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本文介绍了用美国国立射电天文台图象处理软件系统—AIPS对综合孔径VLA观测数据的处理方法,特别是对展源,要得到高质量的图象,在编辑及成图中要注意的事项。作者根据自己的实际工作,总结了用AIPS进行图象处理的经验。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionSiO ,H2 OandOHmaseremissionsarecommonphenomenaassociatedwiththecircumstellarshellsoflatetypestars .SiOmaseremissionshavebeendetectedfromseveralhundredsoflatetypestarsofspectraltypeM 4orlater.SiOmaserisconsideredthemostprevalentmaserinlatetyp…  相似文献   
岩石圈塑性流动与大陆板内构造变形研究进展评述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人们对大陆板内构造变形机制有两种不同认识,即“刚性”板块通过弹性实现应力远程传递和岩石圈通过下层塑性流动实现应力远程传递。通过对岩石圈各层变形属性和塑性流动的研究。认为通过处于塑性状态的下地壳和岩石圈地幔的塑性流动实现应力远程传递和控制板内构造变形更为合理。  相似文献   
本研究的第I部分用资料分析证明,由于青藏高原的热力强迫和动力强迫,1989年亚洲季风首先在孟加拉湾(BOB)东岸爆发,接着才有南海(SCS)季风爆发和印度季风爆发。在亚洲季风爆发的这三个阶段中,每阶段都伴有高原上空气柱的急速升温。本文是第I部分的继续。它指出:高原上空气柱的每一次急速升温都与中高纬度源于地中海上空的、频率为2~3周的低频(TTO)暖脊东传到高原上空相联系。季风爆发的每一阶段都伴有从南半球向北传播的、频率为30~60天的低频(MJO)散度扰动和从热带西太平洋向西传播的、频率为2~3周的低频(TTO)散度扰动。当这些低频扰动的暖位相和上升位相在所定义的“东亚季风区”(EAMA)锁相时,亚洲季风阶段性爆发出现。大气低频振荡的有利位相在EAMA区的锁相因而是亚洲季风各阶段爆发时间的决定因子。  相似文献   
本研究旨在将PIES观测数据应用于海洋水声环境的监测。利用一次南海PIES观测数据,反演得到温盐剖面,进而计算声场信息。结合观测期间的暖涡及台风事件对反演及计算结果进行了分析验证。结果表明,PIES能够在长期连续观测中较为敏感地捕获上层水体及表面声道的变化特征,为水声通信、探测及潜航路径规划等提供参考,在水声研究及海洋军事环境保障中都具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
Temporal sequential analyses of the hydrological observational data in the Tarim Basin over the last forty years revealed an annual increase of 2× 107m3 in the water quantities at the three headstreams of the upper courses and an annual decrease of 3 × 107m3 in the water flow from Alaer, which is on the upper main stream. A prediction of the trends indicates that there can be severe situations under which intermittent water interceptions occur. By means of approximate estimations on vegetative water consumption through phreatic evaporation combined with a quota assessment, the ecological water demands required to maintain the ecological environment in the mainstream area over the three different targeted years of 2005, 2010 and 2030 are defined as standing at 31.86 × 108m3, 36.27 × 108m3 and 41.04 × 108m3 respectively. Ecological fragility indexes are established on the basis of the selection of environmental sensitivity factors. Rational evaluations give proof that the lower reaches of the mainstream have already turned into zones where their ecological environments are gravely damaged. Multi-objective optimization should be conducted and protective schemes be framed within the threshold limits of the bearing capacities of water resources and the environment  相似文献   
To investigate the strength of frictional sliding and stability of mafic lower crust, we conducted experiments on oven-dried gabbro gouge of 1 mm thick sandwiched between country rock pieces (with gouge inclined 35° to the sample axis) at slip rates of 1.22 × 10− 3 mm/s and 1.22 × 10− 4 mm/s and elevated temperatures up to 615 °C. Special attention has been paid to whether transition from velocity weakening to velocity strengthening occurs due to the elevation of temperature.Two series of experiments were conducted with normal stresses of 200 MPa and 300 MPa, respectively. For both normal stresses, the friction strengths are comparable at least up to 510 °C, with no significant weakening effect of increasing temperature. Comparison of our results with Byerlee's rule on a strike slip fault with a specific temperature profile in the Zhangbei region of North China shows that the strength given by experiments are around that given by Byerlee's rule and a little greater in the high temperature range.At 200 MPa normal stress, the steady-state rate dependence a − b shows only positive values, probably still in the “run-in” process where velocity strengthening is a common feature. With a normal stress of 300 MPa, the values of steady-state rate dependence decreases systematically with increasing temperature, and stick-slip occurred at 615 °C. Considering the limited displacement, limited normal stress applied and the effect of normal stress for the temperatures above 420 °C, it is inferred here that velocity weakening may be the typical behaviour at higher normal stress for temperature above 420 °C and at least up to 615 °C, which covers most of the temperature range in the lower crust of geologically stable continental interior. For a dry mafic lower crust in cool continental interiors where frictional sliding prevails over plastic flow, unstable slip nucleation may occur to generate earthquakes.  相似文献   
周永胜  林强 《吉林地质》1997,16(1):33-41
根据岩石组合,分布,接触,包裹关系以及结构和构造,吉林省桦甸地区太古宙花岗质林岩为角闪英云闪长质片麻岩类和黑云母花岗闪长质片麻岩类,角闪英云闪长质片麻岩类为变形前侵入体,黑云母花岗闪长质片麻岩类为同变形侵入体,两类花岗质片麻岩的侵位是晚太古宙近东西向构造变形相伴生的岩浆活动事件。  相似文献   
本文研究了一种不同于传统地震预警方法的新型预警方法。这种预警方法利用数据同化技术对实时波动场进行精确估计,然后再利用基于辐射传输理论的蒙特卡洛直接模拟法对波动能量的传播做数值模拟,并最终计算预警目标区烈度并做阈值判断发出预警警报。整个预警过程无需触发、无需定位、无需测定震级、无需利用衰减关系,较传统预警方法具有明显不同的技术手段,比较有效避免了传统地震预警方法中一系列基于经验统计规律的误差累积和单纯依靠初至P波信息在应对复杂地震时的局限性。本文选择了2011年3月11日日本M_w9.0地震和2016年2月6日台湾M_w6.7美浓地震作为预警模拟震例,分析并论证了本文预警方法在处理网外地震、网内地震以及复杂地震时的预警能力,最终得出本文预警方法在应对网内地震时具有良好的预警准确性和时效性,以及相对于传统预警方法在处理复杂地震时具有较大的优势。最后,总结并展望了本文研究工作的不足之处和有待继续研究的地方。  相似文献   
现今出露在北大别穹隆北界上的晓天—磨子潭韧性剪切带是早白垩世造山后伸展活动的产物。野外观测、室内石英C轴组构与运动学涡度测量指示,这一NWW—SEE走向、倾向NNE的韧性剪切带,呈现为正左旋走滑运动,以简单剪切变形为主。该剪切带内现今所保留运动学特征及其在空间上的变化反映其形成后经历过旋转改造。以实测组构为约束的变形模拟揭示,该剪切带在早期伸展活动时为中地壳内上盘向280°方位运动的水平韧性剪切带,后在北大别穹隆上拱中被动地抬升而成为现今状态。北大别穹隆西强东弱的上隆幅度是晓天—磨子潭韧性剪切带被不均匀抬升和旋转的主要原因。该剪切带与北大别穹隆皆为早白垩世造山后重力垮塌中形成的,具有科迪勒拉型变质核杂岩特征。  相似文献   
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