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Changes in Chinese temperature extremes are presented based on a six-hourly surface air temperature dataset for the period 1961--2005. These temperature series are manually observed at 0200, 0800, 1400, and 2000 Beijing Time (LST), and percentile based extreme indices of these time series are chosen for analysis. Although there is a difference in time among the different time zones across China, as more than 80% of the stations are located in two adjacent time zones, these indices for all the stations are called warm (cold) nights (0200 LST), warm (cold) mornings (0800 LST), warm (cold) days (1400 LST), and warm (cold) evenings (2000 LST), respectively for convenience. The frequency of the annual warm extremes has generally increased, while the frequency of the annual cold extremes has decreased, and significant changes are mainly observed in northern China, the Tibetan Plateau, and the southernmost part of China. Based on the national average, annual warm (cold) nights increase (decrease) at a rate of 5.66 (-5.92) d (10 yr)-1, annual warm (cold) days increase (decrease) at a rate of 3.97 (-2.98) d (10 yr)-1, and the trends for the annual warm (cold) mornings and evenings are 4.35 (-4.96) and 5.95 (-4.35) d (10 yr)-1, respectively. For China as a whole, the increasing rates for the occurrence of seasonal warm extremes are larger in the nighttime (0200, 2000 LST) than these in the daytime (0800, 1400 LST), the maximal increase occurs at 2000 LST except in the summer and the minimal increase occurs at 1400 LST except in autumn; the maximal decrease in the occurrence of seasonal cold extremes occurs at 0200 LST and the minimal decrease occurs at 1400 LST.  相似文献   
在青海南部治多—杂多一带1∶25万地质填图中,发现二叠系阳新统上部层位的类动物群,新建尕日扎仁组和索加组。尕日扎仁组以泥质岩、细粒石英砂岩为主,夹粉砂岩、灰岩、玄武岩,属陆棚相,产少量非有孔虫、腕足类、双壳类化石,地质时代为阳新世孤峰期晚期,与下伏九十道班组整合接触。索加组分为2个段,下段以透镜状滨岸相底砾岩为特征,上段以含燧石条带及结核的台地相灰岩为特征,产类、非有孔虫、腕足类等,地质时代为阳新世冷坞期,与下伏尕日扎仁组平行不整合接触。  相似文献   
Many rare metal and REE deposits have been found in the Altay orogenic belt, on the northern margin of the Tarim massif and in the Kunlun-Altun orogenic belt, constituting three very important rare metal-REE mineralization belts in western China. These deposits belong to various genetic types with complex ore-forming mechanism, and were formed in certain mineralization epochs. On the basis of a systematic sum-up of geologic and geochemical achievements and 40Ar-39Ar ages of potassium-rich minerals as well as whole-rock Rb-Sr dating results, the authors systematically analyzed the spatial distribution and mineralization epochs of rare metal-REE deposits in Xinjiang, northwestern China, and concluded that although the Hercynian rare metal-REE mineralizations in this area are very important, pre- and post-Hercynian (especially Indosinian and early Yanshanian) rare metal-REE mineralizations also have important theoretical and economic significance.  相似文献   
胶州湾3种哲水蚤种群动态的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究了胶州湾内小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus Claus),双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa Giesbrecht)和太平洋纺锤水蚤(A.pacifica Steuer)3种哲水蚤一年内的种群结构和种群数量的季节变化规律,并讨论了体长的季节变化及其与温度之间的关系。  相似文献   
山洪灾害是中国高频发、高死亡率的自然灾害之一。水雨情站网的合理布设及优化,有利于捕获区域暴雨、洪水情势变化的时空异质性,可显著提高中小流域山洪预警的精度,增强山洪灾害防御能力。本文以山洪灾害高发的福建省顺昌县为例,提出了面向山洪预警的水雨情站网布设方法。县内现状雨量和水位站网监测密度分别为37 km2/站和76 km2/站,主要分布在平原主干河流地区,山洪灾害重点防治区内站网布设不足,小流域暴雨山洪监测和预警能力较弱。针对上述问题,综合分析流域降雨时空特征、历史山洪灾害与山洪灾害预警预报需求,对研究区水雨情站网进行了合理性分析和布设研究,建议增设雨量站3座、水位站3座,其中一座水位站同时监测降雨过程,调整后县内雨量站和水位站的监测密度达到34 km2/站和68 km2/站。本文研究对山洪灾害高发区的水雨情站网布设具有参考和指导意义。  相似文献   
A typical HP/MT (high pressure/medium temperature) eclogite from Xiongdian, northwestern Dabie Mountains, has been geochronologically studied using the single-zircon U-Pb, 40Ar-39Ar and Sm-Nd methods. Prismatic zircons occurring as inclusions within garnets define a minimum crystallization age of 399.5±1.6 Ma. 40Ar-39Ar dating on amphibole gives a plateau age.of 399.2 ± 4 Ma, which is interpreted as a retrogression age of amphibolite facies. This integrated study enables us to conclude that the age of high-pressure metamorphism is older than 399.5 ± 1.6 Ma, suggesting Caledonian collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. Round zircon within the aggregate of quartz and muscovite gives a concordant age of 301± 2 Ma, reflecting a later retrogression event. An age profile of post-eclogite metamorphism is documented, including amphibolite facies metamorphism at 399.2 Ma shortly after eclogitization and later retrogressive metamorphism at 301 Ma. Sm-Nd mineral isochron of garnet+omphacite gives  相似文献   
在北羌塘盆地东部莫云地区早二叠世栖霞期尕笛考组中首次发现高Ti玄武岩。在当郎寨剖面上,火山岩主要产于尕笛考组第2和第4岩性段,第3岩性段中火山岩呈夹层产出,火山岩形成于浅海环境。岩石类型包括杏仁状玄武岩、粗玄岩、块状玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩和安山玄武岩,属碱性玄武岩系列。该火山岩岩石地球化学特征表现为高FeO,极高TiO2,较高FeO/MgO值,而Al2O3、MgO和Mg″值则低,LILE(Rb、Sr、Ba)和HFSE(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Th、P2O5)富集,REE总量高,显示出LREE富集的配分型式,Eu表现为弱的负异常或无异常,具板内碱性玄武岩的地球化学特征。以上特征表明,火山岩形成于陆块边缘拉张带(初始裂谷)环境。  相似文献   
冰雹云形成发展与闪电演变特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1998年 4月 2 3日下午在中尺度对流系统 (MCS)的影响下 ,山东潍坊地区出现了一次大范围的冰雹强对流天气。应用闪电定位系统、卫星和雷达观测资料 ,研究了这次降雹过程形成和发展不同阶段闪电的变化特征。分析发现 :雹云在形成发展和减弱消亡阶段 ,每 5分钟闪电频数低于 2 0次 ,且正闪电频数明显低于负闪电 ;雹云在成熟阶段 ,闪电频数每 5分钟平均值大于 2 0次 ,且正、负闪电频数相当 ,而在强降雹前短时会出现正闪电频数超过负闪电现象。此外还发现 ,在降雹前 2 0~ 30分钟闪电频数有跃增现象 ,其增加速率和降雹强度呈正相关关系 ,降雹的起始时刻与总闪电和负闪电每 5分钟频数出现极大值的时刻有明显的一致性。  相似文献   
The geochemical behaviors of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the hydrothermal system and their inher-ent relationship with the water / rock exchange are discussed in this paper In addition to the temperature con-ditions, the effective W / R ratio is another factor controlling the changes in H and O isotope compositions ofthe altered rock and hydrothermal water. Besides, the application and geological significance of the water-rockexchange theory are also discussed in the light of the H and O isotope compositions and their variation charac-teristics of the mineralizing hydrothermal water and altered rocks from several mineral deposits. Finally, abrief evolutional model of H and O istotope compositions of meteoric and magmatic hydrothermal waters in ahydrothermal system is given.  相似文献   
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