a low degree of diagenetic alteration. Our composite δ13C profile from the two limestone sections shows three stratigraphic correlation points that can be correlated with the profiles of relevant ages from the Alpine Tethyan region: a large‐amplitude fluctuation (the lower upper Kimmeridgian, ~152 Ma), a positive anomaly (above the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary, ~150 Ma), and a negative anomaly (the upper lower Tithonian, ~148 Ma). In addition, we found that δ13C values of the Torinosu‐type limestone are ~1‰ lower than the Tethyan values in the late Kimmeridgian. This inter‐regional difference in δ13C values is likely to have resulted from a higher productivity and/or an organic burial in the Tethyan region. The difference gradually reduces and disappears in the late Tithonian, where the Tethyan and our δ13C records show similar stable values of 1.5–2.0‰. This isotopic homogenization is probably due to changes in the continental distribution and the global ocean circulation, which propagated the 13C‐depleted signature from the larger Paleo‐Pacific to the smaller Tethys Ocean during this time.  相似文献   
Large eddy simulation (LES) of the resonant inertial response of the upper ocean to strong wind forcing is carried out; the results are used to evaluate the performance of each of the two second-order turbulence closure models presented by Mellor and Yamada (Rev Geophys Space Phys 20:851–875, 1982) (MY) and by Nakanishi and Niino (J Meteorol Soc Jpn 87:895–912, 2009) (NN). The major difference between MY and NN is in the formulation of the stability functions and the turbulent length scale, both strongly linked with turbulent fluxes; in particular, the turbulent length scale in NN, unlike that in MY, is allowed to decrease with increasing density stratification. We find that MY underestimates and NN overestimates the development of mixed layer features, for example, the strong entrainment at the base of the oceanic mixed layer and the accompanying decrease of sea surface temperature. Considering that the stability functions in NN perform better than those in MY in reproducing the vertical structure of turbulent heat flux, we slightly modify NN to find that the discrepancy between LES and NN can be reduced by more strongly restricting the turbulent length scale with increasing density stratification.  相似文献   
Using the in-plane rotation of polished thin section, the X-ray diffraction patterns exhibiting a high degree of randomness similar to powder pattern were obtained for 10 CO3 chondrites, which distinguished 130 reflections of olivine in the chondrules from that in the matrix, and showed systematic differences among subtypes based on the full width at half maximum intensity of two olivine 130 peaks. A lower petrologic subtype is characterized by sharp and strong peaks for forsteritic olivines in type I chondrules and by a weak and broad peak for ferroan matrices, and the higher petrologic subtypes are characterized by sharp and strong peaks for recrystallized matrices and a weakened or absent peak of magnesian olivines. The systematic change in the split peak of olivine 130 was linked with the mean diffusion length of Mg-Fe in olivine phenocrysts in type I chondrules. Fe-Ni diffusion in metals was considered to estimate the peak temperature of CO3.0, near the surface on the parent body. The peak metamorphic temperatures were estimated to be ~600–910 K using the onion-shell model when the cooling time was 106–108 yr on the parent body. A weak peak for ferroan olivine of CO3.0 suggests the amorphous silicate in matrices. The modal abundance of the amorphous Fe-silicate for subtype 3.0 (15% for Allan Hills [ALH] 77307 and 9% for Yamato [Y]-81020) was also evaluated from the deviation in trend of the relative peak ratios of the Fe-rich (≥Fa25) and Mg-rich (<Fa25) olivines for subtypes. The existence of martensites was suggested for ALH 77307. Amorphous silicate in matrices is a more resistant primordial component that produced the CO3 chondrites than martensite.  相似文献   
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