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白垩纪中期(约125~88Ma)海相富有机碳沉积广泛发育于全球各主要洋盆和沉降区,是许多大油田的重要烃源岩。文中从地球生物学的角度探讨了当时海相富有机碳沉积的地质背景和主控因素,认为在白垩纪中期全球事件频发的特殊背景下,保存条件(大洋缺氧)和生产力的提高共同控制了有机质的富集。大洋缺氧不但加快了海洋生物的灭绝和更替,使有机质大量堆积,而且促进了营养元素(P、N、Fe等)的再生和厌氧自养型海洋微生物(如蓝细菌、绿硫细菌和古菌类等)的极度繁盛,提高了生产力水平;而高的生产力又反过来加剧了海洋的缺氧。新的研究成果(Os同位素证据)表明,白垩纪大规模海底火山作用引发了持续的温室效应和海水循环的静滞、紊乱以及弱上升流发育,进而导致生产力的提高和大洋缺氧事件(OAE)的发生,最终造成有机质的广泛堆积和保存。  相似文献   
基于DNA条形码的长江口鱼类浮游生物形态分类研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
DNA条形码技术是利用一段较短的DNA序列实现快速准确物种鉴定的工具。本研究采用传统形态学和DNA条形码技术相结合,对长江口及其邻近水域的鱼类浮游生物种类进行准确鉴定,并对部分种类仔稚鱼进行了形态学描述。结果表明:2016年春、夏季和2017年夏季共获得鱼类浮游生物55种,隶属9目19科。其中鲈形目种类数最多,为35种。鱼类浮游生物在类群上季节变化不明显,但在种类上有明显的季节变化。仅有凤鲚(Coilia mystus)、日本鳀(Engraulis japonius)和小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)在春、夏季同时出现。首次描述了龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)仔、稚鱼阶段的形态特征;对龙头鱼、前鳞龟鰉(Chelon affinis)、四指马鲅(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)、少鳞鱚(Sillago japonica)和日本须鳎(Paraplagusia japonica)这5种仔、稚鱼的可量性状、鳍的发育、黑色素的分布等情况进行了描述,绘制了仔、稚鱼形态图。以上研究可为河口鱼类育幼场的研究提供科学依据,也为鱼类早期发育阶段分类资料的积累探索新途径。  相似文献   
随着越来越多住房可通过网络查询和交易,为住房空间研究提供一个全新数据来源。本文通过对南京搜房网二手房数据挖掘,采用核密度估计空间分析方法,研究南京二手房活跃度的空间特征,重点探讨不同二手房活跃度影响因素,并通过河西、大光路和夫子庙3个案例,实证二手房活跃度的影响机制。研究发现,南京二手房活跃度空间呈现“一心三组团”的结构。二手房活跃度高的地区主要集中在南京市鼓楼区和建邺区;东部玄武高教区、南部江宁二手房活跃度较低,住房空间较为固化,居住空间发展较为成熟。影响二手房活跃度空间差异主要有住房内因和住房外因2个方面。通过多元回归模型分析表明,住房内因的价格、住房层数、绿化率和装修程度和外因的学区、地铁和区域变量显著影响二手房活跃度。居住层数、物业管理费、生活配套设施在活跃度高低2个层面 显著。  相似文献   
场地条件对地震动和震害有重要影响。本文简要回顾了场地条件对地震动和震害影响的研究历史,总结和评述了这一领域的研究进展。重点对地形地貌、岩土类型、覆盖层厚度、土层结构、地下水、岩土动力性质及物理地质现象等对地震动和震害的影响进行了总结和评述。提炼和概括了目前场地条件对地震动和震害影响研究中比较一致的几点认识。在此基础上,提出了这一领域当前应进一步研究的问题,主要包括地震现场资料调查、局部地形几何尺度、场地分类、覆盖层安全厚度界限、近断层地震动参数分布规律、活断层避让距离,以及强震资料积累等关键问题。  相似文献   
方琰  徐海滨  蒋依依 《地理研究》2023,42(2):389-406
随着北京2022年冬奥会及冬残奥会的成功举办,“三亿人参与冰雪运动”成为现实,有效带动了中国滑雪场建设和发展。后冬奥时代,如何推动中国滑雪场从量升到质变成为重要议题。为有效回答从“量”到“质”转变的问题,需针对滑雪场构建科学合理的综合评价体系。基于空间活力概念,从场所、活动和人的交互联系出发,提出滑雪场吸引力、滑雪活动活跃度和滑雪者体验感3项测度指标,采用层次分析法和熵权法构建复合视角下的滑雪场空间活力评价体系和框架;利用统计、位置、客流、用户评分等多源数据,通过时间序列波动率模型、核密度分析、可达性计算模型和信息熵等方法分析中国滑雪场空间活力特征。结果表明:(1)中国滑雪场吸引力、滑雪活动活跃度、滑雪者体验感空间分异特征明显,分别呈现京冀和广东省“双核”引领、北高南低、东高西低的分布特征;(2)中国滑雪场空间活力呈高值集聚,低值分散的空间分异特征,其中高活力滑雪场主要集中在北京-张家口、吉林省、新疆阿勒泰三大区域,而低活力滑雪场呈全国分散性分布;(3)中国滑雪场平均空间活力位列前五的省/直辖市为北京市、河北省、广东省、吉林省和辽宁省,而江苏省、安徽省、江西省、浙江省和湖北省的滑雪场平...  相似文献   
Study of Late Cretaceous lacustrine sedimentary strata in the eastern Songliao Basin, China revealed that the paleoclimate was relatively arid and hot during sedimentation of the upper Santonian of the Yaojia Formation, but became relatively humid and warm during deposition of the lower Campanian Nenjiang Formation. The upper Yaojia Formation was deposited in a freshwater lake environment, while the lower Nenjiang Formation was deposited in a slightly brackish to brackish environment. The average total organic carbon content in the upper Yaojia Formation is 0.15%, while the hydrogen index is 36 mgHC/gTOC, implying poor source rock for oil generation and the organic matter comprised of a mixture of woody and herbaceous organic matter. In contrast, the hydrogen index of oil shale and black shale of the lower Nenjiang Formation is 619 mgHC/gTOC, and total organic carbon content on average is 3.37%, indicating a mixed algae and herbaceous source of kerogen and an increase in aquatic bioproductivity. The black shale and oil shale have low Pristane/Phytane and C29 5α,14α,17α(H) ? stigmastane 20R/(20R + 20S) ratios, with maximum concentration of n‐alkanes at n‐C23, implying an anoxic depositional environment with algae, bacteria and higher plants providing most of the organic matter. Relatively abundant gammacerane and a higher Sr/Ba ratio in the oil shales suggest the presence of brackish water and development of salinity stratification in the lake. During sedimentation of the upper Yaojia through the lower Nenjiang Formations, the level of Songliao lake increased and a deep‐lake environment was formed with bottom waters being oxygen depleted. Concomitantly, as the lake deepened bottom conditions were changing from oxic to anoxic, and the input of organic matter changed from predominantly higher plants to a mixture of bacteria, algae and higher plants providing favorable conditions for oil source rock accumulation.  相似文献   
旅游流是社会网络关系的一种地域表现形式,国家(地区)之间旅游流网络中心度的差异可以被理解为国家(地区)之间一种不对称的社会活动相互作用关系。面对当前研究中存在的旅游流网络中心度刻画指标不清晰、时空规律不精确、影响因素不明朗等问题,本研究构建了5个网络中心度指标,并据此分析了全球各个国家(地区)入境旅游流总体特征与空间演化规律,识别了主要地理因素对旅游流规模的影响程度变化。结果发现:2004—2019年全球入境旅游流规模增长近一倍,亚洲地区之间旅游流规模快速提升;全球大多数国家(地区)旅游影响力、向心力和辐射力提升,中国各项旅游流网络中心度指标的提升速度均处于世界前列;多数中心度指标之间显著相关,其中约束力和辐射力与其他指标相关程度较低;地理邻近性对旅游流规模有显著且稳定的影响,人口规模不仅与亲和力等指标显著相关,并且对旅游流规模的影响程度在时间序列中显著提升。研究结果体现了中国入境旅游在全球旅游流网络结构中的持续向好态势和巨大发展潜力。  相似文献   
利用1979—2018年252个台站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析等资料,分析了江南初夏降水集中期降水(Rainfall in the Precipitation Concentrated Period,RPCP)的时空演变及其环流特征,并通过寻找其前期物理因子建立统计预测模型。结果表明:(1) 6月10—29日为江南初夏降水集中阶段,其降水呈现全区一致的空间分布结构。20世纪90年代初—21世纪初江南地区为多雨期,在此期间RPCP强度存在3~5 a的周期振荡;(2)与异常偏多的RPCP显著相关的热带海温异常从EP El Ni1o转为CP La Ni1a,即RPCP异常偏强通常发生在EP El Ni1o衰减阶段,随后将出现CP La Ni1a发展事件;(3)前期冬春季ENSO海温信号、赤道中太平洋SLP异常及印度洋—海洋性大陆SLP趋势均可通过增强菲律宾海反气旋对RPCP异常变化产生影响。基于这3个物理因子建立统计预测模型,预测与观测结果相关系数达0.63,说明该模型可为江南初夏降水的季节性预测提供有用工具。  相似文献   
Abstract: Cretaceous phytoplankton from the newly completed core hole (SK-1, N&S) in the central Songliao Basin was studied. The target interval is from the upper Quantou Formation of Upper Cretaceous to Mingshui Formation. Twelve genera of dinoflagellates, six of acritarcha and three of chlorophyta were identified in 588 samples from the 2300-m deep core. Ten phytoplankton assemblages have been classified: Tetranguladinium-Subtilisphaera-Botryococcus, Botryococcus-Pediastrum, Pediastrum, Dinogymniopsis-Chlamydophrella-Vesperopsis bifurcate, Dinogymniopsis minor-Balmula, Pediastrum-Botryococcus, Schizosporis-Campenia, Kiokansium-Dinogymniopsis-Botryococcus, Dinogymniopsis-Granodiscus-Filisphaeridium and Granodiscus. According to the findings mentioned above, the age of the upper Qantou Formation is Cenomanian, the Qingshankou Formation belongs to upper Cenomanian-Turonian, the Yaojia Formation to Coniancian-Santonian age, the Nenjiang Formation is of Campanian age, and Sifangtai-Mingshui formations are referred to Maastrichtian stage. The ecology of phytoplankton is closely related to water salinity. Each type of phytoplankton is within a certain living water mass whose evolution type reflects salinity change of the Songliao Lake. The assemblages from the SK-1 indicate that water salinity changes with the cycle of freshwater–slight brackish water–brackish water–slight brackish water–freshwater in the lake.  相似文献   
Results from an investigation aimed at assessing seismic behavior of transfer story connections for high‐rise building consisting of steel‐reinforced concrete (SRC) frame and reinforced concrete (RC) core tube are presented. Two types of transfer story connections were experimentally evaluated for adequate strength, ductility and energy dissipation. For each type of connection, two large‐scale subassembly tests were carried out under monotonic and cyclic lateral displacement, respectively. Detailed observations and behavior responses were obtained to contrast the differences between monotonic and cyclic performance of the connections. Test results showed that the SRC column failed before connection collapse and that loading types have little effect on the strength but greatly affect the failure modes and the ductility of the connections. All specimens exhibited good properties for earthquake resistance since they all kept a stable inelastic behavior up to the interstory drift demand suggested by the AISC Seismic Provisions. Based on test observations, support stiffeners with appropriate width‐to‐thickness ratio and mechanical connectors connecting bars with the steel plate are recommended for design purposes in order to achieve more ductile and reliable seismic behavior of transfer story connections. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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