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Variations in fossil diatom assemblages and their relationship with global and Indian monsoon climate changes for the last 600,000 yr were investigated using a core of ancient lake (Paleo-Kathmandu Lake) sediments drilled at the Kathmandu Basin, Nepal Himalaya. Chronological scales of the core were constructed by tuning pollen wet and dry index records to the SPECMAP δ18O stack record. Examinations of biogenic silica contents and fossil diatom assemblages revealed that variations in productivity and compositions of diatom assemblages were closely linked with global and Indian monsoon climate changes on glacial and interglacial time scales. When summer monsoonal rainfall increased during interglacials (interstadials), diatom productivity increased because of increased inputs of terrestrial nutrients into the lake. When summer monsoonal rainfall reduced and/or winter monsoonal aridification enhanced during glacials (stadials), productivity of the diatoms decreased and lake-level falling brought about changes in compositions of diatom assemblages. Monospecific assemblages by unique Cyclotella kathmanduensis and Puncticulata versiformis appeared during about 590 to 390 ka. This might be attributed to evolutionary fine-tuning of diatom assemblages to specific lake environmental conditions. Additionally, low-amplitude precessional variations in monsoon climate and less lake-level changes may have also allowed both species to dominate over the long periods.  相似文献   
Short-term flow fluctuations in the southern central part of Onagawa Bay were examined using long-term mooring and hydrographic data observed during the period from May 2013 to April 2014. The short-term flow fluctuations were dominant in the periodic bands of 15–27 days and shorter than 10 days. The principal and minor components of these flow fluctuations were respectively along and across the local isobaths, which are almost parallel in the north direction. The northward flow fluctuations along the local isobaths were correlated with the northeastward wind fluctuations in both periodic bands, and these correlations were more evident from fall to winter. On the basis of these results, the northward flows are regarded as wind-induced barotropic coastal jets. On other hand, the eastward flow fluctuations across the local isobaths were related to inflow and outflow via the bay mouth or the Izushima Channel. Inflow and outflow with reverse flow at lower depths formed in summer, but those with vertically uniform flow tended to form in winter. The main summertime inflow and outflow were driven by horizontal gradients in density. These permit us to regard the main summertime inflow and outflow as gravitational circulation. Also, the summertime inflow can be intermittently caused by internal waves.  相似文献   
Geological observations in the Horoman area, south‐central Hokkaido, show that the Horoman peridotite complex of the Hidaka metamorphic belt is a tectonic slice about 1200 m thick. The peridotite slab is intercalated into a gently east‐dipping structure. The underlying unit is a Cretaceous–Paleogene accretionary complex. Riedel shear planes in the sedimentary layers of the accretionary complex near the structural bottom of the peridotite slab indicate top‐to‐the‐west (thrust) displacement. The overlying unit is composed of felsic–pelitic gneisses and mafic–felsic intrusive rocks (the Hidaka metamorphic rocks). The boundary surface between the peridotite complex and metamorphic rocks forms a domal structure. Microstructures of sheared metamorphic rocks near the structural top of the peridotite slab indicate top‐to‐the‐east (normal) displacement. The results combined with previous studies suggest that the Horoman peridotite complex was emplaced onto the Asian margin (Northeast Japan) during the collision between the Asian margin and the Hidaka crustal block.  相似文献   
Tides and short-term variabilities in the Kuroshio west of Yonakuni-jima   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCFIONTheKuroshioeastofTaiwanIslandflowsnorthwardandenterstheEastChinaalgathroughapaSSagebetweenTaiwanIslandandlriomote-shima.TOstudyfurthertheKuroshiothereandestimateitstransPOrt,itisnecessarytoobservetheKuroshioCurrentdirectly.Therehavebeen*ThisstudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalaudienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49476278.severaldirectobservationsoftheKuroshionearTaiwanIsland.Forexample,thedirectcurrentmeasurementat(24'24'N1123'35'E)byinabaetal.(1981)showedtheapp…  相似文献   
In 2010, the Northern Hemisphere, in particular Russia and Japan, experienced an abnormally hot summer characterized by record-breaking warm temperatures and associated with a strongly positive Arctic Oscillation (AO), that is, low pressure in the Arctic and high pressure in the midlatitudes. In contrast, the AO index the previous winter and spring (2009/2010) was record-breaking negative. The AO polarity reversal that began in summer 2010 can explain the abnormally hot summer. The winter sea surface temperatures (SST) in the North Atlantic Ocean showed a tripolar anomaly pattern—warm SST anomalies over the tropics and high latitudes and cold SST anomalies over the midlatitudes—under the influence of the negative AO. The warm SST anomalies continued into summer 2010 because of the large oceanic heat capacity. A model simulation strongly suggested that the AO-related summertime North Atlantic oceanic warm temperature anomalies remotely caused blocking highs to form over Europe, which amplified the positive summertime AO. Thus, a possible cause of the AO polarity reversal might be the “memory” of the negative winter AO in the North Atlantic Ocean, suggesting an interseasonal linkage of the AO in which the oceanic memory of a wintertime negative AO induces a positive AO in the following summer. Understanding of this interseasonal linkage may aid in the long-term prediction of such abnormal summer events.  相似文献   
Garnet–biotite and garnet–cordierite geothermometers have been consistently calibrated, using the results of Fe2+–Mg cation exchange experiments and utilizing recently evaluated nonideal mixing properties of garnet. Nonideal mixing parameters of biotite (including Fe, Mg, AlVI, and Ti) and of cordierite (involving Fe and Mg) are evaluated in terms of iterative multiple least-square regressions of the experimental results. Assuming the presence of ferric Fe in biotite in relation to the coexisting Fe-oxide phases (Case A), and assuming the absence of ferric Fe in biotite (Case B), two formulae of garnet–biotite thermometer have been derived. The garnet–cordierite geothermometer was constructed using Margules parameters of garnet adopted in the garnet–biotite geothermometers. The newly calibrated garnet–biotite and garnet–cordierite thermometers clearly show improved conformity in the calculated temperatures. The thermometers give temperatures that are consistent with each other using natural garnet–biotite–cordierite assemblages within ±50 °C. The effects of ferric Fe in biotite on garnet–biotite thermometry have been evaluated comparing the two calibrations of the thermometer. The effects are significant; it is clarified that taking ferric Fe content in biotite into account leads to less dispersion of thermometric results.  相似文献   
A model for quantitatively expressing the hydrological cycle in a forested mountain catchment is proposed as a HYCYMODEL. HYCYMODEL is able to predict both short- and long-term hydrographs because the model parameters remain independent of time. It shows a good applicability for ten years of continuous data at both hourly and daily intervals for the Kiryu catchment—a forested mountain basin. Since HYCYMODEL does not need hydrograph separation between storm flow and base flow, it is a particularly attractive model.  相似文献   
The comoving-frame equations of radiative transfer and moment equations to accurate terms of all orders inv/c are derived in the modified Lagrangian form. The equations exactly describe the interaction of radiation with matter in a relativistically moving medium in flat or curved spacetime. Two specialized sets of equations are presented: (1) the equation of radiative transfer and moment equations accurate to terms of second order (v 2/c 2), and (2) the transfer equation and moment equations for a radial flow in curved spacetime with the Schwarzschild-type metric.  相似文献   
Spherically symmetric, steady-state, optically thick accretion onto a nonrotating black hole with the mass of is studied. The gas accreting onto the black hole is assumed to be a fully ionized hydrogen plasma withn 0=108 cm–3 andT 0=104 K far from the black hole, and a new approximate expression for the Eddington factor is introduced. The luminosity is estimated to beL=1.875×1033 erg s–1, which primarily arises from the optical surface (1) ofT104 K. The accretion flow is characterized by 1 and (v/c)10. In the optically thin region, the flow remains isothermal, and the increase of temperature occurs at 1. The radiative equilibrium is strictly realized at (v/c)10.  相似文献   
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