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Sedimentological, geochemical, and chronological analyses were carried out on 18 carbonate rock samples collected at depths of 938, 1085, and 3354 m on the western slope of Minamitorishima (Marcus Island), which is located near the western margin of the Pacific Plate. Four groups of carbonate rocks were distinguished: a mollusk-rich limestone, a coral-rich dolomite, a foraminiferal-nannofossil packstone, and a phosphatized mudstone/wackestone. The mollusk-rich limestone is characterized by the dominance of bivalves (including rudists) and gastropod shells. Strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) and Mesorbitolina ex gr. texana (a large benthic foraminifer) indicate that the shallow-water carbonates were deposited during the late Aptian–early Albian (ca. 123–111 Ma). The coral-rich dolomite is characterized by abundant scleractinian corals and nongeniculate coralline algae associated with encrusting acervulinid foraminifers. The biotic composition is similar to that of the Oligocene–Pleistocene carbonates reported from other seamounts in the northwestern Pacific. Geochemical data show that the coral-rich carbonates were dolomitized at 9.5–6.8 Ma (Tortonian–Messinian) and that normal seawater was the most likely parent fluid. The foraminiferal-nannofossil packstone is a semi-consolidated foraminiferal-nannofossil ooze and was deposited during the Pleistocene (0.99–0.45 Ma). The phosphatized mudstone/wackestone is marked by the absence of macrofossils and the presence of traces of planktic foraminifers. Although its depositional age is not constrained, the Sr isotope ratios indicate that the phosphatization occurred at 33.2–28.9 Ma. After the deposition of the Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates, including the mollusk-rich limestone, Minamitorishima was drowned and its top was covered with a pelagic cap, represented by the mudstone/wackestone. The late Eocene–early Oligocene volcanism (40.2–33.2 Ma) caused episodic uplift and returned the top of Minamitorishima to a shallow-water environment. After the early Oligocene phosphatization of the pelagic cap, coral reefs flourished on the top of this island. The reef limestone was dolomitized during the Tortonian–Messinian.  相似文献   
The Asian monsoon is one of the largest climatic systems in the world, but age of its onset has been estimated differently ranging from the late Eocene to the Quaternary. We investigated the sedimentology and stable isotopic compositions of the upper Eocene Jiuziyan Formation, a terrestrial limestone unit in the Jianchuan basin, Yunnan Province in China. This limestone formation is restricted in several localities in the central part of the basin. Previously, this has been characterized as palustrine carbonate and the transition to the sublacustrine deposit of the overlying Shuanghe Formation was interpreted as the appearance of wetter climate during the late Eocene. Our observations of macro- and microfacies revealed sedimentary fabrics indicating rapid CaCO3 precipitation, such as dendritic calcite and calcified reed stems, which are unlikely to develop in a simple lacustrine setting. High carbonate content (mostly >90 %) and restricted distribution of the Jiuziyan limestone indicate a depositional setting spatially limited and isolated from clastic influx. These findings, together with clearly higher δ13C values (−0.7 ‰ to +6.9 ‰) and lower δ18O values (−14.6 ‰ to −10.5 ‰) than those of the Shuanghe Formation, indicate that the limestone was mainly travertine, carbonate formed from endogenic spring water. The elevated δ13C resulted from a large amount of CO2 degassing from spring water with high pCO2. In addition, the occurrence of centimeter-scale lamination coupled with cyclic changes in δ13C and δ18O is almost identical with the modern annually-laminated travertine reported from Baishuitai in northern Yunnan Province, implying comparable amplitude of seasonal temperature and precipitation changes to the record of the modern travertine at Baishuitai. Our results do not contradict the previous interpretation of late Eocene wetting and additionally suggest the existence of the late Eocene monsoon climate in the Jianchuan basin.  相似文献   
A new global P-wave tomography model is determined using a flexible-grid parameterization. This new model better reveals the mantle structure under the polar regions than the previous tomographic models. The subducting slabs are generally imaged clearly as high-velocity (high-V) zones. The young slabs are still subducting in the upper mantle and the mantle transition zone (MTZ), whereas the old and ancient slabs are either stagnant in the MTZ or have subducted down to the lower mantle, even reaching the core-mantle boundary. Low-velocity (low-V) anomalies are generally revealed in the mantle under the hotspot regions. It seems that a variety of mantle upwelling (plumes) exist. Some strong plumes are visible in the whole mantle under the long-living hotspots, such as those in south-central Pacific, Africa, Hawaii and Iceland, whereas weak plumes are visible in only some depth range under the minor hotspots. Under the intraplate volcanoes in East Eurasia, Bering Sea and West Alaska, significant low-V anomalies are revealed in the upper mantle, which may reflect hot and wet upwelling associated with corner flows in the big mantle wedge (BMW) above the stagnant Pacific slab in the MTZ and perhaps deep slab dehydration as well. The subduction-triggered magmatism in the BMW may be a new class of mantle plumes. We also used the new global model to investigate the influence of whole-mantle heterogeneity on the determination of upper-mantle tomography under Japan with a teleseismic inversion method. The results show that the mantle heterogeneities outside the target volume of regional tomography can cause significant changes (~ 0.2-0.4 s) to the observed relative travel-time residuals of a distant earthquake. The pattern of regional tomography remains the same even after correcting for the whole-mantle heterogeneity, but there are some changes in the amplitude of velocity anomalies in the regional tomography. Hence it is necessary to correct for the mantle heterogeneities outside the target volume so as to obtain a better regional tomography.  相似文献   
A sulfide chimney ore sampled from the flank of the active Tiger vent area in the Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal field, south Okinawa trough, consists of anhydrite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and bismuthinite. Electron microprobe analysis indicates that the chalcopyrite contains up to 2.4 wt% Sn, whereas bismuthinite contains up to 1.7 wt% Pt, 0.8 wt% Cu and 0.5 wt% Fe. The Sn‐rich chalcopyrite and Pt–Cu–Fe‐bearing bismuthinite are the first reported occurrence of such minerals in an active submarine hydrothermal system. The results confirm that Sn enters the chalcopyrite as a solid solution towards stannite by the coupled substitution of Sn4+Fe2+ for Fe3+Fe3+, whereas Pt, Cu and Fe enter the bismuthinite structure as a solid solution during rapid nucleation. The fluid inclusions homogenization temperatures in anhydrite (220–310°C) and measured end‐member temperature of the vent fluids on‐site (325°C) indicate that Sn‐bearing chalcopyrite and Pt–Cu–Fe‐bearing bismuthinite express the original composition of the minerals that precipitated as metastable phases at a temperature above 300°C. The result observed in this study implies that sulfides in ancient volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits have similar trace element distribution during nucleation but it is remobilised during diagenesis, metamorphism or supergene enrichment processes.  相似文献   
We measured the brightness of the white light corona at the total solar eclipses on 1 August 2008 and 22 July 2009, when solar activity was at its lowest in one hundred years. After careful calibration, the brightness of the corona in both eclipses was evaluated to be approximately 0.4×10?6 of the total brightness of the Sun, which is the lowest level ever observed. Furthermore, the total brightness of the K+F-corona beyond 3R in both eclipses is lower than some of the previous measurements of the brightness of the F-corona only. Our accurate measurements of the coronal brightness provide not only the K-corona brightness during a period of very low solar activity but also a reliable upper limit of the brightness of the F-corona.  相似文献   
The mechanism and rate of water exchange were investigated in Kabira Cove, Ishigaki Island, in the southernmost part of Japanese islands, near Taiwan. During observations in the summers of 1976 and 1977, a larger proportion of the salt transport into the bay was derived from the so-called “tidal trapping effect”. In the latter period of observation carried out after heavy rain brought by a seasonal typhoon under annual mean tidal conditions, the turnover time, i.e. the scale of replacement of the whole bay water with the open sea water, is estimated to be 3.6 days. Based on these observational results, a concept of the tidal trapping due to coupling of the actions of tides and buoyancy in a vertical two-dimensional field with a sill at the bay mouth is proposed. Considering the topographical, hydrometeorological and geographical conditions of the cove, it is inferred that this water exchange process tends to be formed in Kabira Cove in summer except during neap tides.  相似文献   
A survey of the quality of groundwater across a broad area of the North China Plain, undertaken in 1998 to 2000, indicates that nitrate pollution is a serious problem affecting the drinking water for a vast population. The use of nitrogen (N)-fertilizer in agriculture has greatly increased over the past 20 years to meet the food needs of the rapidly expanding population. During the study, 295 water samples were collected from wells and springs to determine the water chemistry and the extent of nitrate pollution. High concentrations of nitrate, especially in a recharge area along the western side, but also in the vicinity of Beijing and locally in other parts of the plain, pose a serious problem for the drinking water supply. In places, the nitrate concentration exceeds the maximum for safe drinking water of 45 mg/L. The intense use of N-fertilizer and the widespread use of untreated groundwater for crop irrigation contribute greatly to the problem, but no doubt the disposal of industrial and municipal waste into streams and infiltrating the aquifer also contribute to the problem; however, the lack of data prevents evaluation of those sources. In the recharge area, nitrate is found at depths of as much as 50 m. Near Beijing, relatively high concentrations of nitrate occur at depths of as much as 80 m. In the discharge area, in the vicinity of the Yellow River, high concentrations of nitrate occur at depths of <8 m.

Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary Material is available in the online version of this article at
Resumen Contaminacíon de nitratos a causa de prácticas agrícolas en diferentes zonas hidrogeológicas del sistema de flujo regional de aguas subterráneas en la planice del norte de China. Un estudio de la calidad del agua subterránea en una zona amplia de la planice del norte de China se llevó a cabo entre 1998 y el año 2000. Este estudio indica que la contaminación de nitratos es un problema grave que afecta el agua potable de una vasta población. El uso de fertilizantes a base de nitratos en la agricultura ha aumentado considerablemente durante los últimos 20 años para satisfacer las necesidades alimentices de la creciente población. Durante el estudio, se tomaron 295 muestras de pozos de agua y manantiales para determinar la química de las aguas y el grado de contaminación por nitratos. Altas concentraciones de nitratos, especialmente en una zona de recarga a lo largo del lado oeste, asì como en la cercanía a Pekín y en zonas locales en otras partes de la planicie, presentan un problema serio al sumunistro de agua potable. En ciertos lugares, la concentracióon de nitratos excede el nivel máximo de seguridad para el agua potable 45 mg NO3/L. El intenso uso de fertilizantes de nitratos y el abundante uso de agua subterránea sin tratamiento para la irrigación de cultivos contribuyen sustancialmente al problema. Sin embargo, sin lugar a dudas, la descarga de deshechos industriales y municipales en arroyos y en el acuífero también contribuyen al problema. La falta de datos impide la evalución de dichas fuentes. En la zona de recarga se encuentran nitratos hasta los 50 m de profundidad. Cerca a Pekín, concentraciones relativamente altas de nitrato ocurren hasta los 80 m de profunidad. En las zonas de descarga afectadas por el Río Amarillo las concentraciones altas de nitrato se encuentran solamente a menos de 8m de profundidad.

Resumé Une campagne dévaluation de la qualité de leau souterraine entreprise entre 1998 et 2000 à travers une vaste étendue de la plaine du nord en Chine indique que la pollution par les nitrates est un problème sérieux qui affecte la qualité de leau souterraine pour une abondante population. Lutilisation de fertilisants azotés pour lagriculture a augmenté considérablement durant les 20 dernières années afin de rencontrer les besoins alimentaires dune population à forte croissance. Lors de cette étude, 295 échantillons deau ont été prélevés dans des puits et sources naturelles afin de déterminer la composition chimique de leau souterraine ainsi que létendue de la pollution par les nitrates. Des concentrations élevées de nitrates, en particulier dans une zone de recharge le long de la limite ouest de la plaine, mais aussi dans la région de Beijing et sporadiquement dans la plaine, posent de sérieux problèmes à la consommation de leau souterraine. A certains endroits, la concentration en nitrates excède la valeur maximale acceptée pour la consommation qui est de 45 mg NO3/L. Lutilisation intensive de fertilisants azotés ainsi que lutilisation répandue deau souterraine non traitée pour lirrigation contribuent pour beaucoup au problème, mais il ne fait pas de doute que le rejet des déchets municipaux et industriels dans les rivières et aquifères y est aussi pour quelque chose. Par contre, le manque de donnés ne permet pas dévaluer la contribution de chacune de ces sources. Dans la zone de recharge, les nitrates se retrouvent à des profondeurs allant jusquà 50 m. Près de Beijing, des concentrations relativement élevées de nitrate ont été mesurées à des profondeurs allant jusquà 80 m. Enfin, dans la zone démergence affectée par la rivière Jaune, les fortes concentrations se retrouvent à une profondeur maximale de 8 m.

Soheyle-Pakuh granitoid rocks, with a variety of quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, granodiorite, tonalite, and granite, have been emplaced into the Tertiary volcanic rocks in the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc in central Iran. Zircon U–Pb dating yields an age of 39.63 ± 0.93 Ma for the crystallization of this body. Whole-rock compositions show that SiO2 changes from 52.31 to 65.78 wt.% and Al2O3 varies from 15.54 to 18.24 wt.%, as well as high concentrations of large-ion lithophile elements (LILE, e.g. Cs, Rb, Ba, and K) and quite low contents of high field strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Nb, Ti, P), as expected in I-type arc granitoids formed in an active continental margin setting. Initial ratios of 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd exhibit ranges 0.7043–0.7047 and 0.51284 to 0.51287, respectively, with positive εNd(t) from +4.9 to +5.5 with a young TDM1 age (483–674 Ma); this tracer isotopic data suggesting that the SPG originated from juvenile basaltic crust derived from depleted mantle (~90%) with variable contributions from undepleted mantle and approximately 10% old lower crust, despite diverse processes (e.g. magma mixing and fractional crystallization) during their evolution and emplacement into a local extensional setting within the continental margin arc. The isotopic data are similar to those of other Phanerozoic granitoids of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and corroborate melting of predominantly mantle-derived juvenile crustal protoliths and indicating extensive addition of new continental crust, during Cambrian-Neoproterozoic time, in the suprasubduction zone beneath the central Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc. Generation of these types of granitoids favours a model whereby rollback and (or) break-off of a subducted slab with subsequent lithospheric extension triggered by mantle upwelling, heat advection, and underplating resulting in melting of the central UDMA mantle-derived juvenile lower continental crust in the Late Eocene.  相似文献   
Supplemental damping is known as an efficient and practical means to improve seismic response of building structures. Presented in this paper is a mixed‐integer programming approach to find the optimal placement of supplemental dampers in a given shear building model. The damping coefficients of dampers are treated as discrete design variables. It is shown that a minimization problem of the sum of the transfer function amplitudes of the interstory drifts can be formulated as a mixed‐integer second‐order cone programming problem. The global optimal solution of the optimization problem is then found by using a solver based on a branch‐and‐cut algorithm. Two numerical examples in literature are solved with discrete design variables. In one of these examples, the proposed method finds a better solution than an existing method in literature developed for the continuous optimal damper placement problem. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta,China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta, China is an important issue related not only to nitrate dispersion and health concerns but also to mass transport and interactions of groundwater, sea, and river waters in the coastal area. The spatial distribution of nitrate, nitrate sources, and nitrogen transformation processes were investigated by field surveys and geochemical methods. Nitrate occurred mainly in shallow layers and had a spatial distribution coinciding with geomorphology and land/water use. Irrigation water from the Yellow River and anthropogenic waste are two main nitrogen sources of nitrate in the delta, and both denitrification and mixing processes could take place according to characteristics identified by ionic and isotopic data.  相似文献   
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