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根据区内传统秦岭群包含不同原岩建造、不同变质岩石组合以及变形变质、副矿物和微量元素特征的差异,将其解作为丹凤岩群、深成侵入体、浅成一超浅成侵入体、片麻岩套等5个部分,首次区分出两类不同性质的混合岩,确认了秦岭群在该区的存在。  相似文献   
青藏高原环境气象研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
近十年来,青藏高原环境气象研究进展迅速,无论是观测研究还是理论研究方面均有新的发现。周秀骥和邹捍等先后发现夏季青藏高原上空的臭氧低值中心并提出了产生这种低值中心的可能原因。高登义等利用1975年以来对珠穆朗玛峰北坡水环境的监测资料,分析研究后发现,1990 ̄1991年爆发的中东战争油田燃烧曾污染了珠峰地区的水环境,带来珠峰北坡绒布河水十三种化学元素含量的剧烈增加,比其前后各年增加了5 ̄7倍。  相似文献   
With the global ban on the application of organotin-based marine coatings by the International Maritime Organization, the development of environmentally friendly, low-toxic and nontoxic antifouling compounds for marine industries has become an urgent need. Marine microorganisms have been considered as a potential source of natural antifoulants. In this study, the antifouling potential of marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae, the toxic and red-tide microalgae, was investigated. We performed a series of operations to extract the bioactive substances from Amphidinium carterae and tested their antialgal and antilarval activities. The crude extract of Amphidinium carterae showed significant antialgal activity and the EC50 value against Skeletonema costatum was 55.4 μg mL?1. After purification, the isolated bioactive substances (the organic extract C) exhibited much higher antialgal and antilarval activities with EC50 of 12.9 μg mL?1 against Skeletonema costatum and LC50 of 15.1 μg mL?1 against Amphibalanus amphitrite larvae. Subsequently, IR, Q-TOFMS, and GC-MS were utilized for the structural elucidation of the bioactive compounds, and a series of unsaturated and saturated 16- to 22-carbon fatty acids were detected. The data suggested the bioactive compounds isolated from Amphidinium carterae exhibited a significant inhibiting effect against the diatom Skeletonema costatum and Amphibalanus amphitrite larvae, and could be substitutes for persistent, toxic antifouling compounds.  相似文献   
介绍野外型断层活动连续监测系统的组成、布设及主要技术指标。  相似文献   
扇三角洲作为重要的油气储集场所,其成因单元类型及分布特征控制着油气的差异分布及采出效率。关于扇三角洲分流河道沉积特征已有共识,但河口坝沉积特征尤其是韵律特征尚存在争议。以滦平盆地桑园剖面下白垩统西瓜园组湖盆扇三角洲沉积体为例,通过人工实测及无人机观测相结合的方法,对河口坝沉积特征、尤其是韵律特征进行研究,利用水槽模拟实验阐明河口坝韵律特征的形成机理。结果表明,河口坝在整个剖面中占砂(砾)岩体的45.27%,分流河道和席状砂分别占53.42%和1.31%。河口坝在剖面上呈底平顶凸状,通常由多期增生体组成。当增生体主要由砂岩组成时,呈粒度反韵律特征; 而当增生体主要由砾岩组成时,呈粒度正韵律特征。河口坝整体韵律受控于增生体的垂向叠置样式,既可呈反韵律特征又可呈正韵律特征。当流量、沉积底形坡度等地质条件一定时,河口坝内部增生体韵律性主要受沉积物粒度控制。当沉积物粒度较细时,河口水流扩散模式为底床摩擦力主控,增生体呈现反韵律特征; 而当沉积物粒度较粗时,河口水流扩散模式为惯性力主控,河口坝增生体则呈现正韵律特征。  相似文献   
高波 《地下水》2004,26(3):187-189
本文分析了临汾市水资源开发利用中存在的问题,针对水资源现状,提出了水资源配置、建设节水型社会、调整产业结构、加强采矿排水管理、污水资源化等水资源可持续利用措施.  相似文献   
均相沉淀法制备Ni(OH)_2和NiO纳米晶   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以NiSO4·6H2O 为主要原料、以CO(NH2)2 为沉淀剂,采用均相沉淀法合成了纳米级Ni(OH)2 和NiO粉末,用X射线衍射分析(XRD) 、差热分析(DTA) 等实验手段对样品的热稳定性、相转变温度、相结构和粒子形状等进行了表征。结果表明所合成的NiO粉末的粒径约为6nm ,且基本成球形。  相似文献   
张宏芳  潘留杰  卢珊  高红燕 《中国沙漠》2015,35(6):1674-1682
利用英国东英格兰大学气候研究中心CRU最新发布的1901-2012年的月平均气候资料,分析陕西近百年降水、气温的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)年平均降水南北差异较大,陕南降水多且年际变化最大,西安为年际变化的第二高值中心。(2)陕西降水具有明显的年代际变化周期,20世纪40年代之前降水变化较平缓,40年代后降水变化幅度变大,异常偏多或偏少的年份较多。(3)降水的EOF1表现为整体的正异常,体现了陕西年平均降水的一致变化,EOF2主要表现为陕西南部和陕西东北部的反相位振荡,且具有显著年际变化周期。(4)陕西气温近112年有两个偏冷期:20世纪20年代之前和50年代到90年中期,20世纪20年代到50年代和90年代后期以来为偏暖期。与全国气温变化不同,第二个暖期是从90年代开始迅速升温,滞后于全国气温变化,且气温的最高值出现在90年代而不是40年代。(5)气温的第一模态解释了总模态的88.4%,且表现为陕西一致的正异常,表明陕西平均气温空间变化的一致性,Morlet小波分析显示其有2~4年的周期震荡和16年左右的年代际变化周期。  相似文献   
The content characteristics of 16 elements (Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, and Zn) in 23 plant species collected from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region were investigated using ICP-OES. Results show that the average contents of Ca, K, Mg, Fe and P were higher than 1,000 mg/kg, those of Al, Na, Zn and Cr ranged between 10–1,000 mg/kg and those of Cu, Li, Pb and Mo were less than 10 mg/kg. The levels of Al, Ca, K, Mg and Na were within the scope of the reported terrestrial plant element content, those of Sr, Fe and Cr were higher than the average of the terrestrial plants and the maximum content of Mn was higher than the upper limit of the reported Mn content. The main character of the element content was of the Ca>K type, however, in terms of Cyperaceae species the element content character was K>Ca type. The contents of Ca, Li, Mg and Sr in Gramineae and Cyperaceae species were higher than those in other species and the contents of Ca, K, Mg, Fe, P, Al and Na in all collected plants were higher than those of other elements. Zn had weak variability with the lowest coefficient (i.e., 7.81%), while other elements had strong variability. The ratio of maximum content to minimum content indicated Ca and K had less change than other elements in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Element content of alpine vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region mainly shows a positive correlation, among which the correlation coefficient between Al and Pb, Al and Fe, Mo and Cr, Pb and Fe, Sr and Li were higher than 0.9, and negative correlation had no statistical significance. The correlation between Al and Fe, Mg, Mn in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region were consistent with that reported in Kunlun Mountains.  相似文献   
高前兆 《中国沙漠》1984,4(4):41-49
本文分析了新疆天山北坡玛纳斯河流域治理沙漠、防治沙漠化的开发过程。总结了该地区根根流域生态系统特点,充分发挥流域内水土资源潜力,以水资源限度及其利用水平作好流域规划。并从建设完整的水资源系统、联合运用地表和地下水、掌握灌溉技术三方面充分发挥水资源的生态效益出发,同时注重建设沙漠地区绿洲防护体系,改良土壤提高土地生产力和调整农林牧结构的经验。因而,石河子垦区已建立成为一个典型的人工灌溉绿洲生态系统。  相似文献   
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